Example #1
 /** Flip the state of tooltips to that described by the global isToolTipTextShown. */
 public static void handleToolTipShownStateChange() {
Example #2
   * Create a new menu item with all the contaminant expectations fulfilled.
   * @param label String what to display?
   * @param listener ActionListener what to do as code, <code>null</code> for none
   * @param command String menu command, <code>null</code> for none
   * @param mnemonic char menu shortcut key, <code>0</code> for none
   * @param accelerator String keyboard shortcut key, <code>0</code> for none
   * @param description String tooltip
   * @param iconName String icon name
   * @param enable boolean item enabled?
   * @return JMenuItem the new menu item
  public static JMenuItem createMenuItem(
      final String label,
      final ActionListener listener,
      final String command,
      final char mnemonic,
      final String accelerator,
      final String description,
      final String iconName,
      final boolean enable) {
    final JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(label);

    if (listener != null) {

    if (command != null) {

    if (mnemonic != '\0') {

    if (accelerator != null) {
      // accelerator has three possible forms:
      // 1) shortcut +
      // 2) shortcut-alt +
      // 3) F1
      // (error checking is for the weak!)
      int iShortCut = Event.CTRL_MASK;
      StringTokenizer aTok = new StringTokenizer(accelerator);

      // get the first argument
      String aString = aTok.nextToken();

      if (aString.equalsIgnoreCase("shortcut")) {
        iShortCut = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask();
      } else if (aString.equalsIgnoreCase("alt")) {
        if (System.getProperty("mrj.version") != null) {
          iShortCut = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask() | Event.ALT_MASK;
        } else {
          iShortCut = Event.ALT_MASK;
      } else if (aString.equalsIgnoreCase("shift-shortcut")) {
        iShortCut = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask() | Event.SHIFT_MASK;

      if (aTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
        // get the second argument
        aString = aTok.nextToken();

      KeyStroke aKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(aString);

      if (aKey != null) {
        int iKeyCode = aKey.getKeyCode();
        item.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(iKeyCode, iShortCut));

    if (SettingsHandler.isToolTipTextShown()) {
      setDescription(item, description);

    IconUtilitities.maybeSetIcon(item, iconName);

    return item;