public SvnAuthenticationNotifier(final SvnVcs17 svnVcs) { super( svnVcs.getProject(), svnVcs.getDisplayName(), "Not Logged In to Subversion", NotificationType.ERROR); myVcs = svnVcs; myRootsToWorkingCopies = myVcs.getRootsToWorkingCopies(); myCopiesPassiveResults = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<SVNURL, Boolean>()); myVerificationInProgress = false; }
public static boolean interactiveValidation( final Project project, final SVNURL url, final String realm, final String kind) { final SvnConfiguration17 configuration = SvnConfiguration17.getInstance(project); final SvnAuthenticationManager passiveManager = configuration.getInteractiveManager(SvnVcs17.getInstance(project)); return validationImpl(project, url, configuration, passiveManager, true, realm, kind, true); }
private void onStateChangedToSuccess(final AuthenticationRequest obj) { myCopiesPassiveResults.put(getKey(obj), true); myVcs.invokeRefreshSvnRoots(false); final List<SVNURL> outdatedRequests = new LinkedList<SVNURL>(); final Collection<SVNURL> keys = getAllCurrentKeys(); for (SVNURL key : keys) { final SVNURL commonURLAncestor = SVNURLUtil.getCommonURLAncestor(key, obj.getUrl()); if ((commonURLAncestor != null) && (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(commonURLAncestor.getHost())) && (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(commonURLAncestor.getPath()))) { // final AuthenticationRequest currObj = getObj(key); // if ((currObj != null) && passiveValidation(myVcs.getProject(), key, true, // currObj.getRealm(), currObj.getKind())) { outdatedRequests.add(key); // } } } log("on state changed "); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { for (SVNURL key : outdatedRequests) { removeLazyNotificationByKey(key); } } }, ModalityState.NON_MODAL); }
/** Bases on presence of notifications! */ public ThreeState isAuthenticatedFor(final VirtualFile vf) { final WorkingCopy wcCopy = myRootsToWorkingCopies.getWcRoot(vf); if (wcCopy == null) return ThreeState.UNSURE; // check there's no cancellation yet final boolean haveCancellation = getStateFor(wcCopy.getUrl()); if (haveCancellation) return ThreeState.NO; final Boolean keptResult = myCopiesPassiveResults.get(wcCopy.getUrl()); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(keptResult)) return ThreeState.YES; if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(keptResult)) return ThreeState.NO; // check have credentials final boolean calculatedResult = passiveValidation(myVcs.getProject(), wcCopy.getUrl()); myCopiesPassiveResults.put(wcCopy.getUrl(), calculatedResult); return calculatedResult ? ThreeState.YES : ThreeState.NO; }
private static boolean validationImpl( final Project project, final SVNURL url, final SvnConfiguration17 configuration, final SvnAuthenticationManager manager, final boolean checkWrite, final String realm, final String kind, boolean interactive) { SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider.clearCallState(); try { new SVNWCClient(manager, configuration.getOptions(project)) .doInfo(url, SVNRevision.UNDEFINED, SVNRevision.HEAD); } catch (SVNAuthenticationException e) { log(e); return false; } catch (SVNCancelException e) { log(e); // auth canceled return false; } catch (SVNException e) { if (e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode().isAuthentication()) { log(e); return false; }"some other exc", e); if (interactive) { VcsBalloonProblemNotifier.showOverChangesView( project, "Authentication failed: " + e.getMessage(), MessageType.ERROR); } return false; /// !!!! any exception means user should be notified that authorization failed } if (!checkWrite) { return true; } /*if (passive) { return SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider.wasCalled(); }*/ if (SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider.wasCalled() && SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider.wasCancelled()) return false; if (SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider.wasCalled()) return true; final SvnVcs17 svnVcs = SvnVcs17.getInstance(project); final SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider provider = new SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider(svnVcs, manager); final SVNAuthentication svnAuthentication = provider.requestClientAuthentication(kind, url, realm, null, null, true); if (svnAuthentication != null) { configuration.acknowledge(kind, realm, svnAuthentication); try { configuration .getAuthenticationManager(svnVcs) .acknowledgeAuthentication(true, kind, realm, null, svnAuthentication); } catch (SVNException e) {; } return true; } return false; }