@Override protected void runImpl() { if (!FloodProtectors.performAction(getClient(), Action.SERVER_BYPASS)) return; final L2PcInstance activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) return; if (_command.isEmpty()) { _log.info(activeChar.getName() + " sent an empty requestBypass packet."); activeChar.logout(); return; } try { if (_command.startsWith("admin_")) { String command = _command.split(" ")[0]; IAdminCommandHandler ach = AdminCommandHandler.getInstance().getAdminCommandHandler(command); if (ach == null) { if (activeChar.isGM()) activeChar.sendMessage("The command " + command.substring(6) + " doesn't exist."); _log.warning("No handler registered for admin command '" + command + "'"); return; } if (!AdminCommandAccessRights.getInstance() .hasAccess(command, activeChar.getAccessLevel())) { activeChar.sendMessage("You don't have the access rights to use this command."); _log.warning( activeChar.getName() + " tried to use admin command " + command + " without proper Access Level."); return; } if (Config.GMAUDIT) GMAudit.auditGMAction( activeChar.getName() + " [" + activeChar.getObjectId() + "]", _command, (activeChar.getTarget() != null ? activeChar.getTarget().getName() : "no-target")); ach.useAdminCommand(_command, activeChar); } else if (_command.startsWith("player_help ")) { playerHelp(activeChar, _command.substring(12)); } else if (_command.startsWith("npc_")) { if (!activeChar.validateBypass(_command)) return; int endOfId = _command.indexOf('_', 5); String id; if (endOfId > 0) id = _command.substring(4, endOfId); else id = _command.substring(4); try { final L2Object object = L2World.getInstance().getObject(Integer.parseInt(id)); if (object != null && object instanceof L2Npc && endOfId > 0 && ((L2Npc) object).canInteract(activeChar)) ((L2Npc) object).onBypassFeedback(activeChar, _command.substring(endOfId + 1)); activeChar.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } // Navigate throught Manor windows else if (_command.startsWith("manor_menu_select?")) { L2Object object = activeChar.getTarget(); if (object instanceof L2Npc) ((L2Npc) object).onBypassFeedback(activeChar, _command); } else if (_command.startsWith("bbs_") || _command.startsWith("_bbs") || _command.startsWith("_friend") || _command.startsWith("_mail") || _command.startsWith("_block")) { CommunityBoard.getInstance().handleCommands(getClient(), _command); } else if (_command.startsWith("Quest ")) { if (!activeChar.validateBypass(_command)) return; String[] str = _command.substring(6).trim().split(" ", 2); if (str.length == 1) activeChar.processQuestEvent(str[0], ""); else activeChar.processQuestEvent(str[0], str[1]); } else if (_command.startsWith("_match")) { String params = _command.substring(_command.indexOf("?") + 1); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(params, "&"); int heroclass = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().split("=")[1]); int heropage = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().split("=")[1]); int heroid = Hero.getInstance().getHeroByClass(heroclass); if (heroid > 0) Hero.getInstance().showHeroFights(activeChar, heroclass, heroid, heropage); } else if (_command.startsWith("_diary")) { String params = _command.substring(_command.indexOf("?") + 1); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(params, "&"); int heroclass = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().split("=")[1]); int heropage = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().split("=")[1]); int heroid = Hero.getInstance().getHeroByClass(heroclass); if (heroid > 0) Hero.getInstance().showHeroDiary(activeChar, heroclass, heroid, heropage); } else if (_command.startsWith("arenachange")) // change { final boolean isManager = activeChar.getCurrentFolkNPC() instanceof L2OlympiadManagerInstance; if (!isManager) { // Without npc, command can be used only in observer mode on arena if (!activeChar.inObserverMode() || activeChar.isInOlympiadMode() || activeChar.getOlympiadGameId() < 0) return; } if (OlympiadManager.getInstance().isRegisteredInComp(activeChar)) { activeChar.sendPacket( SystemMessageId .WHILE_YOU_ARE_ON_THE_WAITING_LIST_YOU_ARE_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_WATCH_THE_GAME); return; } final int arenaId = Integer.parseInt(_command.substring(12).trim()); activeChar.enterOlympiadObserverMode(arenaId); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.log(Level.WARNING, "Bad RequestBypassToServer: ", e); } }
@Override protected void runImpl() { final L2PcInstance activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null || activeChar.isTeleporting() || activeChar.inObserverMode()) return; final int realX = activeChar.getX(); final int realY = activeChar.getY(); int realZ = activeChar.getZ(); if (Config.DEVELOPER) _log.fine( "C(S) pos: " + _x + "(" + realX + ") " + _y + "(" + realY + ") " + _z + "(" + realZ + ") / " + _heading + "(" + activeChar.getHeading() + ")"); if (_x == 0 && _y == 0) { if (realX != 0) // in this case this seems like a client error return; } int dx, dy, dz; double diffSq; if (activeChar.isInBoat()) { if (Config.COORD_SYNCHRONIZE == 2) { dx = _x - activeChar.getInVehiclePosition().getX(); dy = _y - activeChar.getInVehiclePosition().getY(); dz = _z - activeChar.getInVehiclePosition().getZ(); diffSq = (dx * dx + dy * dy); if (diffSq > 250000) sendPacket( new GetOnVehicle(activeChar.getObjectId(), _data, activeChar.getInVehiclePosition())); } return; } if (activeChar.isFalling(_z)) return; // disable validations during fall to avoid "jumping" dx = _x - realX; dy = _y - realY; dz = _z - realZ; diffSq = (dx * dx + dy * dy); if (activeChar.isFlying() || activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneId.WATER)) { activeChar.setXYZ(realX, realY, _z); if (diffSq > 90000) // validate packet, may also cause z bounce if close to land activeChar.sendPacket(new ValidateLocation(activeChar)); } else if (diffSq < 360000) // if too large, messes observation { if (Config.COORD_SYNCHRONIZE == -1) // Only Z coordinate synched to server, // mainly used when no geodata but can be used also with geodata { activeChar.setXYZ(realX, realY, _z); return; } if (Config.COORD_SYNCHRONIZE == 1) // Trusting also client x,y coordinates (should not be used with geodata) { // Heading changed on client = possible obstacle if (!activeChar.isMoving() || !activeChar.validateMovementHeading(_heading)) { // character is not moving, take coordinates from client if (diffSq < 2500) // 50*50 - attack won't work fluently if even small differences are corrected activeChar.setXYZ(realX, realY, _z); else activeChar.setXYZ(_x, _y, _z); } else activeChar.setXYZ(realX, realY, _z); activeChar.setHeading(_heading); return; } // Sync 2 (or other), // intended for geodata. Sends a validation packet to client // when too far from server calculated true coordinate. // Due to geodata/zone errors, some Z axis checks are made. (maybe a temporary solution) // Important: this code part must work together with L2Character.updatePosition if (Config.GEODATA > 0 && (diffSq > 250000 || Math.abs(dz) > 200)) { if (Math.abs(dz) > 200 && Math.abs(dz) < 1500 && Math.abs(_z - activeChar.getClientZ()) < 800) { activeChar.setXYZ(realX, realY, _z); realZ = _z; } else { if (Config.DEVELOPER) _log.info(activeChar.getName() + ": Synchronizing position Server --> Client"); activeChar.sendPacket(new ValidateLocation(activeChar)); } } } activeChar.setClientX(_x); activeChar.setClientY(_y); activeChar.setClientZ(_z); activeChar.setClientHeading(_heading); // No real need to validate heading. activeChar.setLastServerPosition(realX, realY, realZ); }