DirectoryAnswer getDA(DirectoryRequest dr) throws P2PDDSQLException { String sql = "select addresses, timestamp, strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%fZ',timestamp,'unixepoch') from registered where global_peer_ID = ?;"; ArrayList<ArrayList<Object>> adr =, new String[] {dr.globalID}, DEBUG); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Query: " + sql + " with ?= " + Util.trimmed(dr.globalID)); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Found addresses #: " + adr.size()); DirectoryAnswer da = new DirectoryAnswer(); da.version = dr.version; if (adr.size() != 0) { Integer time = Util.Ival(adr.get(0).get(1)); if (time == null) { time = new Integer(0); out.println("EMPTY TIME. WHY?"); } Date date = new Date(); date.setTime(time.longValue());; String addresses = (String) adr.get(0).get(0); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("This address: " + addresses); String a[] = Address.split(addresses); for (int k = 0; k < a.length; k++) { if ((a[k] == null) || ("".equals(a[k])) || ("null".equals(a[k]))) continue; if (DEBUG) System.out.println("This address [" + k + "]" + a[k]); da.addresses.add(new Address(a[k])); } } else { if (DEBUG) out.print("Empty "); } return da; }
public static ArrayList<Address> getOrderedCertifiedTypedAddresses(ArrayList<Address> addr) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Address:getOrdCTA: start " + Util.concatA(addr, "---", "NULL")); if ((addr == null) || (addr.size() == 0)) return null; ArrayList<Address> result = new ArrayList<Address>(); int k = 0; for (Address ta : addr) { if (ta == null) { if (DEBUG || DD.DEBUG_TODO) { System.out.println("TypedAddress:getOrdCer: No address: " + k); for (int i = 0; i < addr.size(); i++) { System.out.println("TypedAddress:getOrdCert: adr[" + i + "]=" + ta); } } continue; } if (!ta.certified) continue; if ((ta.address == null) && (ta.domain == null)) continue; if (ta.domain == null) ta._setAddress(ta.address); result.add(ta); k++; } if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Address:getOrdCTA: result " + Util.concatA(result, "---", "NULL")); if (result.size() == 0) return null; // Address[] r = result.toArray(new TypedAddress[]{}); // Collections.sort(result, new TypedAddressComparator()); // Arrays.sort(result, new TypedAddressComparator()); Collections.sort(result, new TypedAddressComparator()); return result; }
public void updateVisibleOutput() { String output = null; if (!outputWaiting) { Cell playerCell = player.getCell(); ArrayList<Item> items = playerCell.getItems(); output = Util.capitalizeFirstLetter(player.getCell().getGroundProto().getName()) + ". "; if (!items.isEmpty()) { if (items.size() > 1) output += "Several items lying. "; else output += Util.capitalizeFirstLetter(items.get(0).getName()) + " lying. "; } output += outputTemp; } else output = outputTemp; output = Util.splitToLines(output, WIDTH_FOR_TEXT); int maxLength = (OUTPUTBOX_HEIGHT) * WIDTH_FOR_TEXT - (int) (WIDTH_FOR_TEXT * 0.7); if (visibleOutput.length() < maxLength) { if (output.length() > maxLength) { visibleOutput = output.substring(0, maxLength) + " ... PRESS SPACE TO READ MORE"; outputTemp = output.substring(maxLength); outputWaiting = true; } else { visibleOutput = output; outputWaiting = false; } } }
public void store(String peer_ID, String instance_ID) throws P2PDDSQLException { // boolean DEBUG = true; if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Address: store: " + peer_ID + " inst=" + instance_ID); String params[]; assert (Util.equalStrings_null_or_not(instance_ID, this.instance_ID_str)); if (instance_ID_str == null) setInstanceID(instance_ID); if (peer_address_ID == null) params = new String[table.peer_address.FIELDS_NOID]; else params = new String[table.peer_address.FIELDS]; params[table.peer_address.PA_INSTANCE_ID] = instance_ID_str; params[table.peer_address.PA_PEER_ID] = peer_ID; params[table.peer_address.PA_TYPE] = pure_protocol; params[table.peer_address.PA_DOMAIN] = domain; params[table.peer_address.PA_CERTIFIED] = Util.bool2StringInt(certified); params[table.peer_address.PA_PRIORITY] = "" + priority; params[table.peer_address.PA_CONTACT] = last_contact; params[table.peer_address.PA_ARRIVAL] = arrival_date; params[table.peer_address.PA_TCP_PORT] = "" + this.tcp_port; params[table.peer_address.PA_UDP_PORT] = "" + this.udp_port; params[table.peer_address.PA_ADDRESS] = address; if (peer_address_ID == null) { peer_address_ID = "" + Application.db.insert( table.peer_address.TNAME, table.peer_address.fields_noID_list, params, DEBUG); } else { params[table.peer_address.PA_PEER_ADDR_ID] = peer_address_ID; Application.db.update( table.peer_address.TNAME, table.peer_address.fields_noID_list, new String[] {table.peer_address.peer_address_ID}, params, DEBUG); } }
/** * Parse a line of UNITSPOT.DAT data. * * @param s * @param file_name * @param line_nr * @return double[] */ public static double[] getCosts(String s, String file_name, int line_nr) { double[] ret_val = new double[C.UNIT_SPOT_MOVE]; Pattern planet_type = Pattern.compile("\"[a-zA-Z]+\""); Matcher m = planet_type.matcher(s); // skip "planet type" Util.testFFErrorAndExit(m.find(), file_name, line_nr); // last one is a big string of ten of decimal numbers Pattern costs_pattern = Pattern.compile("\"[0-9][0-9\\. ]+[0-9]\""); m = costs_pattern.matcher(s); // System.out.println("s = " + s); Util.testFFErrorAndExit(m.find(), file_name, line_nr); // String costs = s.substring(m.start() + 1, m.end() - 1); String costs = s.substring(m.start() + 1, m.end()); // System.out.println("costs = " + costs); // costs_pattern = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+"); // // m = costs_pattern.matcher(costs); // // for (int i = 0; i < C.UNIT_SPOT_MOVE; i++) { // System.out.println("i = " + i); // ret_val[i] = processDoubleVal(costs, m, file_name, line_nr); // } processDoubleVals(costs, ret_val, file_name, line_nr); return ret_val; }
private void atualizarTabela(List<Servico> listaServico) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { Double valor = 0.0; Double total = 0.0; List<TipoServico> tipoServico = mbTipoServico.listarTipoServicos(); ((DefaultTableModel) table.getModel()).setRowCount(0); for (int j = 0; j < tipoServico.size(); j++) { for (int k = 0; k < listaServico.size(); k++) { if (tipoServico.get(j).getIdtipoServico() == listaServico.get(k).getTipoServico().getIdtipoServico() && listaServico.get(k).getValor() != 0) { valor = (Double) (listaServico.get(k).getValor() + valor); ((DefaultTableModel) table.getModel()) .addRow( new String[] { listaServico.get(k).getVeiculo().getPlaca(), listaServico.get(k).getVeiculo().getOdometro() + "", listaServico.get(k).getFornecedor().getNome(), tipoServico.get(j).getNome() + "", listaServico.get(k).getData2().toString().substring(8, 10) + "/" + listaServico.get(k).getData2().toString().substring(5, 7) + "/" + listaServico.get(k).getData2().toString().substring(0, 4), "" + util.retornaMoeda(valor), }); } total += valor; valor = 0.0; } } txtTotal.setText(util.retornaMoeda(total)); }
/** * --V0 Address ::= SEQUENCE { address UTF8String, type PrintableString, priority INTEGER IF * certified } * * @return */ public Encoder getEncoder_V0() { Encoder enc = new Encoder().initSequence(); String port = "" + tcp_port; // if (tcp_port <= 0) port = "" + udp_port; // else port = "" + tcp_port; String __address = domain + ":" + port; String ___address = pure_protocol + "://" + domain + ":" + port; if (!Util.equalStrings_null_or_not(__address, address) && !Util.equalStrings_null_or_not(__address + ":" + udp_port, address) && !Util.equalStrings_null_or_not( ___address, address)) { // eventually I want to migrate to __address from address System.out.println( "Address:getEncoder_V0: computed=" + __address + " vs expected=" + address + " in=" + this.toLongString()); Util.printCallPath("Address:" + this.toLongString()); } enc.addToSequence(new Encoder(address).setASN1Type(Encoder.TAG_UTF8String)); enc.addToSequence(new Encoder(pure_protocol).setASN1Type(Encoder.TAG_PrintableString)); if (certified) { enc.addToSequence(new Encoder(priority)); } return enc; }
public Address decode(Decoder dec) { Decoder content; try { content = dec.getContent(); } catch (ASN1DecoderFail e) { e.printStackTrace(); return this; } if (content.getTypeByte() != DD.TAG_AC0) { if (content.getTypeByte() == Encoder.TAG_UTF8String) version_structure = V0; else if (content.getTypeByte() == Encoder.TAG_PrintableString) version_structure = V1; else { Util.printCallPath("Type=" + content.getTypeByte()); throw new RuntimeException("Unknow Address version"); } } else { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Address:decode tag=" + content.getTypeByte()); version_structure = content.getFirstObject(true).getInteger().intValue(); } switch (version_structure) { case V0: if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Address:dec:V0"); return decode_V0(content); case V1: if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Address:dec:V1"); return decode_V1(content); case V2: case V3: if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Address:dec:V2"); return decode_V2(content); default: Util.printCallPath("Type not yet supported=" + version_structure); throw new RuntimeException("Unknow Address version:" + version_structure); } }
long update() throws P2PDDSQLException { // System.out.println("=================================>update "+this); if (registered_ID <= 0) return this.storeNew(); D_Directory_Storage.need_saving_remove(globalIDhash, instance); // need_saving = false; String params[] = new String[table.registered.fields_list.length]; params[table.registered.REG_GID] = globalID; params[table.registered.REG_GID_HASH] = globalIDhash; params[table.registered.REG_INSTANCE] = instance; params[table.registered.REG_CERT] = (certificate.length == 0) ? null : Util.stringSignatureFromByte(certificate); params[table.registered.REG_ADDR] = Address.joinAddresses(addresses); params[table.registered.REG_SIGN] = (signature.length == 0) ? null : Util.stringSignatureFromByte(signature); if (timestamp == null) timestamp = Util.CalendargetInstance(); params[table.registered.REG_TIME] = Encoder.getGeneralizedTime( timestamp); // (Util.CalendargetInstance().getTimeInMillis()/1000)+""; params[table.registered.REG_ID] = Util.getStringID(this.registered_ID); Application.db_dir.update( table.registered.TNAME, table.registered.fields_noID_list, new String[] {table.registered.registeredID}, params, DEBUG); // new // String[]{table.registered.global_peer_ID,table.registered.certificate,table.registered.addresses,table.registered.signature,table.registered.timestamp}, return registered_ID; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof KEY)) return false; KEY k = (KEY) o; if (!Util.equalStrings_null_or_not(hash, k.hash)) return false; if (!Util.equalStrings_null_or_not(instance, k.instance)) return false; return true; }
public void salvar(Loja loja) { try { this.dao.salvar(loja); util.Util.aviso("loja salva"); } catch (Exception e) { util.Util.aviso("erro: " + e.getCause().toString()); } }
public static Calendar getUpdateDate(Calendar serverDate, Calendar localDate) { String lDate = Util.getGeneralizedTime(); Calendar newLocalDate = Util.getCalendar(lDate); long timeMil = 0; if (serverDate.compareTo(localDate) == 1) timeMil = serverDate.getTimeInMillis() - localDate.getTimeInMillis(); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Time def btw server and client: " + timeMil); return Util.incCalendar(newLocalDate, (int) timeMil); }
private void gen4() { int totalNum = Util.getRandomNumberInRange(5, 8); int duplicates = Util.getRandomNumberInRange(2, 4); list.add(new Int(totalNum)); list.add(new Int(duplicates)); int answer = Util.perm(totalNum, totalNum) / Util.factorial(duplicates); ans = new Int(answer); }
public String toString() { return "D_ReleaseQuality [\n" + "\n _quality=" + Util.concat(_quality, " ||| ") + "\n subQualities=" + Util.concat(subQualities, " ||| ") + "\n description=" + description + "\n]"; }
/** * [<PROT>://]domain:...:...:....:<active_int_boolean>[:...] * * @param address * @return */ public static boolean getActive(String address) { String domain; String[] protos = address.split(Pattern.quote(ADDR_PROT_INTERN_SEP)); if (protos.length > 1) domain = protos[1]; else domain = protos[0]; String[] ports = domain.split(Pattern.quote(ADDR_PART_SEP)); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Address:getActive " + domain + " ports=" + Util.concat(ports, "==")); if (ports.length < 5) return true; return Util.stringInt2bool(ports[4], false); }
public void countGrams(int n, HashMap<String, Integer> count, boolean word) { List<String> nGram = new ArrayList<String>(); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) nGram.add(pairs.get(i).getContent(word)); for (; i < pairs.size(); i++) { Util.incrementMap(count, nGram.toString()); nGram.add(pairs.get(i).getContent(word)); nGram.remove(0); } Util.incrementMap(count, nGram.toString()); }
public void AtualizaComboData() { try { lstServicoData = mbServico.ServicoPorData(util.getCMBData(cmbDataInicio), util.getCMBData(cmbDataFinal)); if (lstServicoData != null) { List<Veiculo> lstVeiculo = new ArrayList<>(); cmbPlaca.removeAllItems(); for (int i = 0; i < lstServicoData.size(); i++) { if (!lstVeiculo.contains(lstServicoData.get(i).getVeiculo())) { lstVeiculo.add(lstServicoData.get(i).getVeiculo()); cmbPlaca.addItem(lstServicoData.get(i).getVeiculo().getPlaca()); } } cmbPlaca.insertItemAt("TODOS", 0); cmbPlaca.setSelectedIndex(0); List<Veiculo> listaVeiculo = mbVeiculo.VeiculoPorServico(lstServicoData); List<Unidade> listaUnidade = mbUnidade.UnidadesPorVeiculos(listaVeiculo); List<Modelo> listaModelo = mbModelo.ModeloPorVeiculo(listaVeiculo); List<Marca> listaMarca = mbMarca.MarcaModelo(listaModelo); List<Motorista> listaMotorista = mbMotorista.MotoristaServico(lstServicoData); List<TipoServico> listaTipoServico = mbTipoServico.TipoServicoPorServico(lstServicoData); List<Fornecedor> listaFornecedor = mbFornecedor.FornecedorServico(lstServicoData); // cmbUnidade.removeAllItems(); // AtualizaCombo(cmbUnidade, listaUnidade); cmbTipoServico.removeAllItems(); AtualizaCombo(cmbTipoServico, listaTipoServico); cmbFornecedor.removeAllItems(); AtualizaCombo(cmbFornecedor, listaFornecedor); cmbMarca.removeAllItems(); AtualizaCombo(cmbMarca, listaMarca); cmbModelo.removeAllItems(); AtualizaCombo(cmbModelo, listaModelo); cmbMotorista.removeAllItems(); AtualizaCombo(cmbMotorista, listaMotorista); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Retorna uma String com o valores concatenados através do conector, passado como argumento. * * @param valor1 * @param valor2 * @param conector * @return String */ public static String getValorConcatenado(String valor1, String valor2, String conector) { StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); if (!Util.isValorVazio(valor1)) { str.append(valor1); } str.append(conector); if (!Util.isValorVazio(valor2)) { str.append(valor2); } return str.toString(); }
@Override public void create() { Arrays.fill(heights, defaultHeight); Core.interval(.0005).onEvent(this::step).addChild(this); // onUpdate(dt -> { // Util.repeat(detail, i -> heights[i] += dt * speeds[i]); // Util.repeat(detail - 1, i -> { // deltas[i] = heights[i + 1] - heights[i]; // speeds[i] += deltas[i] * dt * 3000; // speeds[i + 1] -= deltas[i] * dt * 3000; // }); // Util.repeat(detail, i -> speeds[i] = speeds[i] * Math.pow(.1, dt * dt) + dt * 10 * // (defaultHeight - heights[i])); // Util.repeat(detail - 1, i -> { // heights[i] += deltas[i] * dt; // heights[i + 1] -= deltas[i] * dt; // }); // }); onRender( () -> { glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); Util.repeat( detail, i -> { double x = position.x + width * (2. * i / detail - 1); new Color4(0, 0, .6).glColor(); new Vec2(x, bottom).glVertex(); new Color4(0, .2, 1).glColor(); new Vec2(x, heights[i]).glVertex(); }); glEnd(); }); Core.renderLayer(1) .onEvent( () -> { glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); Util.repeat( detail, i -> { double x = position.x + width * (2. * i / detail - 1); new Color4(0, 0, .6, .5).glColor(); new Vec2(x, bottom).glVertex(); new Color4(0, .2, 1, .5).glColor(); new Vec2(x, heights[i]).glVertex(); }); glEnd(); }) .addChild(this); }
public static void newUpload() throws IOException { models.Upload upload = new models.Upload(); upload.owner = getUser(); upload.created = Util.currentTimeInUTC(); upload.create(); File uploadDir = Util.getUploadDir(; if (!uploadDir.mkdirs()) throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create upload dir " + uploadDir.getAbsolutePath()); MyCache.evictUploadsForOwner(upload.owner); view(; }
private static byte[] _monitor_handleAnnouncement( DirectoryAnnouncement da, String detected_sa, DBInterface db, boolean storeNAT) throws P2PDDSQLException { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Got announcement: " + da); if (da.getGID() != null) db.deleteNoSyncNULL( table.registered.TNAME, new String[] {table.registered.global_peer_ID, table.registered.instance}, new String[] {da.getGID(), da.instance}, DEBUG); else db.deleteNoSyncNULL( table.registered.TNAME, new String[] {table.registered.global_peer_ID_hash, table.registered.instance}, new String[] {da.getGIDH(), da.instance}, DEBUG); String adr = da.address.addresses(); // da.address.domain+":"+da.address.port+ADDR_SEP+detected_sa, if (storeNAT) adr = Address.joinAddresses(detected_sa, adr); String params[] = new String[table.registered.fields_noID_list.length]; params[table.registered.REG_GID] = da.getGID(); params[table.registered.REG_GID_HASH] = da.getGIDH(); params[table.registered.REG_INSTANCE] = da.instance; params[table.registered.REG_BRANCH] = da.branch; params[table.registered.REG_AGENT_VERSION] = Util.getVersion(da.agent_version); params[table.registered.REG_NAME] =; params[table.registered.REG_CERT] = (da.certificate.length == 0) ? null : Util.stringSignatureFromByte(da.certificate); params[table.registered.REG_ADDR] = adr; params[table.registered.REG_SIGN] = (da.signature.length == 0) ? null : Util.stringSignatureFromByte(da.signature); Calendar timestamp =; if (timestamp == null) timestamp = Util.CalendargetInstance(); params[table.registered.REG_TIME] = Encoder.getGeneralizedTime( timestamp); // (Util.CalendargetInstance().getTimeInMillis()/1000)+""; long id = db.insert( table.registered.TNAME, table.registered.fields_noID_list, // new // String[]{table.registered.global_peer_ID,table.registered.certificate,table.registered.addresses,table.registered.signature,table.registered.timestamp}, params); if (DEBUG) out.println("DirectoryServer: mon_handleAnnoncement:inserted with ID=" + id); byte[] answer = new DirectoryAnnouncement_Answer(detected_sa).encode(); if (DEBUG) out.println("sending answer: " + Util.byteToHexDump(answer)); return answer; }
/** Adjust city loyalty, create rebels, place rebels. */ public void adjustCityLoyalty() { List<Structure> cities = game.getStructures(); List<Structure> fully_rebel = new LinkedList<>(); for (Structure city : cities) { if (city.owner == game.getTurn()) { game.adjustCityLoyalty(city, calculateCityLoyalty(tax_rate, efs_ini, game)); if (city.loyalty < C.LOYALTY_REBEL_LIMIT) { int rebel_pop = 0; for (int i =; i > 0; i -= 10) { float prob = (1 - city.loyalty / C.LOYALTY_REBEL_LIMIT) * C.LOYALTY_REBEL_HIGH_P; Util.dP(prob); if (game.getRandom().nextFloat() < prob) { rebel_pop += 10; } } if (rebel_pop == 0) { continue; } // if (rebel_pop > { // rebel_pop =; // } game.adjustCityHealth(city, - rebel_pop); LinkedList<Unit> rebels = new LinkedList<>(); Util.dP(rebel_pop); for (int i = rebel_pop; i > 0; i -= 10) { rebels.add( new Unit( city.p_idx, city.x, city.y, C.NEUTRAL, C.NEUTRAL, C.PARTISAN_UNIT_TYPE, 0, -1, -1, game)); } placeRebels(rebels, Util.FindHexesAround.Hextype.LAND); if ( <= 0) { fully_rebel.add(city); } } } } for (Structure city : fully_rebel) { // this here or else ConcurrentModificationException game.destroyCity(city.p_idx, city.x, city.y); } }
public static int getTCP(String address) { String domain; String[] protos = address.split(Pattern.quote(ADDR_PROT_INTERN_SEP)); if (DEBUG) System.out.println( "Address:getTCP: adr=" + address + " splits=" + Util.concat(protos, " - ")); if (protos.length > 1) domain = protos[1]; else domain = protos[0]; String[] ports = domain.split(Pattern.quote(ADDR_PART_SEP)); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Address:getTCP: dom=" + domain + " splits=" + Util.concat(ports, " - ")); if (ports.length < 2) return -1; if ((ports[1] == null) || (ports[1].length() == 0)) return 0; return Integer.parseInt(ports[1]); }
public static void deleteFile(Long id, String path, boolean returnToBrowse) throws IOException { models.Upload upload = Uploads.getUpload(id); File uploadsDir = Util.getUploadDir(; File file = new File(uploadsDir, path); deleteFileImpl(path, file, uploadsDir, upload); if (returnToBrowse) { File parent = file.getParentFile(); String parentPath = JavaExtensions.relativeTo(parent, upload); // if we do viewFile directly we get silly %2F escapes in the URL redirect(Util.viewPublicUploadUrl(upload, parentPath)); } else { Uploads.view(id); } }
@Override public String toString() { String r = "DirAnsInst ["; r += "\t\ninstance=" + instance; r += "\t\nbranch=" + branch; r += "\t\nagent_version=" + Util.concat(agent_version, ".", "NULL"); r += "\t\nsignature_peer=" + Util.byteToHexDump(signature_peer); r += "\t\ndate_last_contact=" + Encoder.getGeneralizedTime(date_last_contact); if (instance_terms != null) { for (int i = 0; i < instance_terms.length; i++) { r += "\t\ninstance_terms=" + instance_terms[i]; } } r += "\t\n addr=" + Util.concat(addresses, " , ", "NULL"); return r + "]"; }
public String toRecString(boolean _parent) { String r = "D_DirEntry["; r += "\n\t" + "known=" + known + " root=" + root; r += "\n\t" + "ID=" + registered_ID; r += "\n\t" + "GID=" + globalID; r += "\n\t" + "GIDH=" + globalIDhash; r += "\n\t" + "inst=" + instance; r += "\n\t" + "cert=" + certificate; r += "\n\t" + "addr=" + Util.concat(addresses, "\n\t\t", "NULL"); r += "\n\t" + "sign=" + Util.byteToHexDump(signature); r += "\n\t" + "time=" + Encoder.getGeneralizedTime(timestamp); if (_parent && (parent != null) && (parent != this)) r += "\n\t" + "parent=" + parent.toSummary(); r += "\n\t" + "instances=" + Util.concat(instances.values(), "}{", "NULL") + "\n]"; return r; }
public static void uploadRepo(Long id, @Required File repo, String module, String version) throws ZipException, IOException { models.Upload upload = Uploads.getUpload(id); File uploadsDir = Util.getUploadDir(; if (validationFailed()) { Uploads.uploadRepoForm(id); } String name = repo.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name.endsWith(".zip")) uploadZip(repo, null, uploadsDir); else { boolean found = false; for (String postfix : SupportedExtensions) { if (name.endsWith(postfix)) { uploadArchive(repo, postfix, uploadsDir, module, version, id); found = true; break; } } if (!found) error( HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid uploaded file (must be zip, car, jar or src)"); } Uploads.view(id); }
/** * Called with a parameter "da" already verified and validated as new and possibly signed * * @param da * @param detected_sa * @param db * @param storeNAT * @return * @throws P2PDDSQLException */ private static DirectoryAnnouncement_Answer _monitored_handleAnnouncement( DirectoryAnnouncement da, Address detected_sa, DBInterface db, boolean storeNAT, boolean TCP_not_UDP) throws P2PDDSQLException { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("DirectoryServer: _monitored_handleAnnouncement: Got announcement: " + da); if (da.address._addresses == null) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println( "DirectoryServer: _monitored_handleAnnouncement: Got empty announcement: " + da + " detected=" + detected_sa); } String globalID = da.getGID(); String globalIDhash = da.getGIDH(); String instance = da.instance; // only use old NAT is current message is TCP if (TCP_not_UDP) { D_DirectoryEntry old_entry = DirectoryServerCache.getEntry(globalID, globalIDhash, instance); if (old_entry != null) { Address old_detected_NAT = old_entry.getNATAddress(); if (detected_sa == null) detected_sa = old_detected_NAT; else { if (old_detected_NAT != null) { if (Address.sameDomain(detected_sa, old_detected_NAT)) { detected_sa = old_detected_NAT; } else { if (DEBUG) System.out.println( "DirectoryServer: _monitored_handleAnnouncement: diff NATS: n=" + detected_sa + " o=" + old_detected_NAT); } } } } } if (detected_sa != null) da.address._addresses = prependAddress(da.address._addresses, detected_sa); DirectoryServerCache.loadAndSetEntry(da, TCP_not_UDP); if (DEBUG) System.out.println( "DirectoryServer: _monitored_handleAnnouncement: loaded=" + DirectoryServerCache.getEntry(globalID, globalIDhash, instance)); // byte[] answer = return new DirectoryAnnouncement_Answer(Util.getString(detected_sa)); // if (DEBUG) out.println("DS:_monitored_handleAnnouncement: sending answer: // "+Util.byteToHexDump(answer)); // return answer; }
/** * Place rebels, fill hexes starting from closest available hex. Return true if all rebels placed, * false if we run out of planet hexes before all rebels are placed. * * @param rebels list of units to place * @return true iff all rebels placed */ private boolean placeRebels(LinkedList<Unit> rebels, Util.FindHexesAround.Hextype type) { Hex center = null; Hex target = null; Hex prev_target = null; Util.FindHexesAround hex_finder = null; Point p = new Point(C.NEUTRAL, C.NEUTRAL); int p_idx = -1; int x = -1; int y = -1; while (!rebels.isEmpty()) { Unit unit = rebels.pop(); if (unit.y != y || unit.x != x || unit.p_idx != p_idx) { y = unit.y; x = unit.x; p_idx = unit.p_idx; addMessage( new Message( "Rebellion on " + game.getPlanet(p_idx).name + " " + x + "," + y + "!", C.Msg.REBELLION, game.getYear(), game.getPlanet(p_idx))); } Hex hex_tmp = game.getHexFromPXY(unit.p_idx, unit.x, unit.y); if (!hex_tmp.equals(center)) { center = hex_tmp; hex_finder = new Util.FindHexesAround(center, C.NEUTRAL, type, game.getPlanet(p_idx).tile_set_type); prev_target = target; target =; } while (target != null && Util.stackSize(target.getStack()) >= C.STACK_SIZE) { target =; } prev_target = spot(prev_target, target); if (target == null) { return false; } if (unit.carrier == null) { if (unit.type_data.cargo > 0 && unit.cargo_list.size() > 0) { List<Unit> tmp = new LinkedList<>(); tmp.addAll(unit.cargo_list); for (Unit u : tmp) { unit.disembark(u); center.addUnit(u); } } } else { Unit u = unit.carrier; u.disembark(unit); } center.getStack().remove(unit); game.changeOwnerOfUnit(p, unit); game.relocateUnit(false, unit.p_idx, target.getX(), target.getY(), unit); target.addUnit(unit); game.getUnits().add(unit); // Util.dP(" hex " + target.getX() + "," + target.getY()); } spot(target, prev_target); return true; }
public static void main(String[] args) { // Here modifier is not permitted and only final is allowed Student[] lab2 = new Student[40]; // Create an array of 40 students int count = 0; // To store the number of students try { // Read file from current project directory // Students' number more than 40. If you want to test this case, uncomment next. lab2 = Util.readFile("src/More_than_40.txt", lab2); // Students' number less than 40. If you want to test this case, uncomment next. // lab2 = Util.readFile("src/Less_than_40.txt",lab2); // Students' number equals to 40. If you want to test this case, uncomment next. // lab2 = Util.readFile("src/Equals_to_40.txt",lab2); } catch (FixedException e) { // To handle number exceed exception e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // To handle IO exception e.printStackTrace(); } AnalyticModel analysis = new AnalyticModel(); analysis.findLowest(lab2); // Find the lowest of 5 quizzes among 40 students analysis.findHighest(lab2); // Find the highest of 5 quizzes among 40 students analysis.findAvg(lab2); // Find the average of 5 quizzes among 40 students System.out.println("Stud\tQu1\tQu2\tQu3\tQu4\tQu5"); // Display grades information while (lab2[count] != null) { lab2[count].displayInfo(); // Display students information count++; if (count == 40) break; } analysis.displayGrades(); // Display analytic statistics }