protected GISReply requestToGIS() { int SIZE = 500; double evsend_time = 0; GISRequest request = new GISRequest(this.get_id(), this.get_id()); int requestID = request.getRequestID(); int reqrepID = request.getReqrepID(); super.send( super.output, GridSimTags.SCHEDULE_NOW, Tags.GIS_REQUEST, new IO_data(request, SIZE, super.getEntityId("GISService"))); evsend_time = GridSim.clock(); String msg = String.format("%1$f %2$d %3$s --> GAP GIS_REQUEST", evsend_time, reqrepID, this.get_name()); this.write(msg); Sim_event ev = new Sim_event(); Predicate predicate = new Predicate(Tags.GIS_REPLY); super.sim_get_next(predicate, ev); // only look for this type of ack GISReply reply = GISReply.get_data(ev); Assert.assertEquals(requestID, reply.getRequestID()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.GIS_REQUEST, reply.getRequestTAG()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.GIS_REPLY, ev.get_tag()); double evrecv_time = GridSim.clock(); msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s <-- GAP GIS_REPLY\n", evrecv_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), reply.getGIS()); this.write(msg); return reply; }
public AgentReply hasGridletsAgent(AgentRequest request, boolean trace) { int requestID = request.getRequestID(); int reqrepID = request.getReqrepID(); double evsend_time = 0; int agentType = request.getDst_entityType(); int SIZE = 500; super.send( super.output, GridSimTags.SCHEDULE_NOW, Tags.HASGRIDLETS_REQUEST, new IO_data(request, SIZE, request.getDst_agentID())); evsend_time = GridSim.clock(); String msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s --> AM_%4$s::HASGRIDLETS_REQUEST %6$s (%7$s AID %9$d) %5$s AM_%8$s", evsend_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), super.getEntityName(request.getDst_resID()), EntityTypes.toString(request.getDst_entityType()), Tags.toString(Tags.HASGRIDLETS_REQUEST), super.getEntityName(request.getDst_agentID()), super.getEntityName(request.getDst_moveToresID()), request.getDst_AID()); if (trace) { this.write(msg); } Sim_type_p ptag = new Sim_type_p(Tags.HASGRIDLETS_REPLY); Sim_event ev = new Sim_event(); super.sim_get_next(ptag, ev); // only look for this type of ack AgentReply agentReply = AgentReply.get_data(ev); if (agentReply == null) {; } Assert.assertEquals(requestID, agentReply.getRequestID()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.HASGRIDLETS_REQUEST, agentReply.getRequestTAG()); Assert.assertEquals(ev.get_tag(), Tags.HASGRIDLETS_REPLY); double evrecv_time = GridSim.clock(); msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s <-- AM_%4$s::%7$s %8$s (%6$s AID %10$d) %5$s AM_%9$s", evrecv_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), super.getEntityName(agentReply.getRequest().getDst_resID()), EntityTypes.toString(agentType), super.getEntityName(request.getDst_agentID()), agentReply.isOk(), Tags.toString(Tags.HASGRIDLETS_REPLY), super.getEntityName(request.getDst_moveToresID()), request.getDst_AID()); if (trace) { this.write(msg); } return agentReply; }
public GridletReply askGridletStatusToAgent(int dst_agentID, int dst_resID, Gridlet gridlet) { GridletRequest request = new GridletRequest(this.get_id(), this.get_id(), dst_agentID, dst_resID, gridlet); int requestID = request.getRequestID(); int reqrepID = request.getReqrepID(); super.send( super.output, GridSimTags.SCHEDULE_NOW, Tags.GRIDLET_STATUS_REQ, new IO_data(request, gridlet.getGridletFileSize(), request.getDst_agentID())); Sim_type_p ptag = new Sim_type_p(Tags.GRIDLET_STATUS_REP); Sim_event ev = new Sim_event(); super.sim_get_next(ptag, ev); // only look for this type of ack GridletReply gridletReply = GridletReply.get_data(ev); Assert.assertEquals(requestID, gridletReply.getRequestID()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.GRIDLET_STATUS_REQ, gridletReply.getRequestTAG()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.GRIDLET_STATUS_REP, ev.get_tag()); double evrecv_time = GridSim.clock(); String msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s <-- GOT GRIDLET_STATUS_REP for Gridlet %4$d of Gridlet %5$d with status %6$d", evrecv_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), gridletReply.getReceivedGridlet().getGridletID(), gridletReply.getRequest().getGridlet().getGridletID(), gridletReply.getRequest().getGridlet().getGridletStatus()); this.write(msg); return gridletReply; }
public AgentReply testTestService() { double evsend_time = 0; int SIZE = 500; AgentRequest request = null; request = new AgentRequest( this.get_id(), this.get_id(), null, this.getVirtualOrganization().getPlatform().getGridElement().get_id(), Sim_system.get_entity_id("TestService"), EntityTypes.AGENT_ZOMBIE, SIZE, this.getVirtualOrganization().getPlatform().getGridElement().get_id(), EntityTypes.NOBODY); int requestID = request.getRequestID(); int reqrepID = request.getReqrepID(); super.send( super.output, GridSimTags.SCHEDULE_NOW, Tags.TEST_SERVICE_REQ, new IO_data(request, SIZE, Sim_system.get_entity_id("TestService"))); evsend_time = GridSim.clock(); String msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s --> %4$s", evsend_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), "TestService"); this.write(msg); Sim_type_p ptag = new Sim_type_p(Tags.TEST_SERVICE_REP); Sim_event ev = new Sim_event(); super.sim_get_next(ptag, ev); // only look for this type of ack AgentReply reply = AgentReply.get_data(ev); Assert.assertEquals(requestID, reply.getRequestID()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.TEST_SERVICE_REQ, reply.getRequestTAG()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.TEST_SERVICE_REP, ev.get_tag()); double evrecv_time = GridSim.clock(); msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s <-- %4$s", evrecv_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), "TestService"); this.write(msg); return reply; }
protected DataGIS createDataGIS() throws Exception { DataGIS gis = null; // set the GIS into DataGIS that handles specifically for data grid // scenarios gis = new DataGIS("DataGIS", 1000000000.0); GridSim.setGIS(gis); return gis; }
protected ServicesListReply requestServicesList() { int SIZE = 500; double evsend_time = 0; ServicesListRequest request = new ServicesListRequest(this.get_id(), this.get_id()); int requestID = request.getRequestID(); int reqrepID = request.getReqrepID(); super.send( super.output, GridSimTags.SCHEDULE_NOW, Tags.AP_SERVICES_LIST_REQ, new IO_data(request, SIZE, this.getVirtualOrganization().getPlatform().get_id())); evsend_time = GridSim.clock(); String msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s --> %4$s SERVICES_LIST_REQUEST", evsend_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), this.getVirtualOrganization().getPlatform().get_name()); this.write(msg); Sim_event ev = new Sim_event(); Predicate predicate = new Predicate(Tags.AP_SERVICES_LIST_REP); super.sim_get_next(predicate, ev); // only look for this type of ack ServicesListReply reply = ServicesListReply.get_data(ev); Assert.assertEquals(requestID, reply.getRequestID()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.AP_SERVICES_LIST_REQ, reply.getRequestTAG()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.AP_SERVICES_LIST_REP, ev.get_tag()); double evrecv_time = GridSim.clock(); msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s <-- %4$s SERVICES_LIST_REPLY %5$s", evrecv_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), this.getVirtualOrganization().getPlatform().get_name(), reply.getServicesList()); this.write(msg); return reply; }
protected PingReply requestPing(int src_id, int dst_id) { int SIZE = 500; double evsend_time = 0; PingRequest request = new PingRequest(this.get_id(), this.get_id(), src_id, dst_id); int requestID = request.getRequestID(); int reqrepID = request.getReqrepID(); super.send( super.output, GridSimTags.SCHEDULE_NOW, Tags.PING_REQ, new IO_data(request, SIZE, src_id)); evsend_time = GridSim.clock(); String msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s --> AM_%4$s PING_REQUEST AM_%5$s", evsend_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), super.getEntityName(src_id), super.getEntityName(dst_id)); this.write(msg); Sim_event ev = new Sim_event(); Predicate predicate = new Predicate(Tags.PING_REP); super.sim_get_next(predicate, ev); // only look for this type of ack PingReply reply = PingReply.get_data(ev); Assert.assertEquals(requestID, reply.getRequestID()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.PING_REQ, reply.getRequestTAG()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.PING_REP, ev.get_tag()); double evrecv_time = GridSim.clock(); msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s <-- AM_%4$s PING_REQUEST AM_%5$s", evrecv_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), super.getEntityName(src_id), super.getEntityName(dst_id)); this.write(msg); return reply; }
/** * Finalises all relevant information before <tt>exiting</tt> the GridResource entity. This method * sets the final data of: * * <ul> * <li>wall clock time, i.e. the time of this Gridlet resides in a GridResource (from arrival * time until departure time). * <li>actual CPU time, i.e. the total execution time of this Gridlet in a GridResource. * <li>Gridlet's finished so far * </ul> * * @pre $none * @post $none */ public void finalizeGridlet() { // Sets the wall clock time and actual CPU time double wallClockTime = GridSim.clock() - arrivalTime; gridlet.setExecParam(wallClockTime, totalCompletionTime); double finished = 0; if (gridlet.getGridletLength() < finishedSoFar) { finished = gridlet.getGridletLength(); } else { finished = finishedSoFar; } gridlet.setGridletFinishedSoFar(finished); }
/** Reads jobs from data_set file and sends them to the Scheduler entity dynamically over time. */ public void body() { super.gridSimHold(10.0); // hold by 10 second while (current_gl < total_jobs) { Sim_event ev = new Sim_event(); sim_get_next(ev); if (ev.get_tag() == AleaSimTags.EVENT_WAKE) { ComplexGridlet gl = readGridlet(current_gl); current_gl++; if (gl == null && current_gl < total_jobs) { super.sim_schedule(this.getEntityId(this.getEntityName()), 0.0, AleaSimTags.EVENT_WAKE); continue; } else if (gl == null && current_gl >= total_jobs) { continue; } // to synchronize job arrival wrt. the data set. double delay = Math.max(0.0, (gl.getArrival_time() - super.clock())); // some time is needed to transfer this job to the scheduler, i.e., delay should be delay = // delay - transfer_time. Fix this in the future. // System.out.println("Sending: "+gl.getGridletID()); last_delay = delay; super.sim_schedule( this.getEntityId("Alea_3.0_scheduler"), delay, AleaSimTags.GRIDLET_INFO, gl); delay = Math.max(0.0, (gl.getArrival_time() - super.clock())); if (current_gl < total_jobs) { // use delay - next job will be loaded after the simulation time is equal to the previous // job arrival. super.sim_schedule(this.getEntityId(this.getEntityName()), delay, AleaSimTags.EVENT_WAKE); } continue; } } System.out.println("Shuting down - last gridlet = " + current_gl + " of " + total_jobs); super.sim_schedule( this.getEntityId("Alea_3.0_scheduler"), Math.round(last_delay + 2), AleaSimTags.SUBMISSION_DONE, new Integer(current_gl)); Sim_event ev = new Sim_event(); sim_get_next(ev); if (ev.get_tag() == GridSimTags.END_OF_SIMULATION) { System.out.println( "Shuting down the " + data_set + "_PWALoader... with: " + fail + " failed or skipped jobs"); } shutdownUserEntity(); super.terminateIOEntities(); }
/** * Sets the Gridlet status. * * @param status the Gridlet status * @return <code>true</code> if the new status has been set, <code>false</code> otherwise * @pre status >= 0 * @post $none */ public boolean setStatus(int status) { // gets Gridlet's previous status int prevStatus = gridlet.getGridletStatus(); // if the status of a Gridlet is the same as last time, then ignore if (prevStatus == status) { return false; } boolean success = true; try { double clock = GridSim.clock(); // gets the current clock // sets Gridlet's current status try { gridlet.setGridletStatus(status); } catch (Exception e) { // It should not happen } // if a previous Gridlet status is INEXEC if (prevStatus == Gridlet.INEXEC) { // and current status is either CANCELED, PAUSED or SUCCESS if (status == Gridlet.CANCELED || status == Gridlet.PAUSED || status == Gridlet.SUCCESS) { // then update the Gridlet completion time totalCompletionTime += (clock - startExecTime); return true; } } if (prevStatus == Gridlet.RESUMED && status == Gridlet.SUCCESS) { // then update the Gridlet completion time totalCompletionTime += (clock - startExecTime); return true; } // if a Gridlet is now in execution if (status == Gridlet.INEXEC || (prevStatus == Gridlet.PAUSED && status == Gridlet.RESUMED)) { startExecTime = clock; gridlet.setExecStartTime(startExecTime); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { success = false; } return success; }
public GridletReply submitGridletToAgent(int dst_agentID, int dst_resID, Gridlet gridlet) { GridletRequest request = new GridletRequest(this.get_id(), this.get_id(), dst_agentID, dst_resID, gridlet); int requestID = request.getRequestID(); int reqrepID = request.getReqrepID(); super.send( super.output, GridSimTags.SCHEDULE_NOW, Tags.GRIDLET_SUBMIT_REQ, new IO_data(request, gridlet.getGridletFileSize(), request.getDst_agentID())); Sim_type_p ptag = new Sim_type_p(Tags.GRIDLET_SUBMIT_REP); Sim_event ev = new Sim_event(); super.sim_get_next(ptag, ev); // only look for this type of ack GridletReply reply = GridletReply.get_data(ev); Assert.assertEquals(requestID, reply.getRequestID()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.GRIDLET_SUBMIT_REQ, reply.getRequestTAG()); Assert.assertEquals(Tags.GRIDLET_SUBMIT_REP, ev.get_tag()); double evrecv_time = GridSim.clock(); if (reply.isOk()) { String msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s <-- GOT GRIDLET_REPLY for Gridlet %4$d of Gridlet %5$d with result TRUE on AM_%6$s", evrecv_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), reply.getReceivedGridlet().getGridletID(), reply.getRequest().getGridlet().getGridletID(), super.getEntityName(reply.getRequest().getDst_resID())); this.write(msg); } else { String msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s <-- GOT GRIDLET_REPLY for Gridlet %4$d of Gridlet %5$d with result FALSE on AM_%6$s", evrecv_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), reply.getReceivedGridlet().getGridletID(), reply.getRequest().getGridlet().getGridletID(), super.getEntityName(reply.getRequest().getDst_resID())); this.write(msg); } return reply; }
/* * Initialises all local attributes * @pre $none * @post $none */ private void init() { this.arrivalTime = GridSim.clock(); this.gridlet.setSubmissionTime(arrivalTime); // default values this.actualFinishTime = NOT_FOUND; // Cannot finish in this hourly slot. this.expectedFinishTime = NOT_FOUND; this.startTime = NOT_FOUND; this.totalCompletionTime = 0L; this.startExecTime = 0L; this.partition = NOT_FOUND; this.priority = NOT_FOUND; // In case a Gridlet has been executed partially by some other grid // resources. this.finishedSoFar = gridlet.getGridletFinishedSoFar(); }
/** * Simple Local Search optimization. Avg. start time, avg. wait time and avg. slowdown are used as * decision maker. Jobs are moved to gaps. */ @Override public void execute(int rounds, int time_limit) { // System.out.println(GridSim.clock() + ": executing Gap Search..."); rounds = rounds * ExperimentSetup.multiplicator; time_limit = time_limit * ExperimentSetup.multiplicator; double current_time = GridSim.clock(); Date dd = new Date(); long start = dd.getTime(); // empty schedule cannot be optimized if (Scheduler.getScheduleSize() > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++) { double previous_resp = CommonObjectives.predictAvgResponseTime(current_time); double previous_fair = CommonObjectives.predictFairness(current_time); double previous_wait = CommonObjectives.predictAvgWaitTime(current_time); double previous_sd = CommonObjectives.predictAvgSlowdown(current_time); int index_prev = findRandonResource(); ResourceInfo prev_res = (ResourceInfo) Scheduler.resourceInfoList.get(index_prev); int gridlet_index = findRandomGridletInfo(index_prev); // this schedule has no gridlets if (gridlet_index == -1) { continue; } // remove the gridlet and update the resource internal information GridletInfo gi = (GridletInfo) prev_res.removeGInfoIndex(gridlet_index); prev_res.update(current_time); boolean succ = false; // we will test schedules in random order int permutation[] = Scheduler.permute(Scheduler.resourceInfoList.size()); for (int j = 0; j < permutation.length; j++) { ResourceInfo ri = (ResourceInfo) Scheduler.resourceInfoList.get(permutation[j]); if (!Scheduler.isSuitable(ri, gi)) { continue; } // find new placement for a job boolean found = ri.findHoleForGridlet(gi); if (found) { double new_decision = 0.0; // double current_usage = predictMachineUsage(current_time); // double current_start = predictAvgStartTime(current_time); // double us = Math.max(0.0000000000001, previous_usage); // double diff_u = (current_usage - previous_usage) / us; double current_fair = CommonObjectives.predictFairness(current_time); double fair = Math.max(0.0000000000001, previous_fair); double diff_fair = (previous_fair - current_fair) / fair; double current_resp = CommonObjectives.predictAvgResponseTime(current_time); double rt = Math.max(0.0000000000001, previous_resp); double diff_rt = (previous_resp - current_resp) / rt; double current_wait = CommonObjectives.predictAvgWaitTime(current_time); double wt = Math.max(0.0000000000001, previous_wait); double diff_wt = (previous_wait - current_wait) / wt; double current_sd = CommonObjectives.predictAvgSlowdown(current_time); double sd = Math.max(1.0, previous_sd); double diff_sd = (previous_sd - current_sd) / sd; new_decision = (diff_fair * ExperimentSetup.fair_weight) + (diff_rt * 1.0) + (diff_wt * 1.0) + (diff_sd * 1.0); if (new_decision <= 0.0) { /*if (new_decision == 0.0) { succ_eq++; } else { succ_less++; }*/ ri.removeGInfo(gi); continue; } else { succ = true; break; } } } // no better placement was found - return the gridlet to the previous position // and make another round of LocalSearch if (!succ) { prev_res.addGInfo(gridlet_index, gi); } Date d_end = new Date(); long is_end = d_end.getTime(); if ((is_end - start) >= time_limit) { Scheduler.updateResourceInfos(current_time); return; } } } Scheduler.updateResourceInfos(current_time); }
AgentReply requestToAgent(AgentRequest request, int tag) { int requestID = request.getRequestID(); int reqrepID = request.getReqrepID(); double evsend_time = 0; int agentType = request.getDst_entityType(); int SIZE; if (tag == Tags.AGENT_RUN_REQ) { SIZE = request.getDst_agentSize(); } else { SIZE = 500; } if ((tag == Tags.AGENT_RUN_REQ) || (tag == Tags.AGENT_KILL_REQ) || (tag == Tags.AGENT_KILLAWAIT_REQ) || (tag == Tags.AGENT_PAUSE_REQ) || (tag == Tags.AGENT_RESUME_REQ)) { super.send( super.output, GridSimTags.SCHEDULE_NOW, tag, new IO_data(request, SIZE, request.getDst_resID())); } else { super.send( super.output, GridSimTags.SCHEDULE_NOW, tag, new IO_data(request, SIZE, request.getDst_agentID())); } evsend_time = GridSim.clock(); String msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s --> AM_%4$s::REQUEST %6$s (%7$s AID %9$d) %5$s AM_%8$s", evsend_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), super.getEntityName(request.getDst_resID()), EntityTypes.toString(request.getDst_entityType()), Tags.toString(tag), super.getEntityName(request.getDst_agentID()), super.getEntityName(request.getDst_moveToresID()), request.getDst_AID()); this.write(msg); Sim_type_p ptag = new Sim_type_p(tag + 1); Sim_event ev = new Sim_event(); super.sim_get_next(ptag, ev); // only look for this type of ack AgentReply agentReply = AgentReply.get_data(ev); if (agentReply != null) { Assert.assertEquals(requestID, agentReply.getRequestID()); Assert.assertEquals(tag, agentReply.getRequestTAG()); Assert.assertEquals(ev.get_tag(), tag + 1); double evrecv_time = GridSim.clock(); msg = String.format( "%1$f %2$d %3$s <-- AM_%4$s::%7$s %8$s (%6$s AID %10$d) %5$s AM_%9$s", evrecv_time, reqrepID, this.get_name(), super.getEntityName(agentReply.getRequest().getDst_resID()), EntityTypes.toString(agentType), super.getEntityName(request.getDst_agentID()), agentReply.isOk(), Tags.toString(tag), super.getEntityName(request.getDst_moveToresID()), request.getDst_AID()); this.write(msg); } return agentReply; }
/** * This method returns the current time. * * @return the current time. * @see Profile#currentTime() */ protected double currentTime() { return GridSim.clock(); }
/** The core method that handles communications among GridSim entities. */ public void body() { // wait for a little while for about 3 seconds. // This to give a time for GridResource entities to register their // services to GIS (GridInformationService) entity. super.gridSimHold(3.0); LinkedList resList = super.getGridResourceList(); // initialises all the containers int totalResource = resList.size(); int resourceID[] = new int[totalResource]; String resourceName[] = new String[totalResource]; // a loop to get all the resources available int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < totalResource; i++) { // Resource list contains list of resource IDs resourceID[i] = ((Integer) resList.get(i)).intValue(); // get their names as well resourceName[i] = GridSim.getEntityName(resourceID[i]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // SUBMIT Gridlets // determines which GridResource to send to int index = myId_ % totalResource; if (index >= totalResource) { index = 0; } // sends all the Gridlets Gridlet gl = null; boolean success; for (i = 0; i < list_.size(); i++) { gl = (Gridlet) list_.get(i); // For even number of Gridlets, send with an acknowledgement if (i % 2 == 0) { success = super.gridletSubmit(gl, resourceID[index], 0.0, true); System.out.println( name_ + ": Sending Gridlet #" + gl.getGridletID() + " with status = " + success + " to " + resourceName[index]); } // For odd number of Gridlets, send without an acknowledgement else { success = super.gridletSubmit(gl, resourceID[index], 0.0, false); System.out.println( name_ + ": Sending Gridlet #" + gl.getGridletID() + " with NO ACK so status = " + success + " to " + resourceName[index]); } } ////////////////////////////////////////// // CANCELING Gridlets // hold for few period -- 100 seconds super.gridSimHold(15); System.out.println("<<<<<<<<< pause for 15 >>>>>>>>>>>"); // a loop that cancels an even number of Gridlet for (i = 0; i < list_.size(); i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { gl = super.gridletCancel(i, myId_, resourceID[index], 0.0); System.out.print(name_ + ": Canceling Gridlet #" + i + " at time = " + GridSim.clock()); if (gl == null) { System.out.println(" result = NULL"); } else // if Cancel is successful, then add it into the list { System.out.println(" result = NOT null"); receiveList_.add(gl); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RECEIVES Gridlets back // hold for few period - 1000 seconds since the Gridlets length are // quite huge for a small bandwidth super.gridSimHold(1000); System.out.println("<<<<<<<<< pause for 1000 >>>>>>>>>>>"); // receives the gridlet back int size = list_.size() - receiveList_.size(); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { gl = (Gridlet) super.receiveEventObject(); // gets the Gridlet receiveList_.add(gl); // add into the received list System.out.println( name_ + ": Receiving Gridlet #" + gl.getGridletID() + " at time = " + GridSim.clock()); } System.out.println(this.name_ + ":%%%% Exiting body() at time " + GridSim.clock()); // shut down I/O ports shutdownUserEntity(); terminateIOEntities(); // Prints the simulation output printGridletList(receiveList_, name_); }