/** Update the Attribute Conversion Panel button enabled states. */
  private void updateAttributeConversionPanelButtons(Binding binding) {
    // ------------------------------------------
    // Set the Apply Button Enabled State
    // ------------------------------------------
    boolean enableApply = false;
    if (binding != null && !this.targetLocked) {
      // Set the Apply button enabled state. Enable if the datatypes are different.
      EObject chooserDatatype = getChooserDatatype();
      EObject bindingDatatype = binding.getCurrentAttrDatatype();
      if (chooserDatatype != null && bindingDatatype != null) {
        if (!chooserDatatype.equals(bindingDatatype)) {
          enableApply = true;
    // Set Apply Button enabled state

    // ------------------------------------------
    // Set the ConvertAll Button Enabled State
    // ------------------------------------------
    // Enable ConvertAll Button if any Binding has Conflict and target group not locked
    boolean enableConvertAll = false;

    // Enable ConvertAll Button if any Binding has Conflict
    boolean hasTypeConflict = bindingList.hasTypeConflict();
    if (hasTypeConflict && !this.targetLocked) {
      enableConvertAll = true;
 public boolean hasConflictsAndCanConvert() {
   if (bindingList.hasTypeConflict()) {
     for (Object obj : bindingList.getAll().toArray()) {
       Binding binding = (Binding) obj;
       if (canConvert(binding)) {
         return true;
   return false;
  /** Update the Symbol Conversion Panel button enabled states. */
  private void updateSymbolConversionPanelButtons(Binding binding) {
    // ------------------------------------------
    // Set the Apply Button Enabled State
    // ------------------------------------------
    boolean enableApply = false;
    if (binding != null) {
      // Enable Apply Button if current Binding has Conflict
      enableApply = binding.canConvertSqlSymbol();
    // Set Apply Button enabled state

    // ------------------------------------------
    // Set the ConvertAll Button Enabled State
    // ------------------------------------------
    // If any binding has conflict, enable
    boolean enableConvertAll = false;
    if (bindingList.hasTypeConflict()) {
      enableConvertAll = true;
    // Set ConvertAll Enabled State