// Displays the users currently online in the usersOnlineWindow JTextArea private void showUsersOnline() throws JSONException { // F**k det här under. Det f*****g sög att skriva. JSONArrays är retarderade. for (int i = 0; i < ((JSONArray) obj.get("listOfUsernames")).length(); i++) { if (!((JSONArray) obj.get("listOfUsernames")).isNull(i)) { if (!doesArrayContain( arrayOfAddedUsernames, ((JSONArray) obj.get("listOfUsernames")).getString(i))) { usersOnlineWindow.append("\n" + ((JSONArray) obj.get("listOfUsernames")).getString(i)); pushValueToArray( arrayOfAddedUsernames, ((JSONArray) obj.get("listOfUsernames")).getString(i)); } } } if (!obj.getString("disconnectedUser").equals("")) { int offset = usersOnlineWindow.getText().indexOf(obj.getString("disconnectedUser")); if (offset != -1) { try { int line = usersOnlineWindow.getLineOfOffset(offset); int start = usersOnlineWindow.getLineStartOffset(line); int end = usersOnlineWindow.getLineEndOffset(line); usersOnlineWindow.replaceRange("", start, end); } catch (BadLocationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } obj.put("disconnectedUser", ""); } }
@Override public synchronized void write(byte[] ba, int str, int len) { try { curLength += len; if (bytesEndWith(ba, str, len, LINE_SEP)) { lineLengths.addLast(new Integer(curLength)); curLength = 0; if (lineLengths.size() > maxLines) { textArea.replaceRange(null, 0, lineLengths.removeFirst().intValue()); } } for (int xa = 0; xa < 10; xa++) { try { textArea.append(new String(ba, str, len)); break; } catch ( Throwable thr) { // sometimes throws a java.lang.Error: Interrupted attempt to aquire write // lock if (xa == 9) { thr.printStackTrace(); } } } textArea.setCaretPosition(textArea.getText().length()); } catch (Throwable thr) { CharArrayWriter caw = new CharArrayWriter(); thr.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(caw, true)); textArea.append(System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n")); textArea.append(caw.toString()); } }
public void newPrompt(String prompt) { int lineCount = textArea.getLineCount(); try { int end = textArea.getLineEndOffset(lineCount - 1); textArea.replaceRange(prompt, 0, end); } catch (BadLocationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void truncateTextArea() { int numLinesToRemove = console.getLineCount() - 1 - MAX_CONSOLE_LINES; // There's a blank at the end if (numLinesToRemove > 0) { try { int posOfLastLineToRemove = console.getLineEndOffset(numLinesToRemove - 1); console.replaceRange("", 0, posOfLastLineToRemove); } catch (javax.swing.text.BadLocationException ex) { log.error("trouble truncating SystemConsole window", ex); } } }
public void openAst(DetailAST parseTree) { parseTreeModel.setParseTree(parseTree); reloadAction.setEnabled(true); // clear for each new file clearLinesToPosition(); // starts line counting at 1 addLineToPosition(0); // insert the contents of the file to the text area // clean the text area before inserting the lines of the new file if (!textArea.getText().isEmpty()) { textArea.replaceRange("", 0, textArea.getText().length()); } // move back to the top of the file textArea.moveCaretPosition(0); }
// MUST BE THE ONLY METHOD THAT TOUCHES textArea! public synchronized void run() { if (clear) { textArea.setText(""); } for (String val : values) { curLength += val.length(); if (val.endsWith(EOL1) || val.endsWith(EOL2)) { if (lengths.size() >= maxLines) { textArea.replaceRange("", 0, lengths.removeFirst()); } lengths.addLast(curLength); curLength = 0; } textArea.append(val); } values.clear(); clear = false; queue = true; }
final void setTextByLocale(Locale locale) { changeLocale(locale); // remove all template item to re-add other locale-spec items // if (templateList.getModel().getSize() > 0) { // templateList.removeAllItems(); // } initTemplates(); mainFrame.setTitle(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.MAIN_WINDOW_TITLE)); optionsBorder.setTitle(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.BORDER_OPTIONS_TITLE)); templateLabel.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.LABEL_TEMPLATE)); useTemplateCheckBox.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.CHECKBOX_USETEMPLATE)); useNumberRadioButton.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.RADIO_NUMTOCHANGE)); useAlphaBetaRadioButton.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.RADIO_ALPHATOCHANGE)); startPositionLabel.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.LABEL_STARTPOSITION)); previewButton.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.BUTTON_PREVIEW)); beginButton.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.BUTTON_BEGIN)); changeSuffixCheck.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.LABEL_CHANGESUFFIX)); previewLabel.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.LABEL_PREVIEW)); addButton.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.BUTTON_ADD)); removeButton.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.BUTTON_REMOVE)); upperLowerTransformLabel.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.LABEL_ULTRANSFORM)); fileMenu.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.MENU_FILE)); fileOpen.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.MENU_FILE_OPEN)); fileClose.setText(localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.MENU_FILE_EXIT)); // used for language selection, for future add-on /* languageMenu.setText(localHelper .getLocalString(UIConstants.MENU_LANGUAGE)); eng.setText(localHelper.getLocalString(UIConstants.MENU_LANGUAGE_ENG)); chn.setText(localHelper.getLocalString(UIConstants.MENU_LANGUAGE_CHN)); */ textArea.replaceRange( localeHelper.getLocaleString(UIConstants.TEMPLATE_README), 0, textArea.getDocument().getLength()); mainFrame.pack(); }
public void openFile(File file, final Component parent) { if (file != null) { try { Main.getFrame().setTitle("Checkstyle : " + file.getName()); final FileText text = new FileText(file.getAbsoluteFile(), getEncoding()); final DetailAST parseTree = parseFile(text); parseTreeModel.setParseTree(parseTree); currentFile = file; lastDirectory = file.getParentFile(); reloadAction.setEnabled(true); final String[] sourceLines = text.toLinesArray(); // clear for each new file clearLinesToPosition(); // starts line counting at 1 addLineToPosition(0); // insert the contents of the file to the text area for (String element : sourceLines) { addLineToPosition(textArea.getText().length()); textArea.append(element + System.lineSeparator()); } // clean the text area before inserting the lines of the new file if (!textArea.getText().isEmpty()) { textArea.replaceRange("", 0, textArea.getText().length()); } // insert the contents of the file to the text area for (final String element : sourceLines) { textArea.append(element + System.lineSeparator()); } // move back to the top of the file textArea.moveCaretPosition(0); } catch (final IOException | ANTLRException ex) { showErrorDialog(parent, "Could not parse" + file + ": " + ex.getMessage()); } } }
/** Invoked when an action occurs. */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { /* file menu */ if (e.getSource() == newFile) { if (isUnsavedFile()) { int choice = displayUnsavedWarning(); if (choice == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { editor.setText(null); currentFile = null; } } else { editor.setText(null); currentFile = null; } } if (e.getSource() == open) { if (isUnsavedFile()) { int choice = displayUnsavedWarning(); if (choice == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { fileOpen(); } } else { fileOpen(); } } if (e.getSource() == save) { if (currentFile != null && currentFile.exists()) { fileSave(); } else { fileSaveAs(); } } if (e.getSource() == saveAs) { fileSaveAs(); } if (e.getSource() == close) { if (isUnsavedFile()) { int choice = displayUnsavedWarning(); if (choice == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { System.exit(0); } } else { System.exit(0); } } /* edit menu */ if (e.getSource() == cut) { String text = editor.getSelectedText(); if (text != null) { setClipboardText(text); editor.replaceRange("", editor.getSelectionStart(), editor.getSelectionEnd()); } } if (e.getSource() == copy) { String text = editor.getSelectedText(); if (text != null) { setClipboardText(text); } } if (e.getSource() == paste) { String text = getClipboardText(); if (text != null) { if (editor.getSelectedText() != null) { editor.replaceRange(text, editor.getSelectionStart(), editor.getSelectionEnd()); } else { editor.insert(text, editor.getCaretPosition()); } } } if (e.getSource() == deleteSelected) { if (editor.getSelectedText() != null) { editor.replaceRange("", editor.getSelectionStart(), editor.getSelectionEnd()); } } /* help menu */ if (e.getSource() == about) { String message = "About " + programName + "\n" + "Author: " + authorName + "\n" + "Last modified: " + lastModified + "\n" + "Description: " + programDesc; JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( mainFrame, message, "About " + programName, JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, null, null); } /* buttons */ // fileChooserButton if (e.getSource() == buttonPanel.getComponent(0)) { fileOpen(); } // sideButton if (e.getSource() == buttonPanel.getComponent(1)) { String copiedText = editor.getSelectedText(); if (copiedText != null) { side.setText(copiedText); } } }