public LayeredBiomeGenerator(LocalWorld world) {

    Layer[] layers = initLayers();

    if (world.getConfigs().getWorldConfig().improvedRivers)
      defaultOutputType = OutputType.WITHOUT_RIVERS;

    this.unZoomedLayer = layers[0];
    this.biomeLayer = layers[1];
Пример #2
  public void onPlayerLogin(PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent event) {
    // Server-side - called whenever a player logs in
    // I couldn't find a way to detect if the client has TerrainControl,
    // so for now the configs are sent anyway.

    // Get the config
    if (!(event.player instanceof EntityPlayerMP)) {

    EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) event.player;

    LocalWorld worldTC = worldLoader.getWorld(player.getEntityWorld());
    if (worldTC == null) {
      // World not loaded
    ConfigProvider configs = worldTC.getConfigs();

    // Serialize it
    ByteBuf nettyBuffer = Unpooled.buffer();
    PacketBuffer mojangBuffer = new PacketBuffer(nettyBuffer);

    DataOutput stream = new ByteBufOutputStream(nettyBuffer);
    try {
      ConfigToNetworkSender.send(configs, stream);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      TerrainControl.printStackTrace(LogMarker.FATAL, e);

    // Make the packet
    SPacketCustomPayload packet =
        new SPacketCustomPayload(PluginStandardValues.ChannelName, mojangBuffer);

    // Send the packet
  protected void spawnInChunk(
      LocalWorld world, Random random, boolean villageInChunk, ChunkCoordinate chunkCoord) {
    // Find all structures that reach this chunk, and spawn them
    int searchRadius = world.getConfigs().getWorldConfig().maximumCustomStructureRadius;

    int currentChunkX = chunkCoord.getChunkX();
    int currentChunkZ = chunkCoord.getChunkZ();
    for (int searchChunkX = currentChunkX - searchRadius;
        searchChunkX < currentChunkX + searchRadius;
        searchChunkX++) {
      for (int searchChunkZ = currentChunkZ - searchRadius;
          searchChunkZ < currentChunkZ + searchRadius;
          searchChunkZ++) {
        CustomObjectStructure structureStart =
            world.getStructureCache().getStructureStart(searchChunkX, searchChunkZ);
        if (structureStart != null) {