public String getMachineInfo() { Driver driver = Base.getMachineLoader().getDriver(); String info = new String(); info += "System Information" + "\n"; info += " ReplicatorG version: " + Base.VERSION_NAME + "\n"; info += " Java version: " + System.getProperty("java.version") + "\n"; info += "\n"; info += "Machine" + "\n"; info += " Profile Name: " + Base.preferences.get("", "") + "\n"; info += " Driver Type: " + Base.getMachineLoader().getDriver().getDriverName() + "\n"; info += " Name: " + Base.getMachineLoader().getMachine().getMachineName() + "\n"; // TODO: Only if a printer is connected? info += " Motherboard firmware version: " + driver.getFirmwareInfo() + "\n"; // Status dump // Communication Statistics if (driver instanceof OnboardParameters) { CommunicationStatistics stats = ((OnboardParameters) driver).getCommunicationStatistics(); info += " Motherboard communication statistics" + "\n"; info += " Number of packets received from the USB interface:" + stats.packetCount + "\n"; info += " Number of packets sent over the RS485 interface:" + stats.sentPacketCount + "\n"; info += " Number of packets sent over the RS485 interface that were not responded to:" + stats.packetFailureCount + "\n"; info += " Number of packet retries attempted:" + stats.packetRetryCount + "\n"; info += " Number of bytes received over the RS485 interface that were discarded as noise:" + stats.noiseByteCount + "\n"; } // EEPROM dump // Toolhead info (per toolhead) // Default skeinforge version/profile info? // Machine Driver XML dump info += "\n"; info += "Machine Driver XML:" + "\n"; Node machineNode = MachineFactory.getMachineNode(Base.preferences.get("", "")); if (machineNode != null) { info += convertNodeToHtml(machineNode) + "\n"; } // Test communication return info; }
/** * Generic Constructor. Creates an output file and registers as a machineListener * * @filename : desired output file */ public DataCapture(String filename) { try { outFile = new FileWriter(filename); } catch (IOException e) { Base.logger.severe("Couldn't open data capture file for writing:" + e.getMessage()); } // Listen to the machine, do you hear what it is telling you? Base.getMachineLoader().addMachineListener(this); }
public DualStrusionConstruction( File leftFile, File rightFile, MutableGCodeSource startSource, MutableGCodeSource endSource, MachineType type, boolean useWipes) { this.leftFile = leftFile; this.rightFile = rightFile; this.useWipes = useWipes; this.machineType = type; startGCode = startSource.copy(); endGCode = endSource.copy(); if (useWipes) { leftWipe = Base.getMachineLoader().getMachineInterface().getModel().getWipeFor(ToolheadAlias.LEFT); rightWipe = Base.getMachineLoader().getMachineInterface().getModel().getWipeFor(ToolheadAlias.RIGHT); if (leftWipe == null || rightWipe == null) { String error = "Could not find wipes for the current machine: " + Base.getMachineLoader().getMachineInterface().getModel().toString() + ". Continuing without wipes."; JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, error, "Could not find wipes!", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); useWipes = false; } } else { leftWipe = null; rightWipe = null; } }
private ControlPanelWindow(MachineInterface newMachine) { super("Control Panel"); Image icon = Base.getImage("images/icon.gif", this); setIconImage(icon); // save our machine! machine = newMachine; machine.runCommand(new InvalidatePosition()); // Listen to it-- stop and close if we're in build mode. Base.getMachineLoader().addMachineListener(this); // default behavior setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); // no menu bar. setJMenuBar(createMenuBar()); chooser = new JColorChooser(Color.BLACK); ActionListener okListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Color ledColor = chooser.getColor(); Base.logger.severe("running setLedStrip"); try { machine.getDriver().setLedStrip(ledColor, 0); } catch (replicatorg.drivers.RetryException f) { Base.logger.severe("foo" + f.toString()); } // machine.runCommand(new SetLedStrip(ledColor, 0)); ledStripButton.setText(ShowColorChooserAction.buttonStringFromColor(ledColor)); } }; ledStripButton = new JButton(new ShowColorChooserAction(this, chooser, okListener, null, Color.BLACK)); // create all our GUI interfaces mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap 5, ins 5, flowy")); jogPanel = new JogPanel(machine); mainPanel.add(jogPanel, "split 4, growx, growy"); mainPanel.add(createActivationPanel(), "split, growx"); if (newMachine.getMachineType() == MachineType.THE_REPLICATOR) { mainPanel.add(ledStripButton, "growx"); // mainPanel.add(createBeepPanel(), "growx"); } mainPanel.add(alternateToolsPanel(), "newline, growy"); this.setResizable(false); add(mainPanel); // add our listener hooks. addWindowListener(this); // addWindowFocusListener(this); // addWindowStateListener(this); // start our various threads. updateThread = new UpdateThread(this); updateThread.start(); pollThread = new PollThread(machine); pollThread.start(); }