/** * @param activeChar * @param player */ private void gatherCharacterInfo(L2PcInstance activeChar, L2PcInstance player, String filename) { String ip = "N/A"; String account = "N/A"; try { String clientInfo = player.getClient().toString(); account = clientInfo.substring(clientInfo.indexOf("Account: ") + 9, clientInfo.indexOf(" - IP: ")); ip = clientInfo.substring(clientInfo.indexOf(" - IP: ") + 7, clientInfo.lastIndexOf("]")); } catch (Exception e) { } NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(5); adminReply.setFile("data/html/admin/" + filename); adminReply.replace("%name%", player.getName()); adminReply.replace("%level%", String.valueOf(player.getLevel())); adminReply.replace( "%clan%", String.valueOf(ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(player.getClanId()))); adminReply.replace("%xp%", String.valueOf(player.getExp())); adminReply.replace("%sp%", String.valueOf(player.getSp())); adminReply.replace("%class%", player.getTemplate().className); adminReply.replace("%ordinal%", String.valueOf(player.getClassId().ordinal())); adminReply.replace("%classid%", String.valueOf(player.getClassId())); adminReply.replace("%x%", String.valueOf(player.getX())); adminReply.replace("%y%", String.valueOf(player.getY())); adminReply.replace("%z%", String.valueOf(player.getZ())); adminReply.replace("%currenthp%", String.valueOf((int) player.getCurrentHp())); adminReply.replace("%maxhp%", String.valueOf(player.getMaxHp())); adminReply.replace("%karma%", String.valueOf(player.getKarma())); adminReply.replace("%currentmp%", String.valueOf((int) player.getCurrentMp())); adminReply.replace("%maxmp%", String.valueOf(player.getMaxMp())); adminReply.replace("%pvpflag%", String.valueOf(player.getPvpFlag())); adminReply.replace("%currentcp%", String.valueOf((int) player.getCurrentCp())); adminReply.replace("%maxcp%", String.valueOf(player.getMaxCp())); adminReply.replace("%pvpkills%", String.valueOf(player.getPvpKills())); adminReply.replace("%pkkills%", String.valueOf(player.getPkKills())); adminReply.replace("%currentload%", String.valueOf(player.getCurrentLoad())); adminReply.replace("%maxload%", String.valueOf(player.getMaxLoad())); adminReply.replace( "%percent%", String.valueOf( Util.roundTo( ((float) player.getCurrentLoad() / (float) player.getMaxLoad()) * 100, 2))); adminReply.replace("%patk%", String.valueOf(player.getPAtk(null))); adminReply.replace("%matk%", String.valueOf(player.getMAtk(null, null))); adminReply.replace("%pdef%", String.valueOf(player.getPDef(null))); adminReply.replace("%mdef%", String.valueOf(player.getMDef(null, null))); adminReply.replace("%accuracy%", String.valueOf(player.getAccuracy())); adminReply.replace("%evasion%", String.valueOf(player.getEvasionRate(null))); adminReply.replace("%critical%", String.valueOf(player.getCriticalHit(null, null))); adminReply.replace("%runspeed%", String.valueOf(player.getRunSpeed())); adminReply.replace("%patkspd%", String.valueOf(player.getPAtkSpd())); adminReply.replace("%matkspd%", String.valueOf(player.getMAtkSpd())); adminReply.replace("%access%", String.valueOf(player.getAccessLevel().getLevel())); adminReply.replace("%account%", account); adminReply.replace("%ip%", ip); activeChar.sendPacket(adminReply); }
public void reduceHp( double value, L2Character attacker, boolean awake, boolean isDOT, boolean isHPConsumption) { if (getActiveChar().isDead()) return; // invul handling if (getActiveChar().isInvul()) { // other chars can't damage if (attacker != getActiveChar()) return; // only DOT and HP consumption allowed for damage self if (!isDOT && !isHPConsumption) return; } if (attacker != null) { final L2PcInstance attackerPlayer = attacker.getActingPlayer(); if (attackerPlayer != null && attackerPlayer.isGM() && !attackerPlayer.getAccessLevel().canGiveDamage()) return; } if (!isDOT && !isHPConsumption) { getActiveChar().stopEffectsOnDamage(awake); if (getActiveChar().isStunned() && Rnd.get(10) == 0) getActiveChar().stopStunning(true); if (getActiveChar().isImmobileUntilAttacked()) getActiveChar().stopImmobileUntilAttacked(null); } if (value > 0) // Reduce Hp if any setCurrentHp(Math.max(getCurrentHp() - value, 0)); // Die if character is mortal if (getActiveChar().getCurrentHp() < 0.5 && getActiveChar().isMortal()) { getActiveChar().abortAttack(); getActiveChar().abortCast(); getActiveChar().doDie(attacker); } }
@Override protected void runImpl() { if (_items == null || _items.isEmpty() || !Config.ALLOW_FREIGHT) return; final L2PcInstance player = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (player == null) return; // player attempts to send freight to the different account if (!player.getAccountChars().containsKey(_objectID)) return; final PcFreight freight = player.getDepositedFreight(_objectID); player.setActiveWarehouse(freight); final ItemContainer warehouse = player.getActiveWarehouse(); if (warehouse == null) return; final L2Npc manager = player.getCurrentFolkNPC(); if ((manager == null || !player.isInsideRadius(manager, L2Npc.INTERACTION_DISTANCE, false, false)) && !player.isGM()) return; if (warehouse instanceof PcFreight && !player.getAccessLevel().allowTransaction()) { player.sendMessage("Transactions are disabled for your Access Level."); return; } // Alt game - Karma punishment if (!Config.KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_USE_WH && player.getKarma() > 0) return; // Freight price from config or normal price per item slot (30) int fee = _items.size() * Config.ALT_GAME_FREIGHT_PRICE; int currentAdena = player.getAdena(); int slots = 0; for (Item i : _items) { int objectId = i.id; int count = i.count; // Check validity of requested item ItemInstance item = player.checkItemManipulation(objectId, count); if (item == null) { _log.warning( "Error depositing a warehouse object for char " + player.getName() + " (validity check)"); i.id = 0; i.count = 0; continue; } if (!item.isTradable() || item.isQuestItem()) return; // Calculate needed adena and slots if (item.getItemId() == 57) currentAdena -= count; if (!item.isStackable()) slots += count; else if (warehouse.getItemByItemId(item.getItemId()) == null) slots++; } // Item Max Limit Check if (!warehouse.validateCapacity(slots)) { sendPacket( SystemMessage.getSystemMessage( SystemMessageId.YOU_HAVE_EXCEEDED_QUANTITY_THAT_CAN_BE_INPUTTED)); return; } // Check if enough adena and charge the fee if (currentAdena < fee || !player.reduceAdena("Warehouse", fee, player.getCurrentFolkNPC(), false)) { sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_NOT_ENOUGH_ADENA)); return; } // Proceed to the transfer InventoryUpdate playerIU = new InventoryUpdate(); for (Item i : _items) { int objectId = i.id; int count = i.count; // check for an invalid item if (objectId == 0 && count == 0) continue; ItemInstance oldItem = player.getInventory().getItemByObjectId(objectId); if (oldItem == null) { _log.warning( "Error depositing a warehouse object for char " + player.getName() + " (olditem == null)"); continue; } if (oldItem.isHeroItem()) continue; ItemInstance newItem = player .getInventory() .transferItem( "Warehouse", objectId, count, warehouse, player, player.getCurrentFolkNPC()); if (newItem == null) { _log.warning( "Error depositing a warehouse object for char " + player.getName() + " (newitem == null)"); continue; } if (oldItem.getCount() > 0 && oldItem != newItem) playerIU.addModifiedItem(oldItem); else playerIU.addRemovedItem(oldItem); } // Send updated item list to the player player.sendPacket(playerIU); // Update current load status on player StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(player); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_LOAD, player.getCurrentLoad()); player.sendPacket(su); }
@Override protected void runImpl() { if (!FloodProtectors.performAction(getClient(), Action.SERVER_BYPASS)) return; final L2PcInstance activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) return; if (_command.isEmpty()) { _log.info(activeChar.getName() + " sent an empty requestBypass packet."); activeChar.logout(); return; } try { if (_command.startsWith("admin_")) { String command = _command.split(" ")[0]; IAdminCommandHandler ach = AdminCommandHandler.getInstance().getAdminCommandHandler(command); if (ach == null) { if (activeChar.isGM()) activeChar.sendMessage("The command " + command.substring(6) + " doesn't exist."); _log.warning("No handler registered for admin command '" + command + "'"); return; } if (!AdminCommandAccessRights.getInstance() .hasAccess(command, activeChar.getAccessLevel())) { activeChar.sendMessage("You don't have the access rights to use this command."); _log.warning( activeChar.getName() + " tried to use admin command " + command + " without proper Access Level."); return; } if (Config.GMAUDIT) GMAudit.auditGMAction( activeChar.getName() + " [" + activeChar.getObjectId() + "]", _command, (activeChar.getTarget() != null ? activeChar.getTarget().getName() : "no-target")); ach.useAdminCommand(_command, activeChar); } else if (_command.startsWith("player_help ")) { playerHelp(activeChar, _command.substring(12)); } else if (_command.startsWith("npc_")) { if (!activeChar.validateBypass(_command)) return; int endOfId = _command.indexOf('_', 5); String id; if (endOfId > 0) id = _command.substring(4, endOfId); else id = _command.substring(4); try { final L2Object object = L2World.getInstance().getObject(Integer.parseInt(id)); if (object != null && object instanceof L2Npc && endOfId > 0 && ((L2Npc) object).canInteract(activeChar)) ((L2Npc) object).onBypassFeedback(activeChar, _command.substring(endOfId + 1)); activeChar.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } // Navigate throught Manor windows else if (_command.startsWith("manor_menu_select?")) { L2Object object = activeChar.getTarget(); if (object instanceof L2Npc) ((L2Npc) object).onBypassFeedback(activeChar, _command); } else if (_command.startsWith("bbs_") || _command.startsWith("_bbs") || _command.startsWith("_friend") || _command.startsWith("_mail") || _command.startsWith("_block")) { CommunityBoard.getInstance().handleCommands(getClient(), _command); } else if (_command.startsWith("Quest ")) { if (!activeChar.validateBypass(_command)) return; String[] str = _command.substring(6).trim().split(" ", 2); if (str.length == 1) activeChar.processQuestEvent(str[0], ""); else activeChar.processQuestEvent(str[0], str[1]); } else if (_command.startsWith("_match")) { String params = _command.substring(_command.indexOf("?") + 1); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(params, "&"); int heroclass = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().split("=")[1]); int heropage = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().split("=")[1]); int heroid = Hero.getInstance().getHeroByClass(heroclass); if (heroid > 0) Hero.getInstance().showHeroFights(activeChar, heroclass, heroid, heropage); } else if (_command.startsWith("_diary")) { String params = _command.substring(_command.indexOf("?") + 1); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(params, "&"); int heroclass = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().split("=")[1]); int heropage = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().split("=")[1]); int heroid = Hero.getInstance().getHeroByClass(heroclass); if (heroid > 0) Hero.getInstance().showHeroDiary(activeChar, heroclass, heroid, heropage); } else if (_command.startsWith("arenachange")) // change { final boolean isManager = activeChar.getCurrentFolkNPC() instanceof L2OlympiadManagerInstance; if (!isManager) { // Without npc, command can be used only in observer mode on arena if (!activeChar.inObserverMode() || activeChar.isInOlympiadMode() || activeChar.getOlympiadGameId() < 0) return; } if (OlympiadManager.getInstance().isRegisteredInComp(activeChar)) { activeChar.sendPacket( SystemMessageId .WHILE_YOU_ARE_ON_THE_WAITING_LIST_YOU_ARE_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_WATCH_THE_GAME); return; } final int arenaId = Integer.parseInt(_command.substring(12).trim()); activeChar.enterOlympiadObserverMode(arenaId); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.log(Level.WARNING, "Bad RequestBypassToServer: ", e); } }
@Override protected void runImpl() { if (_items == null) return; final L2PcInstance player = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (player == null) return; if (player.isProcessingTransaction()) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.ALREADY_TRADING); return; } if (player.getActiveEnchantItem() != null) { player.setActiveEnchantItem(null); player.sendPacket(EnchantResult.CANCELLED); player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.ENCHANT_SCROLL_CANCELLED); } final ItemContainer warehouse = player.getActiveWarehouse(); if (warehouse == null) return; final boolean isPrivate = warehouse instanceof PcWarehouse; final L2Npc manager = player.getCurrentFolkNPC(); if ((manager == null || !manager.isWarehouse() || !manager.canInteract(player)) && !player.isGM()) return; if (!isPrivate && !player.getAccessLevel().allowTransaction()) { player.sendMessage("Transactions are disabled for your Access Level."); return; } // Alt game - Karma punishment if (!Config.KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_USE_WH && player.getKarma() > 0) return; // Freight price from config or normal price per item slot (30) final int fee = _items.length * 30; int currentAdena = player.getAdena(); int slots = 0; for (WarehouseItem i : _items) { ItemInstance item = player.checkItemManipulation(i.getObjectId(), i.getCount()); if (item == null) { _log.warning( "Error depositing a warehouse object for char " + player.getName() + " (validity check)"); return; } // Calculate needed adena and slots if (item.getItemId() == ADENA_ID) currentAdena -= i.getCount(); if (!item.isStackable()) slots += i.getCount(); else if (warehouse.getItemByItemId(item.getItemId()) == null) slots++; } // Item Max Limit Check if (!warehouse.validateCapacity(slots)) { sendPacket( SystemMessage.getSystemMessage( SystemMessageId.YOU_HAVE_EXCEEDED_QUANTITY_THAT_CAN_BE_INPUTTED)); return; } // Check if enough adena and charge the fee if (currentAdena < fee || !player.reduceAdena(warehouse.getName(), fee, manager, false)) { sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_NOT_ENOUGH_ADENA)); return; } // get current tradelist if any if (player.getActiveTradeList() != null) return; // Proceed to the transfer InventoryUpdate playerIU = new InventoryUpdate(); for (WarehouseItem i : _items) { // Check validity of requested item ItemInstance oldItem = player.checkItemManipulation(i.getObjectId(), i.getCount()); if (oldItem == null) { _log.warning( "Error depositing a warehouse object for char " + player.getName() + " (olditem == null)"); return; } if (!oldItem.isDepositable(isPrivate) || !oldItem.isAvailable(player, true, isPrivate)) continue; final ItemInstance newItem = player .getInventory() .transferItem( warehouse.getName(), i.getObjectId(), i.getCount(), warehouse, player, manager); if (newItem == null) { _log.warning( "Error depositing a warehouse object for char " + player.getName() + " (newitem == null)"); continue; } if (oldItem.getCount() > 0 && oldItem != newItem) playerIU.addModifiedItem(oldItem); else playerIU.addRemovedItem(oldItem); } // Send updated item list to the player player.sendPacket(playerIU); // Update current load status on player StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(player); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_LOAD, player.getCurrentLoad()); player.sendPacket(su); }