/** Sets the pins list's contents with the given vector of PartPinInfo objects. */
 public void setContents(Vector newPins) {
   partPins = new PartPinInfo[newPins.size()];
   valuesStr = new String[newPins.size()];
   for (int i = 0; i < partPins.length; i++)
     valuesStr[i] = Format.translateValueToString(partPins[i].value, dataFormat);
    /** Sets the value at a specific row and column. */
    public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {

      String data = ((String) value).trim();
      try {
        valuesStr[row] = data;
        partPins[row].value = Format.translateValueToShort(data, dataFormat);
        notifyListeners((short) row, partPins[row].value);
      } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
        notifyErrorListeners("Illegal value");
        valuesStr[row] = Format.translateValueToString(partPins[row].value, dataFormat);
 /** Sets the element at the given index with the given value. */
 public void setValueAt(int index, short value) {
   partPins[index].value = value;
   valuesStr[index] = Format.translateValueToString(value, dataFormat);
 // Returns the string at the given location
 private String getStrAt(int index) {
   short currentValue = memory.getValueAsShort((short) (index + startAddress));
   if (currentValue == nullValue && hideNullValue) return "";
   else return Format.translateValueToString(currentValue, dataFormat);
 /** Returns the value at the given index in its string representation. */
 public String getValueAsString(int index) {
   return Format.translateValueToString(
       memory.getValueAsShort((short) (index + startAddress)), dataFormat);