Пример #1
 public String toString() {
   final ToStringHelper helper = Objects.toStringHelper(this).omitNullValues();
   helper.add("pub", Utils.HEX.encode(pub.getEncoded()));
   helper.add("chainCode", HEX.encode(chainCode));
   helper.add("path", getPathAsString());
   if (creationTimeSeconds > 0) helper.add("creationTimeSeconds", creationTimeSeconds);
   helper.add("isEncrypted", isEncrypted());
   helper.add("isPubKeyOnly", isPubKeyOnly());
   return helper.toString();
Пример #2
   * @return The wallet id as a formatted string (e.g.
   *     "66666666-77777777-88888888-99999999-aaaaaaaa")
  public String toFormattedString() {

    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

    for (int i = 0; i < walletId.length; i++) {
      buffer.append(Utils.HEX.encode(new byte[] {walletId[i]}));

      if (((i + 1) % SEPARATOR_REPEAT_PERIOD == 0) && !(i == walletId.length - 1)) {
    return buffer.toString();
  public static byte[] hashForSignature(
      Transaction tx, int inputIndex, byte[] connectedScript, byte sigHashType) {
    byte[] serializedSig = serializeForSignature(tx, inputIndex, connectedScript, sigHashType);

    Sha256Hash hash = Sha256Hash.twiceOf(serializedSig);
    String hashHex = Utils.HEX.encode(hash.getBytes());
    // check hash against the reference implementation inside of bitcoinj
    byte[] referenceImplementation =
        tx.hashForSignature(inputIndex, connectedScript, sigHashType).getBytes();
    String referenceImplementationHex = Utils.HEX.encode(referenceImplementation);
    if (!hashHex.equals(referenceImplementationHex)) {
      logger.error("bitcoins: " + hashHex);
      logger.error("bitcoinj: " + referenceImplementationHex);
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Difference between BitcoinJSignatureSerialization & Actual Bitcoinj\n"
              + "bitcoin-s: "
              + hashHex
              + "\n"
              + "bitcoin-j: "
              + referenceImplementationHex);
    return hash.getBytes();
Пример #4
 public void formatKeyWithAddress(
     boolean includePrivateKeys, StringBuilder builder, NetworkParameters params) {
   final Address address = toAddress(params);
   builder.append("  addr:");
   builder.append("  hash160:");
   builder.append("  (");
   if (includePrivateKeys) {
     builder.append("  ");
   * This is required for signatures which use a sigHashType which cannot be represented using
   * SigHash and anyoneCanPay See transaction
   * c99c49da4c38af669dea436d3e73780dfdb6c1ecf9958baa52960e8baee30e73, which has sigHashType 0
  public static synchronized byte[] serializeForSignature(
      Transaction spendingTx, int inputIndex, byte[] connectedScript, byte sigHashType) {
    NetworkParameters params = TestNet3Params.get();
    // The SIGHASH flags are used in the design of contracts, please see this page for a further
    // understanding of
    // the purposes of the code in this method:
    //   https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Contracts

    try {

      Transaction tx = new Transaction(params, spendingTx.bitcoinSerialize());
      // Store all the input scripts and clear them in preparation for signing. If we're signing a
      // fresh
      // transaction that step isn't very helpful, but it doesn't add much cost relative to the
      // actual
      // EC math so we'll do it anyway.
      // Also store the input sequence numbers in case we are clearing them with SigHash.NONE/SINGLE

      byte[][] inputScripts = new byte[tx.getInputs().size()][];
      long[] inputSequenceNumbers = new long[tx.getInputs().size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < tx.getInputs().size(); i++) {
        inputScripts[i] = tx.getInputs().get(i).getScriptBytes();
        inputSequenceNumbers[i] = tx.getInputs().get(i).getSequenceNumber();
        tx.getInput(i).setScriptSig(new Script(new byte[0]));

      // This step has no purpose beyond being synchronized with the reference clients bugs.
      // is a legacy holdover from a previous, broken design of executing scripts that shipped in
      // Bitcoin 0.1.
      // It was seriously flawed and would have let anyone take anyone elses money. Later versions
      // switched to
      // the design we use today where scripts are executed independently but share a stack. This
      // left the
      // OP_CODESEPARATOR instruction having no purpose as it was only meant to be used internally,
      // not actually
      // ever put into scripts. Deleting OP_CODESEPARATOR is a step that should never be required
      // but if we don't
      // do it, we could split off the main chain.

      connectedScript =
          Script.removeAllInstancesOfOp(connectedScript, ScriptOpCodes.OP_CODESEPARATOR);
      // Set the input to the script of its output. Satoshi does this but the step has no obvious
      // purpose as
      // the signature covers the hash of the prevout transaction which obviously includes the
      // output script
      // already. Perhaps it felt safer to him in some way, or is another leftover from how the code
      // was written.
      TransactionInput input = tx.getInputs().get(inputIndex);
      input.setScriptSig(new Script(connectedScript));
      List<TransactionOutput> outputs = tx.getOutputs();

      if ((sigHashType & 0x1f) == (Transaction.SigHash.NONE.ordinal() + 1)) {
        // SIGHASH_NONE means no outputs are signed at all - the signature is effectively for a
        // "blank cheque".
        // this.outputs = new ArrayList<TransactionOutput>(0);
        // The signature isn't broken by new versions of the transaction issued by other parties.
        for (int i = 0; i < tx.getInputs().size(); i++)
          if (i != inputIndex) tx.getInputs().get(i).setSequenceNumber(0);
      } else if ((sigHashType & 0x1f) == (Transaction.SigHash.SINGLE.ordinal() + 1)) {
        // SIGHASH_SINGLE means only sign the output at the same index as the input (ie, my output).
        if (inputIndex >= tx.getOutputs().size()) {
          // The input index is beyond the number of outputs, it's a buggy signature made by a
          // broken
          // Bitcoin implementation. The reference client also contains a bug in handling this case:
          // any transaction output that is signed in this case will result in both the signed
          // output
          // and any future outputs to this public key being steal-able by anyone who has
          // the resulting signature and the public key (both of which are part of the signed tx
          // input).
          // Put the transaction back to how we found it.
          // TODO: Only allow this to happen if we are checking a signature, not signing a
          // transactions
          for (int i = 0; i < tx.getInputs().size(); i++) {
            // tx.getInputs().get(i).setScriptSig(inputScripts[i]);
            /*                        tx.getInputs().get(i).setScriptSig(ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigInputScriptBytes(
            tx.getInput(i).setScriptSig(new Script(inputScripts[i]));
          // this.outputs = outputs;

          // Satoshis bug is that SignatureHash was supposed to return a hash and on this codepath
          // it
          // actually returns the constant "1" to indicate an error, which is never checked for.
          // Oops.
          return Utils.HEX.decode(

        // In SIGHASH_SINGLE the outputs after the matching input index are deleted, and the outputs
        // before
        // that position are "nulled out". Unintuitively, the value in a "null" transaction is set
        // to -1.
        /*                this.outputs = new ArrayList<TransactionOutput>(this.outputs.subList(0, inputIndex + 1));
        for (int i = 0; i < inputIndex; i++)
            this.outputs.set(i, new TransactionOutput(params, this, Coin.NEGATIVE_SATOSHI, new byte[] {}));
        // The signature isn't broken by new versions of the transaction issued by other parties.
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++)
            if (i != inputIndex)
        // In SIGHASH_SINGLE the outputs after the matching input index are deleted, and the outputs
        // before
        // that position are "nulled out". Unintuitively, the value in a "null" transaction is set
        // to -1.
        // tx.outputs = new ArrayList<TransactionOutput>(tx.getOutputs().subList(0, inputIndex +
        // 1));
        for (int i = 0; i <= inputIndex; i++)
          if (i == inputIndex) {
            // need to make sure the output at inputIndex stays the same
          } else {
            // this.outputs.set(i, new TransactionOutput(params, this, Coin.NEGATIVE_SATOSHI, new
            // byte[] {}));
            tx.addOutput(new TransactionOutput(params, tx, Coin.NEGATIVE_SATOSHI, new byte[] {}));

        // The signature isn't broken by new versions of the transaction issued by other parties.
        for (int i = 0; i < tx.getInputs().size(); i++)
          if (i != inputIndex) tx.getInputs().get(i).setSequenceNumber(0);

      List<TransactionInput> inputs = tx.getInputs();
      if ((sigHashType & (byte) 0x80) == 0x80) {
        // SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY means the signature in the input is not broken by
        // changes/additions/removals
        // of other inputs. For example, this is useful for building assurance contracts.

      ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new UnsafeByteArrayOutputStream(256);
      // We also have to write a hash type (sigHashType is actually an unsigned char)
      uint32ToByteStreamLE(0x000000ff & sigHashType, bos);
      // Note that this is NOT reversed to ensure it will be signed correctly. If it were to be
      // printed out
      // however then we would expect that it is IS reversed.
      byte[] txSignatureBytes = bos.toByteArray();

      // Put the transaction back to how we found it.
      // tx.inputs = inputs;
      for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
      for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
        inputs.get(i).setScriptSig(new Script(inputScripts[i]));
      // this.outputs = outputs;
      for (int i = 0; i < outputs.size(); i++) {
      return txSignatureBytes;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen.