예제 #1
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Here modifier is not permitted and only final is allowed
    Student[] lab2 = new Student[40]; // Create an array of 40 students
    int count = 0; // To store the number of students
    try { // Read file from current project directory
      // Students' number more than 40. If you want to test this case, uncomment next.
      lab2 = Util.readFile("src/More_than_40.txt", lab2);

      // Students' number less than 40. If you want to test this case, uncomment next.
      // lab2 = Util.readFile("src/Less_than_40.txt",lab2);

      // Students' number equals to 40. If you want to test this case, uncomment next.
      // lab2 = Util.readFile("src/Equals_to_40.txt",lab2);
    } catch (FixedException e) { // To handle number exceed exception
    } catch (IOException e) { // To handle IO exception
    AnalyticModel analysis = new AnalyticModel();
    analysis.findLowest(lab2); // Find the lowest of 5 quizzes among 40 students
    analysis.findHighest(lab2); // Find the highest of 5 quizzes among 40 students
    analysis.findAvg(lab2); // Find the average of 5 quizzes among 40 students
    System.out.println("Stud\tQu1\tQu2\tQu3\tQu4\tQu5"); // Display grades information
    while (lab2[count] != null) {
      lab2[count].displayInfo(); // Display students information
      if (count == 40) break;
    analysis.displayGrades(); // Display analytic statistics
예제 #2
   * Main method
   * @param args Command line arguments
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    int tileSize = 20;
    int fieldWidth = 100;
    int fieldHeight = 100;
    Dimension windowSize = new Dimension(1000, 800);
    Field f = new Field(fieldWidth, fieldHeight, "random");
    // randomCircles(f, fieldWidth*fieldHeight/50, 3);

    f.setTile(new Vector2D(40.5, 40.5), 4);
    f.setTile(new Vector2D(40.5, 41.5), 4);

    Vector2D start = new Vector2D(35, 41);
    // Vector2D start = findStartPos(f);

    byte[] fi = null;
    try {
      fi = Util.readFile("savedmap");
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.out.println("I/O error.");
    f = MapCodec.decode(fi);

    /*byte[] m = MapCodec.encode(f);

    try {
    	Util.writeFile("testmap", m);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    	System.out.println("I/O error.");

    ArrayList<Team> teams = new ArrayList<Team>();
    teams.add(new Team("SWAR", 0));
    teams.add(new Team("sWARm", 1));

    Session game = (Session) new GameSession(start, teams, 0);
    Session editor = (Session) new EditorSession();

    BFrame frame = new BFrame(windowSize);
    Dimension paneSize = frame.getContentPane().getSize();

    OpenGLRenderer renderer = new OpenGLRenderer(editor, tileSize, frame);
    Core.field = f;
    Core.input = new Input(frame);
    Core.view = new View(paneSize, tileSize);
    Core.initialize((Session) editor, (Session) game);

    // game.entitySystem.addAll(randomTowers(f, 30, game,teams));

    MainLoop.startLoop(renderer, frame);