public void insertString(FilterBypass fb, int offset, String string, AttributeSet attr) throws BadLocationException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(string); for (int i = builder.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int cp = builder.codePointAt(i); if (!Character.isDigit(cp) && cp != '-') { builder.deleteCharAt(i); if (Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(cp)) { i--; builder.deleteCharAt(i); } } } super.insertString(fb, offset, builder.toString(), attr); }
@Override public void insertString(final int offs, final String str, final AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException { // NavigatorLogger.printMessage("Offset:"+offs+" STr:"+str+"L:"+getLength()+"attr:"+a); if ((getLength() + str.length()) <= maxLength) { final char[] source = str.toCharArray(); final char[] result = new char[source.length]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (Character.isDigit(source[i])) { result[j++] = source[i]; } else { toolkit.beep(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("insertString: " + source[i]); // NOI18N } } } super.insertString(offs, new String(result, 0, j), a); checked = false; } else { toolkit.beep(); } if ((getLength()) == maxLength) { // getLength() ist schon aktualisiert if (bringFocus2Next == true) { checked = true; nextField.requestFocus(); } // NavigatorLogger.printMessage("Sprung"); // NavigatorLogger.printMessage(nextField); } }
public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent evt) { evt = KeyEventWorkaround.processKeyEvent(evt); if (evt == null) return; switch (evt.getID()) { case KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED: char ch = evt.getKeyChar(); if (!nonDigit && Character.isDigit(ch)) { super.processKeyEvent(evt); repeat = true; repeatCount = Integer.parseInt(action.getText()); } else { nonDigit = true; if (repeat) { passToView(evt); } else super.processKeyEvent(evt); } break; case KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED: int keyCode = evt.getKeyCode(); if (evt.isActionKey() || evt.isControlDown() || evt.isAltDown() || evt.isMetaDown() || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_TAB || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) { nonDigit = true; if (repeat) { passToView(evt); break; } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_TAB) { complete(true); evt.consume(); } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) { evt.consume(); if (popup != null) { popup.dispose(); popup = null; action.requestFocus(); } else { if (temp) view.removeToolBar(ActionBar.this); view.getEditPane().focusOnTextArea(); } break; } else if ((keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_UP || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) && popup != null) { popup.list.processKeyEvent(evt); break; } } super.processKeyEvent(evt); break; } }
/** * Retrieves the word on which the mouse pointer is present * * @param evt - the MouseEvent which triggered this method */ private String fetchPhrase(MouseEvent evt) { Messages.log("--handle Mouse Right Click--"); int off = xyToOffset(evt.getX(), evt.getY()); if (off < 0) return null; int line = getLineOfOffset(off); if (line < 0) return null; String s = getLineText(line); if (s == null) return null; else if (s.length() == 0) return null; else { int x = xToOffset(line, evt.getX()), x2 = x + 1, x1 = x - 1; int xLS = off - getLineStartNonWhiteSpaceOffset(line); Messages.log("x=" + x); if (x < 0 || x >= s.length()) return null; String word = s.charAt(x) + ""; if (s.charAt(x) == ' ') return null; if (!(Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(x)) || s.charAt(x) == '_' || s.charAt(x) == '$')) return null; int i = 0; while (true) { i++; if (x1 >= 0 && x1 < s.length()) { if (Character.isLetter(s.charAt(x1)) || s.charAt(x1) == '_') { word = s.charAt(x1--) + word; xLS--; } else x1 = -1; } else x1 = -1; if (x2 >= 0 && x2 < s.length()) { if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(x2)) || s.charAt(x2) == '_' || s.charAt(x2) == '$') word = word + s.charAt(x2++); else x2 = -1; } else x2 = -1; if (x1 < 0 && x2 < 0) break; if (i > 200) { // time out! break; } } if (Character.isDigit(word.charAt(0))) { return null; } Messages.log("Mouse click, word: " + word.trim()); ASTGenerator astGenerator = editor.getErrorChecker().getASTGenerator(); synchronized (astGenerator) { astGenerator.setLastClickedWord(line, word, xLS); } return word.trim(); } }
/** Handle remove. */ public void remove(int offs, int length) throws BadLocationException { int sourceLength = getLength(); // Allow user to restore uninitialized state again by removing all if (offs == 0 && sourceLength == length) { super.remove(0, sourceLength); return; } // Do custom remove String sourceText = getText(0, sourceLength); StringBuffer strBuffer = new StringBuffer(sourceText.substring(0, offs)); int counter; for (counter = offs; counter < offs + length; counter++) { // Only remove digits and intDelims char currChar = sourceText.charAt(counter); if (Character.isDigit(currChar) || currChar == intDelim) { continue; } strBuffer.append(currChar); } // Append last part of sourceText if (counter < sourceLength) { strBuffer.append(sourceText.substring(counter)); } // Set text in field super.remove(0, sourceLength); insertString(0, strBuffer.toString(), (AttributeSet) getDefaultRootElement()); // Set caret pos int newDiff = sourceLength - getLength() - 1; if (newDiff < 0) { newDiff = 0; } if (offs - newDiff < 0) { newDiff = 0; } textField.setCaretPosition(offs - newDiff); }
/** Handle a key typed event. This inserts the key into the text area. */ public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt) { int modifiers = evt.getModifiers(); char c = evt.getKeyChar(); // this is the apple/cmd key on macosx.. so menu commands // were being passed through as legit keys.. added this line // in an attempt to prevent. if ((modifiers & KeyEvent.META_MASK) != 0) return; if (c != KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED) // && // (modifiers & KeyEvent.ALT_MASK) == 0) { if (c >= 0x20 && c != 0x7f) { KeyStroke keyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Character.toUpperCase(c)); Object o = currentBindings.get(keyStroke); if (o instanceof Hashtable) { currentBindings = (Hashtable) o; return; } else if (o instanceof ActionListener) { currentBindings = bindings; executeAction((ActionListener) o, evt.getSource(), String.valueOf(c)); return; } currentBindings = bindings; if (grabAction != null) { handleGrabAction(evt); return; } // 0-9 adds another 'digit' to the repeat number if (repeat && Character.isDigit(c)) { repeatCount *= 10; repeatCount += (c - '0'); return; } executeAction(INSERT_CHAR, evt.getSource(), String.valueOf(evt.getKeyChar())); repeatCount = 0; repeat = false; } } }
public void insertString(int offs, String str, AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException { final boolean rgb = isRGBMode(); char[] source = str.toCharArray(); if (mySrc != null) { final int selected = mySrc.getSelectionEnd() - mySrc.getSelectionStart(); int newLen = mySrc.getText().length() - selected + str.length(); if (newLen > (myHex ? 6 : 3)) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); return; } } char[] result = new char[source.length]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (myHex ? "0123456789abcdefABCDEF".indexOf(source[i]) >= 0 : Character.isDigit(source[i])) { result[j++] = source[i]; } else { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } } final String toInsert = StringUtil.toUpperCase(new String(result, 0, j)); final String res = new StringBuilder(mySrc.getText()).insert(offs, toInsert).toString(); try { if (!myHex) { final int num = Integer.parseInt(res); if (rgb) { if (num > 255) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); return; } } else { if ((mySrc == myRed && num > 359) || ((mySrc == myGreen || mySrc == myBlue) && num > 100)) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); return; } } } } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { } super.insertString(offs, toInsert, a); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { // String s = arg0.getActionCommand(); if (faxNumButton.isSelected()) { if (Character.isDigit(s.charAt(0))) faxNumberWork(s); if (s.equals("-")) faxNumberWork(s); } else { if (!(check_control_key(s))) { BroadcastDBWork(s); } } if (s.equals("Send")) { SendWork(s); } else if (s.equals("Clear")) { ClearWork(s); } else if (s.equals("Cancel")) { CancelWork(s); } }
/** Handle a key typed event. This inserts the key into the text area. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt) { int modifiers = evt.getModifiers(); char c = evt.getKeyChar(); if (c != KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED && (modifiers & InputEvent.ALT_MASK) == 0) { if (c >= 0x20 && c != 0x7f) { KeyStroke keyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(Character.toUpperCase(c)); Object o = currentBindings.get(keyStroke); if (o instanceof Hashtable) { currentBindings = (Hashtable) o; return; } else if (o instanceof ActionListener) { currentBindings = bindings; executeAction((ActionListener) o, evt.getSource(), String.valueOf(c)); return; } currentBindings = bindings; if (grabAction != null) { handleGrabAction(evt); return; } // 0-9 adds another 'digit' to the repeat number if (repeat && Character.isDigit(c)) { repeatCount *= 10; repeatCount += (c - '0'); return; } executeAction(INSERT_CHAR, evt.getSource(), String.valueOf(evt.getKeyChar())); repeatCount = 0; repeat = false; } } }
/** Remove delimiters */ public String getRealString(String oldString) { char addChar; String newString = ""; realDelimFound = false; int length = oldString.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { addChar = oldString.charAt(i); if (Character.isDigit(addChar)) { newString += addChar; } else if (addChar == realDelim) { if (realDelimFound == true) { break; } realDelimFound = true; newString += "."; } } return newString; }
@Override public void replace( DocumentFilter.FilterBypass fp, int offset, int length, String string, AttributeSet aset) throws BadLocationException { Document doc = fp.getDocument(); String oldText = doc.getText(0, doc.getLength()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(oldText); sb.replace(offset, offset + length, oldText); int len = string.length(); boolean isValidInteger = true; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!Character.isDigit(string.charAt(i))) { isValidInteger = false; break; } } if (isValidInteger && verifyText(sb.toString())) { super.replace(fp, offset, length, string, aset); } else Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); }
private DarkBotMCSpambot( DarkBot darkBot, String server, String username, String password, String sessionId, String loginProxy, String proxy, String owner) { synchronized (bots) { bots.add(this); // slotsTaken.incrementAndGet(); synchronized (slotsTaken) { slotsTaken.notifyAll(); } } MinecraftBotData.Builder builder = MinecraftBotData.builder(); // botData.nickname = ""; // for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) // botData.nickname += alphas[random.nextInt(alphas.length)]; if (proxy != null && !proxy.isEmpty()) { int port = 80; ProxyType type = ProxyType.SOCKS; if (proxy.contains(":")) { String[] parts = proxy.split(":"); proxy = parts[0]; port = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); if (parts.length > 2) type = ProxyType.values()[Integer.parseInt(parts[2]) - 1]; } builder.withSocksProxy(new ProxyData(proxy, port, type)); this.proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.SOCKS, new InetSocketAddress(proxy, port)); } if (loginProxy != null && !loginProxy.isEmpty()) { int port = 80; if (loginProxy.contains(":")) { String[] parts = loginProxy.split(":"); loginProxy = parts[0]; port = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); } builder.withHttpProxy(new ProxyData(loginProxy, port, ProxyType.HTTP)); this.loginProxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(loginProxy, port)); } builder.withUsername(username); if (sessionId != null) builder.withSessionId(sessionId); else builder.withPassword(password); if (server != null && !server.isEmpty()) { int port = 25565; if (server.contains(":")) { String[] parts = server.split(":"); server = parts[0]; port = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); } builder.withServer(server).withPort(port); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown server!"); this.owner = owner; MinecraftBotData botData =; System.setProperty("socksProxyHost", ""); System.setProperty("socksProxyPort", ""); System.out.println("[" + username + "] Connecting..."); bot = new MinecraftBot(darkBot, botData); bot.setMovementDisabled(true); connectionHandler = bot.getConnectionHandler(); Session session = bot.getSession(); // System.gc(); System.out.println("[" + username + "] Done! (" + amountJoined.incrementAndGet() + ")"); bot.getEventManager().registerListener(this); bot.getGameHandler().registerListener(this); long lastShoutTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (bot.isConnected()) { if (die) { connectionHandler.sendPacket(new Packet255KickDisconnect("Goodbye")); return; } try { Thread.sleep(3000 + random.nextInt(1000)); } catch (InterruptedException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } if (!bot.hasSpawned()) continue; connectionHandler.sendPacket(new Packet0KeepAlive(random.nextInt())); if (spamMessage == null || !canSpam) continue; String message = spamMessage; if (message.contains("%skill")) message = message.replace("%skill", skills[nextSkill++]); if (nextSkill >= skills.length) nextSkill = 0; if (message.contains("%bot")) { synchronized (bots) { message = message.replace( "%bot", bots.get(nextBot > bots.size() ? (nextBot = 0) * 0 : nextBot++) .bot .getSession() .getUsername()); } } if (message.contains("%spamlist")) message = message.replace("%spamlist", spamList[nextSpamList++]); if (nextSpamList >= spamList.length) nextSpamList = 0; if (message.contains("%rnd")) { int length = 1; int index = message.indexOf("%rnd") + "%rnd".length(); int lastIndex; for (lastIndex = index; lastIndex < message.length(); lastIndex++) if (Character.isDigit(message.charAt(lastIndex))) lastIndex++; else break; if (lastIndex > message.length()) lastIndex--; try { System.out.println(index + "," + lastIndex + "," + message.length()); length = Integer.parseInt(message.substring(index, lastIndex)); } catch (Exception exception) { } String randomChars = ""; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) randomChars += alphas[random.nextInt(alphas.length)]; message = message.replace("%rnd", randomChars); } if (message.contains("%msg")) message = "/msg " + msgChars[nextMsgChar++] + " " + message.replace("%msg", ""); if (message.contains("%ernd")) { message = message.replace("%ernd", ""); int extraMessageLength = 15 + random.nextInt(6); message = message.substring(0, Math.min(100 - extraMessageLength, message.length())) + " ["; extraMessageLength -= 3; for (int i = 0; i < extraMessageLength; i++) message += alphas[random.nextInt(alphas.length)]; message += "]"; } else message = message.substring(0, Math.min(100, message.length())); connectionHandler.sendPacket(new Packet3Chat(message)); } synchronized (bots) { bots.remove(this); } amountJoined.decrementAndGet(); slotsTaken.decrementAndGet(); synchronized (slotsTaken) { slotsTaken.notifyAll(); } }
protected static String parsePhrase(final String lineText) { boolean overloading = false; { // Check if we can provide suggestions for this phrase ending String trimmedLineText = lineText.trim(); if (trimmedLineText.length() == 0) return null; char lastChar = trimmedLineText.charAt(trimmedLineText.length() - 1); if (lastChar == '.') { trimmedLineText = trimmedLineText.substring(0, trimmedLineText.length() - 1).trim(); if (trimmedLineText.length() == 0) return null; lastChar = trimmedLineText.charAt(trimmedLineText.length() - 1); switch (lastChar) { case ')': case ']': case '"': break; // We can suggest for these default: if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(lastChar)) { return null; // Not something we can suggest } break; } } else if (lastChar == '(') { overloading = true; // We can suggest overloaded methods } else if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(lastChar)) { return null; // Not something we can suggest } } final int currentCharIndex = lineText.length() - 1; { // Check if the caret is in the comment int commentStart = lineText.indexOf("//", 0); if (commentStart >= 0 && currentCharIndex > commentStart) { return null; } } // Index the line BitSet isInLiteral = new BitSet(lineText.length()); BitSet isInBrackets = new BitSet(lineText.length()); { // Mark parts in literals boolean inString = false; boolean inChar = false; boolean inEscaped = false; for (int i = 0; i < lineText.length(); i++) { if (!inEscaped) { switch (lineText.charAt(i)) { case '\"': if (!inChar) inString = !inString; break; case '\'': if (!inString) inChar = !inChar; break; case '\\': if (inString || inChar) { inEscaped = true; } break; } } else { inEscaped = false; } isInLiteral.set(i, inString || inChar); } } if (isInLiteral.get(currentCharIndex)) return null; { // Mark parts in top level brackets int depth = overloading ? 1 : 0; int bracketStart = overloading ? lineText.length() : 0; int squareDepth = 0; int squareBracketStart = 0; bracketLoop: for (int i = lineText.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!isInLiteral.get(i)) { switch (lineText.charAt(i)) { case ')': if (depth == 0) bracketStart = i; depth++; break; case '(': depth--; if (depth == 0) { isInBrackets.set(i, bracketStart); } else if (depth < 0) { break bracketLoop; } break; case ']': if (squareDepth == 0) squareBracketStart = i; squareDepth++; break; case '[': squareDepth--; if (squareDepth == 0) { isInBrackets.set(i, squareBracketStart); } else if (squareDepth < 0) { break bracketLoop; } break; } } } if (depth > 0) isInBrackets.set(0, bracketStart); if (squareDepth > 0) isInBrackets.set(0, squareBracketStart); } // Walk the line from the end while it makes sense int position = currentCharIndex; parseLoop: while (position >= 0) { int currChar = lineText.charAt(position); switch (currChar) { case '.': // Grab it position--; break; case '[': break parseLoop; // End of scope case ']': // Grab the whole region in square brackets position = isInBrackets.previousClearBit(position - 1); break; case '(': if (isInBrackets.get(position)) { position--; // This checks for first bracket while overloading break; } break parseLoop; // End of scope case ')': // Grab the whole region in brackets position = isInBrackets.previousClearBit(position - 1); break; case '"': // Grab the whole literal and quit position = isInLiteral.previousClearBit(position - 1); break parseLoop; default: if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(currChar)) { position--; // Grab the identifier } else if (Character.isWhitespace(currChar)) { position--; // Grab whitespace too } else { break parseLoop; // Got a char ending the phrase } break; } } position++; // Extract phrase String phrase = lineText.substring(position, lineText.length()).trim(); Messages.log(phrase); if (phrase.length() == 0 || Character.isDigit(phrase.charAt(0))) { return null; // Can't suggest for numbers or empty phrases } return phrase; }
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { char c = e.getKeyChar(); // as a coding convenience, create a reference to the text component // that is typecast to JTextComponent. this is not essential, as we // could typecast every reference, but this makes the code cleaner JTextComponent _theComponent = (JTextComponent) DataTypeByte.this._textComponent; String text = _theComponent.getText(); // look for illegal chars if (!DataTypeByte.this._isSigned && c == '-') { // cannot use '-' when unsigned _beepHelper.beep(_theComponent); e.consume(); } // tabs and newlines get put into the text before this check, // so remove them // This only applies to Popup editing since these chars are // not passed to this level by the in-cell editor. if (c == KeyEvent.VK_TAB || c == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { // remove all instances of the offending char int index = text.indexOf(c); if (index != -1) { if (index == text.length() - 1) { text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 1); // truncate string } else { text = text.substring(0, index) + text.substring(index + 1); } ((IRestorableTextComponent) _theComponent).updateText(text); _beepHelper.beep(_theComponent); } e.consume(); } if (!(Character.isDigit(c) || (c == '-') || (c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE))) { _beepHelper.beep(_theComponent); e.consume(); } // check for max size reached (only works when DB provides non-zero scale info if (DataTypeByte.this._scale > 0 && text.length() == DataTypeByte.this._scale && c != KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE && c != KeyEvent.VK_DELETE) { // max size reached e.consume(); _beepHelper.beep(_theComponent); } // handle cases of null // The processing is different when nulls are allowed and when they are not. // if (DataTypeByte.this._isNullable) { // user enters something when field is null if (text.equals("<null>")) { if ((c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE)) { // delete when null => original value DataTypeByte.this._textComponent.restoreText(); e.consume(); } else { // non-delete when null => clear field and add text DataTypeByte.this._textComponent.updateText(""); // fall through to normal processing of this key stroke } } else { // check for user deletes last thing in field if ((c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE)) { if (text.length() <= 1) { // about to delete last thing in field, so replace with null DataTypeByte.this._textComponent.updateText("<null>"); e.consume(); } } } } else { // field is not nullable // handleNotNullableField(text, c, e, _textComponent); } }