public RexNode parameter(ParameterExpression param) { int i = parameterList.indexOf(param); if (i >= 0) { return values.get(i); } throw new RuntimeException("unknown parameter " + param); }
public List<RexNode> toRexList(BlockExpression expression) { final List<Expression> simpleList = simpleList(expression); final List<RexNode> list = new ArrayList<RexNode>(); for (Expression expression1 : simpleList) { list.add(toRex(expression1)); } return list; }
public List<SqlOperator> lookupOperatorOverloads( SqlIdentifier opName, SqlFunctionCategory category, SqlSyntax syntax) { if (syntax != SqlSyntax.Function) { return Collections.emptyList(); } // FIXME: ignoring prefix of opName String name = opName.names[opName.names.length - 1]; List<TableFunction> tableFunctions = rootSchema.getTableFunctions(name); if (tableFunctions.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return toOps(name, tableFunctions); }
/** Returns the path of an object in this schema. */ public List<String> path(String name) { final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); if (name != null) { list.add(name); } for (OptiqSchema s = this; s != null; s = s.parent) { if (s.parent != null || !"")) { // Omit the root schema's name from the path if it's the empty string, // which it usually is. list.add(; } } return ImmutableList.copyOf(Lists.reverse(list)); }
private SqlOperator toOp(SqlIdentifier name, Function function) { List<RelDataType> argTypes = new ArrayList<RelDataType>(); List<SqlTypeFamily> typeFamilies = new ArrayList<SqlTypeFamily>(); for (FunctionParameter o : function.getParameters()) { final RelDataType type = o.getType(typeFactory); argTypes.add(type); typeFamilies.add(Util.first(type.getSqlTypeName().getFamily(), SqlTypeFamily.ANY)); } final RelDataType returnType; if (function instanceof ScalarFunction) { return new SqlUserDefinedFunction( name, ReturnTypes.explicit(Schemas.proto((ScalarFunction) function)), InferTypes.explicit(argTypes),, toSql(argTypes), function); } else if (function instanceof AggregateFunction) { returnType = ((AggregateFunction) function).getReturnType(typeFactory); return new SqlUserDefinedAggFunction( name, ReturnTypes.explicit(returnType), InferTypes.explicit(argTypes),, (AggregateFunction) function); } else if (function instanceof TableMacro) { return new SqlUserDefinedTableMacro( name, ReturnTypes.CURSOR, InferTypes.explicit(argTypes),, (TableMacro) function); } else if (function instanceof TableFunction) { return new SqlUserDefinedTableFunction( name, ReturnTypes.CURSOR, InferTypes.explicit(argTypes),, toSql(argTypes), (TableFunction) function); } else { throw new AssertionError("unknown function type " + function); } }
public Object freeze(ColumnLoader.ValueSet valueSet) { final int chunksPerWord = 64 / bitCount; final List<Comparable> valueList = valueSet.values; final int valueCount = valueList.size(); final int wordCount = (valueCount + (chunksPerWord - 1)) / chunksPerWord; final int remainingChunkCount = valueCount % chunksPerWord; final long[] longs = new long[wordCount]; final int n = valueCount / chunksPerWord; int i; int k = 0; if (valueCount > 0 && valueList.get(0) instanceof Boolean) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Boolean> booleans = (List) valueSet.values; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { long v = 0; for (int j = 0; j < chunksPerWord; j++) { v |= (booleans.get(k++) ? (1 << (bitCount * j)) : 0); } longs[i] = v; } if (remainingChunkCount > 0) { long v = 0; for (int j = 0; j < remainingChunkCount; j++) { v |= (booleans.get(k++) ? (1 << (bitCount * j)) : 0); } longs[i] = v; } } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Number> numbers = (List) valueSet.values; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { long v = 0; for (int j = 0; j < chunksPerWord; j++) { v |= (numbers.get(k++).longValue() << (bitCount * j)); } longs[i] = v; } if (remainingChunkCount > 0) { long v = 0; for (int j = 0; j < remainingChunkCount; j++) { v |= (numbers.get(k++).longValue() << (bitCount * j)); } longs[i] = v; } } return longs; }
public List<SqlMoniker> getAllSchemaObjectNames(List<String> names) { final OptiqSchema schema = getSchema(names); if (schema == null) { return ImmutableList.of(); } final List<SqlMoniker> result = new ArrayList<SqlMoniker>(); final Map<String, OptiqSchema> schemaMap = schema.getSubSchemaMap(); for (String subSchema : schemaMap.keySet()) { result.add(new SqlMonikerImpl(schema.path(subSchema), SqlMonikerType.SCHEMA)); } for (String table : schema.getTableNames()) { result.add(new SqlMonikerImpl(schema.path(table), SqlMonikerType.TABLE)); } final NavigableSet<String> functions = schema.getFunctionNames(); for (String function : functions) { // views are here as well result.add(new SqlMonikerImpl(schema.path(function), SqlMonikerType.FUNCTION)); } return result; }
private Collection<Function> getFunctionsFrom(List<String> names) { final List<Function> functions2 = Lists.newArrayList(); final List<? extends List<String>> schemaNameList; if (names.size() > 1) { // If name is qualified, ignore path. schemaNameList = ImmutableList.of(ImmutableList.<String>of()); } else { OptiqSchema schema = getSchema(defaultSchema); if (schema == null) { schemaNameList = ImmutableList.of(); } else { schemaNameList = schema.getPath(); } } for (List<String> schemaNames : schemaNameList) { OptiqSchema schema = getSchema(Iterables.concat(schemaNames, Util.skipLast(names))); if (schema != null) { final String name = Util.last(names); functions2.addAll(schema.getFunctions(name, true)); } } return functions2; }
private SqlOperator toOp(String name, TableFunction fun) { List<RelDataType> argTypes = new ArrayList<RelDataType>(); List<SqlTypeFamily> typeFamilies = new ArrayList<SqlTypeFamily>(); Parameter p; for (net.hydromatic.optiq.Parameter o : (List<net.hydromatic.optiq.Parameter>) fun.getParameters()) { argTypes.add(o.getType()); typeFamilies.add(SqlTypeFamily.ANY); } return new SqlFunction( name, SqlKind.OTHER_FUNCTION, new ExplicitReturnTypeInference(typeFactory.createType(fun.getElementType())), new ExplicitOperandTypeInference(argTypes.toArray(new RelDataType[argTypes.size()])), new FamilyOperandTypeChecker( typeFamilies.toArray(new SqlTypeFamily[typeFamilies.size()])), null); }
public void lookupOperatorOverloads( final SqlIdentifier opName, SqlFunctionCategory category, SqlSyntax syntax, List<SqlOperator> operatorList) { if (syntax != SqlSyntax.FUNCTION) { return; } final Collection<Function> functions = getFunctionsFrom(opName.names); if (functions.isEmpty()) { return; } operatorList.addAll( Collections2.transform( functions, new<Function, SqlOperator>() { public SqlOperator apply(Function function) { return toOp(opName, function); } })); }
public Statistic getStatistic() { return Statistics.of(list.size(), Collections.<BitSet>emptyList()); }
<T> PrepareResult<T> prepare_( Context context, String sql, Queryable<T> queryable, Type elementType) { final JavaTypeFactory typeFactory = context.getTypeFactory(); OptiqCatalogReader catalogReader = new OptiqCatalogReader(context.getRootSchema(), typeFactory); final OptiqPreparingStmt preparingStmt = new OptiqPreparingStmt(catalogReader, typeFactory, context.getRootSchema()); preparingStmt.setResultCallingConvention(CallingConvention.ENUMERABLE); final RelDataType x; final PreparedResult preparedResult; if (sql != null) { assert queryable == null; SqlParser parser = new SqlParser(sql); SqlNode sqlNode; try { sqlNode = parser.parseQuery(); } catch (SqlParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException("parse failed", e); } final Schema rootSchema = context.getRootSchema(); SqlValidator validator = new SqlValidatorImpl( new ChainedSqlOperatorTable( Arrays.<SqlOperatorTable>asList( SqlStdOperatorTable.instance(), new MySqlOperatorTable(rootSchema, typeFactory))), catalogReader, typeFactory, SqlConformance.Default) {}; preparedResult = preparingStmt.prepareSql(sqlNode, Object.class, validator, true); x = validator.getValidatedNodeType(sqlNode); } else { assert queryable != null; x = context.getTypeFactory().createType(elementType); preparedResult = preparingStmt.prepareQueryable(queryable, x); } // TODO: parameters final List<Parameter> parameters = Collections.emptyList(); // TODO: column meta data final List<ColumnMetaData> columns = new ArrayList<ColumnMetaData>(); RelDataType jdbcType = makeStruct(typeFactory, x); for (RelDataTypeField field : jdbcType.getFields()) { RelDataType type = field.getType(); SqlTypeName sqlTypeName = type.getSqlTypeName(); columns.add( new ColumnMetaData( columns.size(), false, true, false, false, type.isNullable() ? 1 : 0, true, 0, field.getName(), field.getName(), null, sqlTypeName.allowsPrec() && false ? type.getPrecision() : -1, sqlTypeName.allowsScale() ? type.getScale() : -1, null, null, sqlTypeName.getJdbcOrdinal(), sqlTypeName.getName(), true, false, false, null)); } return new PrepareResult<T>(sql, parameters, columns, (Enumerable<T>) preparedResult.execute()); }
public void addStatement(OptiqServerStatement statement) { statementList.add(statement); }
public void removeStatement(OptiqServerStatement optiqServerStatement) { statementList.add(optiqServerStatement); }