/** Tests to ensure that a locus is bi-allelic within the given set of samples. */
  private boolean isVariant(final Genotype... gts) {
    for (final Genotype gt : gts) {
      if (gt.isCalled() && !gt.isHomRef()) return true;

    return false;
   * Provides the next record from the underlying iterator after applying filter strings generated
   * by the set of filters in use by the iterator.
  public VariantContext next() {
    final VariantContext ctx = this.iterator.next();
    final Set<String> filterStrings = new HashSet<String>();

    // Collect variant level filters
    for (final VariantFilter filter : this.filters) {
      final String val = filter.filter(ctx);
      if (val != null) filterStrings.add(val);

    // Collect genotype level filters in a Map of Sample -> List<filter string>
    final ListMap<String, String> gtFilterStrings = new ListMap<String, String>();
    final Set<String> variantSamples = new HashSet<String>();
    for (final Genotype gt : ctx.getGenotypes()) {
      if (gt.isCalled() && !gt.isHomRef()) variantSamples.add(gt.getSampleName());

      for (final GenotypeFilter filter : gtFilters) {
        final String filterString = filter.filter(ctx, gt);
        if (filterString != null) gtFilterStrings.add(gt.getSampleName(), filterString);

    // If all genotypes are filtered apply a site level filter
    if (gtFilterStrings.keySet().containsAll(variantSamples)) {

    // Make a builder and set the site level filter appropriately
    final VariantContextBuilder builder = new VariantContextBuilder(ctx);
    if (filterStrings.isEmpty()) {
    } else {

    // Apply filters to the necessary genotypes
    final List<Genotype> newGenotypes = new ArrayList<Genotype>(ctx.getNSamples());
    for (final Genotype gt : ctx.getGenotypes()) {
      final GenotypeBuilder gtBuilder = new GenotypeBuilder(gt);
      final List<String> filtersLocal = gtFilterStrings.get(gt.getSampleName());

      if (filtersLocal == null || filtersLocal.isEmpty()) {
      } else {

    return builder.make();
예제 #3
 private void addVariant(final VariantContext ctx) {
   if (!ctx.getChr().equals(genes.get(0).getChromosome())) return;
   if (ctx.getStart() >= chromEnd) return;
   if (ctx.getStart() < chromStart) return;
   for (String sample : ctx.getSampleNames()) {
     Genotype g = ctx.getGenotype(sample);
     if (!g.isAvailable()) continue;
     if (!g.isCalled()) continue;
     if (g.isNoCall()) continue;
     if (g.isNonInformative()) continue;
     Set<Integer> set = sample2positions.get(sample);
     if (set == null) {
       set = new HashSet<Integer>();
       sample2positions.put(sample, set);
예제 #4
   * Checks if the input data is appropriate
   * @param annotation the input genotype annotation key name(s)
   * @param walker input walker
   * @param map input map for each read, holds underlying alleles represented by an aligned read,
   *     and corresponding relative likelihood.
   * @param g input genotype
   * @param warningsLogged array that enforces the warning is logged once for each caller
   * @param logger logger specific for each caller
   * @return true if the walker is a HaplotypeCaller, the likelihood map is non-null and the
   *     genotype is non-null and called, false otherwise
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if annotation, walker, g, warningsLogged, or logger are null.
   * @throws ReviewedGATKException if the size of warningsLogged is less than 3.
  public static boolean isAppropriateInput(
      final String annotation,
      final AnnotatorCompatible walker,
      final PerReadAlleleLikelihoodMap map,
      final Genotype g,
      final boolean[] warningsLogged,
      final Logger logger) {

    if (annotation == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input annotation cannot be null");

    if (walker == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input walker cannot be null");

    if (g == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input genotype cannot be null");

    if (warningsLogged == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input warnings logged cannot be null");

    if (logger == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input logger cannot be null");

    if (warningsLogged.length < WARNINGS_LOGGED_SIZE) {
      throw new ReviewedGATKException(
          "Warnings logged array must have at least "
              + WARNINGS_LOGGED_SIZE
              + " elements, but has "
              + warningsLogged.length);

    if (!(walker instanceof HaplotypeCaller) && !(walker instanceof MuTect2)) {
      if (!warningsLogged[0]) {
            annotation + ANNOTATION_HC_WARN_MSG + ", not " + walker.getClass().getSimpleName());
        warningsLogged[0] = true;
      return false;

    if (map == null) {
      if (!warningsLogged[1]) {
            "Annotation will not be calculated, can only be used with likelihood based annotations in the HaplotypeCaller");
        warningsLogged[1] = true;
      return false;

    if (!g.isCalled()) {
      if (!warningsLogged[2]) {
        logger.warn("Annotation will not be calculated, genotype is not called");
        warningsLogged[2] = true;
      return false;

    return true;