private boolean addRoot(String pathname, String filename, boolean listIt) { FileInfo dir = new FileInfo(); dir.isDirectory = true; dir.pathname = pathname; dir.filename = filename; if (findRoot(pathname) != null) { log.w("skipping duplicate root " + pathname); return false; // exclude duplicates } if (listIt) { log.i("Checking FS root " + pathname); if (!dir.isReadableDirectory()) { // isWritableDirectory log.w("Skipping " + pathname + " - it's not a readable directory"); return false; } if (!listDirectory(dir)) { log.w("Skipping " + pathname + " - listing failed"); return false; } log.i("Adding FS root: " + pathname + " " + filename); } mRoot.addDir(dir); dir.parent = mRoot; if (!listIt) { dir.isListed = true; dir.isScanned = true; } return true; }
/** * Send a WARN message and log the exception. * * @param tag Used to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or * activity where the log call occurs. * @param formatString The string you would like logged plus format specifiers. * @param tr An exception to log * @param args Variable number of Object args to be used as params to formatString. */ public static void w(String tag, String formatString, Throwable tr, Object... args) { if (logger != null && isLoggingEnabled(tag, WARN)) { try { logger.w(tag, String.format(formatString, args)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.w(tag, String.format("Unable to format log: %s", formatString), e); } } }
@Test public void warningLoggedCorrectly() { String expectedMessage = "Hello World"; logger.w(tag, "Hello %s", "World"); assertLogged(WARN, tag, expectedMessage, null); }
@Test public void warningWithThrowableLoggedCorrectly() { String expectedMessage = "Hello World"; Throwable t = new Throwable("Test Throwable"); logger.w(t, tag, "Hello %s", "World"); assertLogged(WARN, tag, expectedMessage, t); }
private void flushLogToDB(Context context) { try { int logSize = SettingsStorage.getInstance().getProfileSwitchLogSize(); if (logSize > -1) { Builder opp = ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(DB.SwitchLogDB.CONTENT_URI); String time = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - (logSize * HOURS_IN_MILLIES)); opp.withSelection(DB.SwitchLogDB.SELECTION_BY_TIME, new String[] {time}); operations.add(; } context.getContentResolver().applyBatch(CpuTunerProvider.AUTHORITY, operations); operations.clear(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.w("Cannot flush to switch log"); } }
@TargetApi(11) public static <T> AsyncTask<T, ?, ?> executeTaskOnExecutor(AsyncTask<T, ?, ?> task, T... arg) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { try { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { task.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, arg); } else { task.execute(arg); } break; } catch (RejectedExecutionException ignore) { Logger.w("unable to start thread", ignore); sleep(1000); } } return task; }
/** App needs to give permission to AccountManager to use broker. */ private boolean verifyManifestPermissions() { PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager(); boolean permission = PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED == pm.checkPermission("android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS", mContext.getPackageName()) && PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED == pm.checkPermission( "android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS", mContext.getPackageName()) && PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED == pm.checkPermission( "android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS", mContext.getPackageName()); if (!permission) { Logger.w( TAG, "Broker related permissions are missing for GET_ACCOUNTS, MANAGE_ACCOUNTS, USE_CREDENTIALS", "", ADALError.DEVELOPER_BROKER_PERMISSIONS_MISSING); } return permission; }
/** * Send a WARN message and log the exception. * * @param tag Used to identify the source of a log message. It usually identifies the class or * activity where the log call occurs. * @param msg The message you would like logged. * @param tr An exception to log */ public static void w(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) { if (logger != null && isLoggingEnabled(tag, WARN)) { logger.w(tag, msg, tr); } }
/** * Adds dir and file children to directory FileInfo item. * * @param baseDir is directory to list files and dirs for * @return true if successful. */ public boolean listDirectory(FileInfo baseDir) { Set<String> knownItems = null; if (baseDir.isListed) { knownItems = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = baseDir.itemCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FileInfo item = baseDir.getItem(i); if (!item.exists()) { // remove item from list baseDir.removeChild(item); } else { knownItems.add(item.getBasePath()); } } } try { File dir = new File(baseDir.pathname); File[] items = dir.listFiles(); // process normal files if (items != null) { for (File f : items) { // check whether file is a link if (Engine.isLink(f.getAbsolutePath()) != null) { log.w("skipping " + f + " because it's a link"); continue; } if (!f.isDirectory()) { // regular file if (f.getName().startsWith(".")) continue; // treat files beginning with '.' as hidden if (f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("LOST.DIR")) continue; // system directory String pathName = f.getAbsolutePath(); if (knownItems != null && knownItems.contains(pathName)) continue; if (engine.isRootsMountPoint(pathName)) { // skip mount root continue; } boolean isZip = pathName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip"); FileInfo item = mFileList.get(pathName); boolean isNew = false; if (item == null) { item = new FileInfo(f); if (isZip) { item = scanZip(item); if (item == null) continue; if (item.isDirectory) { // many supported files in ZIP item.parent = baseDir; baseDir.addDir(item); for (int i = 0; i < item.fileCount(); i++) { FileInfo file = item.getFile(i); mFileList.put(file.getPathName(), file); } } else { item.parent = baseDir; baseDir.addFile(item); mFileList.put(pathName, item); } continue; } isNew = true; } if (item.format != null) { item.parent = baseDir; baseDir.addFile(item); if (isNew) mFileList.put(pathName, item); } } } // process directories for (File f : items) { if (f.isDirectory()) { if (f.getName().startsWith(".")) continue; // treat dirs beginning with '.' as hidden FileInfo item = new FileInfo(f); if (knownItems != null && knownItems.contains(item.getPathName())) continue; item.parent = baseDir; baseDir.addDir(item); } } } baseDir.isListed = true; return !baseDir.isEmpty(); } catch (Exception e) { L.e("Exception while listing directory " + baseDir.pathname, e); baseDir.isListed = true; return false; } }