public For_c(Position pos, List inits, Expr cond, List iters, Stmt body) { super(pos); this.inits = TypedList.copyAndCheck(inits, ForInit.class, true); this.cond = cond; this.iters = TypedList.copyAndCheck(iters, ForUpdate.class, true); this.body = body; }
/** Reconstruct the statement. */ protected For_c reconstruct(List inits, Expr cond, List iters, Stmt body) { if (!CollectionUtil.equals(inits, this.inits) || cond != this.cond || !CollectionUtil.equals(iters, this.iters) || body != this.body) { For_c n = (For_c) copy(); n.inits = TypedList.copyAndCheck(inits, ForInit.class, true); n.cond = cond; n.iters = TypedList.copyAndCheck(iters, ForUpdate.class, true); n.body = body; return n; } return this; }
/** Set the iterator expressions of the statement. */ public For iters(List iters) { For_c n = (For_c) copy(); n.iters = TypedList.copyAndCheck(iters, ForUpdate.class, true); return n; }
/** Set the inits of the statement. */ public For inits(List inits) { For_c n = (For_c) copy(); n.inits = TypedList.copyAndCheck(inits, ForInit.class, true); return n; }