private String getDescr(Fig f) { if (f == null) { return null; } String className = f.getClass().getName(); StringBuffer descr = new StringBuffer(className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)); // descr.append(" - paints=").append(f.getPaintCount()); // descr.append(" - damages=").append(f.getDamageCount()); descr.append( " - bounds=[" + f.getX() + "," + f.getY() + "," + f.getWidth() + "," + f.getHeight() + "]"); if (!f.isVisible()) { descr.append(" - INVISIBLE"); } if (f.isFilled()) { descr.append(" - FILLED"); } descr.append( " - fill=[" + f.getFillColor().getRed() + "," + f.getFillColor().getGreen() + "," + f.getFillColor().getBlue() + "]"); if (f.getOwner() != null) { descr.append(" - owner=").append(f.getOwner()); } if (f instanceof FigText) { descr.append(" \"").append(((FigText) f).getText()).append("\""); } descr.append(" - lay=").append(toString(f.getLayer())); descr.append(" - grp=").append(toString(f.getGroup())); return descr.toString(); }
/** @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { super.actionPerformed(ae); try { /*Here the actions to delete a region. We assume the only figs enclosed in a concurrent composite state are concurrent region figs*/ Fig f = (Fig) TargetManager.getInstance().getFigTarget(); Fig encloser = null; int height = 0; Rectangle encBound; Project p = ProjectManager.getManager().getCurrentProject(); if (Model.getFacade().isAConcurrentRegion(f.getOwner())) encloser = f.getEnclosingFig(); Vector nodesInside; nodesInside = ((Vector) encloser.getEnclosedFigs().clone()); int index = nodesInside.indexOf(f); Rectangle r = f.getBounds(); encBound = encloser.getBounds(); if (Model.getFacade().isAConcurrentRegion(f.getOwner())) p.moveToTrash(f.getOwner()); // It wasnt the last region if (index < nodesInside.size() - 1) { Rectangle rFig = ((Fig) nodesInside.elementAt(index + 1)).getBounds(); height = rFig.y - r.y; for (int i = ++index; i < nodesInside.size(); i++) ((FigNodeModelElement) nodesInside.elementAt(i)).displace(0, -height); } // It was the last region else height = r.height + 4; /*When only one concurrent region remains it must be erased and the composite state sets non concurent*/ if (((Vector) encloser.getEnclosedFigs()).size() == 1) { f = ((Fig) encloser.getEnclosedFigs().elementAt(0)); nodesInside = ((Vector) f.getEnclosedFigs()); Model.getStateMachinesHelper().setConcurrent(encloser.getOwner(), false); if (!nodesInside.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < nodesInside.size(); i++) { FigStateVertex curFig = (FigStateVertex) nodesInside.elementAt(i); curFig.setEnclosingFig(encloser); } } p.moveToTrash(f.getOwner()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex); } }
/** @see org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig#setEnclosingFig(org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig) */ public void setEnclosingFig(Fig encloser) { if (encloser == null || (encloser != null && !Model.getFacade().isAInstance(encloser.getOwner()))) { super.setEnclosingFig(encloser); } if (!(Model.getFacade().isAModelElement(getOwner()))) return; if (encloser != null && (Model.getFacade().isAComponent(encloser.getOwner()))) { Object component = /*(MComponent)*/ encloser.getOwner(); Object in = /*(MInterface)*/ getOwner(); Model.getCoreHelper().setContainer(resident, component); Model.getCoreHelper().setResident(resident, in); } else { Model.getCoreHelper().setContainer(resident, null); Model.getCoreHelper().setResident(resident, null); } }
public void setEnclosingFig(Fig encloser) { if (encloser == getEncloser()) { return; } if (encloser == null || (encloser != null && !Model.getFacade().isAInstance(encloser.getOwner()))) { super.setEnclosingFig(encloser); } if (!(Model.getFacade().isAUMLElement(getOwner()))) { return; } if (encloser != null && (Model.getFacade().isAComponent(encloser.getOwner()))) { moveIntoComponent(encloser); super.setEnclosingFig(encloser); } }
private void fixModel() { Fig sourceFig = getSourceFigNode(); Fig destFig = getDestFigNode(); Object source = sourceFig.getOwner(); Object dest = destFig.getOwner(); LOG.error( "Missing Generalization for figure in PGML -" + " attempting to recreate between " + source + " and " + dest); if (Model.getFacade().isAGeneralizableElement(source) && Model.getFacade().isAGeneralizableElement(dest)) { setOwner(Model.getCoreFactory().buildGeneralization(source, dest)); } }
/** * Updates the classifiers the edge is attached to. * * <p>Calls a helper method (layoutThisToSelf) to avoid this edge disappearing if the new source * and dest are the same node. * * @return boolean whether or not the update was sucessful */ protected boolean updateClassifiers() { Object owner = getOwner(); if (owner == null || getLayer() == null) { LOG.error("The FigEdge has no owner or its layer is null"); return false; } Object newSource = getSource(); Object newDest = getDestination(); Fig currentSourceFig = getSourceFigNode(); Fig currentDestFig = getDestFigNode(); Object currentSource = null; Object currentDestination = null; if (currentSourceFig != null && currentDestFig != null) { currentSource = currentSourceFig.getOwner(); currentDestination = currentDestFig.getOwner(); } if (newSource != currentSource || newDest != currentDestination) { Fig newSourceFig = getNoEdgePresentationFor(newSource); Fig newDestFig = getNoEdgePresentationFor(newDest); if (newSourceFig != currentSourceFig) { setSourceFigNode((FigNode) newSourceFig); setSourcePortFig(newSourceFig); } if (newDestFig != currentDestFig) { setDestFigNode((FigNode) newDestFig); setDestPortFig(newDestFig); } ((FigNode) newSourceFig).updateEdges(); ((FigNode) newDestFig).updateEdges(); calcBounds(); // adapted from SelectionWButtons from line 280 // calls a helper method to avoid this edge disappearing // if the new source and dest are the same node. if (newSourceFig == newDestFig) { layoutThisToSelf(); } } return true; }
/** * If the selected Fig is a FigAssociation (an edge) then convert it to a FigNodeAssociation. * * @param fig the select end Fig * @return the fig converted to a FigNode */ private FigNode convertToFigNode(Fig fig) { if (fig instanceof FigEdgePort) { fig = fig.getGroup(); } if (!(fig instanceof FigAssociation)) { return (FigNode) fig; } final FigAssociation figAssociation = (FigAssociation) fig; final int x = figAssociation.getEdgePort().getX(); final int y = figAssociation.getEdgePort().getY(); final Object association = fig.getOwner(); final FigNode originalEdgePort = figAssociation.getEdgePort(); // Detach any edges (such as comment edges) already attached // to the FigAssociation before the FigAssociation is removed. // They'll later be re-attached to the new FigNodeAssociation final Collection<FigEdge> existingEdges = originalEdgePort.getEdges(); for (FigEdge edge : existingEdges) { originalEdgePort.removeFigEdge(edge); } figAssociation.removeFromDiagram(); // Create the new FigNodeAssociation and locate it. final MutableGraphModel gm = (MutableGraphModel) editor.getGraphModel(); gm.addNode(association); final LayerPerspective lay = (LayerPerspective) editor.getLayerManager().getActiveLayer(); final List associationFigs = lay.presentationsFor(association); associationFigs.remove(figAssociation); final FigNodeAssociation figNode = (FigNodeAssociation) associationFigs.get(0); figNode.setLocation(x - figNode.getWidth() / 2, y - figNode.getHeight() / 2); editor.add(figNode); editor.getSelectionManager().deselectAll(); // Add the association ends to the graph model final Collection<Object> associationEnds = Model.getFacade().getConnections(association); for (Object associationEnd : associationEnds) { gm.addEdge(associationEnd); } // Add the edges (such as comment edges) that were on the old // FigAssociation to our new FigNodeAssociation and make sure they are // positioned correctly. for (FigEdge edge : existingEdges) { if (edge.getDestFigNode() == originalEdgePort) { edge.setDestFigNode(figNode); edge.setDestPortFig(figNode); } if (edge.getSourceFigNode() == originalEdgePort) { edge.setSourceFigNode(figNode); edge.setSourcePortFig(figNode); } } figNode.updateEdges(); return figNode; }
/** * Create an edge of the given type and connect it to the given nodes. * * @param graphModel the graph model in which to create the connection element * @param edgeType the UML object type of the connection * @param sourceFig the FigNode for the source element * @param destFig the FigNode for the destination element * @return The FigEdge representing the newly created model element */ @Override protected FigEdge buildConnection( MutableGraphModel graphModel, Object edgeType, Fig sourceFig, Fig destFig) { try { Object associationEnd = Model.getUmlFactory() .buildConnection( edgeType, sourceFig.getOwner(), null, destFig.getOwner(), null, null, null); final FigNode sourceFigNode = convertToFigNode(sourceFig); final FigNode destFigNode = convertToFigNode(destFig); graphModel.addEdge(associationEnd); setNewEdge(associationEnd); // Calling connect() will add the edge to the GraphModel and // any LayerPersectives on that GraphModel will get a // edgeAdded event and will add an appropriate FigEdge // (determined by the GraphEdgeRenderer). if (getNewEdge() != null) { sourceFigNode.damage(); destFigNode.damage(); Layer lay = editor.getLayerManager().getActiveLayer(); FigEdge fe = (FigEdge) lay.presentationFor(getNewEdge()); _newItem.setLineColor(; fe.setFig(_newItem); fe.setSourcePortFig(sourceFigNode); fe.setSourceFigNode(sourceFigNode); fe.setDestPortFig(destFigNode); fe.setDestFigNode(destFigNode); return fe; } else { return null; } } catch (IllegalModelElementConnectionException e) { // We have already confirmed the connection is valid return null; } }
/** * Add a classier to the current diagram. * * @param classifier The new class or interface to add to the editor. * @param minimise minimise the class fig by hiding compartments (of attributes and operations) */ private void addClassifier(Object classifier, boolean minimise) { String name = Model.getFacade().getName(classifier); // if the classifier is not in the current diagram, add it: if (currentGM.canAddNode(classifier)) { FigClassifierBox newFig; if (Model.getFacade().isAClass(classifier)) { newFig = new FigClass(currentGM, classifier); } else if (Model.getFacade().isAInterface(classifier)) { newFig = new FigInterface(currentGM, classifier); } else { return; } /* * The following calls are ORDER DEPENDENT. Not sure why, but the * layer add must come before the model add or we'll end up with * duplicate figures in the diagram. - tfm */ currentLayer.add(newFig); currentGM.addNode(classifier); currentLayer.putInPosition(newFig); newFig.setOperationsVisible(!minimise); if (Model.getFacade().isAClass(classifier)) { ((FigClass) newFig).setAttributesVisible(!minimise); } newFig.setSize(newFig.getMinimumSize()); } else { // the class is in the diagram // so we are on a second pass, // find the fig for this class can update its visible state. FigClassifierBox existingFig = null; List figs = currentLayer.getContentsNoEdges(); for (int i = 0; i < figs.size(); i++) { Fig fig = (Fig) figs.get(i); if (classifier == fig.getOwner()) { existingFig = (FigClassifierBox) fig; } } existingFig.renderingChanged(); } // add edges // for a 2-pass r.e. process we might have already added the // class but not its edges currentGM.addNodeRelatedEdges(classifier); }
@Override public Object getOwner() { if (super.getOwner() != null) { return super.getOwner(); } Fig group = this; while (group != null && !(group instanceof FigEdge)) { group = group.getGroup(); } if (group == null) { return null; } else { return group.getOwner(); } }
/** * A version of GEF's presentationFor() method which * * @param element ModelElement to return presentation for * @return the Fig representing the presentation */ private Fig getNoEdgePresentationFor(Object element) { if (element == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't search for a null owner"); } List contents = getLayer().getContentsNoEdges(); int figCount = contents.size(); for (int figIndex = 0; figIndex < figCount; ++figIndex) { Fig fig = (Fig) contents.get(figIndex); if (fig.getOwner() == element) { return fig; } } throw new IllegalStateException( "Can't find a FigNode representing " + Model.getFacade().getName(element)); }
/** * If there are interfaces that are not inside a component the returned ListSet is not null. Then * in the ListSet are the UMLDeploymentDiagram and all FigInterfaces with no enclosing * FigComponent * * @param dd the diagram to check * @return the set of offenders */ public ListSet computeOffenders(UMLDeploymentDiagram dd) { Collection figs = dd.getLayer().getContents(); ListSet offs = null; Iterator figIter = figs.iterator(); while (figIter.hasNext()) { Object obj =; if (!(obj instanceof FigInterface)) continue; FigInterface fi = (FigInterface) obj; Fig enclosing = fi.getEnclosingFig(); if (enclosing == null || (!(Model.getFacade().isAComponent(enclosing.getOwner())))) { if (offs == null) { offs = new ListSet(); offs.add(dd); } offs.add(fi); } } return offs; }
public void setEnclosingFig(Fig encloser) { if (encloser != null && encloser.getOwner() instanceof MNodeInstance && getOwner() != null) { MNodeInstance node = (MNodeInstance) encloser.getOwner(); MComponentInstance comp = (MComponentInstance) getOwner(); if (comp.getNodeInstance() != node) { comp.setNodeInstance(node); } super.setEnclosingFig(encloser); Vector figures = getEnclosedFigs(); if (getLayer() != null) { // elementOrdering(figures); Vector contents = getLayer().getContents(); int contentsSize = contents.size(); for (int j = 0; j < contentsSize; j++) { Object o = contents.elementAt(j); if (o instanceof FigEdgeModelElement) { FigEdgeModelElement figedge = (FigEdgeModelElement) o; figedge.getLayer().bringToFront(figedge); } } } } else if (encloser == null && getEnclosingFig() != null) { if (getEnclosingFig() instanceof FigNodeModelElement) ((FigNodeModelElement) getEnclosingFig()).getEnclosedFigs().removeElement(this); _encloser = null; } /* super.setEnclosingFig(encloser); Vector figures = getEnclosedFigs(); if (getLayer() != null) { // elementOrdering(figures); Vector contents = getLayer().getContents(); int contentsSize = contents.size(); for (int j=0; j<contentsSize; j++) { Object o = contents.elementAt(j); if (o instanceof FigEdgeModelElement) { FigEdgeModelElement figedge = (FigEdgeModelElement) o; figedge.getLayer().bringToFront(figedge); } } } if (!(getOwner() instanceof MModelElement)) return; if (getOwner() instanceof MComponentInstance) { MComponentInstance me = (MComponentInstance) getOwner(); MNodeInstance mnode = null; if (encloser != null && (encloser.getOwner() instanceof MNodeInstance)) { mnode = (MNodeInstance) encloser.getOwner(); } if (encloser != null && (encloser.getOwner() instanceof MComponentInstance)) { MComponentInstance comp = (MComponentInstance) encloser.getOwner(); mnode = (MNodeInstance) comp.getNodeInstance(); } try { if(mnode != null) { me.setNodeInstance(mnode); } else { if (me.getNodeInstance() != null) { me.setNodeInstance(null); } } setNode(figures); } catch (Exception e) { cat.error("could not set package", e); } } */ }