예제 #1
   * The function prints out key to jumpshot data.
  int print (Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
    Font f = g.getFont ();
    FontMetrics fm = getToolkit ().getFontMetrics (f);
    int charW = fm.stringWidth (" "), charH = fm.getHeight ();
    int hgap1 = charW, hgap2 = 2 * charW, vgap = fm.getAscent ();
    int rectW = 30, rectH = charH; //Dimensions of state rectangles
    int xcord = x, ycord = y;
    Enumeration enum = parent.stateDefs.elements ();
    while (enum.hasMoreElements ()) {
      RecDef s = (RecDef)enum.nextElement ();
      if (s.stateVector.size () > 0) {
	int strW = fm.stringWidth (s.description);
	if ((xcord + rectW + hgap1 + strW) > (width + x)) {
          xcord = x; ycord += (charH + vgap);
        g.setColor (s.color);
        g.fillRect (xcord, ycord, rectW, rectH);
        g.setColor (Color.black);
        g.drawRect (xcord, ycord, rectW - 1, rectH - 1);
        g.drawString( s.description,
                      xcord + rectW + hgap1,
                      ycord + rectH - fm.getDescent () - 1);
        xcord += (rectW + hgap1 + strW + hgap2);
    return (ycord - y + (2 * charH));
예제 #2
   * Draws the specified string.
   * @param g graphics reference
   * @param s text
   * @param x x coordinate
   * @param y y coordinate
   * @param w width
   * @param fs font size
  public static void chopString(
      final Graphics g, final byte[] s, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int fs) {

    if (w < 12) return;
    final int[] cw = fontWidths(g.getFont());

    int j = s.length;
    try {
      int l = 0;
      int fw = 0;
      for (int k = 0; k < j; k += l) {
        final int ww = width(g, cw, cp(s, k));
        if (fw + ww >= w - 4) {
          j = Math.max(1, k - l);
          if (k > 1) fw -= width(g, cw, cp(s, k - 1));
          g.drawString("..", x + fw, y + fs);
        fw += ww;
        l = cl(s, k);
    } catch (final Exception ex) {
    g.drawString(string(s, 0, j), x, y + fs);
예제 #3
  * Returns the width of the specified text. Cached font widths are used to speed up calculation.
  * @param g graphics reference
  * @param s string to be evaluated
  * @return string width
 public static int width(final Graphics g, final byte[] s) {
   final int[] cw = fontWidths(g.getFont());
   final int l = s.length;
   int fw = 0;
   try {
     // ignore faulty character sets
     for (int k = 0; k < l; k += cl(s, k)) fw += width(g, cw, cp(s, k));
   } catch (final Exception ex) {
   return fw;
예제 #4
파일: set.java 프로젝트: wcyuan/Set
    public void centerText(String s1, String s2, Graphics g, Color c, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
      // locs[0].centerText(s1, s2, this.getGraphics(),
      // Color.white, 400,0,200,50);
      // g.setXORMode(unselected_color);
      // centerText("pic" + im, null, g, Color.black, x, y, w, h);

      Font f = g.getFont();
      FontMetrics fm = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontMetrics(f);
      int ascent = fm.getAscent();
      int height = fm.getHeight();
      int width1 = 0, width2 = 0, x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = 0, y1 = 0;
      width1 = fm.stringWidth(s1);
      if (s2 != null) width2 = fm.stringWidth(s2);
      x0 = x + (w - width1) / 2;
      x0 = x + (w - width2) / 2;
      if (s2 == null) y0 = y + (h - height) / 2 + ascent;
      else {
        y0 = y + (h - (int) (height * 2.2)) / 2 + ascent;
        y1 = y0 + (int) (height * 1.2);
      g.drawString(s1, x0, y0);
      if (s2 != null) g.drawString(s2, x1, y1);
예제 #5
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
    RenderingHints rh = g2d.getRenderingHints();
    rh.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    rh.put(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);

    // Background.
    D = this.getSize();
    g.fillRect(0, 0, D.width, D.height);
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;

    // Axes, bounding box.
    g.drawLine(inset, D.height - inset, D.width - inset, D.height - inset);
    g.drawLine(D.width - inset, inset, D.width - inset, D.height - inset);
    g.drawLine(inset, inset, inset, D.height - inset);
    g.drawLine(inset, inset, D.width - inset, inset);

    double xDelta = (maxX - minX) / numIntervals;

    // X-ticks and labels.
    for (int i = 1; i <= numIntervals; i++) {
      double xTickd = i * xDelta;
      int xTick = (int) (xTickd / (maxX - minX) * (D.width - 2 * inset));
      g.drawLine(inset + xTick, D.height - inset - 5, inset + xTick, D.height - inset + 5);
      double x = minX + i * xDelta;
      g.drawString(df.format(x), xTick + inset - 5, D.height - inset + 20);

    // Y-ticks
    double yDelta = (maxY - minY) / numIntervals;
    for (int i = 0; i < numIntervals; i++) {
      int yTick = (i + 1) * (int) ((D.height - 2 * inset) / (double) numIntervals);
      g.drawLine(inset - 5, D.height - yTick - inset, inset + 5, D.height - yTick - inset);
      double y = minY + (i + 1) * yDelta;
      g.drawString(df.format(y), 1, D.height - yTick - inset);

    // Zoom+move
    Font savedFont = g.getFont();
    g.drawString("+", D.width - 25, 20);
    g.drawString("-", D.width - 25, 50);
    drawArrow(g2d, D.width - 70, 20, D.width - 70, 0, 1.0f, lineStroke); // Up
    drawArrow(g2d, D.width - 70, 30, D.width - 70, 50, 1.0f, lineStroke); // Down
    drawArrow(g2d, D.width - 65, 25, D.width - 45, 25, 1.0f, lineStroke); // Right
    drawArrow(g2d, D.width - 75, 25, D.width - 95, 25, 1.0f, lineStroke); // Left

    // See if standard axes are in the middle.
    if ((minX < 0) && (maxX > 0) && (drawMiddleAxes)) {
      // Draw y-axis
      int x = (int) ((0 - minX) / (maxX - minX) * (D.width - 2 * inset));
      g.drawLine(inset + x, D.height - inset, inset + x, inset);
    if ((minY < 0) && (maxY > 0) && (drawMiddleAxes)) {
      // Draw x-axis
      int y = (int) ((0 - minY) / (maxY - minY) * (D.height - 2.0 * inset));
      g.drawLine(inset, D.height - y - inset, D.width - inset, D.height - y - inset);

    // Draw the objects.
    drawObjects(g, points, lines, ovals, rectangles, images, labels, eqnLines);
    if (animationMode) {
      drawObjects(g, animPoints, animLines, animOvals, animRectangles, null, labels, eqnLines);
      // No images in animation mode.

예제 #6
  private boolean recalcPositions(Graphics g) {
    Font f = g.getFont();
    if (f != oldFont || !(StringUtil.stringsEqual(oldText, text))) {
      FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(f);
      sw = MesquiteInteger.maximum(fm.stringWidth("888"), fm.stringWidth(tf.getText()));
      sh = fm.getMaxAscent() + fm.getMaxDescent();
    oldText = text;
    oldFont = f;
    if (oldTextBoxWidth < sw + MesquiteModule.textEdgeCompensationWidth - 1
        || oldTextBoxHeight < sh + MesquiteModule.textEdgeCompensationHeight - 1) {
      textBoxWidth = sw + MesquiteModule.textEdgeCompensationWidth; // 34
      textBoxHeight = sh + MesquiteModule.textEdgeCompensationHeight; // 18
      oldTextBoxWidth = textBoxWidth;
      oldTextBoxHeight = textBoxHeight;
      if (horizontal) {
        if (stacked) {
          totalWidth = textBoxWidth + EnterButton.MIN_DIMENSION + 2;
          totalHeight = textBoxHeight + 20;
          setSize(totalWidth, totalHeight);
          tf.setSize(textBoxWidth, textBoxHeight);
          tf.setLocation(0, 0);
          decrementButton.setLocation(2, textBoxHeight + 4);
          incrementButton.setLocation(totalWidth - 20, textBoxHeight + 4);
        } else {
          totalWidth = textBoxWidth + 36 + EnterButton.MIN_DIMENSION + 2;
          totalHeight = textBoxHeight + 4;
          setSize(totalWidth, totalHeight);
          tf.setSize(textBoxWidth, textBoxHeight);
          decrementButton.setLocation(0, 2);
              decrementButton.getBounds().x + decrementButton.getBounds().width + 1,
              0); // 1 added to x
              tf.getBounds().x + tf.getBounds().width + EnterButton.MIN_DIMENSION + 2,
              2); // 1 added to x
        enterButton.setLocation(tf.getBounds().x + tf.getBounds().width + 1, 2);
      } else {
        if (stacked) {
          totalWidth = textBoxWidth + EnterButton.MIN_DIMENSION + 2;
          totalHeight = textBoxHeight + 20;
          setSize(totalWidth, totalHeight);
          tf.setSize(textBoxWidth, textBoxHeight);
          tf.setLocation(0, 0);
          decrementButton.setLocation(2, textBoxHeight + 4);
          incrementButton.setLocation(totalWidth - 22, textBoxHeight + 4);
          enterButton.setLocation(tf.getBounds().x + tf.getBounds().width + 1, 2);
        } else {
          totalWidth = textBoxWidth; // should be 0
          totalHeight = textBoxHeight + 36 + EnterButton.MIN_DIMENSION + 2;

          setSize(totalWidth, totalHeight);
          tf.setSize(textBoxWidth, textBoxHeight);
          incrementButton.setLocation(1, 2);
          tf.setLocation(0, incrementButton.getBounds().height + 3);
              1, tf.getBounds().y + tf.getBounds().height + EnterButton.MIN_DIMENSION + 2);
          enterButton.setLocation(1, tf.getBounds().y + tf.getBounds().height + 1);
      return true;
    if (checkBackground()) {
      return true;
    /*	if (!getBackground().equals(getParent().getBackground())) {
    	bg =getParent().getBackground();
    	return true;
    return false;
예제 #7
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

    int width = getWidth() - rightMargin - leftMargin - 10;
    int height = getHeight() - topMargin - bottomMargin;
    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
      // not enough room to paint anything

    Color oldColor = g.getColor();
    Font oldFont = g.getFont();
    Color fg = getForeground();
    Color bg = getBackground();
    boolean bgIsLight = (bg.getRed() > 200 && bg.getGreen() > 200 && bg.getBlue() > 200);

    ((Graphics2D) g)
        .setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

    if (smallFont == null) {
      smallFont = oldFont.deriveFont(9.0F);

    r.x = leftMargin - 5;
    r.y = topMargin - 8;
    r.width = getWidth() - leftMargin - rightMargin;
    r.height = getHeight() - topMargin - bottomMargin + 16;

    if (border == null) {
      // By setting colors here, we avoid recalculating them
      // over and over.
      border =
          new BevelBorder(

    border.paintBorder(this, g, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);

    // Fill background color
    g.fillRect(r.x + 2, r.y + 2, r.width - 4, r.height - 4);

    long tMin = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    long tMax = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    long vMin = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    long vMax = 1;

    int w = getWidth() - rightMargin - leftMargin - 10;
    int h = getHeight() - topMargin - bottomMargin;

    if (times.size > 1) {
      tMin = Math.min(tMin, times.time(0));
      tMax = Math.max(tMax, times.time(times.size - 1));
    long viewRangeMS;
    if (viewRange > 0) {
      viewRangeMS = viewRange * MINUTE;
    } else {
      // Display full time range, but no less than a minute
      viewRangeMS = Math.max(tMax - tMin, 1 * MINUTE);

    // Calculate min/max values
    for (Sequence seq : seqs) {
      if (seq.size > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < seq.size; i++) {
          if (seq.size == 1 || times.time(i) >= tMax - viewRangeMS) {
            long val = seq.value(i);
            if (val > Long.MIN_VALUE) {
              vMax = Math.max(vMax, val);
              vMin = Math.min(vMin, val);
      } else {
        vMin = 0L;
      if (unit == Unit.BYTES || !seq.isPlotted) {
        // We'll scale only to the first (main) value set.
        // TODO: Use a separate property for this.

    // Normalize scale
    vMax = normalizeMax(vMax);
    if (vMin > 0) {
      if (vMax / vMin > 4) {
        vMin = 0;
      } else {
        vMin = normalizeMin(vMin);


    // Axes
    // Draw vertical axis
    int x = leftMargin - 18;
    int y = topMargin;
    FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();

    g.drawLine(x, y, x, y + h);

    int n = 5;
    if (("" + vMax).startsWith("2")) {
      n = 4;
    } else if (("" + vMax).startsWith("3")) {
      n = 6;
    } else if (("" + vMax).startsWith("4")) {
      n = 4;
    } else if (("" + vMax).startsWith("6")) {
      n = 6;
    } else if (("" + vMax).startsWith("7")) {
      n = 7;
    } else if (("" + vMax).startsWith("8")) {
      n = 8;
    } else if (("" + vMax).startsWith("9")) {
      n = 3;

    // Ticks
    ArrayList<Long> tickValues = new ArrayList<Long>();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      long v = i * vMax / n;
      if (v > vMin) {
    n = tickValues.size();

    String[] tickStrings = new String[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      long v = tickValues.get(i);
      tickStrings[i] = getSizeString(v, vMax);

    // Trim trailing decimal zeroes.
    if (decimals > 0) {
      boolean trimLast = true;
      boolean removedDecimalPoint = false;
      do {
        for (String str : tickStrings) {
          if (!(str.endsWith("0") || str.endsWith("."))) {
            trimLast = false;
        if (trimLast) {
          if (tickStrings[0].endsWith(".")) {
            removedDecimalPoint = true;
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            String str = tickStrings[i];
            tickStrings[i] = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1);
      } while (trimLast && !removedDecimalPoint);

    // Draw ticks
    int lastY = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      long v = tickValues.get(i);
      y = topMargin + h - (int) (h * (v - vMin) / (vMax - vMin));
      g.drawLine(x - 2, y, x + 2, y);
      String s = tickStrings[i];
      if (unit == Unit.PERCENT) {
        s += "%";
      int sx = x - 6 - fm.stringWidth(s);
      if (y < lastY - 13) {
        if (checkLeftMargin(sx)) {
          // Wait for next repaint
        g.drawString(s, sx, y + 4);
      // Draw horizontal grid line
      g.drawLine(r.x + 4, y, r.x + r.width - 4, y);
      lastY = y;

    // Draw horizontal axis
    x = leftMargin;
    y = topMargin + h + 15;
    g.drawLine(x, y, x + w, y);

    long t1 = tMax;
    if (t1 <= 0L) {
      // No data yet, so draw current time
      t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long tz = timeDF.getTimeZone().getOffset(t1);
    long tickInterval = calculateTickInterval(w, 40, viewRangeMS);
    if (tickInterval > 3 * HOUR) {
      tickInterval = calculateTickInterval(w, 80, viewRangeMS);
    long t0 = tickInterval - (t1 - viewRangeMS + tz) % tickInterval;
    while (t0 < viewRangeMS) {
      x = leftMargin + (int) (w * t0 / viewRangeMS);
      g.drawLine(x, y - 2, x, y + 2);

      long t = t1 - viewRangeMS + t0;
      String str = formatClockTime(t);
      g.drawString(str, x, y + 16);
      // if (tickInterval > (1 * HOUR) && t % (1 * DAY) == 0) {
      if ((t + tz) % (1 * DAY) == 0) {
        str = formatDate(t);
        g.drawString(str, x, y + 27);
      // Draw vertical grid line
      g.drawLine(x, topMargin, x, topMargin + h);
      t0 += tickInterval;

    // Plot values
    int start = 0;
    int nValues = 0;
    int nLists = seqs.size();
    if (nLists > 0) {
      nValues = seqs.get(0).size;
    if (nValues == 0) {
    } else {
      Sequence seq = seqs.get(0);
      // Find starting point
      for (int p = 0; p < seq.size; p++) {
        if (times.time(p) >= tMax - viewRangeMS) {
          start = p;

    // Optimization: collapse plot of more than four values per pixel
    int pointsPerPixel = (nValues - start) / w;
    if (pointsPerPixel < 4) {
      pointsPerPixel = 1;

    // Draw graphs
    // Loop backwards over sequences because the first needs to be painted on top
    for (int i = nLists - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      int x0 = leftMargin;
      int y0 = topMargin + h + 1;

      Sequence seq = seqs.get(i);
      if (seq.isPlotted && seq.size > 0) {
        // Paint twice, with white and with color
        for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
          g.setColor((pass == 0) ? Color.white : seq.color);
          int x1 = -1;
          long v1 = -1;
          for (int p = start; p < nValues; p += pointsPerPixel) {
            // Make sure we get the last value
            if (pointsPerPixel > 1 && p >= nValues - pointsPerPixel) {
              p = nValues - 1;
            int x2 = (int) (w * (times.time(p) - (t1 - viewRangeMS)) / viewRangeMS);
            long v2 = seq.value(p);
            if (v2 >= vMin && v2 <= vMax) {
              int y2 = (int) (h * (v2 - vMin) / (vMax - vMin));
              if (x1 >= 0 && v1 >= vMin && v1 <= vMax) {
                int y1 = (int) (h * (v1 - vMin) / (vMax - vMin));

                if (y1 == y2) {
                  // fillrect is much faster
                  g.fillRect(x0 + x1, y0 - y1 - pass, x2 - x1, 1);
                } else {
                  Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
                  Stroke oldStroke = null;
                  if (seq.transitionStroke != null) {
                    oldStroke = g2d.getStroke();
                  g.drawLine(x0 + x1, y0 - y1 - pass, x0 + x2, y0 - y2 - pass);
                  if (oldStroke != null) {
            x1 = x2;
            v1 = v2;

        // Current value
        long v = seq.value(seq.size - 1);
        if (v >= vMin && v <= vMax) {
          if (bgIsLight) {
          } else {
          x = r.x + r.width + 2;
          y = topMargin + h - (int) (h * (v - vMin) / (vMax - vMin));
          // a small triangle/arrow
          g.fillPolygon(new int[] {x + 2, x + 6, x + 6}, new int[] {y, y + 3, y - 3}, 3);

    int[] valueStringSlots = new int[nLists];
    for (int i = 0; i < nLists; i++) valueStringSlots[i] = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < nLists; i++) {
      Sequence seq = seqs.get(i);
      if (seq.isPlotted && seq.size > 0) {
        // Draw current value

        // TODO: collapse values if pointsPerPixel >= 4

        long v = seq.value(seq.size - 1);
        if (v >= vMin && v <= vMax) {
          x = r.x + r.width + 2;
          y = topMargin + h - (int) (h * (v - vMin) / (vMax - vMin));
          int y2 = getValueStringSlot(valueStringSlots, y, 2 * 10, i);
          if (bgIsLight) {
          } else {
          String curValue = getFormattedValue(v, true);
          if (unit == Unit.PERCENT) {
            curValue += "%";
          int valWidth = fm.stringWidth(curValue);
          String legend = (displayLegend ? seq.name : "");
          int legendWidth = fm.stringWidth(legend);
          if (checkRightMargin(valWidth) || checkRightMargin(legendWidth)) {
            // Wait for next repaint
          g.drawString(legend, x + 17, Math.min(topMargin + h, y2 + 3 - 10));
          g.drawString(curValue, x + 17, Math.min(topMargin + h + 10, y2 + 3));

          // Maybe draw a short line to value
          if (y2 > y + 3) {
            g.drawLine(x + 9, y + 2, x + 14, y2);
          } else if (y2 < y - 3) {
            g.drawLine(x + 9, y - 2, x + 14, y2);
예제 #8
  private void drawLayout(Graphics g) {
    g.drawRect(10, 10, width - 20, height - 20);

    Iterator f = players.iterator();
    int lifeDisplayPosition = 0;
    while (f.hasNext()) {
      Player h = (Player) f.next();
      if (h.isActive()) {
        String lifeInformation = "Player " + lifeDisplayPosition + ": ";
        for (int i = 0; i < h.getLives(); i++) {
          lifeInformation += "\u2606";
        g.drawString(lifeInformation, 20, lifeDisplayPosition * 40);

    borders[2] = width - 20;
    borders[3] = height - 20;

    Iterator i = players.iterator();
    Player p;
    while (i.hasNext()) {
      p = (Player) i.next();
      if (p.isActive()
          && !countdownF
          && (p.getX() < borders[0]
              || p.getY() < borders[1]
              || p.getX() > borders[2]
              || p.getY() > borders[3])
          && (!p.getImmunity())) {
        p.decLives(width / 2, height / 2);
      if (p.getLives() <= 0) {
        if (p instanceof MouseControlledPlayer) {
          MouseControlledPlayer m = (MouseControlledPlayer) p;
        } else if (p instanceof KeyboardControlledPlayer) {
              .removeKeyEventDispatcher((KeyboardControlledPlayer) p);
        for (int h = 0; h < 4; h++) {
          if (deathLocation[h] == -1) {
            deathLocation[h] = p.getX();
            deathLocation[h + 1] = p.getY();

    if ((deathLocation[0] != -1) && (deathLocation[1] != -1)) {
          deathLocation[0] - 15,
          deathLocation[1] - 15,
          deathLocation[0] + 15,
          deathLocation[1] + 15);
          deathLocation[0] + 15,
          deathLocation[1] - 15,
          deathLocation[0] - 15,
          deathLocation[1] + 15);
    if ((deathLocation[2] != -1) && (deathLocation[3] != -1)) {
          deathLocation[2] - 15,
          deathLocation[3] - 15,
          deathLocation[2] + 15,
          deathLocation[3] + 15);
          deathLocation[2] + 15,
          deathLocation[3] - 15,
          deathLocation[2] - 15,
          deathLocation[3] + 15);

    if (!onePlayerAlive) {
      Font old = g.getFont();
      g.setFont(new Font("monospaced", Font.BOLD, 20));
      g.drawString("GAME OVER", width / 2 - 40, height / 2);
      g.drawString("Score", width - 60, 25);
      g.drawString(String.valueOf(score), width - 60, 40);