private static void killEnd(AbstractEndNode end) { MergeNode merge = end.merge(); if (merge != null) { merge.removeEnd(end); StructuredGraph graph = end.graph(); if (merge instanceof LoopBeginNode && merge.forwardEndCount() == 0) { // dead loop for (PhiNode phi : merge.phis().snapshot()) { propagateKill(phi); } LoopBeginNode begin = (LoopBeginNode) merge; // disconnect and delete loop ends & loop exits for (LoopEndNode loopend : begin.loopEnds().snapshot()) { loopend.predecessor().replaceFirstSuccessor(loopend, null); loopend.safeDelete(); } begin.removeExits(); FixedNode loopBody =; if (loopBody != null) { // for small infinite loops, the body may be killed while // killing the loop ends killCFG(loopBody); } begin.safeDelete(); } else if (merge instanceof LoopBeginNode && ((LoopBeginNode) merge).loopEnds().isEmpty()) { // not // a // loop // anymore graph.reduceDegenerateLoopBegin((LoopBeginNode) merge); } else if (merge.phiPredecessorCount() == 1) { // not a merge anymore graph.reduceTrivialMerge(merge); } } }
public static void checkRedundantProxy(ProxyNode vpn) { AbstractBeginNode proxyPoint = vpn.proxyPoint(); if (proxyPoint instanceof LoopExitNode) { LoopExitNode exit = (LoopExitNode) proxyPoint; LoopBeginNode loopBegin = exit.loopBegin(); ValueNode vpnValue = vpn.value(); for (ValueNode v : loopBegin.stateAfter().values()) { ValueNode v2 = v; if (loopBegin.isPhiAtMerge(v2)) { v2 = ((PhiNode) v2).valueAt(loopBegin.forwardEnd()); } if (vpnValue == v2) { Collection<PhiNode> phiUsages = vpn.usages().filter(PhiNode.class).snapshot(); Collection<ProxyNode> proxyUsages = vpn.usages().filter(ProxyNode.class).snapshot(); vpn.graph().replaceFloating(vpn, vpnValue); for (PhiNode phi : phiUsages) { checkRedundantPhi(phi); } for (ProxyNode proxy : proxyUsages) { checkRedundantProxy(proxy); } return; } } } }
public static void normalizeLoopBegin(LoopBeginNode begin) { // Delete unnecessary loop phi functions, i.e., phi functions where all inputs are either // the same or the phi itself. for (PhiNode phi : begin.phis().snapshot()) { GraphUtil.checkRedundantPhi(phi); } for (LoopExitNode exit : begin.loopExits()) { for (ProxyNode vpn : exit.proxies().snapshot()) { GraphUtil.checkRedundantProxy(vpn); } } }
public void detectedCountedLoops() { for (LoopEx loop : loops()) { InductionVariables ivs = new InductionVariables(loop); LoopBeginNode loopBegin = loop.loopBegin(); FixedNode next =; while (next instanceof FixedGuardNode || next instanceof ValueAnchorNode) { next = ((FixedWithNextNode) next).next(); } if (next instanceof IfNode) { IfNode ifNode = (IfNode) next; boolean negated = false; if (!loopBegin.isLoopExit(ifNode.falseSuccessor())) { if (!loopBegin.isLoopExit(ifNode.trueSuccessor())) { continue; } negated = true; } LogicNode ifTest = ifNode.condition(); if (!(ifTest instanceof IntegerLessThanNode)) { if (ifTest instanceof IntegerBelowThanNode) { Debug.log("Ignored potential Counted loop at %s with |<|", loopBegin); } continue; } IntegerLessThanNode lessThan = (IntegerLessThanNode) ifTest; Condition condition = null; InductionVariable iv = null; ValueNode limit = null; if (loop.isOutsideLoop(lessThan.x())) { iv = ivs.get(lessThan.y()); if (iv != null) { condition = lessThan.condition().mirror(); limit = lessThan.x(); } } else if (loop.isOutsideLoop(lessThan.y())) { iv = ivs.get(lessThan.x()); if (iv != null) { condition = lessThan.condition(); limit = lessThan.y(); } } if (condition == null) { continue; } if (negated) { condition = condition.negate(); } boolean oneOff = false; switch (condition) { case LE: oneOff = true; // fall through case LT: if (iv.direction() != Direction.Up) { continue; } break; case GE: oneOff = true; // fall through case GT: if (iv.direction() != Direction.Down) { continue; } break; default: throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere(); } loop.setCounted( new CountedLoopInfo( loop, iv, limit, oneOff, negated ? ifNode.falseSuccessor() : ifNode.trueSuccessor())); } } }