public int getAvailableLevel(L2Summon cha, int skillId) { int lvl = 0; if (!_skillTrees.containsKey(cha.getId())) { LOGGER.warning( getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Pet id " + cha.getId() + " does not have any skills assigned."); return lvl; } Collection<L2PetSkillLearn> skills = _skillTrees.get(cha.getId()).values(); for (L2PetSkillLearn temp : skills) { if (temp.getId() != skillId) { continue; } if (temp.getLevel() == 0) { if (cha.getLevel() < 70) { lvl = (cha.getLevel() / 10); if (lvl <= 0) { lvl = 1; } } else { lvl = (7 + ((cha.getLevel() - 70) / 5)); } // formula usable for skill that have 10 or more skill levels int maxLvl = SkillData.getInstance().getMaxLevel(temp.getId()); if (lvl > maxLvl) { lvl = maxLvl; } break; } else if (temp.getMinLevel() <= cha.getLevel()) { if (temp.getLevel() > lvl) { lvl = temp.getLevel(); } } } return lvl; }
private boolean canControl(L2Summon summon) { if (summon instanceof L2BabyPetInstance) { if (!((L2BabyPetInstance) summon).isInSupportMode()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.A_PET_ON_AUXILIARY_MODE_CANNOT_USE_SKILLS); return false; } } if (summon.isPet()) { if ((summon.getLevel() - getActiveChar().getLevel()) > 20) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOUR_PET_IS_TOO_HIGH_LEVEL_TO_CONTROL); return false; } } return true; }
/** * Cast a skill for active summon.<br> * Target is specified as a parameter but can be overwrited or ignored depending on skill type. * * @param skillId the skill Id to be casted by the summon * @param target the target to cast the skill on, overwritten or ignored depending on skill type * @param pet if {@code true} it'll validate a pet, if {@code false} it will validate a servitor */ private void useSkill(int skillId, L2Object target, boolean pet) { final L2PcInstance activeChar = getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) { return; } if (pet) { final L2Summon summon = activeChar.getPet(); if (!validateSummon(summon, pet)) { return; } if (!canControl(summon)) { return; } final int lvl = PetDataTable.getInstance() .getPetData(summon.getId()) .getAvailableLevel(skillId, summon.getLevel()); if (lvl > 0) { summon.setTarget(target); summon.useMagic( SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(skillId, lvl), _ctrlPressed, _shiftPressed); } if (skillId == SWITCH_STANCE_ID) { summon.switchMode(); } } else { final L2Summon servitor = activeChar.getAnyServitor(); if (!validateSummon(servitor, pet)) { return; } final int lvl = SummonSkillsTable.getInstance().getAvailableLevel(servitor, skillId); if (lvl > 0) { servitor.setTarget(target); servitor.useMagic( SkillData.getInstance().getSkill(skillId, lvl), _ctrlPressed, _shiftPressed); } } }
@Override protected final void writeImpl() { writeC(0xB6); writeD(_summon.getSummonType()); writeD(_summon.getObjectId()); writeD(_summon.getX()); writeD(_summon.getY()); writeD(_summon.getZ()); writeS(_summon.getTitle()); writeD(_curFed); writeD(_maxFed); writeD((int) _summon.getCurrentHp()); writeD(_summon.getMaxHp()); writeD((int) _summon.getCurrentMp()); writeD(_summon.getMaxMp()); writeD(_summon.getLevel()); writeQ(_summon.getStat().getExp()); writeQ(_summon.getExpForThisLevel()); // 0% absolute value writeQ(_summon.getExpForNextLevel()); // 100% absolute value }
@Override protected final void writeImpl() { writeC(0xb2); writeD(_summon.getSummonType()); writeD(_summon.getObjectId()); writeD(_summon.getTemplate().idTemplate + 1000000); writeD(0); // 1=attackable writeD(_x); writeD(_y); writeD(_z); writeD(_heading); writeD(0); writeD(_mAtkSpd); writeD(_pAtkSpd); writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_swimRunSpd); writeD(_swimWalkSpd); writeD(_flRunSpd); writeD(_flWalkSpd); writeD(_flyRunSpd); writeD(_flyWalkSpd); writeF(_multiplier); // movement multiplier writeF(1); // attack speed multiplier writeF(_summon.getTemplate().fCollisionRadius); writeF(_summon.getTemplate().fCollisionHeight); writeD(_summon.getWeapon()); // right hand weapon writeD(_summon.getArmor()); // body armor writeD(0); // left hand weapon writeC( _summon.getOwner() != null ? 1 : 0); // when pet is dead and player exit game, pet doesn't show master name writeC(1); // running=1 (it is always 1, walking mode is calculated from multiplier) writeC(_summon.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0); // attacking 1=true writeC(_summon.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0); // dead 1=true writeC(_isSummoned ? 2 : _val); // 0=teleported 1=default 2=summoned writeD(-1); // High Five NPCString ID writeS(_summon.getName()); // summon name writeD(-1); // High Five NPCString ID writeS(_summon.getTitle()); // owner name writeD(1); writeD( _summon.getOwner() != null ? _summon.getOwner().getPvpFlag() : 0); // 0 = white,2= purpleblink, if its greater then karma = purple writeD(_summon.getOwner() != null ? _summon.getOwner().getKarma() : 0); // karma writeD(_curFed); // how fed it is writeD(_maxFed); // max fed it can be writeD((int) _summon.getCurrentHp()); // current hp writeD(_maxHp); // max hp writeD((int) _summon.getCurrentMp()); // current mp writeD(_maxMp); // max mp writeD(_summon.getStat().getSp()); // sp writeD(_summon.getLevel()); // lvl writeQ(_summon.getStat().getExp()); if (_summon.getExpForThisLevel() > _summon.getStat().getExp()) writeQ(_summon.getStat().getExp()); // 0% absolute value else writeQ(_summon.getExpForThisLevel()); // 0% absolute value writeQ(_summon.getExpForNextLevel()); // 100% absoulte value writeD( _summon instanceof L2PetInstance ? _summon.getInventory().getTotalWeight() : 0); // weight writeD(_summon.getMaxLoad()); // max weight it can carry writeD(_summon.getPAtk(null)); // patk writeD(_summon.getPDef(null)); // pdef writeD(_summon.getMAtk(null, null)); // matk writeD(_summon.getMDef(null, null)); // mdef writeD(_summon.getAccuracy()); // accuracy writeD(_summon.getEvasionRate(null)); // evasion writeD(_summon.getCriticalHit(null, null)); // critical writeD((int) _summon.getStat().getMoveSpeed()); // speed writeD(_summon.getPAtkSpd()); // atkspeed writeD(_summon.getMAtkSpd()); // casting speed writeD( _summon.getAbnormalEffect()); // c2 abnormal visual effect... bleed=1; poison=2; poison & // bleed=3; flame=4; int npcId = _summon.getTemplate().npcId; writeH(_summon.isMountable() ? 1 : 0); // c2 ride button writeC(0); // c2 // Following all added in C4. writeH(0); // ?? writeC( _summon.getOwner() != null ? _summon.getOwner().getTeam() : 0); // team aura (1 = blue, 2 = red) writeD(_summon.getSoulShotsPerHit()); // How many soulshots this servitor uses per hit writeD(_summon.getSpiritShotsPerHit()); // How many spiritshots this servitor uses per hit int form = 0; if (npcId == 16041 || npcId == 16042) { if (_summon.getLevel() > 84) form = 3; else if (_summon.getLevel() > 79) form = 2; else if (_summon.getLevel() > 74) form = 1; } else if (npcId == 16025 || npcId == 16037) { if (_summon.getLevel() > 69) form = 3; else if (_summon.getLevel() > 64) form = 2; else if (_summon.getLevel() > 59) form = 1; } writeD(form); // CT1.5 Pet form and skills writeD(_summon.getSpecialEffect()); }