public void update() { if (world.getSelf() instanceof MrlPlatoonAgent) { // checkIsLockedByBlockade(); if (world.getTime() > world.getIgnoreCommandTime()) { updateSelfHealthyValue(); } } }
private boolean buildingIsIsolated(Building position) { Graph graph = world.getPlatoonAgent().getPathPlanner().getGraph(); for (Entrance entrance : world.getMrlBuilding(position.getID()).getEntrances()) { if (graph.getNodeBetweenAreas(position.getID(), entrance.getID(), null).isPassable()) { return false; } } return true; }
private void createEntrance(Road road) { Entrance entrance = entrancesMap.get(road.getID()); if (entrance == null) { List<Building> buildings = world.getHelper(RoadHelper.class).getBuildingsOfThisEntrance(road.getID()); entrance = new Entrance(road, buildings); entrancesMap.put(road.getID(), entrance); for (Area area : buildings) { world.getMrlBuilding(area.getID()).addEntrance(entrance); } } }
/** find the cluster paths */ private void clusterPaths() { List<Road> roadList = new ArrayList<Road>(); for (StandardEntity entity : world.getRoads()) { if (entity instanceof Road) { if (polygon.contains(((Road) entity).getX(), ((Road) entity).getY())) { roadList.add((Road) entity); } } } for (Road r : roadList) { paths.add(world.getPath(r.getID()).getId()); } }
private Path getNearestPath(Road road, List<Path> paths) { int range = 10000; int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; EntityID nearestPath = null; while (nearestPath == null) { Collection<StandardEntity> entities = world.getObjectsInRange(road, range); for (StandardEntity entity : entities) { if (entity instanceof Road) { EntityID pathId = roadHelper.getPathId(entity.getID()); if (pathId != null) { int distance = Util.distance((Area) entity, road); if (distance < minDistance) { nearestPath = pathId; minDistance = distance; } } } } range += 10000; } for (Path path : paths) { if (path.getId().equals(nearestPath)) { return path; } } return null; }
private void findOrphanRoads() { for (StandardEntity road : world.getRoads()) { if (roadHelper.getPathId(road.getID()) == null) { orphanRoads.add((Road) road); } } }
public List<Human> getBlockedAgents() { List<Human> blockedAgents = new ArrayList<Human>(); for (EntityID id : stuckAgents) { blockedAgents.add((Human) world.getEntity(id)); } return blockedAgents; }
public void updateSelfHealthyValue() { Human human = world.getSelfHuman(); if (repeatHealthyMessageCount == null && human.getBuriedness() == 0) { repeatHealthyMessageCount = 3; } else if (repeatHealthyMessageCount != null && human.getBuriedness() != 0) { repeatHealthyMessageCount = null; } }
/** * find the cluster buildings */ private void clusterBuildings() { for (StandardEntity entity : world.getBuildings()) { if (entity instanceof Building) { if (polygon.contains(((Building) entity).getX(), ((Building) entity).getY())) { this.buildings.add((Building) entity); } } } }
/** find the cluster roads */ private void clusterRoad() { for (StandardEntity entity : world.getRoads()) { if (entity instanceof Road) { if (polygon.contains(((Road) entity).getX(), ((Road) entity).getY())) { this.roads.add((Road) entity); } } } }
public Polygon scalePolygon(Polygon polygon) { int xs[] = new int[polygon.npoints]; int ys[] = new int[polygon.npoints]; math.geom2d.Point2D p; math.geom2d.Point2D p1; int sumX = 0; int sumY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < polygon.npoints; i++) { p = new math.geom2d.Point2D(polygon.xpoints[i], polygon.ypoints[i]); p1 = p.scale(0.5); sumX += p1.getX(); sumY += p1.getY(); xs[i] = (int) p1.getX(); ys[i] = (int) p1.getY(); p.clone(); } Polygon poly = new Polygon(xs, ys, polygon.npoints); poly.translate(sumX / polygon.npoints, sumY / polygon.npoints); Polygon scalePolygon = new Polygon(); for (int i = 0; i < poly.npoints; i++) { p = new math.geom2d.Point2D(poly.xpoints[i], poly.ypoints[i]); if (i + 1 < poly.npoints) { if (p.distance(poly.xpoints[i + 1], poly.ypoints[i + 1]) > (0.1 * world.getMapWidth())) { scalePolygon.addPoint(poly.xpoints[i], poly.ypoints[i]); } else { continue; } } else if (i + 1 == poly.npoints) { if (p.distance(poly.xpoints[0], poly.ypoints[0]) > (0.1 * world.getMapWidth())) { scalePolygon.addPoint(poly.xpoints[i], poly.ypoints[i]); } else { continue; } } } return scalePolygon; }
private void createPathsNeighbours() { Set<Path> neighbours; for (Path path : this) { neighbours = new FastSet<Path>(); for (Road road : path) { for (EntityID entityID : road.getNeighbours()) { if (world.getEntity(entityID) instanceof Road) { for (Path p : this) { if (!path.equals(p) && p.contains((Road) world.getEntity(entityID))) { if (!neighbours.contains(p)) { neighbours.add(p); } } } } } } path.setNeighbours(neighbours); } }
private void getRoadsAndEntrances() { for (StandardEntity standardEntity : world.getRoads()) { Road road = (Road) standardEntity; if (isEntrance(road) && !entrances.contains(road)) { entrances.add(road); createEntrance(road); } else { roads.add(road); } } }
public Paths(MrlWorld world) { = world; roadHelper = world.getHelper(RoadHelper.class); this.addAll(createPaths()); // test if we have any orphan road yet or not createMappingFromRoadToPath(); // TODO: General Test - Pooya It is just used in Federated coordination Strategy createPathsNeighbours(); }
public Set<EntityID> getBordersOf(Set<EntityID> allEntities, double scale) { ConvexHull convexHull = new ConvexHull(); for (EntityID id : allEntities) { Pair<Integer, Integer> location = world.getEntity(id).getLocation(world); convexHull.addPoint(location.first(), location.second()); } Set<EntityID> borderEntities = getBorderEntities(convexHull, allEntities, scale); return borderEntities; }
/** * this method calculates the border entities, using entities and convexHull of the entities * * @param convex is the convex of all Entities * @param entities are the self entities * @param scale is the scale for making smaller convex hull */ public Set<EntityID> getBorderEntities(ConvexHull convex, Set<EntityID> entities, double scale) { if (scale >= 1.0) { System.err.println( "scale should not be over 1.0! check it in border entities, border entities doesn't work now!"); return null; } Building building; Polygon convexObject = convex.convex(); Set<EntityID> borderEntities = new FastSet<EntityID>(); if (convexObject.npoints == 0) { // I don't know why this happens, report me if this error writes usually! TODO check // this if something comes wrong here System.out.println("Something gone wrong in setting border entities for Firebrigade!!!"); return null; } Polygon smallBorderPolygon = scalePolygon(convexObject, scale); // Polygon bigBorderPolygon = scalePolygon(convexObject, 1.1); if (MRLConstants.LAUNCH_VIEWER) { // MrlConvexHullLayer.BIG_Whole_BORDER_HULL = convex; // MrlConvexHullLayer.SMALL_Whole_BORDER_HULL = smallBorderPolygon; } for (EntityID entityID : entities) { StandardEntity entity = world.getEntity(entityID); if (entity instanceof Refuge) continue; if (!(entity instanceof Building)) continue; building = (Building) entity; int vertexes[] = building.getApexList(); for (int i = 0; i < vertexes.length; i += 2) { if ((convexObject.contains(vertexes[i], vertexes[i + 1])) && !(smallBorderPolygon.contains(vertexes[i], vertexes[i + 1]))) { borderEntities.add(building.getID()); break; } } } return borderEntities; }
private boolean isInPreviousArea(EntityID areaId) { String lastCommand = world.getPlatoonAgent().getLastCommand(); if (lastCommand == null) { return false; } if (lastCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("Move") || lastCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("Move To Point")) { if (areaId.equals(previousPosition)) { stayInSamePositionCounter++; if (stayInSamePositionCounter > 6) { // world.printData(" i Am in isolated are....."); return true; } } else { stayInSamePositionCounter = 0; previousPosition = areaId; } } return false; }
public void init() { for (StandardEntity entity : world.getPlatoonAgents()) { humanInfoMap.put(entity.getID(), new HumanInfo(false, false)); } }
public Boolean isBuried(EntityID id) { Human human = world.getEntity(id, Human.class); return human.isBuriednessDefined() && human.getBuriedness() > 0; }