  * Grabs label to begin movement. Turns cursor into a hand.
  * @param me The mouse event to process.
  * @override
  * @see org.tigris.gef.base.ModeImpl#mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
 public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) {
   Point clickPoint = me.getPoint();
   Fig underMouse = editor.hit(clickPoint);
   if (underMouse instanceof FigEdge) {
     List<Fig> figList = ((FigEdge) underMouse).getPathItemFigs();
     for (Fig fig : figList) {
       if (fig.contains(clickPoint)) {
         // Consume to stop other modes from trying to take over
         dragFig = fig;
         dragBasePoint = fig.getCenter();
         deltax = clickPoint.x - dragBasePoint.x;
         deltay = clickPoint.y - dragBasePoint.y;
         figEdge = (FigEdge) underMouse;