   * Construct a {@link SubProcessHeavy SubProcessHeavy} instance which when executed will fulfill
   * the given action agenda.
   * <p>
   * @param agenda The agenda to be accomplished by the action.
   * @param outFile The file to which all STDOUT output is redirected.
   * @param errFile The file to which all STDERR output is redirected.
   * @return The SubProcess which will fulfill the agenda.
   * @throws PipelineException If unable to prepare a SubProcess due to illegal, missing or
   *     imcompatable information in the action agenda or a general failure of the prep method code.
  public SubProcessHeavy prep(ActionAgenda agenda, File outFile, File errFile)
      throws PipelineException {
    NodeID nodeID = agenda.getNodeID();

    /* sanity checks */
    Path fromPath = null;
    FileSeq fromSeq = null;
    FileSeq toSeq = null;
      ArrayList<String> formats = new ArrayList<String>();

      String sname = (String) getSingleParamValue("XmlSource");

      if (sname == null) throw new PipelineException("The Image Source was not set!");

      String xmlpath = null;
      if (sname != null) {
        FileSeq fxml = agenda.getPrimarySource(sname);
        xmlpath = fxml.toString();

      NodeID snodeID = new NodeID(nodeID, sname);

      ArrayList<String> suffixes = new ArrayList<String>();
      Path targetPath = getPrimaryTargetPath(agenda, suffixes, "Html fil");

      // ********************************************************************
      // Build the mencoder command
      // ********************************************************************
      ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();



      // Create sub process
      return createSubProcess(
   * Check that the user has properly selected a target node for this tool
   * <p>
   * @return The phase progress message or <CODE>null</CODE> to abort early.
   * @throws PipelineException If unable to validate the given user input.
  public synchronized String collectPhaseInput() throws PipelineException {
    if ((pPrimary == null) || (pSelected.size() != 1))
      throw new PipelineException("Please selected one node only.");

    // folder = nPath.getParent();
    // assetName = nPath.getName();
    Path nPath = new Path(pPrimary);
    nPath = nPath.getParentPath().getParentPath();

    if (!nPath.toString().matches(assetPattern))
      throw new PipelineException(
          "This tool only works on assets." + nPath.toString() + " " + nPath.toOsString());

    // if(!pPrimary.matches(matPattern))
    // throw new PipelineException("This tool will only work on a lgt node!");

    File errFile;
    try {
      errFile = File.createTempFile("MaterialsCheckOut", ".err", PackageInfo.sTempPath.toFile());
      err = new PrintWriter(errFile);
    } catch (IOException e) {

    NodeStatus status = pSelected.get(pPrimary);
    NodeID nodeID = status.getNodeID();
    pUser = nodeID.getAuthor();
    pView = nodeID.getView();

    OverallNodeState state = status.getHeavyDetails().getOverallNodeState();
    JToolDialog tool = new JToolDialog("MaterialsCheckOut", new JPanel(), "Continue");
    if (!state.equals(OverallNodeState.Identical)) {
      JConfirmDialog dialog =
          new JConfirmDialog(
              "This node is different from the checked in node. Do you want to continue with this check out?");
      if (!dialog.wasConfirmed()) {
        return null;
      } // end if
    } // end if

    return "...Sing Hallelujah!";
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Updates the asset references for a shot within Maya and then in pipeline.
   * @param shotName The name of the shot being processed.
   * @param pRemoveRef The list of assets being dereferenced from the shot.
   * @param pReplaceRef The list of assets being referenced into the shot.
   * @param nameMap
  private void editShotReferences(
      String shotName,
      NodeMod targetMod,
      TreeSet<String> pRemoveRef,
      TreeSet<String> pReplaceRef,
      TreeMap<String, String> nameMap)
      throws PipelineException {
    logLine("Editing shot: " + shotName);
    boolean anim = !shotName.matches(lgtPattern);

    /* writing the mel script */
    if (anim) {
      File script = null;
      try {
        script = File.createTempFile("UpdateAssetGUI.", ".mel", PackageInfo.sTempPath.toFile());
      } // end try
      catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new PipelineException(
            "Unable to create the temporary MEL script used to collect "
                + "texture information from the Maya scene!");
      } // end catch

      try {
        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(script)));

        for (String asset : pReplaceRef) {
          String nameSpace;
          if (asset.endsWith(lr))
            nameSpace = nameMap.get(getShortName(asset.substring(0, asset.length() - 3)));
          else {
            System.err.println("This should not be happening, a hi res asset in a lo-res node.");
            // nameSpace = nameMap.get(getShortName(asset));
          out.println("print (\"referencing file: $WORKING" + asset + ".ma\");");
              "file -reference -namespace \"" + nameSpace + "\" \"$WORKING" + asset + ".ma\";");
        } // end for

        for (String asset : pRemoveRef) {
          out.println("print (\"dereferencing file: $WORKING" + asset + ".ma\");");
          out.println("file -rr \"$WORKING" + asset + ".ma\";");
        } // end for

        out.println("// SAVE");
        out.println("file -save;");

      } // end try
      catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new PipelineException(
            "Unable to write the temporary MEL script(" + script + ") used add the references!");
      } // end catch

      NodeID targetID = new NodeID(w.user, w.view, shotName);
      // NodeStatus targetStat = mclient.status(targetID);

      /* run Maya to collect the information */
      try {

        Path targetPath = getNodePath(shotName);
        ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();

        Path wdir = new Path(PackageInfo.sProdPath.toOsString() + targetID.getWorkingParent());

        TreeMap<String, String> env =
                w.user, w.view, targetMod.getToolset(), PackageInfo.sOsType);

        Map<String, String> nenv = env;
        String midefs = env.get("PIPELINE_MI_SHADER_PATH");
        if (midefs != null) {
          nenv = new TreeMap<String, String>(env);
          Path dpath = new Path(new Path(wdir, midefs));
          nenv.put("MI_CUSTOM_SHADER_PATH", dpath.toOsString());

        String command = "maya";
        if (PackageInfo.sOsType.equals(OsType.Windows)) command += ".exe";

        SubProcessLight proc =
            new SubProcessLight("UpdateAssetGUI", command, args, env, wdir.toFile());
        try {
          if (!proc.wasSuccessful()) {
            throw new PipelineException(
                "Did not correctly edit the reference due to a maya error.!\n\n"
                    + proc.getStdOut()
                    + "\n\n"
                    + proc.getStdErr());
          } // end if
        } // end try
        catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          throw new PipelineException(ex);
        } // end catch
      } // end try
      catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new PipelineException(ex);
      } // end catch

    /*-edit the references in pipeline once they are done in the file-*/
    BaseAction targetAction = targetMod.getAction();
    for (String asset : pReplaceRef) {
          w.user, w.view, shotName, asset, LinkPolicy.Reference, LinkRelationship.All, null);
      if (anim) {
        /*Set the namespaces*/
        String nameSpace = nameMap.get(getShortName(asset.substring(0, asset.length() - 3)));
        targetAction.setSourceParamValue(asset, "PrefixName", nameSpace);
    w.mclient.modifyProperties(w.user, w.view, targetMod);

    for (String asset : pRemoveRef) mclient.unlink(w.user, w.view, shotName, asset);

    if (!anim) {
      System.err.println("Queuing the switchLgt node " + shotName);
      mclient.submitJobs(w.user, w.view, shotName, null);
  } // end editShotReferences
Exemplo n.º 4
   * Construct a {@link SubProcessHeavy SubProcessHeavy} instance which when executed will fulfill
   * the given action agenda.
   * <p>
   * @param agenda The agenda to be accomplished by the action.
   * @param outFile The file to which all STDOUT output is redirected.
   * @param errFile The file to which all STDERR output is redirected.
   * @return The SubProcess which will fulfill the agenda.
   * @throws PipelineException If unable to prepare a SubProcess due to illegal, missing or
   *     imcompatable information in the action agenda or a general failure of the prep method code.
  public SubProcessHeavy prep(ActionAgenda agenda, File outFile, File errFile)
      throws PipelineException {
    NodeID nodeID = agenda.getNodeID();

    /* sanity checks */
    Path loadScene = null;
    Path saveScene = null;
    boolean isAscii = false;
    TreeMap<Integer, LinkedList<Path>> mel = new TreeMap<Integer, LinkedList<Path>>();
      /* generate the filename of the Maya scene to load */
        String sname = (String) getSingleParamValue("MayaScene");
        if (sname != null) {
          FileSeq fseq = agenda.getPrimarySource(sname);
          if (fseq == null)
            throw new PipelineException(
                "Somehow the Maya Scene node ("
                    + sname
                    + ") was not one of the source "
                    + "nodes!");

          String suffix = fseq.getFilePattern().getSuffix();
          if (!fseq.isSingle() || (suffix == null) || !(suffix.equals("ma") || suffix.equals("mb")))
            throw new PipelineException(
                "The MayaMEL Action requires that the source node specified by the Maya "
                    + "Scene parameter ("
                    + sname
                    + ") must have a single Maya scene file as "
                    + "its primary file sequence!");

          NodeID snodeID = new NodeID(nodeID, sname);
          loadScene =
              new Path(PackageInfo.sProdPath, snodeID.getWorkingParent() + "/" + fseq.getPath(0));

      /* generate the name of the Maya scene to save */
        Boolean save = (Boolean) getSingleParamValue("SaveResult");
        if ((save != null) && save) {
          FileSeq fseq = agenda.getPrimaryTarget();

          String suffix = fseq.getFilePattern().getSuffix();
          if (!fseq.isSingle() || (suffix == null) || !(suffix.equals("ma") || suffix.equals("mb")))
            throw new PipelineException(
                "The MayaMEL Action requires that the primary target file sequence must "
                    + "be a single Maya scene file if the Save Result parameter is set!");

          isAscii = suffix.equals("ma");
          saveScene =
              new Path(PackageInfo.sProdPath, nodeID.getWorkingParent() + "/" + fseq.getPath(0));

      /* generate the table of MEL script files to evaluate */
      for (String sname : getSourceNames()) {
        Integer order = (Integer) getSourceParamValue(sname, "Order");
        FileSeq fseq = agenda.getPrimarySource(sname);
        if (fseq == null)
          throw new PipelineException(
              "Somehow an per-source Order parameter exists for a node ("
                  + sname
                  + ") "
                  + "which was not one of the source nodes!");

        String suffix = fseq.getFilePattern().getSuffix();
        if (!fseq.isSingle() || (suffix == null) || !suffix.equals("mel"))
          throw new PipelineException(
              "The MayaMEL Action requires that the source node ("
                  + sname
                  + ") with "
                  + "per-source Order parameter must have a single MEL script file as its "
                  + "primary file sequence!");

        NodeID snodeID = new NodeID(nodeID, sname);
        Path script =
            new Path(PackageInfo.sProdPath, snodeID.getWorkingParent() + "/" + fseq.getPath(0));

        LinkedList<Path> scripts = mel.get(order);
        if (scripts == null) {
          scripts = new LinkedList<Path>();
          mel.put(order, scripts);


    /* create a temporary MEL script file */
    File script = createTemp(agenda, 0755, "mel");
    try {
      FileWriter out = new FileWriter(script);

      /* a workaround needed in "maya -batch" mode */
      out.write("// WORK AROUNDS:\n" + "lightlink -q;\n\n");

      /* rename the current scene as the output scene */
      if (saveScene != null) {
            "// SCENE SETUP\n"
                + "file -rename \""
                + saveScene
                + "\";\n"
                + "file -type \""
                + (isAscii ? "mayaAscii" : "mayaBinary")
                + "\";\n\n");

      /* evaluate the MEL scripts */
      if (!mel.isEmpty()) {
        out.write("// MEL SCRIPTS \n");
        for (LinkedList<Path> scripts : mel.values()) {
          for (Path spath : scripts) out.write("source \"" + spath + "\";\n");

      /* save the file */
      if (saveScene != null) out.write("// SAVE\n" + "file -save;\n");

    } catch (IOException ex) {
      throw new PipelineException(
          "Unable to write temporary MEL script file ("
              + script
              + ") for Job "
              + "("
              + agenda.getJobID()
              + ")!\n"
              + ex.getMessage());

    /* create the process to run the action */
    try {
      ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();

      if (loadScene != null) {

      String program = "maya";
      if (PackageInfo.sOsType == OsType.Windows) program = (program + ".exe");

      return new SubProcessHeavy(
          getName() + "-" + agenda.getJobID(),
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new PipelineException(
          "Unable to generate the SubProcess to perform this Action!\n" + ex.getMessage());