public org.w3c.dom.Text getTextNode(Document ownerDoc) { // XXX Current XMLUtil.write anyway does not preserve CDATA sections, it seems. String nocdata = getProject().getProperty("makenbm.nocdata"); if (nocdata != null && Project.toBoolean(nocdata)) { return ownerDoc.createTextNode(text.toString()); } else { return ownerDoc.createCDATASection(text.toString()); } }
/** * When using this as a custom selector, this method will be called. It translates each parameter * into the appropriate setXXX() call. * * @param parameters the complete set of parameters for this selector */ public void setParameters(Parameter[] parameters) { super.setParameters(parameters); if (parameters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { String paramname = parameters[i].getName(); if (EXPRESSION_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(paramname)) { setExpression(parameters[i].getValue()); } else if (CS_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(paramname)) { setCaseSensitive(Project.toBoolean(parameters[i].getValue())); } else if (ML_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(paramname)) { setMultiLine(Project.toBoolean(parameters[i].getValue())); } else if (SL_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(paramname)) { setSingleLine(Project.toBoolean(parameters[i].getValue())); } else { setError("Invalid parameter " + paramname); } } } }
/** Parses the parameters to add user-defined contains strings. */ private void initialize() { Parameter[] params = getParameters(); if (params != null) { for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (CONTAINS_KEY.equals(params[i].getType())) { contains.addElement(params[i].getValue()); } else if (NEGATE_KEY.equals(params[i].getType())) { setNegate(Project.toBoolean(params[i].getValue())); } } } }
public void importSpkInfo(Map<String, Object> info, String key, String value) { switch (key) { case "package": case "version": case "maintainer": case "maintainer_url": case "distributor": case "distributor_url": info.put(key, value); break; case "displayname": info.put("dname", value); break; case "description": info.put("desc", value); break; case "install_dep_packages": info.put("deppkgs", value); break; case "install_dep_services": info.put("depsers", value); break; case "startable": info.put("start", Project.toBoolean(value)); info.put("qstart", Project.toBoolean(value)); break; case "silent_install": info.put("qinst", Project.toBoolean(value)); break; case "silent_upgrade": info.put("qupgrade", Project.toBoolean(value)); break; case "thirdparty": info.put(key, Project.toBoolean(value)); break; } }
/** * init-Method sets defaults from Properties. That way, when ant is called with arguments like * -Dant.netrexxc.verbose=verbose5 one can easily take control of all netrexxc-tasks. */ public void init() { String p; if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.binary")) != null) { this.binary = Project.toBoolean(p); } // classpath makes no sense if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.comments")) != null) { this.comments = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.compact")) != null) { this.compact = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.compile")) != null) { this.compile = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.console")) != null) { this.console = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.crossref")) != null) { this.crossref = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.decimal")) != null) { this.decimal = Project.toBoolean(p); // destDir } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.diag")) != null) { this.diag = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.explicit")) != null) { this.explicit = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.format")) != null) { this.format = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.keep")) != null) { this.keep = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.logo")) != null) { this.logo = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.replace")) != null) { this.replace = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.savelog")) != null) { this.savelog = Project.toBoolean(p); // srcDir } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.sourcedir")) != null) { this.sourcedir = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.strictargs")) != null) { this.strictargs = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.strictassign")) != null) { this.strictassign = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.strictcase")) != null) { this.strictcase = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.strictimport")) != null) { this.strictimport = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.strictprops")) != null) { this.strictprops = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.strictsignal")) != null) { this.strictsignal = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.symbols")) != null) { this.symbols = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.time")) != null) { this.time = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.trace")) != null) { setTrace(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.utf8")) != null) { this.utf8 = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.verbose")) != null) { setVerbose(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.suppressMethodArgumentNotUsed")) != null) { this.suppressMethodArgumentNotUsed = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.suppressPrivatePropertyNotUsed")) != null) { this.suppressPrivatePropertyNotUsed = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.suppressVariableNotUsed")) != null) { this.suppressVariableNotUsed = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.suppressExceptionNotSignalled")) != null) { this.suppressExceptionNotSignalled = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.suppressDeprecation")) != null) { this.suppressDeprecation = Project.toBoolean(p); } if ((p = getProject().getProperty("ant.netrexxc.removeKeepExtension")) != null) { this.removeKeepExtension = Project.toBoolean(p); } }