/** * Handel multipart messages recursive until we find the first text/html message. Or text/plain * if html is not available. * * @param multipart the multipart portion * @param message the message * @param builder the email value builder * @throws MessagingException * @throws IOException */ private void handleMultipart( Multipart multipart, Message message, ValueBuilder<EmailValue> builder) throws MessagingException, IOException { String body = ""; String contentType = cleanContentType(multipart.getContentType()); for (int i = 0, n = multipart.getCount(); i < n; i++) { BodyPart part = multipart.getBodyPart(i); String disposition = part.getDisposition(); if ((disposition != null) && ((disposition.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.ATTACHMENT) || (disposition.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.INLINE))))) { builder .prototype() .attachments() .get() .add(createAttachedFileValue(message.getSentDate(), part)); } else { if (part.isMimeType(Translator.PLAIN)) { // if contents is multipart mixed concatenate text plain parts if ("multipart/mixed".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType)) { body += (String) part.getContent() + "\n\r"; } else { body = (String) part.getContent(); } builder.prototype().content().set(body); builder.prototype().contentType().set(Translator.PLAIN); } else if (part.isMimeType(Translator.HTML)) { body = (String) part.getContent(); builder.prototype().contentHtml().set(body); builder.prototype().contentType().set(Translator.HTML); } else if (part.isMimeType("image/*")) { builder .prototype() .attachments() .get() .add(createAttachedFileValue(message.getSentDate(), part)); } else if (part.getContent() instanceof Multipart) { handleMultipart((Multipart) part.getContent(), message, builder); } } } // if contentHtml is not empty set the content type to text/html if (!Strings.empty(builder.prototype().contentHtml().get())) { builder.prototype().content().set(builder.prototype().contentHtml().get()); builder.prototype().contentType().set(Translator.HTML); } }
/** * Try to determine what address from the to address list should be used as main TO address for * the different EmailReceiver's. In case the references header is null we try to find a * matching email access point. * * @param recipients The recipients from the TO address list * @param references The references header * @return A hopefully valid email address as a string */ private String toaddress(final Address[] recipients, String references) { String result = ""; // No recipients found return n/a if (recipients == null || recipients.length == 0) return "n/a"; if (!hasStreamflowReference(references)) { Organizations.Data organizations = module .unitOfWorkFactory() .currentUnitOfWork() .get(Organizations.Data.class, OrganizationsEntity.ORGANIZATIONS_ID); EmailAccessPoints.Data emailAccessPoints = (EmailAccessPoints.Data) organizations.organization().get(); Iterable<EmailAccessPoint> possibleAccesspoints = Iterables.filter( new Specification<EmailAccessPoint>() { public boolean satisfiedBy(final EmailAccessPoint accessPoint) { return Iterables.matchesAny( new Specification<Address>() { public boolean satisfiedBy(Address address) { return ((InternetAddress) address) .getAddress() .equalsIgnoreCase(accessPoint.getDescription()); } }, Arrays.asList(recipients)); } }, emailAccessPoints.emailAccessPoints().toList()); if (Iterables.count(possibleAccesspoints) > 0) result = Iterables.first(possibleAccesspoints).getDescription(); else result = ((InternetAddress) recipients[0]).getAddress(); } else { result = ((InternetAddress) recipients[0]).getAddress(); } return Strings.empty(result) ? "n/a" : result.toLowerCase(); }
public void run() { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); if (!circuitBreaker.isOn()) return; // Don't try - circuit breaker is off boolean expunge = config.configuration().deleteMailOnInboxClose().get(); if (config.configuration().debug().get()) { logger.info("Checking email"); logger.info("Delete mail on close - " + expunge); } Session session = javax.mail.Session.getInstance(props, authenticator); session.setDebug(config.configuration().debug().get()); Usecase usecase = newUsecase("Receive Mail"); UnitOfWork uow = null; Store store = null; Folder inbox = null; Folder archive = null; boolean archiveExists = false; List<Message> copyToArchive = new ArrayList<Message>(); MimeMessage internalMessage = null; try { store = session.getStore(url); store.connect(); inbox = store.getFolder("INBOX"); inbox.open(Folder.READ_WRITE); javax.mail.Message[] messages = inbox.getMessages(); FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile(); // fp.add( "In-Reply-To" ); inbox.fetch(messages, fp); // check if the archive folder is configured and exists if (!Strings.empty(config.configuration().archiveFolder().get()) && config.configuration().protocol().get().startsWith("imap")) { archive = store.getFolder(config.configuration().archiveFolder().get()); // if not exists - create if (!archive.exists()) { archive.create(Folder.HOLDS_MESSAGES); archiveExists = true; } else { archiveExists = true; } archive.open(Folder.READ_WRITE); } for (javax.mail.Message message : messages) { int tries = 0; while (tries < 3) { uow = module.unitOfWorkFactory().newUnitOfWork(usecase); ValueBuilder<EmailValue> builder = module.valueBuilderFactory().newValueBuilder(EmailValue.class); try { // Force a complete fetch of the message by cloning it to a internal MimeMessage // to avoid "javax.mail.MessagingException: Unable to load BODYSTRUCTURE" problems // f.ex. experienced if the message contains a windows .eml file as attachment! // Beware that all flag and folder operations have to be made on the original message // and not on the internal one!! internalMessage = new MimeMessage((MimeMessage) message); Object content = internalMessage.getContent(); // Get email fields builder .prototype() .from() .set(((InternetAddress) internalMessage.getFrom()[0]).getAddress()); builder .prototype() .fromName() .set(((InternetAddress) internalMessage.getFrom()[0]).getPersonal()); builder .prototype() .subject() .set(internalMessage.getSubject() == null ? "" : internalMessage.getSubject()); // Get headers for (Header header : Iterables.iterable((Enumeration<Header>) internalMessage.getAllHeaders())) { builder.prototype().headers().get().put(header.getName(), header.getValue()); } // Get all recipients in order - TO, CC, BCC // and provide it to the toaddress method to pick the first possible valid adress builder .prototype() .to() .set( toaddress( internalMessage.getAllRecipients(), builder.prototype().headers().get().get("References"))); builder.prototype().messageId().set(internalMessage.getHeader("Message-ID")[0]); // Get body and attachments String body = ""; // set content initially so it never can become null builder.prototype().content().set(body); if (content instanceof String) { body = content.toString(); builder.prototype().content().set(body); String contentTypeString = cleanContentType(internalMessage.getContentType()); builder.prototype().contentType().set(contentTypeString); if (Translator.HTML.equalsIgnoreCase(contentTypeString)) { builder.prototype().contentHtml().set(body); } } else if (content instanceof Multipart) { handleMultipart((Multipart) content, internalMessage, builder); } else if (content instanceof InputStream) { content = new MimeMessage(session, (InputStream) content).getContent(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Inputs.byteBuffer((InputStream) content, 4096).transferTo(Outputs.byteBuffer(baos)); String data = new String(baos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"); // Unknown content type - abort // and create failure case String subj = "Unkonwn content type: " + internalMessage.getSubject(); builder .prototype() .subject() .set(subj.length() > 50 ? subj.substring(0, 50) : subj); builder.prototype().content().set(body); builder.prototype().contentType().set(internalMessage.getContentType()); systemDefaults.createCaseOnEmailFailure(builder.newInstance()); copyToArchive.add(message); if (expunge) message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); uow.discard(); tries = 3; continue; } else { // Unknown content type - abort // and create failure case String subj = "Unkonwn content type: " + internalMessage.getSubject(); builder .prototype() .subject() .set(subj.length() > 50 ? subj.substring(0, 50) : subj); builder.prototype().content().set(body); builder.prototype().contentType().set(internalMessage.getContentType()); systemDefaults.createCaseOnEmailFailure(builder.newInstance()); copyToArchive.add(message); if (expunge) message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); uow.discard(); logger.error( "Could not parse emails: unknown content type " + content.getClass().getName()); tries = 3; continue; } // make sure mail content fit's into statistic database - truncate on 65.500 // characters. if (builder.prototype().content().get().length() > 65000) { builder .prototype() .content() .set(builder.prototype().content().get().substring(0, 65000)); } // try to reveal if it is a smpt error we are looking at // X-Failed-Recipients is returned by Gmail // X-FC-MachineGenerated is returned by FirstClass // Exchange is following RFC 6522 - The Multipart/Report Media Type for // the Reporting of Mail System Administrative Messages boolean isSmtpErrorReport = !Strings.empty(builder.prototype().headers().get().get("X-Failed-Recipients")) || (!Strings.empty( builder.prototype().headers().get().get("X-FC-MachineGenerated")) && "true" .equals( builder.prototype().headers().get().get("X-FC-MachineGenerated"))) || !Strings.empty( new ContentType(builder.prototype().headers().get().get("Content-Type")) .getParameter("report-type")); if (isSmtpErrorReport) { // This is a mail bounce due to SMTP error - create support case. String subj = "Undeliverable mail: " + builder.prototype().subject().get(); builder .prototype() .subject() .set(subj.length() > 50 ? subj.substring(0, 50) : subj); systemDefaults.createCaseOnEmailFailure(builder.newInstance()); copyToArchive.add(message); if (expunge) message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); uow.discard(); logger.error("Received a mail bounce reply: " + body); tries = 3; continue; } if (builder.prototype().to().get().equals("n/a")) { // This is a mail has no to address - create support case. String subj = "No TO address: " + builder.prototype().subject().get(); builder .prototype() .subject() .set(subj.length() > 50 ? subj.substring(0, 50) : subj); systemDefaults.createCaseOnEmailFailure(builder.newInstance()); copyToArchive.add(message); if (expunge) message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); uow.discard(); logger.error("Received a mail without TO address: " + body); tries = 3; continue; } mailReceiver.receivedEmail(null, builder.newInstance()); try { logger.debug("This is try " + tries); uow.complete(); tries = 3; } catch (ConcurrentEntityModificationException ceme) { if (tries < 2) { logger.debug("Encountered ConcurrentEntityModificationException - try again "); // discard uow and try again uow.discard(); tries++; continue; } else { logger.debug("Rethrowing ConcurrentEntityModification.Exception"); tries++; throw ceme; } } copyToArchive.add(message); // remove mail on success if expunge is true if (expunge) message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); } catch (Throwable e) { String subj = "Unknown error: " + internalMessage.getSubject(); builder.prototype().subject().set(subj.length() > 50 ? subj.substring(0, 50) : subj); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); content.append("Error Message: " + e.getMessage()); content.append("\n\rStackTrace:\n\r"); for (StackTraceElement trace : Arrays.asList(e.getStackTrace())) { content.append(trace.toString() + "\n\r"); } builder.prototype().content().set(content.toString()); // since we create the content of the message our self it's ok to set content type // always to text/plain builder.prototype().contentType().set("text/plain"); // Make sure to address has some value before vi create a case!! if (builder.prototype().to().get() == null) { builder.prototype().to().set("n/a"); } systemDefaults.createCaseOnEmailFailure(builder.newInstance()); copyToArchive.add(message); if (expunge) message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true); uow.discard(); logger.error("Could not parse emails", e); tries = 3; } } } // copy message to archive if archive exists if (archiveExists) { inbox.copyMessages(copyToArchive.toArray(new Message[0]), archive); archive.close(false); } inbox.close(config.configuration().deleteMailOnInboxClose().get()); store.close(); if (config.configuration().debug().get()) { logger.info("Checked email"); } circuitBreaker.success(); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("Error in mail receiver: ", e); circuitBreaker.throwable(e); try { if (inbox != null && inbox.isOpen()) inbox.close(false); if (store != null && store.isConnected()) store.close(); } catch (Throwable e1) { logger.error("Could not close inbox", e1); } } }
public void receivedEmail(ApplicationEvent event, EmailValue email) { UnitOfWork uow = module .unitOfWorkFactory() .newUnitOfWork(UsecaseBuilder.newUsecase("Receive email in conversation")); try { String references = email.headers().get().get("References"); if (hasStreamflowReference(references)) { // This is a response - handle it! List<String> refs = (List<String>) Iterables.addAll( (Collection<String>) new ArrayList<String>(), Iterables.iterable(references.split("[ \r\n\t]"))); // Hotmail handles refs a bit differently... String hotmailRefs = Iterables.first( Iterables.filter( new Specification<String>() { public boolean satisfiedBy(String item) { return item.contains(",") && item.endsWith("@Streamflow>"); } }, refs)); String lastRef = null; if (!Strings.empty(hotmailRefs)) { lastRef = hotmailRefs.split(",")[1]; } else { Collections.reverse(refs); Iterable<String> filter = Iterables.filter( new Specification<String>() { public boolean satisfiedBy(String item) { return item.endsWith("@Streamflow>"); } }, refs); lastRef = Iterables.first(filter); } if (lastRef == null) { ValueBuilder<EmailValue> builder = module .valueBuilderFactory() .newValueBuilder(EmailValue.class) .withPrototype(email); String subj = "Msg Ref missing: " + builder.prototype().subject().get(); builder.prototype().subject().set(subj.length() > 50 ? subj.substring(0, 50) : subj); systemDefaults.createCaseOnEmailFailure(builder.newInstance()); logger.error("Could not find message reference in email header:" + lastRef); uow.discard(); return; } Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("<([^/]*)/([^@]*)@[^>]*>").matcher(lastRef); if (matcher.find()) { String conversationId = matcher.group(1); String participantId = URLDecoder.decode(matcher.group(2), "UTF-8"); if (!"".equals(conversationId) && !"".equals(participantId)) { ConversationParticipant from = uow.get(ConversationParticipant.class, participantId); Conversation conversation = uow.get(Conversation.class, conversationId); CaseEntity caze = (CaseEntity) conversation.conversationOwner().get(); String content = email.content().get(); // If we have an assignee, ensure it is a member of the conversation first if (caze.isAssigned()) { if (!conversation.isParticipant( (ConversationParticipant) caze.assignedTo().get())) conversation.addParticipant((ConversationParticipant) caze.assignedTo().get()); } // Create a new role map and fill it with relevant objects if (RoleMap.current() == null) RoleMap.newCurrentRoleMap(); RoleMap.current().set(from, ConversationParticipant.class); RoleMap.current().set(caze, CaseLoggable.Data.class); RoleMap.current().set(caze, Case.class); Message message = null; if (Translator.HTML.equalsIgnoreCase(email.contentType().get())) { message = conversation.createMessage(email.contentHtml().get(), MessageType.HTML, from); } else { message = conversation.createMessage(email.content().get(), MessageType.PLAIN, from); } // Create attachments for (AttachedFileValue attachedFileValue : email.attachments().get()) { if (!(attachedFileValue.mimeType().get().contains("text/x-vcard") || attachedFileValue.mimeType().get().contains("text/directory"))) { Attachment attachment = message.createAttachment(attachedFileValue.uri().get()); attachment.changeDescription("New Attachment"); attachment.changeName(attachedFileValue.name().get()); attachment.changeMimeType(attachedFileValue.mimeType().get()); attachment.changeModificationDate(attachedFileValue.modificationDate().get()); attachment.changeSize(attachedFileValue.size().get()); attachment.changeUri(attachedFileValue.uri().get()); } } try { if (caze.isStatus(CaseStates.CLOSED)) { RoleMap.newCurrentRoleMap(); RoleMap.current().set(caze); if (caze.assignedTo().get() != null) { RoleMap.current().set(caze.assignedTo().get()); } else { RoleMap.current() .set(uow.get(UserEntity.class, UserEntity.ADMINISTRATOR_USERNAME)); } CaseCommandsContext caseCommands = module.transientBuilderFactory().newTransient(CaseCommandsContext.class); caseCommands.reopen(); caseCommands.unassign(); RoleMap.clearCurrentRoleMap(); } } catch (Throwable e) { ValueBuilder<EmailValue> builder = module .valueBuilderFactory() .newValueBuilder(EmailValue.class) .withPrototype(email); String subj = "Create Case failed: " + builder.prototype().subject().get(); builder .prototype() .subject() .set(subj.length() > 50 ? subj.substring(0, 50) : subj); systemDefaults.createCaseOnEmailFailure(builder.newInstance()); // throw new IllegalStateException("Could not open case through new message.", e); } } } } uow.complete(); } catch (Exception ex) { ValueBuilder<EmailValue> builder = module.valueBuilderFactory().newValueBuilder(EmailValue.class).withPrototype(email); String subj = "Conversation Response Error: " + builder.prototype().subject().get(); builder.prototype().subject().set(subj.length() > 50 ? subj.substring(0, 50) : subj); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); content.append("Error Message: " + ex.getMessage()); content.append("\n\rStackTrace:\n\r"); for (StackTraceElement trace : Arrays.asList(ex.getStackTrace())) { content.append(trace.toString() + "\n\r"); } builder.prototype().content().set(content.toString()); // since we create the content of the message our self it's ok to set content type always // to text/plain builder.prototype().contentType().set("text/plain"); // Make sure to address has some value before vi create a case!! if (builder.prototype().to().get() == null) { builder.prototype().to().set("n/a"); } systemDefaults.createCaseOnEmailFailure(builder.newInstance()); uow.discard(); // throw new ApplicationEventReplayException(event, ex); } }