/** * Creates a new, empty SessionDescription. The session is set as follows: * * <p>v=0 * * <p>o=this.createOrigin ("user", InetAddress.getLocalHost().toString()); * * <p>s=- * * <p>t=0 0 * * @throws SdpException SdpException, - if there is a problem constructing the SessionDescription. * @return a new, empty SessionDescription. */ public SessionDescription createSessionDescription() throws SdpException { SessionDescriptionImpl sessionDescriptionImpl = new SessionDescriptionImpl(); ProtoVersionField ProtoVersionField = new ProtoVersionField(); ProtoVersionField.setVersion(0); sessionDescriptionImpl.setVersion(ProtoVersionField); OriginField originImpl = null; try { originImpl = (OriginField) this.createOrigin("user", InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } sessionDescriptionImpl.setOrigin(originImpl); SessionNameField sessionNameImpl = new SessionNameField(); sessionNameImpl.setValue("-"); sessionDescriptionImpl.setSessionName(sessionNameImpl); TimeDescriptionImpl timeDescriptionImpl = new TimeDescriptionImpl(); TimeField timeImpl = new TimeField(); timeImpl.setZero(); timeDescriptionImpl.setTime(timeImpl); Vector times = new Vector(); times.addElement(timeDescriptionImpl); sessionDescriptionImpl.setTimeDescriptions(times); sessionDescriptionsList.addElement(sessionDescriptionImpl); return sessionDescriptionImpl; }
// 获得IP地址 public static String getIpAddr(HttpServletRequest request) { String ipAddress = null; ipAddress = request.getHeader("x-forwarded-for"); if (ipAddress == null || ipAddress.length() == 0 || "unknown".equalsIgnoreCase(ipAddress)) { ipAddress = request.getHeader("Proxy-Client-IP"); } if (ipAddress == null || ipAddress.length() == 0 || "unknown".equalsIgnoreCase(ipAddress)) { ipAddress = request.getHeader("WL-Proxy-Client-IP"); } if (ipAddress == null || ipAddress.length() == 0 || "unknown".equalsIgnoreCase(ipAddress)) { ipAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); if (ipAddress.equals("")) { // 根据网卡取本机配置的IP InetAddress inet = null; try { inet = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ipAddress = inet.getHostAddress(); } } // 对于通过多个代理的情况,第一个IP为客户端真实IP,多个IP按照','分割 if (ipAddress != null && ipAddress.length() > 15) { // "***.***.***.***".length() // = 15 if (ipAddress.indexOf(",") > 0) { ipAddress = ipAddress.substring(0, ipAddress.indexOf(",")); } } return ipAddress; }
private Descrittore contatta_server(String nome) { // variabili per l'RMI RMIServerInt serv = null; // server Descrittore descr_rit = null; // descrittore ritornato if (nome == null) { System.out.println("## contatta_server di Download ha ricevuto parametro null ! "); return null; } System.out.println("@ provo a contattare il server RMI "); // ################ RMI ################ if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) { System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager()); } Object o = null; try { // o = Naming.lookup("rmi://"); Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(server.getHostAddress()); o = registry.lookup("srmi"); } catch (RemoteException e) { System.out.println("## Problemi nell'RMI di Download - contatta_server di " + nome); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NotBoundException e) { System.out.println("## Problemi nell'RMI di Download - contatta_server di " + nome); e.printStackTrace(); } if (o == null) { System.out.println( "## l'RMI di Download - contatta_server di " + nome + " ha ritornato l'oggetto o null"); return null; } serv = (RMIServerInt) o; try { descr_rit = serv.lookup(nome, InetAddress.getLocalHost()); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("## Problemi con Lookup di " + nome); return null; } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("## Problemi con Lookup di " + nome); return null; } return descr_rit; }
public void Connect() { try { System.out.println("ok"); socket99 = new Socket(serverIP, 9999); socket66 = new Socket(serverIP, 6666); socket88 = new Socket(serverIP, 8888); isConnected = true; } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws EOFException { queue = new ArrayList<Traffic>(); ObjectInputStream OISforTG = null; ObjectOutputStream OOSforLot = null; System.out.print("login?"); sc = new Scanner(System.in); String input = sc.nextLine(); if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("y") || input.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { // System.out.println(ConnectionData.ipTG+" "+ConnectionData.portForTG); try { // socketForManager = new Socket(ConnectionData.ipMani, ConnectionData.portForManager); socketForTG = new Socket(ConnectionData.ipTG, ConnectionData.portForTG); socketForTime = new Socket(ConnectionData.ipTG, ConnectionData.portForTime); socketForParkingLot = new Socket(ConnectionData.ipLot, ConnectionData.portForLot); System.out.println("Connected"); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } receiverForManager RFM = new receiverForManager(); Thread ThreadRFM = new Thread(RFM); ThreadRFM.start(); trafficReceiver trafficRec = new trafficReceiver(); Thread ThreadTraffic = new Thread(trafficRec); ThreadTraffic.start(); try { OOSforLot = new ObjectOutputStream(socketForParkingLot.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { npe.printStackTrace(); } timeReader TR = new timeReader(); Thread thread = new Thread(TR); thread.start(); carReturned CR = new carReturned(); Thread thread1 = new Thread(CR); thread1.start(); // System.out.println("reach1"); while (true) { try { if (Token > 0 && queue.size() > 0) { Token--; System.out.println(Token); OOSforLot.writeObject(queue.get(0)); } else if (Token == 0 && queue.size() > 0) { String carOrig = queue.get(0).getGeneratedTime(); Integer carOrigInt[] = utils.timeConverter(carOrig); int Orig = (carOrigInt[0] * 3600) + (carOrigInt[1] * 60); int Curren = (currentTime[0] * 3600) + (currentTime[1] * 60); if ((Curren - Orig) > 600) { // need to something... // // // // } else { System.out.println("Token: " + Token + " queue Size: " + queue.size()); continue; } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
/** * connect: connect to the master * * @return: true for success and false for failure */ protected boolean connect() { boolean connected = true; try { _sock = new Socket(_serverIP, _serverPort); _out = new PrintWriter(_sock.getOutputStream(), true); _in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(_sock.getInputStream())); String reply = sendAll(); if (!reply.equals(ProtocolConstants.PACK_STR_CONFIRM_HEAD)) { /* Tokenize */ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(reply); if (st.nextToken().equals(ProtocolConstants.PACK_STR_ERRMES_HEAD)) { _elog(st.nextToken()); return false; } } _userSock = new Socket(_serverIP, _serverPort); _userOut = new PrintWriter(_userSock.getOutputStream(), true); _userIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(_userSock.getInputStream())); String replyUser = sendUserID(); if (!replyUser.equals(ProtocolConstants.PACK_STR_CONFIRM_HEAD)) { throw new Exception("Not confirmed"); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { if (!_server.noException()) { _elog(e.toString()); } if (_server.debugMode()) { e.printStackTrace(); } connected = false; } catch (IOException e) { if (!_server.noException()) { _elog(e.toString()); } if (_server.debugMode()) { e.printStackTrace(); } connected = false; } catch (Exception e) { if (!_server.noException()) { _elog(e.toString()); } if (_server.debugMode()) { e.printStackTrace(); } connected = false; } if (!connected) { return connected; } if (!connected) { /* Remove the pair of socket */ _sock = null; _in = null; _out = null; _userSock = null; _userOut = null; _userIn = null; } return connected; }
private ArrayList<InetAddress> contatta_Tracker(Descrittore descr) { InetAddress server = null; ObjectInputStream data_in; ObjectOutputStream data_out; InputStream in; OutputStream out; ArrayList<InetAddress> lista = null; /* socket per la comunicazione TCP */ SSLSocketFactory factory = null; SSLSocket socket = null; // ###### preparo l'indirizzo try { server = InetAddress.getByName(""); } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } // ###### creo il socket if (descr == null) { System.out.println("## contatta_tracker di Download ha ricevuto parametro null ! "); return null; } System.out.println( "@ provo a contattare via TCP il Tracker a " + server.toString() + " porta " + descr.getTcp()); try { factory = (SSLSocketFactory) SSLSocketFactory.getDefault(); socket = (SSLSocket) factory.createSocket(server, descr.getTcp()); } catch (IOException e1) { System.out.println("# eccezione nella creazione socket verso il Tracker TCP"); e1.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("@ socket creato "); if (factory == null || socket == null) { System.out.println("## la connessione ssl di Download ha ritornato null ! "); return null; } try { System.out.println("@ out_stream "); out = socket.getOutputStream(); System.out.println("@ out "); data_out = new ObjectOutputStream(out); System.out.println("@ in_stream "); in = socket.getInputStream(); System.out.println("@ in "); data_in = new ObjectInputStream(in); System.out.println("@ Downloader: streams ok "); data_out.writeObject(descr); // TODO Perchè ? data_out.flush(); System.out.println("@ descrittore mandato "); lista = (ArrayList<InetAddress>) data_in.readObject(); if (lista == null) System.out.println( "@ ritornata lista vuota dal tracker riguardo : " + descr.nome); // TODO sarebbe un caso plausibile else System.out.println("@ lista ricevuta : " + lista.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("# eccezione I/O nella creazione socket verso il Tracker TCP"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("# eccezione C N F nella creazione socket verso il Tracker TCP"); e.printStackTrace(); } return lista; }