public void addPlayer() { try { // Open the file to write the player FileWriter file = new FileWriter(location, true); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(file); // Add the player to the end out.append(playerName + ":"); out.append(0 + ":"); // mining out.append("" + ":"); out.append("" + ":"); out.append(0 + ":"); // XP out.append(0 + ":"); // woodcutting out.append(0 + ":"); // woodCuttingXP out.append(0 + ":"); // repair out.append(0 + ":"); // unarmed out.append(0 + ":"); // herbalism out.append(0 + ":"); // excavation out.append(0 + ":"); // archery out.append(0 + ":"); // swords out.append(0 + ":"); // axes out.append(0 + ":"); // acrobatics out.append(0 + ":"); // repairXP out.append(0 + ":"); // unarmedXP out.append(0 + ":"); // herbalismXP out.append(0 + ":"); // excavationXP out.append(0 + ":"); // archeryXP out.append(0 + ":"); // swordsXP out.append(0 + ":"); // axesXP out.append(0 + ":"); // acrobaticsXP out.append("" + ":"); out.append(0 + ":"); // taming out.append(0 + ":"); // tamingXP out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(SpoutConfig.getInstance().defaultHudType.toString() + ":"); // HUD out.append(0 + ":"); // Fishing out.append(0 + ":"); // FishingXP out.append(0 + ":"); // Blast Mining // Add more in the same format as the line above out.newLine(); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public class PlayerProfile { private String playerName; /* HUD */ private SpoutHud spoutHud; private HudType hudType = SpoutConfig.getInstance().defaultHudType; /* Party Stuff */ private Party party; private Party invite; /* Toggles */ private boolean loaded; private boolean placedAnvil; private boolean partyChatMode, adminChatMode; private boolean godMode; private boolean greenTerraMode, treeFellerMode, superBreakerMode, gigaDrillBreakerMode, serratedStrikesMode, skullSplitterMode, berserkMode; private boolean greenTerraInformed = true, berserkInformed = true, skullSplitterInformed = true, gigaDrillBreakerInformed = true, superBreakerInformed = true, blastMiningInformed = true, serratedStrikesInformed = true, treeFellerInformed = true; private boolean hoePreparationMode, shovelPreparationMode, swordsPreparationMode, fistsPreparationMode, pickaxePreparationMode, axePreparationMode; private boolean abilityUse = true; /* Timestamps */ private int recentlyHurt; private int respawnATS; /* mySQL STUFF */ private int userId; private HashMap<SkillType, Integer> skills = new HashMap<SkillType, Integer>(); // Skills and Levels HashMap<SkillType, Integer> skillsXp = new HashMap<SkillType, Integer>(); // Skills and XP HashMap<AbilityType, Integer> skillsDATS = new HashMap<AbilityType, Integer>(); HashMap<ToolType, Integer> toolATS = new HashMap<ToolType, Integer>(); private static final String location = mcMMO.getUsersFile(); public PlayerProfile(String playerName, boolean addNew) { this.playerName = playerName; party = PartyManager.getInstance().getPlayerParty(playerName); for (AbilityType abilityType : AbilityType.values()) { skillsDATS.put(abilityType, 0); } for (SkillType skillType : SkillType.values()) { if (skillType != SkillType.ALL) { skills.put(skillType, 0); skillsXp.put(skillType, 0); } } if (Config.getInstance().getUseMySQL()) { if (!loadMySQL() && addNew) { addMySQLPlayer(); loaded = true; } } else if (!load() && addNew) { addPlayer(); loaded = true; } } public String getPlayerName() { return playerName; } public boolean loadMySQL() { Database database = mcMMO.getPlayerDatabase(); String tablePrefix = Config.getInstance().getMySQLTablePrefix(); userId = database.getInt( "SELECT id FROM " + tablePrefix + "users WHERE user = '******'"); if (userId == 0) { return false; } else { HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> huds ="SELECT hudtype FROM " + tablePrefix + "huds WHERE user_id = " + userId); if (huds.get(1) == null) { database.write("INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "huds (user_id) VALUES (" + userId + ")"); } else { for (HudType type : HudType.values()) { if (type.toString().equals(huds.get(1).get(0))) { hudType = type; } } } /* * I'm still learning MySQL, this is a fix for adding a new table * its not pretty but it works */ HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> cooldowns = "SELECT mining, woodcutting, unarmed, herbalism, excavation, swords, axes, blast_mining FROM " + tablePrefix + "cooldowns WHERE user_id = " + userId); ArrayList<String> cooldownValues = cooldowns.get(1); if (cooldownValues == null) { database.write( "INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "cooldowns (user_id) VALUES (" + userId + ")"); mcMMO .p .getLogger() .warning( playerName + "does not exist in the cooldown table. Their cooldowns will be reset."); } else { skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.SUPER_BREAKER, Integer.valueOf(cooldownValues.get(0))); skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.TREE_FELLER, Integer.valueOf(cooldownValues.get(1))); skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.BERSERK, Integer.valueOf(cooldownValues.get(2))); skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.GREEN_TERRA, Integer.valueOf(cooldownValues.get(3))); skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER, Integer.valueOf(cooldownValues.get(4))); skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.SERRATED_STRIKES, Integer.valueOf(cooldownValues.get(5))); skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.SKULL_SPLIITER, Integer.valueOf(cooldownValues.get(6))); skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.BLAST_MINING, Integer.valueOf(cooldownValues.get(7))); } HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> stats = "SELECT taming, mining, repair, woodcutting, unarmed, herbalism, excavation, archery, swords, axes, acrobatics, fishing FROM " + tablePrefix + "skills WHERE user_id = " + userId); ArrayList<String> statValues = stats.get(1); if (statValues == null) { database.write("INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "skills (user_id) VALUES (" + userId + ")"); mcMMO .p .getLogger() .warning(playerName + "does not exist in the skills table. Their stats will be reset."); } else { skills.put(SkillType.TAMING, Integer.valueOf(statValues.get(0))); skills.put(SkillType.MINING, Integer.valueOf(statValues.get(1))); skills.put(SkillType.REPAIR, Integer.valueOf(statValues.get(2))); skills.put(SkillType.WOODCUTTING, Integer.valueOf(statValues.get(3))); skills.put(SkillType.UNARMED, Integer.valueOf(statValues.get(4))); skills.put(SkillType.HERBALISM, Integer.valueOf(statValues.get(5))); skills.put(SkillType.EXCAVATION, Integer.valueOf(statValues.get(6))); skills.put(SkillType.ARCHERY, Integer.valueOf(statValues.get(7))); skills.put(SkillType.SWORDS, Integer.valueOf(statValues.get(8))); skills.put(SkillType.AXES, Integer.valueOf(statValues.get(9))); skills.put(SkillType.ACROBATICS, Integer.valueOf(statValues.get(10))); skills.put(SkillType.FISHING, Integer.valueOf(statValues.get(11))); } HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> experience = "SELECT taming, mining, repair, woodcutting, unarmed, herbalism, excavation, archery, swords, axes, acrobatics, fishing FROM " + tablePrefix + "experience WHERE user_id = " + userId); ArrayList<String> experienceValues = experience.get(1); if (experienceValues == null) { database.write( "INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "experience (user_id) VALUES (" + userId + ")"); mcMMO .p .getLogger() .warning( playerName + "does not exist in the experience table. Their experience will be reset."); } else { skillsXp.put(SkillType.TAMING, Integer.valueOf(experienceValues.get(0))); skillsXp.put(SkillType.MINING, Integer.valueOf(experienceValues.get(1))); skillsXp.put(SkillType.REPAIR, Integer.valueOf(experienceValues.get(2))); skillsXp.put(SkillType.WOODCUTTING, Integer.valueOf(experienceValues.get(3))); skillsXp.put(SkillType.UNARMED, Integer.valueOf(experienceValues.get(4))); skillsXp.put(SkillType.HERBALISM, Integer.valueOf(experienceValues.get(5))); skillsXp.put(SkillType.EXCAVATION, Integer.valueOf(experienceValues.get(6))); skillsXp.put(SkillType.ARCHERY, Integer.valueOf(experienceValues.get(7))); skillsXp.put(SkillType.SWORDS, Integer.valueOf(experienceValues.get(8))); skillsXp.put(SkillType.AXES, Integer.valueOf(experienceValues.get(9))); skillsXp.put(SkillType.ACROBATICS, Integer.valueOf(experienceValues.get(10))); skillsXp.put(SkillType.FISHING, Integer.valueOf(experienceValues.get(11))); } loaded = true; return true; } } public void addMySQLPlayer() { Database database = mcMMO.getPlayerDatabase(); String tablePrefix = Config.getInstance().getMySQLTablePrefix(); database.write( "INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "users (user, lastlogin) VALUES ('" + playerName + "'," + System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + ")"); userId = database.getInt( "SELECT id FROM " + tablePrefix + "users WHERE user = '******'"); database.write("INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "cooldowns (user_id) VALUES (" + userId + ")"); database.write("INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "skills (user_id) VALUES (" + userId + ")"); database.write("INSERT INTO " + tablePrefix + "experience (user_id) VALUES (" + userId + ")"); } public boolean load() { try { // Open the user file FileReader file = new FileReader(location); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(file); String line = ""; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { // Find if the line contains the player we want. String[] character = line.split(":"); if (!character[0].equals(playerName)) { continue; } if (character.length > 1 && Misc.isInt(character[1])) skills.put(SkillType.MINING, Integer.valueOf(character[1])); if (character.length > 4 && Misc.isInt(character[4])) skillsXp.put(SkillType.MINING, Integer.valueOf(character[4])); if (character.length > 5 && Misc.isInt(character[5])) skills.put(SkillType.WOODCUTTING, Integer.valueOf(character[5])); if (character.length > 6 && Misc.isInt(character[6])) skillsXp.put(SkillType.WOODCUTTING, Integer.valueOf(character[6])); if (character.length > 7 && Misc.isInt(character[7])) skills.put(SkillType.REPAIR, Integer.valueOf(character[7])); if (character.length > 8 && Misc.isInt(character[8])) skills.put(SkillType.UNARMED, Integer.valueOf(character[8])); if (character.length > 9 && Misc.isInt(character[9])) skills.put(SkillType.HERBALISM, Integer.valueOf(character[9])); if (character.length > 10 && Misc.isInt(character[10])) skills.put(SkillType.EXCAVATION, Integer.valueOf(character[10])); if (character.length > 11 && Misc.isInt(character[11])) skills.put(SkillType.ARCHERY, Integer.valueOf(character[11])); if (character.length > 12 && Misc.isInt(character[12])) skills.put(SkillType.SWORDS, Integer.valueOf(character[12])); if (character.length > 13 && Misc.isInt(character[13])) skills.put(SkillType.AXES, Integer.valueOf(character[13])); if (character.length > 14 && Misc.isInt(character[14])) skills.put(SkillType.ACROBATICS, Integer.valueOf(character[14])); if (character.length > 15 && Misc.isInt(character[15])) skillsXp.put(SkillType.REPAIR, Integer.valueOf(character[15])); if (character.length > 16 && Misc.isInt(character[16])) skillsXp.put(SkillType.UNARMED, Integer.valueOf(character[16])); if (character.length > 17 && Misc.isInt(character[17])) skillsXp.put(SkillType.HERBALISM, Integer.valueOf(character[17])); if (character.length > 18 && Misc.isInt(character[18])) skillsXp.put(SkillType.EXCAVATION, Integer.valueOf(character[18])); if (character.length > 19 && Misc.isInt(character[19])) skillsXp.put(SkillType.ARCHERY, Integer.valueOf(character[19])); if (character.length > 20 && Misc.isInt(character[20])) skillsXp.put(SkillType.SWORDS, Integer.valueOf(character[20])); if (character.length > 21 && Misc.isInt(character[21])) skillsXp.put(SkillType.AXES, Integer.valueOf(character[21])); if (character.length > 22 && Misc.isInt(character[22])) skillsXp.put(SkillType.ACROBATICS, Integer.valueOf(character[22])); if (character.length > 24 && Misc.isInt(character[24])) skills.put(SkillType.TAMING, Integer.valueOf(character[24])); if (character.length > 25 && Misc.isInt(character[25])) skillsXp.put(SkillType.TAMING, Integer.valueOf(character[25])); if (character.length > 26) skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.BERSERK, Integer.valueOf(character[26])); if (character.length > 27) skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER, Integer.valueOf(character[27])); if (character.length > 28) skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.TREE_FELLER, Integer.valueOf(character[28])); if (character.length > 29) skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.GREEN_TERRA, Integer.valueOf(character[29])); if (character.length > 30) skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.SERRATED_STRIKES, Integer.valueOf(character[30])); if (character.length > 31) skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.SKULL_SPLIITER, Integer.valueOf(character[31])); if (character.length > 32) skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.SUPER_BREAKER, Integer.valueOf(character[32])); if (character.length > 33) { for (HudType type : HudType.values()) { if (type.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(character[33])) { hudType = type; } } } if (character.length > 34) skills.put(SkillType.FISHING, Integer.valueOf(character[34])); if (character.length > 35) skillsXp.put(SkillType.FISHING, Integer.valueOf(character[35])); if (character.length > 36) skillsDATS.put(AbilityType.BLAST_MINING, Integer.valueOf(character[36])); loaded = true; in.close(); return true; } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public void save() { Long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; // if we are using mysql save to database if (Config.getInstance().getUseMySQL()) { Database database = mcMMO.getPlayerDatabase(); String tablePrefix = Config.getInstance().getMySQLTablePrefix(); database.write( "UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "huds SET hudtype = '" + hudType.toString() + "' WHERE user_id = " + userId); database.write( "UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "users SET lastlogin = "******" WHERE id = " + userId); database.write( "UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "cooldowns SET " + " mining = " + skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.SUPER_BREAKER) + ", woodcutting = " + skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.TREE_FELLER) + ", unarmed = " + skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.BERSERK) + ", herbalism = " + skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.GREEN_TERRA) + ", excavation = " + skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER) + ", swords = " + skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.SERRATED_STRIKES) + ", axes = " + skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.SKULL_SPLIITER) + ", blast_mining = " + skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.BLAST_MINING) + " WHERE user_id = " + userId); database.write( "UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "skills SET " + " taming = " + skills.get(SkillType.TAMING) + ", mining = " + skills.get(SkillType.MINING) + ", repair = " + skills.get(SkillType.REPAIR) + ", woodcutting = " + skills.get(SkillType.WOODCUTTING) + ", unarmed = " + skills.get(SkillType.UNARMED) + ", herbalism = " + skills.get(SkillType.HERBALISM) + ", excavation = " + skills.get(SkillType.EXCAVATION) + ", archery = " + skills.get(SkillType.ARCHERY) + ", swords = " + skills.get(SkillType.SWORDS) + ", axes = " + skills.get(SkillType.AXES) + ", acrobatics = " + skills.get(SkillType.ACROBATICS) + ", fishing = " + skills.get(SkillType.FISHING) + " WHERE user_id = " + userId); database.write( "UPDATE " + tablePrefix + "experience SET " + " taming = " + skillsXp.get(SkillType.TAMING) + ", mining = " + skillsXp.get(SkillType.MINING) + ", repair = " + skillsXp.get(SkillType.REPAIR) + ", woodcutting = " + skillsXp.get(SkillType.WOODCUTTING) + ", unarmed = " + skillsXp.get(SkillType.UNARMED) + ", herbalism = " + skillsXp.get(SkillType.HERBALISM) + ", excavation = " + skillsXp.get(SkillType.EXCAVATION) + ", archery = " + skillsXp.get(SkillType.ARCHERY) + ", swords = " + skillsXp.get(SkillType.SWORDS) + ", axes = " + skillsXp.get(SkillType.AXES) + ", acrobatics = " + skillsXp.get(SkillType.ACROBATICS) + ", fishing = " + skillsXp.get(SkillType.FISHING) + " WHERE user_id = " + userId); } else { // otherwise save to flatfile try { // Open the file FileReader file = new FileReader(location); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(file); StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder(); String line = ""; // While not at the end of the file while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { // Read the line in and copy it to the output it's not the player // we want to edit if (!line.split(":")[0].equals(playerName)) { writer.append(line).append("\r\n"); } else { // Otherwise write the new player information writer.append(playerName + ":"); writer.append(skills.get(SkillType.MINING) + ":"); writer.append("" + ":"); writer.append("" + ":"); writer.append(skillsXp.get(SkillType.MINING) + ":"); writer.append(skills.get(SkillType.WOODCUTTING) + ":"); writer.append(skillsXp.get(SkillType.WOODCUTTING) + ":"); writer.append(skills.get(SkillType.REPAIR) + ":"); writer.append(skills.get(SkillType.UNARMED) + ":"); writer.append(skills.get(SkillType.HERBALISM) + ":"); writer.append(skills.get(SkillType.EXCAVATION) + ":"); writer.append(skills.get(SkillType.ARCHERY) + ":"); writer.append(skills.get(SkillType.SWORDS) + ":"); writer.append(skills.get(SkillType.AXES) + ":"); writer.append(skills.get(SkillType.ACROBATICS) + ":"); writer.append(skillsXp.get(SkillType.REPAIR) + ":"); writer.append(skillsXp.get(SkillType.UNARMED) + ":"); writer.append(skillsXp.get(SkillType.HERBALISM) + ":"); writer.append(skillsXp.get(SkillType.EXCAVATION) + ":"); writer.append(skillsXp.get(SkillType.ARCHERY) + ":"); writer.append(skillsXp.get(SkillType.SWORDS) + ":"); writer.append(skillsXp.get(SkillType.AXES) + ":"); writer.append(skillsXp.get(SkillType.ACROBATICS) + ":"); writer.append("" + ":"); writer.append(skills.get(SkillType.TAMING) + ":"); writer.append(skillsXp.get(SkillType.TAMING) + ":"); // Need to store the DATS of abilities nao // Berserk, Gigadrillbreaker, Tree Feller, Green Terra, Serrated Strikes, Skull // Splitter, Super Breaker writer.append(String.valueOf(skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.BERSERK)) + ":"); writer.append(String.valueOf(skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER)) + ":"); writer.append(String.valueOf(skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.TREE_FELLER)) + ":"); writer.append(String.valueOf(skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.GREEN_TERRA)) + ":"); writer.append(String.valueOf(skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.SERRATED_STRIKES)) + ":"); writer.append(String.valueOf(skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.SKULL_SPLIITER)) + ":"); writer.append(String.valueOf(skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.SUPER_BREAKER)) + ":"); writer.append(hudType.toString() + ":"); writer.append(skills.get(SkillType.FISHING) + ":"); writer.append(skillsXp.get(SkillType.FISHING) + ":"); writer.append(String.valueOf(skillsDATS.get(AbilityType.BLAST_MINING)) + ":"); writer.append("\r\n"); } } in.close(); // Write the new file FileWriter out = new FileWriter(location); out.write(writer.toString()); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void addPlayer() { try { // Open the file to write the player FileWriter file = new FileWriter(location, true); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(file); // Add the player to the end out.append(playerName + ":"); out.append(0 + ":"); // mining out.append("" + ":"); out.append("" + ":"); out.append(0 + ":"); // XP out.append(0 + ":"); // woodcutting out.append(0 + ":"); // woodCuttingXP out.append(0 + ":"); // repair out.append(0 + ":"); // unarmed out.append(0 + ":"); // herbalism out.append(0 + ":"); // excavation out.append(0 + ":"); // archery out.append(0 + ":"); // swords out.append(0 + ":"); // axes out.append(0 + ":"); // acrobatics out.append(0 + ":"); // repairXP out.append(0 + ":"); // unarmedXP out.append(0 + ":"); // herbalismXP out.append(0 + ":"); // excavationXP out.append(0 + ":"); // archeryXP out.append(0 + ":"); // swordsXP out.append(0 + ":"); // axesXP out.append(0 + ":"); // acrobaticsXP out.append("" + ":"); out.append(0 + ":"); // taming out.append(0 + ":"); // tamingXP out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(0 + ":"); // DATS out.append(SpoutConfig.getInstance().defaultHudType.toString() + ":"); // HUD out.append(0 + ":"); // Fishing out.append(0 + ":"); // FishingXP out.append(0 + ":"); // Blast Mining // Add more in the same format as the line above out.newLine(); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * mySQL Stuff */ public int getMySQLuserId() { return userId; } public boolean isLoaded() { return loaded; } /* * God Mode */ public boolean getGodMode() { return godMode; } public void toggleGodMode() { godMode = !godMode; } /* * Anvil Placement */ public void togglePlacedAnvil() { placedAnvil = !placedAnvil; } public Boolean getPlacedAnvil() { return placedAnvil; } /* * HUD Stuff */ public HudType getHudType() { return hudType; } public SpoutHud getSpoutHud() { return spoutHud; } public void setSpoutHud(SpoutHud spoutHud) { this.spoutHud = spoutHud; } public void setHudType(HudType hudType) { this.hudType = hudType; } /* * Chat Stuff */ public boolean getAdminChatMode() { return adminChatMode; } public void toggleAdminChat() { adminChatMode = !adminChatMode; } public boolean getPartyChatMode() { return partyChatMode; } public void togglePartyChat() { partyChatMode = !partyChatMode; } /* * Tools */ /** Reset the prep modes of all tools. */ public void resetToolPrepMode() { for (ToolType tool : ToolType.values()) { setToolPreparationMode(tool, false); } } /** * Get the current prep mode of a tool. * * @param tool Tool to get the mode for * @return true if the tool is prepped, false otherwise */ public boolean getToolPreparationMode(ToolType tool) { switch (tool) { case AXE: return axePreparationMode; case FISTS: return fistsPreparationMode; case HOE: return hoePreparationMode; case PICKAXE: return pickaxePreparationMode; case SHOVEL: return shovelPreparationMode; case SWORD: return swordsPreparationMode; default: return false; } } /** * Set the current prep mode of a tool. * * @param tool Tool to set the mode for * @param bool true if the tool should be prepped, false otherwise */ public void setToolPreparationMode(ToolType tool, boolean bool) { switch (tool) { case AXE: axePreparationMode = bool; break; case FISTS: fistsPreparationMode = bool; break; case HOE: hoePreparationMode = bool; break; case PICKAXE: pickaxePreparationMode = bool; break; case SHOVEL: shovelPreparationMode = bool; break; case SWORD: swordsPreparationMode = bool; break; default: break; } } /** * Get the current prep ATS of a tool. * * @param tool Tool to get the ATS for * @return the ATS for the tool */ public long getToolPreparationATS(ToolType tool) { return toolATS.get(tool); } /** * Set the current prep ATS of a tool. * * @param tool Tool to set the ATS for * @param ATS the ATS of the tool */ public void setToolPreparationATS(ToolType tool, long ATS) { int startTime = (int) (ATS / 1000); toolATS.put(tool, startTime); } /* * Abilities */ /** Reset the prep modes of all tools. */ public void resetAbilityMode() { for (AbilityType ability : AbilityType.values()) { setAbilityMode(ability, false); } } /** * Get the mode of an ability. * * @param ability The ability to check * @return true if the ability is enabled, false otherwise */ public boolean getAbilityMode(AbilityType ability) { switch (ability) { case BERSERK: return berserkMode; case SUPER_BREAKER: return superBreakerMode; case GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER: return gigaDrillBreakerMode; case GREEN_TERRA: return greenTerraMode; case SKULL_SPLIITER: return skullSplitterMode; case TREE_FELLER: return treeFellerMode; case SERRATED_STRIKES: return serratedStrikesMode; default: return false; } } /** * Set the mode of an ability. * * @param ability The ability to check * @param bool True if the ability is active, false otherwise */ public void setAbilityMode(AbilityType ability, boolean bool) { switch (ability) { case BERSERK: berserkMode = bool; break; case SUPER_BREAKER: superBreakerMode = bool; break; case GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER: gigaDrillBreakerMode = bool; break; case GREEN_TERRA: greenTerraMode = bool; break; case SKULL_SPLIITER: skullSplitterMode = bool; break; case TREE_FELLER: treeFellerMode = bool; break; case SERRATED_STRIKES: serratedStrikesMode = bool; break; default: break; } } /** * Get the informed state of an ability * * @param ability The ability to check * @return true if the ability is informed, false otherwise */ public boolean getAbilityInformed(AbilityType ability) { switch (ability) { case BERSERK: return berserkInformed; case BLAST_MINING: return blastMiningInformed; case SUPER_BREAKER: return superBreakerInformed; case GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER: return gigaDrillBreakerInformed; case GREEN_TERRA: return greenTerraInformed; case SKULL_SPLIITER: return skullSplitterInformed; case TREE_FELLER: return treeFellerInformed; case SERRATED_STRIKES: return serratedStrikesInformed; default: return false; } } /** * Set the informed state of an ability. * * @param ability The ability to check * @param bool True if the ability is informed, false otherwise */ public void setAbilityInformed(AbilityType ability, boolean bool) { switch (ability) { case BERSERK: berserkInformed = bool; break; case BLAST_MINING: blastMiningInformed = bool; break; case SUPER_BREAKER: superBreakerInformed = bool; break; case GIGA_DRILL_BREAKER: gigaDrillBreakerInformed = bool; break; case GREEN_TERRA: greenTerraInformed = bool; break; case SKULL_SPLIITER: skullSplitterInformed = bool; break; case TREE_FELLER: treeFellerInformed = bool; break; case SERRATED_STRIKES: serratedStrikesInformed = bool; break; default: break; } } public boolean getAbilityUse() { return abilityUse; } public void toggleAbilityUse() { abilityUse = !abilityUse; } /* * Recently Hurt */ public int getRecentlyHurt() { return recentlyHurt; } public void setRecentlyHurt(int value) { recentlyHurt = value; } public void actualizeRecentlyHurt() { respawnATS = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); } /* * Cooldowns */ /** * Get the current DATS of a skill. * * @param abilityType Ability to get the DATS for * @return the DATS for the ability */ public long getSkillDATS(AbilityType abilityType) { return skillsDATS.get(abilityType); } /** * Set the current DATS of a skill. * * @param abilityType Ability to set the DATS for * @param DATS the DATS of the ability */ public void setSkillDATS(AbilityType abilityType, long DATS) { int wearsOff = (int) (DATS * .001D); skillsDATS.put(abilityType, wearsOff); } /** Reset all skill cooldowns. */ public void resetCooldowns() { for (AbilityType x : skillsDATS.keySet()) { skillsDATS.put(x, 0); } } /* * Exploit Prevention */ public int getRespawnATS() { return respawnATS; } public void actualizeRespawnATS() { respawnATS = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); } /* * XP Functions */ public int getSkillLevel(SkillType skillType) { return skills.get(skillType); } public int getSkillXpLevel(SkillType skillType) { return skillsXp.get(skillType); } public void setSkillXPLevel(SkillType skillType, int newValue) { skillsXp.put(skillType, newValue); } public void skillUp(SkillType skillType, int newValue) { skills.put(skillType, skills.get(skillType) + newValue); } // /** // * Adds XP to the player, doesn't calculate for XP Rate // * // * @param skillType The skill to add XP to // * @param newValue The amount of XP to add // */ // public void addXPOverride(SkillType skillType, int newValue) { // if (skillType.equals(SkillType.ALL)) { // for (SkillType x : SkillType.values()) { // if (x.equals(SkillType.ALL)) { // continue; // } // // mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new // McMMOPlayerXpGainEvent(player, x, newValue)); // skillsXp.put(x, skillsXp.get(x) + newValue); // } // } // else { // mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new McMMOPlayerXpGainEvent(player, // skillType, newValue)); // skillsXp.put(skillType, skillsXp.get(skillType) + newValue); // spoutHud.setLastGained(skillType); // } // } // /** // * Adds XP to the player, this ignores skill modifiers. // * // * @param skillType The skill to add XP to // * @param newValue The amount of XP to add // */ // public void addXPOverrideBonus(SkillType skillType, int newValue) { // int xp = newValue * Config.getInstance().xpGainMultiplier; // addXPOverride(skillType, xp); // } // /** // * Adds XP to the player, this is affected by skill modifiers and XP Rate and Permissions // * // * @param skillType The skill to add XP to // * @param newvalue The amount of XP to add // */ // public void addXP(SkillType skillType, int newValue) { // if (player.getGameMode().equals(GameMode.CREATIVE)) { // return; // } // // double bonusModifier = 0; // // if (inParty()) { // bonusModifier = partyModifier(skillType); // } // // int xp = (int) (newValue / skillType.getXpModifier()) * // Config.getInstance().xpGainMultiplier; // // if (bonusModifier > 0) { // if (bonusModifier >= 2) { // bonusModifier = 2; // } // // double trueBonus = bonusModifier * xp; // xp += trueBonus; // } // // if (Config.getInstance().getToolModsEnabled()) { // ItemStack item = player.getItemInHand(); // CustomTool tool = ModChecks.getToolFromItemStack(item); // // if (tool != null) { // xp = (int) (xp * tool.getXpMultiplier()); // } // } // // //TODO: Can we make this so we do perks by doing "mcmmo.perks.xp.[multiplier]" ? // if (player.hasPermission("mcmmo.perks.xp.quadruple")) { // xp = xp * 4; // } // else if (player.hasPermission("mcmmo.perks.xp.triple")) { // xp = xp * 3; // } // else if (player.hasPermission("mcmmo.perks.xp.150percentboost")) { // xp = (int) (xp * 2.5); // } // else if (player.hasPermission("mcmmo.perks.xp.double")) { // xp = xp * 2; // } // else if (player.hasPermission("mcmmo.perks.xp.50percentboost")) { // xp = (int) (xp * 1.5); // } // // mcMMO.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new McMMOPlayerXpGainEvent(player, // skillType, xp)); // skillsXp.put(skillType, skillsXp.get(skillType) + xp); // spoutHud.setLastGained(skillType); // } /** * Remove XP from a skill. * * @param skillType Type of skill to modify * @param xp Amount of xp to remove */ public void removeXP(SkillType skillType, int xp) { if (skillType.equals(SkillType.ALL)) { for (SkillType skill : SkillType.values()) { if (skill.equals(SkillType.ALL)) { continue; } skillsXp.put(skill, skillsXp.get(skill) - xp); } } else { skillsXp.put(skillType, skillsXp.get(skillType) - xp); } } /** * Modify a skill level. * * @param skillType Type of skill to modify * @param newValue New level value for the skill */ public void modifySkill(SkillType skillType, int newValue) { if (skillType.equals(SkillType.ALL)) { for (SkillType skill : SkillType.values()) { if (skill.equals(SkillType.ALL)) { continue; } skills.put(skill, newValue); skillsXp.put(skill, 0); } } else { skills.put(skillType, newValue); skillsXp.put(skillType, 0); } } /** * Add levels to a skill. * * @param skillType Type of skill to add levels to * @param levels Number of levels to add */ public void addLevels(SkillType skillType, int levels) { if (skillType.equals(SkillType.ALL)) { for (SkillType skill : SkillType.values()) { if (skill.equals(SkillType.ALL)) { continue; } skills.put(skill, skills.get(skill) + levels); skillsXp.put(skill, 0); } } else { skills.put(skillType, skills.get(skillType) + levels); skillsXp.put(skillType, 0); } } /** * Get the amount of XP remaining before the next level. * * @param skillType Type of skill to check * @return the XP remaining until next level */ public int getXpToLevel(SkillType skillType) { return 1020 + (skills.get(skillType) * Config.getInstance().getFormulaMultiplierCurve()); } // /** // * Gets the power level of a player. // * // * @return the power level of the player // */ // public int getPowerLevel() { // int powerLevel = 0; // // for (SkillType type : SkillType.values()) { // if (type.getPermissions(player)) { // powerLevel += getSkillLevel(type); // } // } // // return powerLevel; // } // /** // * Calculate the party XP modifier. // * // * @param skillType Type of skill to check // * @return the party bonus multiplier // */ // private double partyModifier(SkillType skillType) { // double bonusModifier = 0.0; // // for (Player member : party.getOnlineMembers()) { // if (party.getLeader().equals(member.getName())) { // if (Misc.isNear(player.getLocation(), member.getLocation(), 25.0)) { // PlayerProfile PartyLeader = Users.getProfile(member); // int leaderSkill = PartyLeader.getSkillLevel(skillType); // int playerSkill = getSkillLevel(skillType); // // if (leaderSkill >= playerSkill) { // int difference = leaderSkill - playerSkill; // bonusModifier = (difference * 0.75) / 100.0; // } // } // } // } // // return bonusModifier; // } /* * Party Stuff */ public void setInvite(Party invite) { this.invite = invite; } public Party getInvite() { return invite; } public boolean hasPartyInvite() { if (invite != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } public void setParty(Party party) { = party; } public Party getParty() { return party; } public boolean inParty() { if (party != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } public void removeParty() { party = null; } public void removeInvite() { invite = null; } }