public void shutdown(String messageToKickWith) { System.out.print(HungergamesApi.getConfigManager().getLoggerConfig().getShuttingDown()); ServerShutdownEvent event = new ServerShutdownEvent(); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (!event.isCancelled()) { for (String command : mainConfig.getCommandsToRunBeforeShutdown()) Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), command); for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { player.kickPlayer(messageToKickWith); } Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), mainConfig.getCommandToStopTheServerWith()); } else System.out.print(HungergamesApi.getConfigManager().getLoggerConfig().getShutdownCancelled()); }
@Command( aliases = {"toggle"}, desc = "Toggle a setting.", usage = "<setting>", min = 1) public static void toggle(final CommandContext cmd, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException { if (sender instanceof Player) { if (Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)) != null) { int index = Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)) .getValues() .indexOf( Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).getValueByPlayer((Player) sender)); index++; if (index >= Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).getValues().size()) index = 0; Bukkit.dispatchCommand( sender, "set " + cmd.getString(0) + " " + Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).getValues().get(index).getValue()); } else throw new CommandException("No setting by this name!"); } else throw new CommandException("Console cannot use this command."); }
@Override public void perform() { for (String cmd : commands) { if (useConsole) Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), cmd.replaceAll("\\\\", "")); else this.player.performCommand(cmd.replaceAll("\\\\", "/")); } }
@EventHandler public void onRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent e) { Player p = e.getPlayer(); if (respawn.contains(p.getName())) { Bukkit.dispatchCommand(p, "admin"); respawn.remove(p.getName()); } }
/** Pauses the test for the player. */ private void pause(Player player) { if (messagePause != null) player.sendMessage(messagePause.replace('&', '§')); if (commandPause != null) Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), commandPause.replace("%player%", player.getName())); plugin.getData().set(player.getUniqueId() + ".current", null); plugin.getData().set(player.getUniqueId() + "", name); plugin .getData() .set(player.getUniqueId() + ".paused.chances", chances.get(player.getUniqueId())); }
/** Fails the test for the player. */ private void fail(Player player) { if (messageFail != null) player.sendMessage(messageFail.replace('&', '§')); if (commandFail != null) Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), commandFail.replace("%player%", player.getName())); plugin.getData().set(player.getUniqueId() + ".current", null); List<String> newList = plugin.getData().getStringList(player.getUniqueId() + ".failed"); newList.add(name); plugin.getData().set(player.getUniqueId() + ".failed", newList); plugin.logTest(player, this, false); if (teleportBack) player.teleport(getLocation(player)); }
public void startStage(Player p, Stage s) { switch (s) { case FIRST: Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "campaign forceadd " + p.getName() + " tutorial"); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "campaign forceready " + p.getName()); break; case SECOND: Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "campaign forceadd " + p.getName() + " tutorial2"); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "campaign forceready " + p.getName()); break; case THIRD: p.teleport(new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("OrbiA"), -2268.0, 98.0, -3436.0)); p.sendMessage( ChatColor.GREEN + "Betrete das Dungeon über der Kaserne in Angin! (x: -2167 y: 145 z: -3529)"); break; case FOURTH: Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "campaign forceadd " + p.getName() + " tutorial3"); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "campaign forceready " + p.getName()); case FITH: p.teleport(new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("OrbiA"), -2433.0, 202.0, -3659.0)); p.sendMessage( ChatColor.GREEN + "Wähle eine Klasse bei einem der Graubärte (Rechtsklick auf den Graubart! Gehe dann zurück zu Gondolf und rede mit ihm!"); default: break; } }
@Override public void onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args) { if (sender instanceof Player) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "This command can only be used from the console."); return; } Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]); if (player != null) { for (String perm : perms) { Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "pex user " + player.getName() + " add " + perm + " plots"); } } }
public void acceptBanRequest(CommandSender sender, BanRequest a) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Accepting ban request of " + a.defendantName); String acceptor = "Console"; if (Utils.isPlayer(sender)) acceptor = ((Player) sender).getName(); for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) if (p.hasPermission("SafeBan.Alert.BanWasAccepted")) p.sendMessage(formatMessage(BannedReasonTell, a, acceptor)); Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "ban " + a.getDefendantName() + " " + formatMessage(BannedReason, a, acceptor)); }
public static ItemStack displayItem(Player player, Location chest) { HashMap<ItemStack, String> items = getItems(player); int stop = 0; for (; items.size() == 0; stop++) { if (stop == 100) { break; } items = getItems(player); } Random r = new Random(); ArrayList<ItemStack> I = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); ArrayList<String> P = new ArrayList<String>(); I.addAll(items.keySet()); for (ItemStack it : I) { P.add(items.get(it)); } int pick = r.nextInt(I.size()); String pa = P.get(pick); path.put(player, pa); FileConfiguration file = Main.settings.getFile(GUI.Crate.get(player)); if (file.contains(path.get(player) + ".Items")) { for (ItemStack i : getFinalItems(path.get(player), player)) { player.getInventory().addItem(i); } } if (file.contains(path.get(player) + ".Commands")) { for (String command : file.getStringList(path.get(player) + ".Commands")) { command = color(command); command = command.replace("%Player%", player.getName()); command = command.replace("%player%", player.getName()); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), command); } } if (file.contains(path.get(player) + ".Messages")) { for (String msg : file.getStringList(path + ".Messages")) { msg = Api.color(msg); msg = msg.replace("%Player%", player.getName()); msg = msg.replace("%player%", player.getName()); player.sendMessage(msg); } } if (file.getBoolean(path.get(player) + ".Firework")) { fireWork(chest); } return I.get(pick); }
@Override public void onBuy(Player p) { CCPlayerModule ccpm = plugin.api.getModuleForClass(CCPlayerModule.class); CCPlayer ccp = ccpm.getPlayer(p); if (!p.hasPermission(this.getPermision(p))) { if (ccp.getCredits() >= this.getPrice(p)) { ccp.removeCredits(getPrice(p)); this.onBought(p); Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "pex user " + p.getName() + " add " + this.getPermision(p)); } else { p.sendMessage("You don't have enough credits for " + getName()); } } else { p.sendMessage("You already have " + getName()); } }
public static void seekersWin(Arena arena) { ArenaHandler.sendFMessage(arena, ConfigC.normal_winSeekers, true); for (Player player : arena.playersInArena) { playerLeaveArena(player, false, false); player.playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.LEVEL_UP, 1, 1); if (arena.seekersWinCommands != null) { for (String command : arena.seekersWinCommands) { Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), command.replaceAll("%player%", player.getName())); } } } arena.playersInArena.clear(); arena.seekers.clear(); arena.gameState = ArenaState.WAITING; }
@Command( aliases = {"settings"}, desc = "List all settings.", usage = "[page]") public static void settings(final CommandContext cmd, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException { if (cmd.argsLength() == 0) { Bukkit.dispatchCommand(sender, "settings 1"); } else { int page = cmd.getInteger(0); if (page > (Settings.getSettings().size() + 7) / 8) throw new CommandException( "Invalid page number specified! " + ((Settings.getSettings().size() + 7) / 8) + " total pages."); sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + "--------------" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " Settings (Page " + page + " of " + ((Settings.getSettings().size() + 7) / 8) + ") " + ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + "--------------"); for (int i = (page - 1) * 8; i < page * 8; i++) { if (i < Settings.getSettings().size()) sender.sendMessage( ChatColor.YELLOW + Settings.getSettings().get(i).getNames().get(0) + ": " + ChatColor.WHITE + Settings.getSettings().get(i).getDescription()); } } }
public Location getRandomSpawn(ChatColor color) { try { List<GameSpawns> coords = this.getTeamCoords(color); GameSpawns coordSpawn = null; if (coords.size() == 1) { coordSpawn = coords.get(0); } else { coordSpawn = coords.get(HyperPVP.getRandom().nextInt(coords.size())); } Location gameSpawn = new Location(, coordSpawn.getX(), coordSpawn.getY(), coordSpawn.getZ()); return gameSpawn; } catch (Exception e) { Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "reload"); } return null; }
/** Plugin onEnable() event, enables all custom plugins that are on the current server */ public void onEnable() { log("Diamond Dominion Custom Plugin ENABLING!"); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this); this.getServer().getMessenger().registerOutgoingPluginChannel(this, "BungeeCord"); this.getServer().getMessenger().registerIncomingPluginChannel(this, "BungeeCord", this); String server = detectedServer(); log("Detected Server: " + server); DataManager dm = new DataManager(); dm.reloaddata(); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "pex set default group Player"); log("Loading Custom Items:"); /* * Start Loading all Custom Plugin Classes */ if (shouldEnable("EndDragonRespawn")) { log(" - EndDragonRespawn:"); try { endDragonRespawn = new EndDragonRespawn(this); endDragonRespawn.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } } if (shouldEnable("HeartBeat")) try { heartBeat = new HeartBeat(this); heartBeat.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("FairGod")) try { fairGod = new FairGod(this); fairGod.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } // if (shouldEnable("LegitWarzone")) // try { // legitWarzone = new LegitWarzone(this); // legitWarzone.enable(); // } catch (Exception e) { // pluginFailed(); // } if (shouldEnable("TopPvPers")) try { topPvPers = new TopPvPers(this); topPvPers.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("VoteRewards")) try { voteRewards = new VoteRewards(this); voteRewards.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("VoteReceiver")) try { voteReceiver = new VoteReceiver(this); voteReceiver.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("DemiGodPackage")) try { demiGod = new DemiGodPackage(this); demiGod.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } // if (shouldEnable("DirectionBook")) // try { // directionBook = new DirectionBook(this); // directionBook.enable(); // } catch (Exception e) { // pluginFailed(); // } // if (shouldEnable("GameTime")) // try { // gameTime = new GameTime(this); // gameTime.enable(); // } catch (Exception e) { // pluginFailed(); // } if (shouldEnable("CustomRecipies")) try { customRecipies = new CustomRecipies(this); customRecipies.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("SpawnerSwitch")) try { spawnerSwitch = new SpawnerSwitch(this); spawnerSwitch.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } // if (shouldEnable("JailSigns")) // jailSigns.enable(); // if (shouldEnable("AutoConfiscate")) // autoConfiscate.enable(); if (shouldEnable("ModAppWall")) try { modAppWall = new ModAppWall(this); modAppWall.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("ModListWall")) try { modListWall = new ModListWall(this); modListWall.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } // if (shouldEnable("WebRanks")) // try { // webRanks = new WebRanks(this); // webRanks.enable(); // } catch (Exception e) { // pluginFailed(); // } if (shouldEnable("Trampoline")) try { trampoline = new Trampoline(this); trampoline.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("PlotMeOverride")) try { plotMeOverride = new PlotMeOverride(this); plotMeOverride.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("Chat")) try { chat = new Chat(this); chat.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("ChatPrefix")) try { chatPrefix = new ChatPrefix(this); chatPrefix.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("FullMute")) try { fullMute = new FullMute(this); fullMute.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("LaunchPad")) try { launchPad = new LaunchPad(this); launchPad.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("ColorArmor")) try { colorArmor = new ColorArmor(this); colorArmor.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } // if (shouldEnable("DrunkenWizard")) // drunkenWizard.enable(); if (shouldEnable("CreativeEntityRemover")) try { creativeEntityRemover = new CreativeEntityRemover(this); creativeEntityRemover.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("WelcomeBook")) try { welcomeBook = new WelcomeBook(this); welcomeBook.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("IpRecorder")) try { ipRecorder = new IpRecorder(this); ipRecorder.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("WelcomeSign")) try { welcomeSign = new WelcomeSign(this); welcomeSign.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } // if (shouldEnable("PeacefulGriefFree")) // peacefulGriefFree.enable(); // if (shouldEnable("ForumActivation")) // try { // forumActivation = new ForumActivation(this); // forumActivation.enable(); // } catch (Exception e) { // pluginFailed(); // } if (shouldEnable("VirtualChest")) try { virtualChest = new VirtualChest(this); virtualChest.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } // if (shouldEnable("WorldBlocks")) // try { // worldBlocks = new WorldBlocks(this); // worldBlocks.enable(); // } catch (Exception e) { // pluginFailed(); // } if (shouldEnable("DonorShop")) try { donorShop = new DonorShop(this); donorShop.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("SpawnMusic")) try { spawnMusic = new SpawnMusic(this); spawnMusic.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("CrashPlayer")) try { crashPlayer = new CrashPlayer(this); crashPlayer.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("BeastSprint")) try { beastSprint = new BeastSprint(this); beastSprint.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("Nameless")) try { nameless = new Nameless(this); nameless.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("TnTPunch")) try { tntpunch = new TnTPunch(this); tntpunch.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("RestartWarning")) try { restartWarning = new RestartWarning(this); restartWarning.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("UnderCover")) try { underCover = new UnderCover(this); underCover.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("SignEdit")) try { signEdit = new SignEdit(this); signEdit.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("WarpWild")) try { warpWild = new WarpWild(this); warpWild.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("EWButtons")) try { ewButtons = new EWButtons(this); ewButtons.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("SkyBlockTP")) try { skyBlockTP = new SkyBlockTP(this); skyBlockTP.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("EnderEggCollection")) try { enderEggCollection = new EnderEggCollection(this); enderEggCollection.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("Voodoo")) try { voodoo = new Voodoo(this); voodoo.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("ExtraMiningLoot")) try { extraMiningLoot = new ExtraMiningLoot(this); extraMiningLoot.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("EWBlockFenceWalk")) try { ewBlockFenceWalk = new EWBlockFenceWalk(this); ewBlockFenceWalk.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("CommandModifier")) try { commandModifier = new CommandModifier(this); commandModifier.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("SkyBlockPortalReward")) try { sbPortalReward = new SkyBlockPortalReward(this); sbPortalReward.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("HubPortals")) try { hubPortals = new HubPortals(this); hubPortals.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("BungeeGlobalCommand")) try { bungeeGBCMD = new BungeeGlobalCommand(this); bungeeGBCMD.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("StaffVotes")) try { staffVotes = new StaffVotes(this); staffVotes.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("RespectedAutoPromote")) try { respectedAutoPromote = new RespectedAutoPromote(this); respectedAutoPromote.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("Homes")) try { homes = new Homes(this); homes.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("FairFly")) try { fly = new FairFly(this); fly.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } if (shouldEnable("ServerRestart")) try { serverRestart = new ServerRestart(this); serverRestart.enable(); } catch (Exception e) { pluginFailed(); } /* * Complete loading all custom plugin classes */ log("Fully Enabled!"); }
public void performCommand(final Player player, final String[] args) { if (args.length == 1) { String kitName = args[0]; if (TheBasics.getGeneralConfig().contains("Kits." + kitName)) { if (player.hasPermission("TheBasics.Kit." + kitName)) { PlayerData data = BasicUtils.getData(player); try { if (data.contains("Kits." + kitName)) { double time = data.getDouble("Kits." + kitName); if (time <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { data.set("Kits." + kitName, null); } else { DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#.#"); String formatedTime = String.valueOf(time); String unit; time = time - System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((time / 1000) <= 60) { unit = "s"; formatedTime = format.format(time / 1000); } else if (((time / 1000) / 60) <= 60) { unit = "m"; formatedTime = format.format((time / 1000) / 60); } else { unit = "h"; formatedTime = format.format(((time / 1000) / 60) / 60); } BasicUtils.sendMessage( player, BasicUtils.getMessage("KitTime").replace("%a", formatedTime + unit)); return; } } for (String items : TheBasics.getGeneralConfig().getStringList("Kits." + kitName + ".Items")) { String[] split = items.split(" "); List<String> list = Arrays.asList(split); ItemStack item = BasicUtils.getItem(split[0], split[1]); if (items.contains("Name:")) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = BasicUtils.getIndex(list, "Name:") + 1; i < split.length; i++) { if (split[i].equalsIgnoreCase("Enchant:")) { break; } else { sb.append(split[i] + " "); } } ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta(); meta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', sb.toString())); item.setItemMeta(meta); } if (items.contains("Enchant:")) { int index = BasicUtils.getIndex(list, "Enchant:") + 1; Enchantment enchant = BasicUtils.getEnchantment(split[index]); int level = Integer.parseInt(split[index + 1]); item.addUnsafeEnchantment(enchant, level); } BasicUtils.addItem(player, item); } for (String command : TheBasics.getGeneralConfig().getStringList("Kits." + kitName + ".Commands")) { Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), command.replace("%p", player.getName())); } data.set( "Kits." + kitName, System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000 * TheBasics.getGeneralConfig().getDouble("Kits." + kitName + ".Time"))); BasicUtils.sendMessage(player, BasicUtils.getMessage("KitUse").replace("%a", args[0])); } catch (Exception e) { TheBasics.getLog() .severe( "The kit " + kitName + " has an error. Please make sure all values are valid."); BasicUtils.sendMessage(player, BasicUtils.getMessage("KitError")); } } else { BasicUtils.sendMessage(player, BasicUtils.getMessage("NoPermission")); } } else { BasicUtils.sendMessage(player, BasicUtils.getMessage("KitExist")); } } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String kit : TheBasics.getGeneralConfig().getConfigurationSection("Kits").getKeys(false)) { if (player.hasPermission("TheBasics.Kit." + kit)) { sb.append(", " + kit); } } BasicUtils.sendMessage( player, BasicUtils.getMessage("KitList").replace("%a", sb.toString().replaceFirst(", ", ""))); } }
public void expandItems(final User user, final List<String> items) throws Exception { try { IText input = new SimpleTextInput(items); IText output = new KeywordReplacer(input, user.getSource(), ess); boolean spew = false; final boolean allowUnsafe = ess.getSettings().allowUnsafeEnchantments(); for (String kitItem : output.getLines()) { if (kitItem.startsWith(ess.getSettings().getCurrencySymbol())) { BigDecimal value = new BigDecimal( kitItem.substring(ess.getSettings().getCurrencySymbol().length()).trim()); Trade t = new Trade(value, ess);, OverflowType.DROP); continue; } if (kitItem.startsWith("/")) { String command = kitItem.substring(1); String name = user.getName(); command = command.replace("{player}", name); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), command); continue; } final String[] parts = kitItem.split(" +"); final ItemStack parseStack = ess.getItemDb().get(parts[0], parts.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(parts[1]) : 1); if (parseStack.getType() == Material.AIR) { continue; } final MetaItemStack metaStack = new MetaItemStack(parseStack); if (parts.length > 2) { // We pass a null sender here because kits should not do perm checks metaStack.parseStringMeta(null, allowUnsafe, parts, 2, ess); } final Map<Integer, ItemStack> overfilled; final boolean allowOversizedStacks = user.isAuthorized("essentials.oversizedstacks"); if (allowOversizedStacks) { overfilled = InventoryWorkaround.addOversizedItems( user.getBase().getInventory(), ess.getSettings().getOversizedStackSize(), metaStack.getItemStack()); } else { overfilled = InventoryWorkaround.addItems(user.getBase().getInventory(), metaStack.getItemStack()); } for (ItemStack itemStack : overfilled.values()) { int spillAmount = itemStack.getAmount(); if (!allowOversizedStacks) { itemStack.setAmount( spillAmount < itemStack.getMaxStackSize() ? spillAmount : itemStack.getMaxStackSize()); } while (spillAmount > 0) { user.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(user.getLocation(), itemStack); spillAmount -= itemStack.getAmount(); } spew = true; } } user.getBase().updateInventory(); if (spew) { user.sendMessage(tl("kitInvFull")); } } catch (Exception e) { user.getBase().updateInventory(); ess.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage()); throw new Exception(tl("kitError2"), e); } }
public String execute(String name, String executor) { String command = this.cmd.replace("%p", name).replace("%e", executor); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), command); return command; }
public static void handleNotify(byte[] bytes) { try { DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); String subChannel = in.readUTF(); if (subChannel.equals("ReportRTS")) { short len = in.readShort(); byte[] msgbytes = new byte[len]; in.readFully(msgbytes); DataInputStream msgin = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(msgbytes)); String function = msgin.readUTF(); if (function.equals("NotifyAndSync")) { int ticketId = msgin.readInt(); NotificationType notifType = NotificationType.getTypeByCode(msgin.readInt()); String msg = msgin.readUTF(); if (notifType.getCode() == 0 || notifType.getCode() == 1) { if (RTSFunctions.syncTicket(ticketId)) { RTSFunctions.messageMods(msg, (notifType.getCode() == 0)); } } else if (notifType.getCode() == 3 || notifType.getCode() == 4) { RTSFunctions.messageMods(msg, false); } else if (notifType.getCode() == 2 || notifType.getCode() == 5) { if (RTSFunctions.syncTicket(ticketId)) { if (notifType.getCode() == 2) ReportRTS.getPlugin() .notificationMap .put(ticketId, ReportRTS.getPlugin().requestMap.get(ticketId).getName()); ReportRTS.getPlugin().requestMap.remove(ticketId); RTSFunctions.messageMods(msg, (notifType.getCode() == 0)); } } else if (notifType.getCode() == 6) { ReportRTS.getPlugin().requestMap.remove(ticketId); RTSFunctions.messageMods(msg, (notifType.getCode() == 0)); } } else if (function.equals("NotifyUserAndSync")) { int ticketId = msgin.readInt(); String username = msgin.readUTF(); String msg = msgin.readUTF(); if (RTSFunctions.syncTicket(ticketId)) { Player player = Bukkit.getPlayerExact(username); if (player != null) { player.sendMessage(msg); if (!DatabaseManager.getDatabase().setNotificationStatus(ticketId, 1)) ReportRTS.getPlugin() .getLogger() .warning("Unable to set notification status to 1."); } } } else if (function.equals("TeleportNotify")) { int ticketId = msgin.readInt(); String username = msgin.readUTF(); if (RTSFunctions.isUserOnline(username)) { Player player = Bukkit.getPlayerExact(username); if (player != null) { player.sendMessage( Message.parse("teleportedUser", "/tp-id " + Integer.toString(ticketId))); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(player, "tp-id " + Integer.toString(ticketId)); } else { ReportRTS.getPlugin().teleportMap.put(username, ticketId); } } else { ReportRTS.getPlugin().teleportMap.put(username, ticketId); } } } else if (subChannel.equals("GetServer")) { String serverName = in.readUTF(); setServer(serverName); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
// sync public static void handleHack(Player player, HackType type) { if (player == null) return; String message = ""; switch (type) { case fly: if ( { Integer cur = cmdFly.get(player.getName()); if (cur == null) cur = 0; cur++; if (cur >= { try { Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(),"{PLAYER}", player.getName()).replace("{TYPE}", "fly")); } catch (Exception ex) { Warning.config("The command set for Anti-Hacks.Fly returned an error!", false); } cmdFly.remove(player.getName()); } else { cmdFly.put(player.getName(), cur); } } message = convert(Hacks.broadcastFormat, "Fly", player); if ( Util.kick(player, "[TRHack] Kicked for Fly-hacking!"); if ( Util.broadcastNoConsole("[TRHack] " + message, "tekkitrestrict.notify.hack"); break; case forcefield: if (Hacks.forcefield.useCommand) { Integer cur = cmdForcefield.get(player.getName()); if (cur == null) cur = 0; cur++; if (cur >= Hacks.forcefield.triggerAfter) { try { Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), Hacks.forcefield .command .replace("{PLAYER}", player.getName()) .replace("{TYPE}", "forcefield")); } catch (Exception ex) { Warning.config("The command set for Anti-Hacks.Forcefield returned an error!", false); } cmdForcefield.remove(player.getName()); } else { cmdForcefield.put(player.getName(), cur); } } message = convert(Hacks.broadcastFormat, "Forcefield", player); if (Hacks.forcefield.kick) Util.kick(player, "[TRHack] Kicked for Forcefield-hacking!"); if (Hacks.forcefield.broadcast) Util.broadcastNoConsole("[TRHack] " + message, "tekkitrestrict.notify.hack"); break; case speed: if (Hacks.speed.useCommand) { Integer cur = cmdSpeed.get(player.getName()); if (cur == null) cur = 0; cur++; if (cur >= Hacks.speed.triggerAfter) { try { Bukkit.dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), Hacks.speed .command .replace("{PLAYER}", player.getName()) .replace("{TYPE}", "movespeed")); } catch (Exception ex) { Warning.config("The command set for Anti-Hacks.MoveSpeed returned an error!", false); } cmdSpeed.remove(player.getName()); } else { cmdSpeed.put(player.getName(), cur); } } message = convert(Hacks.broadcastFormat, "Speed", player); if (Hacks.speed.kick) Util.kick(player, "[TRHack] Kicked for speed-hacking!"); if (Hacks.speed.broadcast) Util.broadcastNoConsole("[TRHack] " + message, "tekkitrestrict.notify.hack"); break; } Log.Hack(message); }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL) public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e) { PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Boolean iswhitelisted = null; try { preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT UUID, twKey, twSecret, twName, twID from twitterWhitelist WHERE UUID=? LIMIT 1"); preparedStatement.setString(1, e.getPlayer().getUniqueId().toString()); resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if (resultSet.isBeforeFirst()) { iswhitelisted = true; plugin.getLogger().info("Player " + e.getPlayer().getName() + " is already in DB.");; if (resultSet.getString("UUID") != null) { TwitterAPI.updateAccount( resultSet.getString("twKey"), resultSet.getString("twSecret"), e.getPlayer()); if (resultSet.getBoolean("banned")) { // ban the player // force the server to run ban command String commandLine = "ban " + e.getPlayer().getName() + " Multiaccount-Ban."; Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), commandLine); } } } else { // nicht gewhitelistet, also sperren und nur tww befehle erlauben. iswhitelisted = false; } } catch (SQLException err) { plugin.getLogger().warning("Couldn't fetch user from db: " + err.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close(); } catch (SQLException e1) { } } if (iswhitelisted != null && !iswhitelisted) { plugin .getLogger() .info( "Player" + e.getPlayer().getName() + " is NOT whitelisted, sending message to player."); e.getPlayer() .sendMessage( (Object) ChatColor.DARK_RED + chatPrefix + (Object) ChatColor.WHITE + "Um auf diesem Server spielen zu können, musst du dich mithilfe eines Twitter Accounts freischalten. Dies kannst du wie folgt tun:\n" + (Object) ChatColor.GOLD + "/tww r"); e.getPlayer().setGameMode(GameMode.SPECTATOR); unwhitelisteds.add(e.getPlayer().getUniqueId()); } else { plugin.getLogger().info("Player" + e.getPlayer().getName() + " is whitelisted"); } }