public void copyInitialState(Path origAppDir) throws IOException { // locate previous snapshot String newAppDir = this.dag.assertAppPath(); FSRecoveryHandler recoveryHandler = new FSRecoveryHandler(origAppDir.toString(), conf); // read snapshot against new dependencies Object snapshot = recoveryHandler.restore(); if (snapshot == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No previous application state found in " + origAppDir); } InputStream logIs = recoveryHandler.getLog(); // modify snapshot state to switch app id ((StreamingContainerManager.CheckpointState) snapshot).setApplicationId(this.dag, conf); Path checkpointPath = new Path(newAppDir, LogicalPlan.SUBDIR_CHECKPOINTS); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.newInstance(origAppDir.toUri(), conf); // remove the path that was created by the storage agent during deserialization and replacement fs.delete(checkpointPath, true); // write snapshot to new location recoveryHandler = new FSRecoveryHandler(newAppDir, conf);; OutputStream logOs = recoveryHandler.rotateLog(); IOUtils.copy(logIs, logOs); logOs.flush(); logOs.close(); logIs.close(); // copy sub directories that are not present in target FileStatus[] lFiles = fs.listStatus(origAppDir); for (FileStatus f : lFiles) { if (f.isDirectory()) { String targetPath = f.getPath().toString().replace(origAppDir.toString(), newAppDir); if (!fs.exists(new Path(targetPath))) { LOG.debug("Copying {} to {}", f.getPath(), targetPath); FileUtil.copy(fs, f.getPath(), fs, new Path(targetPath), false, conf); // FSUtil.copy(fs, f, fs, new Path(targetPath), false, false, conf); } else { LOG.debug("Ignoring {} as it already exists under {}", f.getPath(), targetPath); // FSUtil.setPermission(fs, new Path(targetPath), new FsPermission((short)0777)); } } } }
public static void recursePath(Configuration conf, Path path, Job job) { try { FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf); FileStatus[] fstats = fs.listStatus(path); if (fstats != null) { for (FileStatus f : fstats) { Path p = f.getPath(); ; if (fs.isFile(p)) { // connection times out otherwise System.err.println("file:" + p.toString()); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, p); } else { System.err.println("dir:" + p.toString()); recursePath(conf, p, job); } } } } catch (IOException e) { // shouldn't be here throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public int run(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException { if (args.length != 2) { System.out.println("Usage: FeatureMatching ID <inputName.jpeg/inputName.jpg>"); System.exit(1); } SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("", Locale.US); sdf.applyPattern("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"); String time = sdf.format(new Date()); Job job = Job.getInstance(); ID = "/" + args[0]; String filename = args[1]; filename = filename.toLowerCase(); System.out.println("current filename:" + filename); // Detect illegal username (if the username dir doesn't exist) File userPath = new File(LOCAL_USER_DIR + ID); if (!userPath.exists()) { System.out.println("Unauthorized username!!!\nExiting......"); System.exit(1); } // Preprocess the input image.jpg from local dir: /local.../user/ID/input/image.jpg // Save the features to local dir: hdfs://.../user/ID/input/image.jpg extractQueryFeatures2HDFS(filename, job); // Add the feature file to the hdfs cache String featureFileName = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".json"; // job.addCacheFile(new Path(HDFS_HOME + USER + ID + INPUT + "/" + // featureFileName).toUri()); job.getConfiguration() .set("featureFilePath", HDFS_HOME + USER + ID + INPUT + "/" + featureFileName); // Check the file type. Only support jpeg/jpg type images String type = filename.substring(args[1].lastIndexOf(".")); if (!(type.equals(".jpg") || type.equals(".jpeg"))) { System.out.println("Image type not supported!!!\nExiting"); System.exit(1); } // Input: hdfs://.../features/ // The feature dir is a location of all features extracted from the database String inputPathStr = HDFS_HOME + FEATURES; // Output: hdfs://.../user/ID/output/ String outputPathStr = HDFS_HOME + USER + ID + OUTPUT + "/" + time; job.setInputFormatClass(KeyValueTextInputFormat.class); // job.setOutputFormatClass(TextOutputFormat.class); // Get the lists of all feature files: /.../features/data/part-* FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(job.getConfiguration()); FileStatus[] statuses = fs.listStatus(new Path(inputPathStr)); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (FileStatus fileStatus : statuses) { sb.append(fileStatus.getPath() + ","); } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.lastIndexOf(",")); job.setJarByClass(FeatureMatching.class); job.setMapperClass(FeatureMatchMapper.class); job.setReducerClass(FeatureMatchReducer.class); // only need one reducer to collect the result job.setNumReduceTasks(1); job.setMapOutputKeyClass(IntWritable.class); job.setMapOutputValueClass(Text.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(DoubleWritable.class); // Input a directory, so need the recursive input FileInputFormat.setInputDirRecursive(job, true); // Set the PathFilter, to omit _SUCCESS files // (This is not working correctly, as the PathFilter class is an interface rather than a class. // But the 2nd arg asks me to extend the PathFilter) // FileInputFormat.setInputPathFilter(job, MyPathFilter.class); // // FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, new Path(inputPathStr)); FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, sb.toString()); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(outputPathStr)); boolean success = job.waitForCompletion(true); return success ? 0 : 1; }
/** * Method to go though the HDFS filesystem in a DFS to find all files * * <p>fs:FileSystem object from HDFS minDate: Oldest date for files to be backed up maxDate:Newest * date for files to be backed up p:Path in HDFS to look for files pathList:Will be filled with * all files in p hmTimestamps: hashmap of timestamps for later sorting */ public void checkDir( FileSystem fs, long minDate, long maxDate, Path p, ArrayList<Path> pathList, HashMap<Path, Long> hmTimestamps) { long tmpDate; FileStatus[] fStat; try { String sPath = p.toUri().getPath(); // If this is a directory if (fs.getFileStatus(p).isDir()) { // ignore certain directories if ("dfstmp".equals(p.getName()) || "tmp".equals(p.getName()) || "jobtracker".equals(p.getName()) || sPath.startsWith("/mapred") || "ops".equals(p.getName()) || p.getName().startsWith("_distcp_logs")) { return; } // dump the mkdir and chmod commands for this // directory -- skip root directory only { FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(p); if (!sPath.equals("/")) { m_wrMkdirs.println("hadoop fs -mkdir " + sPath); } m_wrChmods.println( "hadoop fs -chown " + stat.getOwner() + ":" + stat.getGroup() + " " + sPath); Short sh = new Short(stat.getPermission().toShort()); m_wrChmods.println( "hadoop fs -chmod " + Long.toOctalString(sh.longValue()) + " " + sPath); } fStat = fs.listStatus(p); // Do a recursive call to all elements for (int i = 0; i < fStat.length; i++) { checkDir(fs, minDate, maxDate, fStat[i].getPath(), pathList, hmTimestamps); } } else { // If not a directory then we've found a file // ignore crc files if (p.getName().endsWith(".crc")) { return; } // ignore other files if (sPath.startsWith("/user/oozie/etl/workflows/")) { return; } // try to get the table name from the path. There are // various types of tables, from those replicated from // another database to regular hive tables to // partitioned hive tables. We use table names to // both exclude some from the backup, and for the rest // to dump out the schema and partition name. if (m_ignoreTables != null && m_ignoreTables.doIgnoreFile(sPath)) { m_nIgnoredTables++; if (m_nIgnoredTables < 5) { System.out.println("Skipping ignore-table file: " + sPath); } else if (m_nIgnoredTables == 5) { System.out.println("(...not showing other skipped tables...)"); } return; } FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(p); tmpDate = stat.getModificationTime() / 1000; // store the chmods/chowns for all files m_wrChmods.println( "hadoop fs -chown " + stat.getOwner() + ":" + stat.getGroup() + " " + sPath); m_wrChmods.println("hadoop fs -chmod " + stat.getPermission().toShort() + " " + sPath); // check dates. is it too young? if (tmpDate < minDate) { return; } // is the file too recent? if (tmpDate > maxDate) { // System.out.println("file too recent: " + sPath); return; } // file timestamp is ok pathList.add(p); hmTimestamps.put(p, new Long(tmpDate)); // store info about total bytes neeed to backup m_nTotalBytes += fs.getContentSummary(p).getLength(); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("ERROR: could not open " + p + ": " + e); // System.exit(1) ; } }
public void doTestTextBatchAppend() throws Exception { LOG.debug("Starting..."); final long rollCount = 10; final long batchSize = 2; final String fileName = "PageView"; String newPath = testPath + "/singleTextBucket"; int totalEvents = 0; int i = 1, j = 1; // clear the test directory Configuration conf = new Configuration(); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); Path dirPath = new Path(newPath); fs.delete(dirPath, true); fs.mkdirs(dirPath); Context context = new Context(); context.put("hdfs.path", newPath); context.put("hdfs.rollCount", String.valueOf(rollCount)); context.put("hdfs.batchSize", String.valueOf(batchSize)); context.put("hdfs.filePrefix", "pageview"); Channel channel = new MemoryChannel(); Configurables.configure(channel, context); sink.setChannel(channel); sink.start(); Calendar eventDate = Calendar.getInstance(); Date currentDate = new Date(); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); header.put("topic", "PageView"); List<String> bodies = Lists.newArrayList(); // 将测试的事件推入到通道中 for (i = 1; i <= (rollCount * 10) / batchSize; i++) { Transaction txn = channel.getTransaction(); txn.begin(); for (j = 1; j <= batchSize; j++) { header.put("timestamp", String.valueOf(currentDate.getTime())); Event event = new SimpleEvent(); eventDate.clear(); eventDate.set(2014, i, i, i, 0); String body = "Test." + i + "." + j; event.setHeaders(header); event.setBody(body.getBytes()); bodies.add(body); channel.put(event); totalEvents++; } txn.commit(); txn.close(); // execute sink to process the events sink.process(); } sink.stop(); FileStatus[] dirStat = fs.listStatus(dirPath); Path fList[] = FileUtil.stat2Paths(dirStat); long expectedFiles = totalEvents / rollCount; if (totalEvents % rollCount > 0) { expectedFiles++; } Assert.assertEquals( "num files wrong, found: " + Lists.newArrayList(fList), expectedFiles, fList.length); // 检查所有写入文件的内容 verifyOutputTextFiles(fs, conf, dirPath.toUri().getPath(), fileName, bodies); }
static void checkRecords(Configuration defaults, Path sortInput, Path sortOutput) throws IOException { FileSystem inputfs = sortInput.getFileSystem(defaults); FileSystem outputfs = sortOutput.getFileSystem(defaults); FileSystem defaultfs = FileSystem.get(defaults); JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(defaults, RecordStatsChecker.class); jobConf.setJobName("sortvalidate-recordstats-checker"); int noSortReduceTasks = outputfs.listStatus(sortOutput, sortPathsFilter).length; jobConf.setInt("sortvalidate.sort.reduce.tasks", noSortReduceTasks); int noSortInputpaths = inputfs.listStatus(sortInput).length; jobConf.setInputFormat(NonSplitableSequenceFileInputFormat.class); jobConf.setOutputFormat(SequenceFileOutputFormat.class); jobConf.setOutputKeyClass(IntWritable.class); jobConf.setOutputValueClass(RecordStatsChecker.RecordStatsWritable.class); jobConf.setMapperClass(Map.class); jobConf.setCombinerClass(Reduce.class); jobConf.setReducerClass(Reduce.class); jobConf.setNumMapTasks(noSortReduceTasks); jobConf.setNumReduceTasks(1); FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(jobConf, sortInput); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(jobConf, sortOutput); Path outputPath = new Path("/tmp/sortvalidate/recordstatschecker"); if (defaultfs.exists(outputPath)) { defaultfs.delete(outputPath, true); } FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(jobConf, outputPath); // Uncomment to run locally in a single process // job_conf.set("mapred.job.tracker", "local"); Path[] inputPaths = FileInputFormat.getInputPaths(jobConf); System.out.println( "\nSortValidator.RecordStatsChecker: Validate sort " + "from " + inputPaths[0] + " (" + noSortInputpaths + " files), " + inputPaths[1] + " (" + noSortReduceTasks + " files) into " + FileOutputFormat.getOutputPath(jobConf) + " with 1 reducer."); Date startTime = new Date(); System.out.println("Job started: " + startTime); JobClient.runJob(jobConf); Date end_time = new Date(); System.out.println("Job ended: " + end_time); System.out.println( "The job took " + (end_time.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) / 1000 + " seconds."); // Check to ensure that the statistics of the // framework's sort-input and sort-output match SequenceFile.Reader stats = new SequenceFile.Reader(defaultfs, new Path(outputPath, "part-00000"), defaults); IntWritable k1 = new IntWritable(); IntWritable k2 = new IntWritable(); RecordStatsWritable v1 = new RecordStatsWritable(); RecordStatsWritable v2 = new RecordStatsWritable(); if (!, v1)) { throw new IOException("Failed to read record #1 from reduce's output"); } if (!, v2)) { throw new IOException("Failed to read record #2 from reduce's output"); } if ((v1.getBytes() != v2.getBytes()) || (v1.getRecords() != v2.getRecords()) || v1.getChecksum() != v2.getChecksum()) { throw new IOException( "(" + v1.getBytes() + ", " + v1.getRecords() + ", " + v1.getChecksum() + ") v/s (" + v2.getBytes() + ", " + v2.getRecords() + ", " + v2.getChecksum() + ")"); } }