/** * Logs the specified message and details. * * @param message the message to log * @param from the message sender * @param to the message addressee * @param status message status * @param sender determines whether we are the origin of this message. */ public void logMessage( SIPMessage message, String from, String to, String status, boolean sender) { if (!logger.isInfoEnabled()) return; String msgHeader; if (sender) msgHeader = "JAIN-SIP sent a message from=\""; else msgHeader = "JAIN-SIP received a message from=\""; if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info(msgHeader + from + "\" to=\"" + to + "\" (status: " + status + "):\n" + message); }
/** * Returns the <tt>URL</tt> of the image corresponding to the given key. * * @param urlKey The identifier of the image in the resource properties file. * @return the <tt>URL</tt> of the image corresponding to the given key */ public URL getImageURL(String urlKey) { String path = getImagePath(urlKey); if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Missing resource for key: " + urlKey); return null; } return getImageURLForPath(path); }
/** * Receives options requests and replies with an OK response containing methods that we support. * * @param requestEvent the incoming options request. * @return <tt>true</tt> if request has been successfully processed, <tt>false</tt> otherwise */ @Override public boolean processRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) { Response optionsOK = null; try { optionsOK = provider.getMessageFactory().createResponse(Response.OK, requestEvent.getRequest()); // add to the allows header all methods that we support for (String method : provider.getSupportedMethods()) { // don't support REGISTERs if (!method.equals(Request.REGISTER)) optionsOK.addHeader(provider.getHeaderFactory().createAllowHeader(method)); } Iterable<String> knownEventsList = provider.getKnownEventsList(); synchronized (knownEventsList) { for (String event : knownEventsList) optionsOK.addHeader(provider.getHeaderFactory().createAllowEventsHeader(event)); } } catch (ParseException ex) { // What else could we do apart from logging? logger.warn("Failed to create an incoming OPTIONS request", ex); return false; } try { SipStackSharing.getOrCreateServerTransaction(requestEvent).sendResponse(optionsOK); } catch (TransactionUnavailableException ex) { // this means that we received an OPTIONS request outside the scope // of a transaction which could mean that someone is simply sending // us b****hit to keep a NAT connection alive, so let's not get too // excited. if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Failed to respond to an incoming " + "transactionless OPTIONS request"); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Exception was:", ex); return false; } catch (InvalidArgumentException ex) { // What else could we do apart from logging? logger.warn("Failed to send an incoming OPTIONS request", ex); return false; } catch (SipException ex) { // What else could we do apart from logging? logger.warn("Failed to send an incoming OPTIONS request", ex); return false; } return true; }
/** * Parses the given http response. * * @param response the http response to parse * @return the new account */ private NewAccount parseHttpResponse(String response) { NewAccount newAccount = null; try { JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parseWithException(response); boolean isSuccess = (Boolean) jsonObject.get("success"); if (isSuccess) { newAccount = new NewAccount( (String) jsonObject.get("sip_address"), passField.getPassword(), null, (String) jsonObject.get("outbound_proxy")); String xcapRoot = (String) jsonObject.get("xcap_root"); // as sip2sip adds @sip2sip.info at the end of the // xcap_uri but doesn't report it in resullt after // creating account, we add it String domain = null; int delimIndex = newAccount.getUserName().indexOf("@"); if (delimIndex != -1) { domain = newAccount.getUserName().substring(delimIndex); } if (domain != null) { if (xcapRoot.endsWith("/")) xcapRoot = xcapRoot.substring(0, xcapRoot.length() - 1) + domain; else xcapRoot += domain; } newAccount.setXcapRoot(xcapRoot); } else { showErrorMessage((String) jsonObject.get("error_message")); } } catch (Throwable e1) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Failed Json parsing.", e1); } return newAccount; }
/** * Creates this account on the server. * * @return the created account */ public NewAccount createAccount() { // Check if the two passwords match. String pass1 = new String(passField.getPassword()); String pass2 = new String(retypePassField.getPassword()); if (!pass1.equals(pass2)) { showErrorMessage( IppiAccRegWizzActivator.getResources() .getI18NString("plugin.sipaccregwizz.NOT_SAME_PASSWORD")); return null; } NewAccount newAccount = null; try { StringBuilder registerLinkBuilder = new StringBuilder(registerLink); registerLinkBuilder .append(URLEncoder.encode("email", "UTF-8")) .append("=") .append(URLEncoder.encode(emailField.getText(), "UTF-8")) .append("&") .append(URLEncoder.encode("password", "UTF-8")) .append("=") .append(URLEncoder.encode(new String(passField.getPassword()), "UTF-8")) .append("&") .append(URLEncoder.encode("display_name", "UTF-8")) .append("=") .append(URLEncoder.encode(displayNameField.getText(), "UTF-8")) .append("&") .append(URLEncoder.encode("username", "UTF-8")) .append("=") .append(URLEncoder.encode(usernameField.getText(), "UTF-8")) .append("&") .append(URLEncoder.encode("user_agent", "UTF-8")) .append("=") .append(URLEncoder.encode("sip-communicator.org", "UTF-8")); URL url = new URL(registerLinkBuilder.toString()); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); // If this is not an http connection we have nothing to do here. if (!(conn instanceof HttpURLConnection)) { return null; } HttpURLConnection httpConn = (HttpURLConnection) conn; int responseCode = httpConn.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { // Read all the text returned by the server BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream())); String str; StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { stringBuffer.append(str); } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("JSON response to create account request: " + stringBuffer.toString()); newAccount = parseHttpResponse(stringBuffer.toString()); } } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Failed to create URL with string: " + registerLink, e1); } catch (IOException e1) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Failed to open connection.", e1); } return newAccount; }
/** * Log an exception. * * @param ex the exception that we are to log. */ public void logException(Throwable ex) { logger.warn("Exception in the JAIN-SIP stack: " + ex.getMessage()); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("JAIN-SIP exception stack trace is", ex); }
/** * Log an info message. * * @param string the message that we'd like to log. */ public void logInfo(String string) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Info from the JAIN-SIP stack: " + string); }