private void calculateArrowsForward(Node x, Node y, Graph graph) { clearArrow(x, y); if (!knowledgeEmpty()) { if (getKnowledge().isForbidden(x.getName(), y.getName())) { return; } } List<Node> naYX = getNaYX(x, y, graph); List<Node> t = getTNeighbors(x, y, graph); DepthChoiceGenerator gen = new DepthChoiceGenerator(t.size(), t.size()); int[] choice; while ((choice = != null) { List<Node> s = GraphUtils.asList(choice, t); if (!knowledgeEmpty()) { if (!validSetByKnowledge(y, s)) { continue; } } double bump = insertEval(x, y, s, naYX, graph); if (bump > 0.0) { Arrow arrow = new Arrow(bump, x, y, s, naYX); sortedArrows.add(arrow); addLookupArrow(x, y, arrow); } } }
private Graph changeLatentNames(Graph full, Clusters measurements, List<String> latentVarList) { Graph g2 = null; try { g2 = (Graph) new MarshalledObject(full).get(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = 0; i < measurements.getNumClusters(); i++) { List<String> d = measurements.getCluster(i); String latentName = latentVarList.get(i); for (Node node : full.getNodes()) { if (!(node.getNodeType() == NodeType.LATENT)) { continue; } List<Node> _children = full.getChildren(node); _children.removeAll(ReidentifyVariables.getLatents(full)); List<String> childNames = getNames(_children); if (new HashSet<String>(childNames).equals(new HashSet<String>(d))) { g2.getNode(node.getName()).setName(latentName); } } } return g2; }
private String clusterSizes(List<List<Node>> partition, List<List<Node>> trueClusters) { String s = ""; FOR: for (int i = 0; i < partition.size(); i++) { List<Node> cluster = partition.get(i); s += cluster.size(); for (List<Node> trueCluster : trueClusters) { if (trueCluster.containsAll(cluster)) { // Collections.sort(trueCluster); // Collections.sort(cluster); // System.out.println(trueCluster + " " + cluster); s += "p"; if (i < partition.size() - 1) { s += ","; } continue FOR; } } if (i < partition.size() - 1) { s += ","; } } return s; }
private List<String> getNames(List<Node> nodes) { List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Node node : nodes) { names.add(node.getName()); } return names; }
public static Graph erdosRenyiGraph(int n, int e) { List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) nodes.add(new GraphNode("X" + i)); Graph graph = new EdgeListGraph(nodes); for (int e0 = 0; e0 < e; e0++) { int i1 = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextInt(n); int i2 = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextInt(n); if (i1 == i2) { e0--; continue; } Edge edge = Edges.undirectedEdge(nodes.get(i1), nodes.get(i2)); if (graph.containsEdge(edge)) { e0--; continue; } graph.addEdge(edge); } return graph; }
private int numClustered(List<List<Node>> partition) { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < partition.size(); i++) { List<Node> cluster = partition.get(i); sum += cluster.size(); } return sum; }
/** Returns true iif the given set forms a clique in the given graph. */ private static boolean isClique(List<Node> nodes, Graph graph) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size() - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.size(); j++) { if (!graph.isAdjacentTo(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j))) { return false; } } } return true; }
private Graph structure(Graph mim) { List<Node> latents = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Node node : mim.getNodes()) { if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.LATENT) { latents.add(node); } } return mim.subgraph(latents); }
private boolean dConnected(Graph graph, String x, String y, String... z) { Node _x = graph.getNode(x); Node _y = graph.getNode(y); List<Node> _z = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (String name : z) { _z.add(graph.getNode(name)); } return graph.isDConnectedTo(_x, _y, _z); }
private static double characteristicPathLength(Graph g) { List<Node> nodes = g.getNodes(); int total = 0; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { for (int j = i; j < nodes.size(); j++) { int shortest = shortestPath(nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j), g); total += shortest; count++; } } return total / (double) count; }
private static int weight(List<Node> nodes, Graph graph, int total, int b) { double p = 1; int degree = graph.getNumEdges(nodes.get(b)); int t = degree + 1; total += pow((double) t, p); return total; }
private boolean existsUnblockedSemiDirectedPath(Node from, Node to, List<Node> cond, Graph G) { Queue<Node> Q = new LinkedList<Node>(); Set<Node> V = new HashSet<Node>(); Q.offer(from); V.add(from); while (!Q.isEmpty()) { Node t = Q.remove(); if (t == to) return true; for (Node u : G.getAdjacentNodes(t)) { Edge edge = G.getEdge(t, u); Node c = Edges.traverseSemiDirected(t, edge); if (c == null) continue; if (cond.contains(c)) continue; if (c == to) return true; if (!V.contains(c)) { V.add(c); Q.offer(c); } } } return false; }
// ===========================SCORING METHODS===================// public double scoreDag(Graph graph) { Graph dag = new EdgeListGraphSingleConnections(graph); buildIndexing(graph); double score = 0.0; for (Node y : dag.getNodes()) { Set<Node> parents = new HashSet<Node>(dag.getParents(y)); int nextIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < getVariables().size(); i++) { nextIndex = hashIndices.get(variables.get(i)); } int parentIndices[] = new int[parents.size()]; Iterator<Node> pi = parents.iterator(); int count = 0; while (pi.hasNext()) { Node nextParent =; parentIndices[count++] = hashIndices.get(nextParent); } if (this.isDiscrete()) { score += localDiscreteScore(nextIndex, parentIndices); } else { score += localSemScore(nextIndex, parentIndices); } } return score; }
public void testAlternativeGraphs() { // UniformGraphGenerator gen = new UniformGraphGenerator(UniformGraphGenerator.ANY_DAG); // gen.setNumNodes(100); // gen.setMaxEdges(200); // gen.setMaxDegree(30); // gen.setMaxInDegree(30); // gen.setMaxOutDegree(30); //// gen.setNumIterations(3000000); // gen.setResamplingDegree(10); // // gen.generate(); // // Graph graph = gen.getDag(); Graph graph = weightedRandomGraph(250, 400); List<Integer> degreeCounts = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Map<Integer, Integer> degreeCount = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (Node node : graph.getNodes()) { int degree = graph.getNumEdges(node); degreeCounts.add(degree); if (degreeCount.get(degree) == null) { degreeCount.put(degree, 0); } degreeCount.put(degree, degreeCount.get(degree) + 1); } Collections.sort(degreeCounts); System.out.println(degreeCounts); List<Integer> _degrees = new ArrayList<Integer>(degreeCount.keySet()); Collections.sort(_degrees); for (int i : _degrees) { int j = degreeCount.get(i); // System.out.println(i + " " + j); System.out.println(log(i + 1) + " " + log(j)); } System.out.println("\nCPL = " + characteristicPathLength(graph)); Graph erGraph = erdosRenyiGraph(200, 200); System.out.println("\n ER CPL = " + characteristicPathLength(erGraph)); }
private boolean containsImpureCluster(List<List<Node>> partition, List<List<Node>> trueClusters) { FOR: for (int i = 0; i < partition.size(); i++) { List<Node> cluster = partition.get(i); for (List<Node> trueCluster : trueClusters) { if (trueCluster.containsAll(cluster)) { continue FOR; } } return true; } return false; }
/** Get all nodes that are connected to Y by an undirected edge and not adjacent to X. */ private static List<Node> getTNeighbors(Node x, Node y, Graph graph) { List<Edge> yEdges = graph.getEdges(y); List<Node> tNeighbors = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Edge edge : yEdges) { if (!Edges.isUndirectedEdge(edge)) { continue; } Node z = edge.getDistalNode(y); if (graph.isAdjacentTo(z, x)) { continue; } tNeighbors.add(z); } return tNeighbors; }
/** * Find all nodes that are connected to Y by an undirected edge that are adjacent to X (that is, * by undirected or directed edge). */ private static List<Node> getNaYX(Node x, Node y, Graph graph) { List<Edge> yEdges = graph.getEdges(y); List<Node> nayx = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Edge edge : yEdges) { if (!Edges.isUndirectedEdge(edge)) { continue; } Node z = edge.getDistalNode(y); if (!graph.isAdjacentTo(z, x)) { continue; } nayx.add(z); } return nayx; }
// Invalid if then nodes or graph changes. private void calculateArrowsBackward(Node x, Node y, Graph graph) { if (x == y) { return; } if (!graph.isAdjacentTo(x, y)) { return; } if (!knowledgeEmpty()) { if (!getKnowledge().noEdgeRequired(x.getName(), y.getName())) { return; } } List<Node> naYX = getNaYX(x, y, graph); clearArrow(x, y); List<Node> _naYX = new ArrayList<Node>(naYX); DepthChoiceGenerator gen = new DepthChoiceGenerator(_naYX.size(), _naYX.size()); int[] choice; while ((choice = != null) { List<Node> H = GraphUtils.asList(choice, _naYX); if (!knowledgeEmpty()) { if (!validSetByKnowledge(y, H)) { continue; } } double bump = deleteEval(x, y, H, naYX, graph); if (bump > 0.0) { Arrow arrow = new Arrow(bump, x, y, H, naYX); sortedArrows.add(arrow); addLookupArrow(x, y, arrow); } } }
/** Tests to see if d separation facts are symmetric. */ public void testDSeparation() { EdgeListGraphSingleConnections graph = new EdgeListGraphSingleConnections( new Dag(GraphUtils.randomGraph(7, 0, 7, 30, 15, 15, true))); System.out.println(graph); List<Node> nodes = graph.getNodes(); int depth = -1; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.size(); j++) { Node x = nodes.get(i); Node y = nodes.get(j); List<Node> theRest = new ArrayList<Node>(nodes); theRest.remove(x); theRest.remove(y); DepthChoiceGenerator gen = new DepthChoiceGenerator(theRest.size(), depth); int[] choice; while ((choice = != null) { List<Node> z = new LinkedList<Node>(); for (int k = 0; k < choice.length; k++) { z.add(theRest.get(choice[k])); } if (graph.isDSeparatedFrom(x, y, z) != graph.isDSeparatedFrom(y, x, z)) { fail( SearchLogUtils.independenceFact(x, y, z) + " should have same d-sep result as " + SearchLogUtils.independenceFact(y, x, z)); } } } } }
/** Tests to see if d separation facts are symmetric. */ public void testDSeparation2() { EdgeListGraphSingleConnections graph = new EdgeListGraphSingleConnections( new Dag(GraphUtils.randomGraph(7, 0, 14, 30, 15, 15, true))); List<Node> nodes = graph.getNodes(); int depth = -1; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { for (int j = i; j < nodes.size(); j++) { Node x = nodes.get(i); Node y = nodes.get(j); List<Node> theRest = new ArrayList<Node>(nodes); // theRest.remove(x); // theRest.remove(y); DepthChoiceGenerator gen = new DepthChoiceGenerator(theRest.size(), depth); int[] choice; while ((choice = != null) { List<Node> z = new LinkedList<Node>(); for (int k = 0; k < choice.length; k++) { z.add(theRest.get(choice[k])); } boolean dConnectedTo = graph.isDConnectedTo(x, y, z); boolean dConnectedTo1 = graph.isDConnectedTo(y, x, z); if (dConnectedTo != dConnectedTo1) { System.out.println(x + " d connected to " + y + " given " + z); System.out.println(graph); System.out.println("dconnectedto = " + dConnectedTo); System.out.println("dconnecteto1 = " + dConnectedTo1); fail(); } } } } }
public static Graph weightedRandomGraph(int n, int e) { List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) nodes.add(new GraphNode("X" + i)); Graph graph = new EdgeListGraph(nodes); for (int e0 = 0; e0 < e; e0++) { int i1 = weightedRandom(nodes, graph); // int i2 = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextInt(n); int i2 = weightedRandom(nodes, graph); if (!(shortestPath(nodes.get(i1), nodes.get(i2), graph) < 9)) { e0--; continue; } if (i1 == i2) { e0--; continue; } Edge edge = Edges.undirectedEdge(nodes.get(i1), nodes.get(i2)); if (graph.containsEdge(edge)) { e0--; continue; } graph.addEdge(edge); } for (Edge edge : graph.getEdges()) { Node n1 = edge.getNode1(); Node n2 = edge.getNode2(); if (!graph.isAncestorOf(n2, n1)) { graph.removeEdge(edge); graph.addDirectedEdge(n1, n2); } else { graph.removeEdge(edge); graph.addDirectedEdge(n2, n1); } } return graph; }
private static int weightedRandom(List<Node> nodes, Graph graph) { int total = 0; int n = nodes.size(); for (int b = 0; b < n; b++) { total = weight(nodes, graph, total, b); } int r = RandomUtil.getInstance().nextInt(total); int count = 0; int index = 0; for (int b = 0; b < n; b++) { count = weight(nodes, graph, count, b); if (r <= count) { index = b; break; } } return index; }
private boolean validInsert(Node x, Node y, List<Node> t, List<Node> naYX, Graph graph) { List<Node> union = new ArrayList<Node>(t); // t and nayx are disjoint union.addAll(naYX); return isClique(union, graph) && !existsUnblockedSemiDirectedPath(y, x, union, graph); }
public void rtest3() { Node x = new GraphNode("X"); Node y = new GraphNode("Y"); Node z = new GraphNode("Z"); Node w = new GraphNode("W"); List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); nodes.add(x); nodes.add(y); nodes.add(z); nodes.add(w); Graph g = new EdgeListGraph(nodes); g.addDirectedEdge(x, y); g.addDirectedEdge(x, z); g.addDirectedEdge(y, w); g.addDirectedEdge(z, w); Graph maxGraph = null; double maxPValue = -1.0; ICovarianceMatrix maxLatentCov = null; Graph mim = DataGraphUtils.randomMim(g, 8, 0, 0, 0, true); // Graph mim = DataGraphUtils.randomSingleFactorModel(5, 5, 8, 0, 0, 0); Graph mimStructure = structure(mim); SemPm pm = new SemPm(mim); System.out.println("\n\nTrue graph:"); System.out.println(mimStructure); SemImInitializationParams params = new SemImInitializationParams(); params.setCoefRange(0.5, 1.5); SemIm im = new SemIm(pm, params); int N = 1000; DataSet data = im.simulateData(N, false); CovarianceMatrix cov = new CovarianceMatrix(data); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { ICovarianceMatrix _cov = DataUtils.reorderColumns(cov); List<List<Node>> partition; FindOneFactorClusters fofc = new FindOneFactorClusters(_cov, TestType.TETRAD_WISHART, .001);; partition = fofc.getClusters(); System.out.println(partition); List<String> latentVarList = reidentifyVariables(mim, data, partition, 2); Mimbuild2 mimbuild = new Mimbuild2(); mimbuild.setAlpha(0.001); // mimbuild.setMinimumSize(5); // To test knowledge. // Knowledge knowledge = new Knowledge2(); // knowledge.setEdgeForbidden("L.Y", "L.W", true); // knowledge.setEdgeRequired("L.Y", "L.Z", true); // mimbuild.setKnowledge(knowledge); Graph mimbuildStructure =, latentVarList, _cov); double pValue = mimbuild.getpValue(); System.out.println(mimbuildStructure); System.out.println("P = " + pValue); System.out.println("Latent Cov = " + mimbuild.getLatentsCov()); if (pValue > maxPValue) { maxPValue = pValue; maxGraph = new EdgeListGraph(mimbuildStructure); maxLatentCov = mimbuild.getLatentsCov(); } } System.out.println("\n\nTrue graph:"); System.out.println(mimStructure); System.out.println("\nBest graph:"); System.out.println(maxGraph); System.out.println("P = " + maxPValue); System.out.println("Latent Cov = " + maxLatentCov); System.out.println(); }
private void buildIndexing(Graph graph) { this.hashIndices = new HashMap<Node, Integer>(); for (Node node : graph.getNodes()) { this.hashIndices.put(node, variables.indexOf(node)); } }
/** Test if the candidate deletion is a valid operation (Theorem 17 from Chickering, 2002). */ private static boolean validDelete(List<Node> h, List<Node> naXY, Graph graph) { List<Node> list = new ArrayList<Node>(naXY); list.removeAll(h); return isClique(list, graph); }