/** @return "y" in "Showing x to y of z" */ public long getTo() { if (table.getTotalRowCount() == 0) { return 0; } else { long count = getFrom() + table.getCurrentPageItemCount() - 1; return count; } }
/** Constructor. */ public EditableDataGridWithSelectionPage() { List<IGridColumn> columns = new ArrayList<IGridColumn>(); Form form = new Form("form"); add(form); columns.add(new CheckBoxColumn("check")); columns.add(new PropertyColumn(new ResourceModel("id"), "id")); columns.add( new EditablePropertyColumn(new ResourceModel("firstName"), "firstName", "firstName") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override protected void addValidators(FormComponent component) { component.setRequired(true); } }); columns.add( new EditablePropertyColumn(new ResourceModel("lastName"), "lastName", "lastName") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override protected void addValidators(FormComponent component) { component.setRequired(true); } }); columns.add(new EditablePropertyColumn(new ResourceModel("homePhone"), "homePhone")); columns.add(new EditablePropertyColumn(new ResourceModel("cellPhone"), "cellPhone")); columns.add(new SubmitCancelColumn("esd", new Model("Edit"))); DataGrid grid = new DefaultDataGrid("grid", new ContactDataSource(), columns); form.add(grid); grid.setAllowSelectMultiple(true); grid.setSelectToEdit(false); grid.setClickRowToSelect(true); }
/** @return "x" in "Showing x to y of z" */ public long getFrom() { if (table.getTotalRowCount() == 0) { return 0; } return table.getCurrentPage() * table.getRowsPerPage() + 1; }
/** @return "z" in "Showing x to y of z" */ public String getOf() { long total = table.getTotalRowCount(); return total != -1 ? "" + total : getString("unknown", null, "unknown"); }