Пример #1
  // Communications
  public void updateStatus(InputStream in) throws IOException {
    DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(in);
    if (builder.length() != 0) {
      builder.delete(0, builder.length());

    eventTotal.setText(form.format(new Long(din.readLong())));
    dataTotal.setText(Util.convertBytes(builder, din.readLong(), true).toString());
    builder.delete(0, builder.length());
    dataRate.setText(Util.convertBytesRate(builder, din.readDouble(), true).toString());
    eventRate.setText(form.format(new Integer((int) din.readDouble())) + "e/s");
  private boolean assignPrimaryKeyInternal(Object entity, DatabaseEntry key)
      throws DatabaseException, RefreshException {

     * The keyFieldFormat is the format of a simple integer field.  For a
     * composite key class it is the contained integer field.  By writing
     * the Long sequence value using that format, the output data can then
     * be read to construct the actual key instance, whether it is a simple
     * or composite key class, and assign it to the primary key field in
     * the entity object.
    if (entityFormat.isPriKeyNullOrZero(entity, rawAccess)) {
      Long value = sequence.get(null, 1);
      RecordOutput output = new RecordOutput(catalog, rawAccess);
      keyFieldFormat.writeObject(value, output, rawAccess);
      TupleBase.outputToEntry(output, key);
      EntityInput input =
          new RecordInput(
              catalog, rawAccess, null, 0, key.getData(), key.getOffset(), key.getSize());
      entityFormat.getReader().readPriKey(entity, input, rawAccess);
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
 public String createTable() {
   Element root = new Element("table");
   root.setAttribute("border", "0");
   Document doc = new Document(root);
   Element thead = new Element("thead");
   Element th = new Element("th");
   th.addContent("A header");
   th.setAttribute("class", "aka_header_border");
   Element th2 = new Element("th");
   th2.addContent("Another header");
   th2.setAttribute("class", "aka_header_border");
   Element tr1 = new Element("tr");
   Element td1 = new Element("td");
   td1.setAttribute("valign", "top");
   td1.setAttribute("class", "cellBorders");
   td1.setText("cell contents");
   XMLOutputter outp = new XMLOutputter();
   Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat();
   Writer writer = new StringWriter();
   try {
     outp.output(doc, writer);
   } catch (IOException e) {
         .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File
                             // Templates.
   return writer.toString();
Пример #4
   * Constructor.
   * <p>A pleasant side-effect of constructing a Text() is that consecutive (redundant) colour
   * escape sequences are collapsed down to just the last colour.
   * @param text the text with embedded colour escape sequences.
  public Text(String text) {
    // By default, text is white.
    Format format = new Format(Colour.white, 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) {
      char c = text.charAt(i);
      if (c == Colour.ESCAPE_CHAR) {

        // Guard against the pathological case of a chat line ending in
        // Colour.ESCAPE_CHAR.
        if (i < text.length()) {
          char code = text.charAt(i);
          if (Colour.isColour(code)) {
            // Setting the colour disables any style attributes.
          // Note: different from Format.isAttribute()
          else if (isAttribute(code)) {
          // else: silently delete format codes we don't understand.
          // At the time of writing, no such codes exist.
      } else {
        // An ordinary, non-colour-escape character.
    } // for
  } // Text
   * Returns the format for the given entity and validates it, throwing an exception if it is
   * invalid for this binding.
  private Format getValidFormat(Object entity) throws RefreshException {

    /* A null entity is not allowed. */
    if (entity == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("An entity may not be null");

     * Get the format.  getFormat throws IllegalArgumentException if the
     * class is not persistent.
    Format format;
    if (rawAccess) {
      if (!(entity instanceof RawObject)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity must be a RawObject");
      format = (Format) ((RawObject) entity).getType();
    } else {
      format = catalog.getFormat(entity.getClass(), true /*checkEntitySubclassIndexes*/);

    /* Check that the entity class/subclass is valid for this binding. */
    if (format.getEntityFormat() != entityFormat) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "The entity class ("
              + format.getClassName()
              + ") must be this entity class or a subclass of it: "
              + entityFormat.getClassName());

    return format;
Пример #6
  // See comment in createericlist regarding HandleViewParams
  private /*synchronized*/ String HandleViewParams(
      String tempString, LinkedList tempList, StringTokenizer st) throws VisualizerLoadException {
    while (tempString.toUpperCase().startsWith("VIEW")) {
      StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(tempString, " \t");
      String s1 = t.nextToken().toUpperCase();
      String s2 = t.nextToken().toUpperCase();
      String s3 = t.nextToken();


      if (s2.compareTo("ALGO") == 0) {
        // System.out.println("Adding to urls: "+Snaps+":"+s3);
        //                 urlList.append(Snaps+1 +":"+s3);
      } else if (s2.compareTo("DOCS") == 0) {
        // System.out.println("Adding to urls: "+Snaps+":"+s3);
        //                 if (debug) System.out.println("Adding to urlList: "+Snaps+1+":"+s3);
        //                 urlList.append(Snaps+1 +":"+s3);
      } else if (s2.compareTo("SCALE") == 0) {
        GKS.scale(Format.atof(s3.toUpperCase()), tempList, this);
      } else if (s2.compareTo("WINDOWS") == 0) {
        GKS.windows(Format.atoi(s3.toUpperCase()), tempList, this);
      } else if (s2.compareTo("JUMP") == 0) {
        GKS.jump(Format.atoi(s3.toUpperCase()), tempList, this);
      } else throw (new VisualizerLoadException(s2 + " is invalid VIEW parameter"));
      tempString = st.nextToken();
    //         if (urlList.size() == 0)
    //             urlList.append("**");
    return (tempString);
Пример #7
  // Responsible for loading the number of lines per node
  // Receives a line delimited tokenizer.  It will only process one line of
  // that tokenizer.  It must read that line, create a space/tab delimited
  // tokenizer from it, grab the number of lines per node from that tokenizer.
  // Structures that can contain additional information following the number
  // of lines per node (such as trees) should then override this generic
  // loadLinesPerNodeInfo with their own version of the method which will call
  // on the super version to get the actual lines per node and add additional
  // code to process the other information
  public void loadLinesPerNodeInfo(StringTokenizer st, LinkedList llist, draw d)
      throws VisualizerLoadException {
    String tempString, tempString2;
    if (st.hasMoreTokens()) tempString = st.nextToken();
    else throw (new VisualizerLoadException("Expected lines per node - found end of string"));

    StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(tempString, " \t");
    if (t.hasMoreTokens()) tempString2 = t.nextToken();
    else throw (new VisualizerLoadException("Expected lines per node - found " + tempString));

    linespernode = Format.atoi(tempString2);

    xspacing = 1.5;
    yspacing = 1.5;

    if (t.hasMoreTokens()) tempString2 = t.nextToken();
    else return;

    xspacing = Format.atof(tempString2);

    if (t.hasMoreTokens()) tempString2 = t.nextToken();
    else return;

    yspacing = Format.atof(tempString2);
Пример #8
  public EvolveStats evolve(EvolveConfig config) throws DatabaseException {

    List<Format> toEvolve = new ArrayList<Format>();
    Set<String> configToEvolve = config.getClassesToEvolve();
    if (configToEvolve.isEmpty()) {
    } else {
      for (String name : configToEvolve) {
        Format format = catalog.getFormat(name);
        if (format == null) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class to evolve is not persistent: " + name);
        if (!format.isEntity()) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class to evolve is not an entity class: " + name);

    EvolveEvent event = EvolveInternal.newEvent();
    for (Format format : toEvolve) {
      if (format.getEvolveNeeded()) {
        evolveIndex(format, event, config.getEvolveListener());

    return event.getStats();
Пример #9
 boolean evolve(Format newFormatParam, Evolver evolver) {
   if (!(newFormatParam instanceof ProxiedFormat)) {
         this, newFormatParam, null, "A proxied class may not be changed to a different type");
     return false;
   ProxiedFormat newFormat = (ProxiedFormat) newFormatParam;
   if (!evolver.evolveFormat(proxyFormat)) {
     return false;
   Format newProxyFormat = proxyFormat.getLatestVersion();
   if (!newProxyFormat.getClassName().equals(newFormat.getProxyClassName())) {
         "The proxy class for this type has been changed from: "
             + newProxyFormat.getClassName()
             + " to: "
             + newFormat.getProxyClassName());
     return false;
   if (newProxyFormat != proxyFormat) {
     evolver.useEvolvedFormat(this, this, newFormat);
   } else {
     evolver.useOldFormat(this, newFormat);
   return true;
Пример #10
  protected Format outputCellStart(Field field) {
    Format format = field.getFormat();
    Rectangle bounds = field.getBounds();

    String align = null;
    switch (format.getAlign()) {
      case Format.ALIGN_LEFT:
        align = "left";
      case Format.ALIGN_CENTER:
        align = "center";
      case Format.ALIGN_RIGHT:
        align = "right";

    out.print("<div style=\"position:absolute;width:" + (int) bounds.width + "pt;");
    out.print("height:" + (int) field.getOutputHeight() + "pt;text-align:" + align + ";");
    out.print("left:" + (int) bounds.x + "pt;top:" + (int) bounds.y + "pt;");
    if (!format.isWrap()) out.print("white-space:nowrap;");

    return format;
Пример #11
 public EntityMetadata getEntityMetadata(String className) {
   EntityMetadata metadata = null;
   Format format = catalog.getFormat(className);
   if (format != null && format.isCurrentVersion()) {
     metadata = format.getEntityMetadata();
   return metadata;
Пример #12
 /** {@inheritDoc} */
 public String getLabel(JaretDate date, Format format) {
   if (format.equals(Format.SHORT)) {
     return Integer.toString(date.getMonth()) + ".";
   } else if (format.equals(Format.MEDIUM)) {
     return date.getShortMonthString() + " " + date.getYear();
   } else {
     return date.getMonthString() + " " + date.getYear();
Пример #13
  public int readData(
      int track, long positionUs, MediaFormatHolder formatHolder, SampleHolder sampleHolder) {
    Assertions.checkState(state == STATE_ENABLED);
    downstreamPositionUs = positionUs;

    if (pendingDiscontinuity || isPendingReset()) {
      return NOTHING_READ;

    boolean haveSamples = !sampleQueue.isEmpty();
    BaseMediaChunk currentChunk = mediaChunks.getFirst();
    while (haveSamples
        && mediaChunks.size() > 1
        && mediaChunks.get(1).getFirstSampleIndex() <= sampleQueue.getReadIndex()) {
      currentChunk = mediaChunks.getFirst();

    Format format = currentChunk.format;
    if (!format.equals(downstreamFormat)) {
      notifyDownstreamFormatChanged(format, currentChunk.trigger, currentChunk.startTimeUs);
    downstreamFormat = format;

    if (haveSamples || currentChunk.isMediaFormatFinal) {
      MediaFormat mediaFormat = currentChunk.getMediaFormat();
      if (!mediaFormat.equals(downstreamMediaFormat)) {
        formatHolder.format = mediaFormat;
        formatHolder.drmInitData = currentChunk.getDrmInitData();
        downstreamMediaFormat = mediaFormat;
        return FORMAT_READ;
      // If mediaFormat and downstreamMediaFormat are equal but different objects then the equality
      // check above will have been expensive, comparing the fields in each format. We update
      // downstreamMediaFormat here so that referential equality can be cheaply established during
      // subsequent calls.
      downstreamMediaFormat = mediaFormat;

    if (!haveSamples) {
      if (loadingFinished) {
        return END_OF_STREAM;
      return NOTHING_READ;

    if (sampleQueue.getSample(sampleHolder)) {
      boolean decodeOnly = sampleHolder.timeUs < lastSeekPositionUs;
      sampleHolder.flags |= decodeOnly ? C.SAMPLE_FLAG_DECODE_ONLY : 0;
      onSampleRead(currentChunk, sampleHolder);
      return SAMPLE_READ;

    return NOTHING_READ;
  * Called when there was a change in one of the pin values. The event contains the changed value
  * in a string representation and a boolean which is true if the user pressed the 'ok' button and
  * false if the user pressed the 'cancel' button.
 public void pinValueChanged(PinValueEvent e) {
   if (e.getIsOk()) {
     valuesStr[pinsTable.getSelectedRow()] = e.getValueStr();
     partPins[pinsTable.getSelectedRow()].value =
         Format.translateValueToShort(e.getValueStr(), dataFormat);
       pinsTable.getSelectedRow(), Format.translateValueToShort(e.getValueStr(), dataFormat));
   * Writes the formatId and object, and returns the bytes.
   * <p>This is a special case of EntityOutput.writeObject for a top level entity. Special
   * treatments are: - The entity may not be null. - The entity is not checked for existence in the
   * visited object set; entities cannot be referenced by another entity.
  static void writeEntity(
      Format format, Catalog catalog, Object entity, DatabaseEntry data, boolean rawAccess)
      throws RefreshException {

    RecordOutput output = new RecordOutput(catalog, rawAccess);
    format.writeObject(entity, output, rawAccess);
    TupleBase.outputToEntry(output, data);
   * Creates a WriterCharAppender with:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>a maximum limit of characters to append
   *   <li>the default value to return when no characters have been accumulated.
   *   <li>the basic {@link Format} specification for handling newlines
   * </ul>
   * The padding character is defaulted to a whitespace character ' '.
   * @param maxLength maximum limit of characters to append
   * @param emptyValue default value to return when no characters have been accumulated
   * @param format output format specification used for newline handling
  public WriterCharAppender(int maxLength, String emptyValue, Format format) {
    super(maxLength == -1 ? 8192 : maxLength, emptyValue);

    char[] lineSeparator = format.getLineSeparator();

    this.lineSeparator1 = lineSeparator[0];
    this.lineSeparator2 = lineSeparator.length > 1 ? lineSeparator[1] : '\0';

    newLine = format.getNormalizedNewline();
Пример #17
 @ExposedClassMethod(doc = BuiltinDocs.float___getformat___doc)
 public static String float___getformat__(PyType type, String typestr) {
   if ("double".equals(typestr)) {
     return double_format.format();
   } else if ("float".equals(typestr)) {
     return float_format.format();
   } else {
     throw Py.ValueError("__getformat__() argument 1 must be 'double' or 'float'");
Пример #18
 void writeObject(Object o, EntityOutput output, boolean rawAccess) {
   if (rawAccess) {
     proxyFormat.writeObject(o, output, true);
   } else {
     PersistentProxy proxy = (PersistentProxy) proxyFormat.newInstance(null, false);
     proxyFormat.writeObject(proxy, output, false);
Пример #19
  public ValidationResult validate(String value, Doc doc, Model model) {
    for (Format f : EnumSet.allOf(Format.class)) {
      if (f.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
        return new PositiveValidationResult(f);

    return new NegativeValidationResult("Unknown/unsupported format: '" + value + "'");
 public void printPoints() {
   for (int i = 0; i < npoint; i++) {
     SequencePoint sp = (SequencePoint) points.elementAt(i);
     Format.print(System.out, "%5d ", i);
     for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
       Format.print(System.out, "%13.3f  ", sp.coord[j]);
Пример #21
 /** @see EntityInput#skipField */
 public void skipField(Format declaredFormat) {
   if (declaredFormat != null && declaredFormat.isPrimitive()) {
   } else {
     int formatId = readPackedInt();
     if (formatId > 0) {
       Format format = catalog.getFormat(formatId, true /*expectStored*/);
   * Returns a String representation of the Object <code>value</code>. This invokes <code>format
   * </code> on the current <code>Format</code>.
   * @throws ParseException if there is an error in the conversion
   * @param value Value to convert
   * @return String representation of value
  public String valueToString(Object value) throws ParseException {
    if (value == null) {
      return "";
    Format f = getFormat();

    if (f == null) {
      return value.toString();
    return f.format(value);
   * Deal with formatting characters.
   * <p>Parsing is as follows: - Treat all contiguous strings of formatting characters as one block.
   * (This method processes one block.) - Only a single instance of a particular format character
   * within a block is used to determine whether to turn on/off that type of formatting; other
   * instances simply print the character itself. - If the format is to be turned on, we use the
   * _first_ instance; if it is to be turned off, we use the _last_ instance (by appending the
   * format.)
   * <p>Example: **string** turns into <b>*string*</b>
  private boolean parseFormatting() {
    if (!parseFormatting) {
      return false;
    int endChar = nextChar;
    while ((endChar < text.length()) && isFormatChar(text.charAt(endChar))) {
      endChar += 1;

    if ((endChar == nextChar) || !isWordBreak(endChar)) {
      return false;

    // Keeps track of whether we've seen a character (in map if we've seen it)
    // and whether we should append a closing format token (if value in
    // map is TRUE).  Linked hashmap for consistent ordering.
    LinkedHashMap<Character, Boolean> seenCharacters = new LinkedHashMap<Character, Boolean>();

    for (int index = nextChar; index < endChar; ++index) {
      char ch = text.charAt(index);
      Character key = Character.valueOf(ch);
      if (seenCharacters.containsKey(key)) {
        // Already seen this character, just append an unmatched token, which
        // will print plaintext character
        addToken(new Format(ch, false));
      } else {
        Format start = formatStart.get(key);
        if (start != null) {
          // Match the start token, and ask an end token to be appended
          seenCharacters.put(key, Boolean.TRUE);
        } else {
          // Append start token
          start = new Format(ch, true);
          formatStart.put(key, start);
          seenCharacters.put(key, Boolean.FALSE);

    // Append any necessary end tokens
    for (Character key : seenCharacters.keySet()) {
      if (seenCharacters.get(key) == Boolean.TRUE) {
        Format end = new Format(key.charValue(), false);

    nextChar = endChar;
    return true;
  public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) {

    switch (item.getItemId()) {
      case R.id.bold:
          Format.toggleStyleSpan(this.editText, Typeface.BOLD);
              true); // apparently doesnt get set automatically by DroidWriterEditText's TextWatcher
          return true;
      case R.id.italic:
          Format.toggleStyleSpan(this.editText, Typeface.ITALIC);
          return true;
      case R.id.underline:
          Format.toggleCharacterStyle(this.editText, UnderlineSpan.class);
          return true;
      case R.id.strikethrough:
          Format.toggleCharacterStyle(this.editText, StrikethroughSpan.class);
          return true;
      case R.id.menu_item_share:
          int selectionStart = editText.getSelectionStart();
          int selectionEnd = editText.getSelectionEnd();
          if (selectionStart > selectionEnd) {
            int tmp = selectionEnd;
            selectionEnd = selectionStart;
            selectionStart = tmp;
          CharSequence selectedText = editText.getText().subSequence(selectionStart, selectionEnd);

          Intent sendIntent = new Intent();
              selectedText.toString() /*deep copy*/); // sharing spanned string does not work here
          if (mShareActionProvider != null) mShareActionProvider.setShareIntent(sendIntent);
          return true;
    return false;
Пример #25
   * The Energy as a string, formatted to 3 decimal places with units.
   * <p>As energy values can be very large, this function makes use of the kilo-, mega-, and giga-
   * prefixes
   * @return string representation of the energy
  public String toString() {

    if (joules >= 10000000000.0) {
      return Format.toThreeDecimalPlaces(joules / 1000000000.0) + " GJ";
    } else if (joules >= 1000000.0) {
      return Format.toThreeDecimalPlaces(joules / 1000000.0) + " MJ";
    } else if (joules >= 1000) {
      return Format.toThreeDecimalPlaces(joules / 1000) + " kJ";
    } else {
      return Format.toThreeDecimalPlaces(joules) + " J";
    /** Sets the value at a specific row and column. */
    public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {

      String data = ((String) value).trim();
      try {
        valuesStr[row] = data;
        partPins[row].value = Format.translateValueToShort(data, dataFormat);
        notifyListeners((short) row, partPins[row].value);
      } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
        notifyErrorListeners("Illegal value");
        valuesStr[row] = Format.translateValueToString(partPins[row].value, dataFormat);
  private void objectToKeyInternal(final Object entity, final DatabaseEntry key)
      throws RefreshException {

     * Write the primary key field as a special case since the output
     * format is for a key binding, not entity data.
    Format format = getValidFormat(entity);
    RecordOutput output = new RecordOutput(catalog, rawAccess);

    /* Write the primary key and return the bytes. */
    format.writePriKey(entity, output, rawAccess);
    TupleBase.outputToEntry(output, key);
Пример #28
  public void solve1216(int kaseno) throws Exception {
    int r1 = iread(), r2 = iread(), h = iread(), p = iread();

    double R1 = (double) r2;
    double R2 = ((double) ((r1 - r2) * p)) / h;
    R2 += r2;
    double H = (double) p;

    double ret = pii * (R1 * R1 + R2 * R2 + R1 * R2) * H;
    ret /= 3.;
    Format df = new DecimalFormat("0.0000000000");
    String res = df.format(ret);
    out.write("Case " + kaseno + ": " + res + "\n");
Пример #29
  * Set the default values for the non defined fields.
  * @param model the model which has its default fields set.
  * @throws IllegalAccessException if the underlying fields are inaccessible
  * @throws Exception In case the field cannot be parsed
 private void setDefaultValuesForFields(final Map<String, Object> model)
     throws IllegalAccessException, Exception {
   // Set the default values, if defined
   for (int i = 1; i <= dataFields.size(); i++) {
     Field field = annotatedFields.get(i);
     DataField dataField = dataFields.get(i);
     Object modelField = model.get(field.getDeclaringClass().getName());
     if (field.get(modelField) == null && !dataField.defaultValue().isEmpty()) {
       Format<?> format = FormatFactory.getFormat(field.getType(), getLocale(), dataField);
       Object value = format.parse(dataField.defaultValue());
       field.set(modelField, value);
Пример #30
 private Format readOptionFormat(CliArguments arguments) {
   Format format = Format.AUTO;
   if (arguments.hasOption("format")) {
     format = Format.valueOf(arguments.option("format").toUpperCase());
   return format;