예제 #1
  // Method that allows the user to create a new game in the database
  public void CreateGame(
      ScreenFrame frame, ServerConnection server, User currentUser, Parsers parser) {

    try {

      // Defining variables from typed values in the CreateScreen panel
      String gamename = frame.getCreate().getTfGameName().getText();
      int mapSize = frame.getCreate().getTfMapSize();
      String controls = frame.getCreate().getTfControls().getText();

      // Checks whether the typed in values are legitimate
      // Strings controls and gamename can't be empty and the map size can't be 0
      if (!controls.equals("") && mapSize != 0 && !gamename.equals("")) {

        // Creates objects of/instansialize Game and Gamer classes
        Game game = new Game();
        Gamer gamer = new Gamer();

        // Sets controls equal to the typed controls

        // Sets id equal to the logged in user (the current user)

        // Sets the above defined id as the host of the game

        // Sets the gamename and mapsize equal to the typed values

        // All of the above setters are used to @post the variables into the database
        String json = new Gson().toJson(game);
        String message = parser.createParser(server.post(json, "games/"));

        // Checks if the received list of games contains the newly created game
        // If so a confirmation will be shown to the user
        if (message.equals(game.getName())) {

              "Game was created!\nIt's called " + game.getName(),

      // Prints a stacktrace when catching an unforeseen error
    } catch (Exception e) {
예제 #2
  // Method that shows the top 5 scores in the ScoreScreen panel
  public void ShowHighscore(ScreenFrame frame, ServerConnection server, Parsers parser) {

    try {

      // Initiates highscore class
      Highscore highscores = new Highscore();

      // Instantiates highscore object..?
      highscores = parser.scoreParser(server.get("scores/"), highscores);

      // Sets the labels in ScoreScreen panel equal to the obtained scores from servers
          .setText("#1: " + String.valueOf(highscores.getFirstPlace() + " points"));
          .setText("#2: " + String.valueOf(highscores.getSecondPlace() + " points"));
          .setText("#3: " + String.valueOf(highscores.getThirdPlace() + " points"));
          .setText("#4: " + String.valueOf(highscores.getFourthPlace() + " points"));
          .setText("#5: " + String.valueOf(highscores.getFifthPlace() + " points"));

    } catch (Exception e) {
예제 #3
  // Boolean method that allows the user to deleting a game with a known Game Id
  public boolean DeleteGame(ScreenFrame frame, ServerConnection server, Parsers parser) {

    // Try/catch for error handling through exceptions
    try {
      // Gets variable gameId from DeleteScreen panel
      // Defines which game that has to be deleted
      long gameId = frame.getDelete().getTfGameId();

      String message = parser.messageParser(server.delete("games/" + gameId));

      // If the server returns "Game was deleted" the statement returns true
      // which executes the lines at Controller class (l. 157-160)
      if (message.equals("Game was deleted")) {

        return true;

    } catch (Exception e) {

    return false;
예제 #4
  // Method that makes it possible for the user to log in
  public User Login(ScreenFrame frame, ServerConnection server, User currentUser, Parsers parser) {

    // Sets variables username and password equal to the typed values in the LoginScreen panel
    String username = frame.getLoginScreen().getTfUsername().getText();
    String password = frame.getLoginScreen().getTfPassword().getText();

    // Try/catch for error handling through exceptions
    try {
      // If-statement for checking the typed values.
      // If the typed values aren't equal to "" (empty textfields) the method will be executed
      if (!username.equals("") & !password.equals("")) {

        User user = new User();

        // Sets the username and password for the logged in user equal to the typed values

        // Sends
        String json = new Gson().toJson(user);

        // Sends
        String message = parser.loginParser((server.post(json, "login/")), user);

        // Checks whether the received message is equal to the wanted one
        if (message.equals("Login successful")) {

          currentUser = user;

          // Uses the userParser method to get ..
          parser.userParser(server.get("users/" + currentUser.getId() + "/"), currentUser);

          // Leads the user to the usermenu

          // Returns the value/variable/object currentUser to define who's logged in
          return currentUser;

          // If the server can't fit the typed values
          // Responds following received message with a JOptionPane that will warn the user
        } else if (message.equals("Wrong username or password")) {

              "Wrong username or password. Please try again",

          // If the error is elsewhere than in the typed values
          // Responds following received message with a JOptionPane that will warn the user
        } else if (message.equals("Error in JSON")) {

          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Error", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

      // Prints a stacktrace when catching an unforeseen error
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return null;
예제 #5
  // Method that allows the user to join a game and at the same time starting, determining who's the
  // winner
  public void JoinGame(
      ScreenFrame frame, ServerConnection server, User currentUser, Parsers parser) {

    // Try/catch for error handling through exceptions
    try {

      // Defines the variables gameId for the game and controls for the joining user
      // GamId is set as type long because the server apparently sends back long type variables
      long gameId = frame.getJoin().getTfGameId();
      String controls = frame.getJoin().getTfControls().getText();

      // Checks whether the opponent typed controls are legitimate
      if (!controls.equals("")) {

        // Instansierer/create new objects of game and gamer class
        Game game = new Game();
        Gamer gamer = new Gamer();

        // Sets the gamer id equal to the current users id

        // Sets the typed in controls equal to gamer controls

        // Sets the gameId equal to the typed gameId

        // Sets the gamer to being the opponent

        String json = new Gson().toJson(game);

        String message = parser.messageParser(server.put("games/join/", json));

        // Checks whether the PUT-request succeeded
        if (message.equals("Game was joined")) {

          Game joined = parser.joinParser(server.put("games/start/", json));

          joined = parser.joinParser(server.get("game/" + joined.getGameId() + "/"));

          // If the SnakeMasterId is equal to the opponent (current user)
          // the panel shows a message confirming that the opponent won
          if (joined.getSnakeMasterId() == currentUser.getId()) {

                frame, "You joined the game and won!", "WINNER!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

            // If the SnakeMasterId isn't equal to the current users
            // the panel shows a message confirming that the host won
          } else if (joined.getSnakeMasterId() != currentUser.getId()) {

                "You joined the game and lost!\nBuhuu..",

          // If the PUT-request message equals "Game closed"
          // the panel shows error message to the user
        } else if (message.equals("Game closed")) {

              "The Game is closed. Check your Game Id again",

    } catch (Exception e) {