private int getNumberOfPointsViaHTTPHandler( HttpRollupsQueryHandler handler, Locator locator, long from, long to, Resolution resolution) throws Exception { final MetricData values = handler.GetDataByResolution( locator.getTenantId(), locator.getMetricName(), from, to, resolution); return values.getData().getPoints().size(); }
private void testHappyCaseMultiFetchHTTPRequest() throws Exception { HttpPost post = new HttpPost(getBatchMetricsQueryURI()); JSONArray metricsToGet = new JSONArray(); for (Locator locator : locators) { metricsToGet.add(locator.toString()); } HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity(metricsToGet.toString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); post.setEntity(entity); HttpResponse response = client.execute(post); Assert.assertEquals(200, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); }
/** * For a given list of locators, figure the shard they belong to and for all those shards get all * the locators in metric_locator column family * * @param ingestedLocators * @return * @throws IOException */ protected Set<Locator> retrieveLocators(Set<Locator> ingestedLocators) throws IOException { Set<Long> shards = new HashSet<Long>(); for (Locator locator : ingestedLocators) { long shard = (long) Util.getShard(locator.toString()); shards.add(shard); } Set<Locator> locatorsFromDB = new HashSet<Locator>(); for (Long shard : shards) { locatorsFromDB.addAll(locatorIO.getLocators(shard)); } return locatorsFromDB; }
private void testHTTPRollupHandlerGetByPoints( Map<Locator, Map<Granularity, Integer>> answers, Map<Granularity, Integer> points, long from, long to) throws Exception { for (Locator locator : locators) { for (Granularity g2 : Granularity.granularities()) { MetricData data = httpHandler.GetDataByPoints( locator.getTenantId(), locator.getMetricName(), baseMillis, baseMillis + 86400000, points.get(g2)); Assert.assertEquals((int) answers.get(locator).get(g2), data.getData().getPoints().size()); Assert.assertEquals(locatorToUnitMap.get(locator), data.getUnit()); } } }
/** * Generate numeric metrics to be used by the tests. * * @throws CacheException */ @Before public void generateMetrics() throws CacheException { String className = getClass().getSimpleName(); for (String tid : Arrays.asList(TENANT1, TENANT2, TENANT3)) { // Numeric Locator locator = Locator.createLocatorFromPathComponents( tid, className + ".numeric.metric." + System.currentTimeMillis()); Metric metric = new Metric( locator, new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() % 100), System.currentTimeMillis(), new TimeValue(1, TimeUnit.DAYS), "unit"); numericMap.put(locator, metric); } }
@Override public Metric deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { Object metricValue = null; Long collectionTime = null; Long ttlInSeconds = null; String unit = null; String tenantId = null; String metricName = null; String fieldName = ""; while (!jp.getCurrentToken().equals(JsonToken.END_OBJECT)) { if (jp.getCurrentToken().equals(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME)) { fieldName = jp.getText(); } jp.nextToken(); if (validFields.contains(fieldName)) { if (fieldName.equals("class")) { if (!jp.getText().equals("raw")) { throw new IOException( "Metric.class deserialization requires field 'class' to be 'raw'"); } } else if (fieldName.equals("metricValue")) { if (jp.getCurrentToken().isNumeric()) { metricValue = jp.getNumberValue(); } else if (jp.getCurrentToken().equals(JsonToken.VALUE_FALSE)) { metricValue = false; } else if (jp.getCurrentToken().equals(JsonToken.VALUE_TRUE)) { metricValue = true; } else { metricValue = jp.getText(); } } else if (fieldName.equals("collectionTime")) { collectionTime = jp.getLongValue(); } else if (fieldName.equals("ttlInSeconds")) { ttlInSeconds = jp.getLongValue(); } else if (fieldName.equals("unit")) { unit = jp.getText(); } else if (fieldName.equals("tenantId")) { tenantId = jp.getText(); } else if (fieldName.equals("metricName")) { metricName = jp.getText(); } } jp.nextToken(); } if (metricValue == null || collectionTime == null || ttlInSeconds == null || unit == null || tenantId == null || metricName == null) { throw new IOException("A required field was not found."); // TODO: specificity } Locator locator = Locator.createLocatorFromPathComponents(tenantId, metricName); Metric m = new Metric( locator, metricValue, collectionTime, new TimeValue(ttlInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS), unit); return m; }
public class HttpRollupHandlerIntegrationTest extends IntegrationTestBase { private final long baseMillis = 1335820166000L; private final String tenantId = "ac" + IntegrationTestBase.randString(8); private final String metricName = "met_" + IntegrationTestBase.randString(8); private final String strMetricName = "strMet_" + IntegrationTestBase.randString(8); final Locator[] locators = new Locator[] { Locator.createLocatorFromPathComponents(tenantId, metricName), Locator.createLocatorFromPathComponents(tenantId, strMetricName) }; private static int queryPort = 20000; private static HttpQueryService httpQueryService; private static HttpClientVendor vendor; private static DefaultHttpClient client; private HttpRollupsQueryHandler httpHandler; private final Map<Locator, Map<Granularity, Integer>> locatorToPoints = new HashMap<Locator, Map<Granularity, Integer>>(); @BeforeClass public static void setUpHttp() { queryPort = Configuration.getInstance().getIntegerProperty(HttpConfig.HTTP_METRIC_DATA_QUERY_PORT); httpQueryService = new HttpQueryService(); httpQueryService.startService(); vendor = new HttpClientVendor(); client = vendor.getClient(); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); AstyanaxWriter writer = AstyanaxWriter.getInstance(); IncomingMetricMetadataAnalyzer analyzer = new IncomingMetricMetadataAnalyzer(MetadataCache.getInstance()); // insert something every 1m for 24h for (int i = 0; i < 1440; i++) { final long curMillis = baseMillis + i * 60000; final List<Metric> metrics = new ArrayList<Metric>(); final Metric metric = getRandomIntMetric(locators[0], curMillis); final Metric stringMetric = getRandomStringmetric(locators[1], curMillis); metrics.add(metric); metrics.add(stringMetric); analyzer.scanMetrics(new ArrayList<IMetric>(metrics)); writer.insertFull(metrics); } httpHandler = new HttpRollupsQueryHandler(); // generate every level of rollup for the raw data Granularity g = Granularity.FULL; while (g != Granularity.MIN_1440) { g = g.coarser(); for (Locator locator : locators) { generateRollups(locator, baseMillis, baseMillis + 86400000, g); } } final Map<Granularity, Integer> answerForNumericMetric = new HashMap<Granularity, Integer>(); answerForNumericMetric.put(Granularity.FULL, 1440); answerForNumericMetric.put(Granularity.MIN_5, 289); answerForNumericMetric.put(Granularity.MIN_20, 73); answerForNumericMetric.put(Granularity.MIN_60, 25); answerForNumericMetric.put(Granularity.MIN_240, 7); answerForNumericMetric.put(Granularity.MIN_1440, 2); final Map<Granularity, Integer> answerForStringMetric = new HashMap<Granularity, Integer>(); answerForStringMetric.put(Granularity.FULL, 1440); answerForStringMetric.put(Granularity.MIN_5, 1440); answerForStringMetric.put(Granularity.MIN_20, 1440); answerForStringMetric.put(Granularity.MIN_60, 1440); answerForStringMetric.put(Granularity.MIN_240, 1440); answerForStringMetric.put(Granularity.MIN_1440, 1440); locatorToPoints.put(locators[0], answerForNumericMetric); locatorToPoints.put(locators[1], answerForStringMetric); } @Test public void testGetPoints() throws Exception { testGetRollupByPoints(); testGetRollupByResolution(); testHttpRequestForPoints(); testHttpRequestForHistograms(); } private void testGetRollupByPoints() throws Exception { final Map<Granularity, Integer> points = new HashMap<Granularity, Integer>(); points.put(Granularity.FULL, 1600); points.put(Granularity.MIN_5, 287); points.put(Granularity.MIN_20, 71); points.put(Granularity.MIN_60, 23); points.put(Granularity.MIN_240, 5); points.put(Granularity.MIN_1440, 1); testHTTPRollupHandlerGetByPoints(locatorToPoints, points, baseMillis, baseMillis + 86400000); } private void testGetRollupByResolution() throws Exception { for (Locator locator : locators) { for (Resolution resolution : Resolution.values()) { Granularity g = Granularity.granularities()[resolution.getValue()]; testHTTPHandlersGetByResolution( locator, resolution, baseMillis, baseMillis + 86400000, locatorToPoints.get(locator).get(g)); } } } private void testHTTPRollupHandlerGetByPoints( Map<Locator, Map<Granularity, Integer>> answers, Map<Granularity, Integer> points, long from, long to) throws Exception { for (Locator locator : locators) { for (Granularity g2 : Granularity.granularities()) { MetricData data = httpHandler.GetDataByPoints( locator.getTenantId(), locator.getMetricName(), baseMillis, baseMillis + 86400000, points.get(g2)); Assert.assertEquals((int) answers.get(locator).get(g2), data.getData().getPoints().size()); Assert.assertEquals(locatorToUnitMap.get(locator), data.getUnit()); } } } private void testHTTPHandlersGetByResolution( Locator locator, Resolution resolution, long from, long to, int expectedPoints) throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals( expectedPoints, getNumberOfPointsViaHTTPHandler(httpHandler, locator, from, to, resolution)); } private int getNumberOfPointsViaHTTPHandler( HttpRollupsQueryHandler handler, Locator locator, long from, long to, Resolution resolution) throws Exception { final MetricData values = handler.GetDataByResolution( locator.getTenantId(), locator.getMetricName(), from, to, resolution); return values.getData().getPoints().size(); } private void testHttpRequestForPoints() throws Exception { testHappyCaseHTTPRequest(); testBadRequest(); testBadMethod(); testHappyCaseMultiFetchHTTPRequest(); } private void testHappyCaseHTTPRequest() throws Exception { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(getMetricsQueryURI()); HttpResponse response = client.execute(get); Assert.assertEquals(200, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } private void testHttpRequestForHistograms() throws Exception { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(getHistQueryURI()); HttpResponse response = client.execute(get); Assert.assertEquals(200, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } private void testBadRequest() throws Exception { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(getInvalidMetricsQueryURI()); HttpResponse response = client.execute(get); Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } private void testBadMethod() throws Exception { HttpPost post = new HttpPost(getMetricsQueryURI()); HttpResponse response = client.execute(post); Assert.assertEquals(405, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } private void testHappyCaseMultiFetchHTTPRequest() throws Exception { HttpPost post = new HttpPost(getBatchMetricsQueryURI()); JSONArray metricsToGet = new JSONArray(); for (Locator locator : locators) { metricsToGet.add(locator.toString()); } HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity(metricsToGet.toString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); post.setEntity(entity); HttpResponse response = client.execute(post); Assert.assertEquals(200, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } private URI getMetricsQueryURI() throws URISyntaxException { URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder() .setScheme("http") .setHost("") .setPort(queryPort) .setPath("/v2.0/" + tenantId + "/views/" + metricName) .setParameter("from", String.valueOf(baseMillis)) .setParameter("to", String.valueOf(baseMillis + 86400000)) .setParameter("resolution", "full"); return; } private URI getHistQueryURI() throws URISyntaxException { URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder() .setScheme("http") .setHost("") .setPort(queryPort) .setPath("/v2.0/" + tenantId + "/views/histograms/" + metricName) .setParameter("from", String.valueOf(baseMillis)) .setParameter("to", String.valueOf(baseMillis + 86400000)) .setParameter("resolution", "full"); return; } private URI getBatchMetricsQueryURI() throws Exception { URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder() .setScheme("http") .setHost("") .setPort(queryPort) .setPath("/v2.0/" + tenantId + "/views") .setParameter("from", String.valueOf(baseMillis)) .setParameter("to", String.valueOf(baseMillis + 86400000)) .setParameter("resolution", "full"); return; } private URI getInvalidMetricsQueryURI() throws URISyntaxException { URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder() .setScheme("http") .setHost("") .setPort(queryPort) .setPath("/v2.0/" + tenantId + "/views/" + metricName) .setParameter("from", String.valueOf(baseMillis)) .setParameter("resolution", "full"); // Misses parameter 'to' return; } @AfterClass public static void shutdown() { vendor.shutdown(); httpQueryService.stopService(); } }