/** Flip the state of tooltips to that described by the global isToolTipTextShown. */ public static void handleToolTipShownStateChange() { ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().setEnabled(SettingsHandler.isToolTipTextShown()); }
/** * Create a new menu item with all the contaminant expectations fulfilled. * * @param label String what to display? * @param listener ActionListener what to do as code, <code>null</code> for none * @param command String menu command, <code>null</code> for none * @param mnemonic char menu shortcut key, <code>0</code> for none * @param accelerator String keyboard shortcut key, <code>0</code> for none * @param description String tooltip * @param iconName String icon name * @param enable boolean item enabled? * @return JMenuItem the new menu item */ public static JMenuItem createMenuItem( final String label, final ActionListener listener, final String command, final char mnemonic, final String accelerator, final String description, final String iconName, final boolean enable) { final JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(label); if (listener != null) { item.addActionListener(listener); } if (command != null) { item.setActionCommand(command); } if (mnemonic != '\0') { item.setMnemonic(mnemonic); } if (accelerator != null) { // accelerator has three possible forms: // 1) shortcut + // 2) shortcut-alt + // 3) F1 // (error checking is for the weak!) int iShortCut = Event.CTRL_MASK; StringTokenizer aTok = new StringTokenizer(accelerator); // get the first argument String aString = aTok.nextToken(); if (aString.equalsIgnoreCase("shortcut")) { iShortCut = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask(); } else if (aString.equalsIgnoreCase("alt")) { if (System.getProperty("mrj.version") != null) { iShortCut = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask() | Event.ALT_MASK; } else { iShortCut = Event.ALT_MASK; } } else if (aString.equalsIgnoreCase("shift-shortcut")) { iShortCut = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask() | Event.SHIFT_MASK; } if (aTok.hasMoreTokens()) { // get the second argument aString = aTok.nextToken(); } KeyStroke aKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(aString); if (aKey != null) { int iKeyCode = aKey.getKeyCode(); item.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(iKeyCode, iShortCut)); } } if (SettingsHandler.isToolTipTextShown()) { setDescription(item, description); } IconUtilitities.maybeSetIcon(item, iconName); item.setEnabled(enable); return item; }