/** * We have to handle cheese by itself because the barrel recipe manager doesnt take kindly to null * input items. */ private boolean handleCheese() { ItemStack inIS = this.getInputStack(); if (this.getSealed() && this.fluid != null && this.fluid.getFluid() == TFCFluids.MILKCURDLED && (inIS == null || inIS.getItem() instanceof IFood && ((IFood) inIS.getItem()).getFoodGroup() != EnumFoodGroup.Dairy && ((IFood) inIS.getItem()).isEdible(inIS) && Food.getWeight(inIS) <= 20.0f)) { recipe = new BarrelRecipe( null, new FluidStack(TFCFluids.MILKCURDLED, 10000), ItemFoodTFC.createTag(new ItemStack(TFCItems.cheese, 1), 160), null) .setMinTechLevel(0); if (!worldObj.isRemote) { int time = 0; if (sealtime > 0) time = (int) TFC_Time.getTotalHours() - sealtime; else if (unsealtime > 0) time = (int) TFC_Time.getTotalHours() - unsealtime; // Make sure that the recipe meets the time requirements if (time < recipe.sealTime) return true; float w = this.fluid.amount / 62.5f; ItemStack is = ItemFoodTFC.createTag(new ItemStack(TFCItems.cheese), w); if (inIS != null && inIS.getItem() instanceof IFood) { int[] profile = Food.getFoodTasteProfile(inIS); float ratio = Math.min( (Food.getWeight(getInputStack()) - Food.getDecay(inIS)) / (Global.FOOD_MAX_WEIGHT / 8), 1.0f); Food.setSweetMod(is, (int) Math.floor(profile[INPUT_SLOT] * ratio)); Food.setSourMod(is, (int) Math.floor(profile[1] * ratio)); Food.setSaltyMod(is, (int) Math.floor(profile[2] * ratio)); Food.setBitterMod(is, (int) Math.floor(profile[3] * ratio)); Food.setSavoryMod(is, (int) Math.floor(profile[4] * ratio)); Food.setInfusion(is, inIS.getItem().getUnlocalizedName()); this.storage[INPUT_SLOT] = null; } this.actionEmpty(); this.setInventorySlotContents(0, is); } return true; } return false; }
public void processItems() { if (this.getInvCount() == 0) { // Before we handle standard barrel processing we have to see if we are handling cheese and // run that code first // since it has to be handled specially. boolean isCheese = handleCheese(); if (getFluidStack() != null && !isCheese) { recipe = BarrelManager.getInstance() .findMatchingRecipe(getInputStack(), getFluidStack(), this.sealed, getTechLevel()); if (recipe != null && !worldObj.isRemote) { int time = 0; if (sealtime > 0) time = (int) TFC_Time.getTotalHours() - sealtime; else if (unsealtime > 0) time = (int) TFC_Time.getTotalHours() - unsealtime; // Make sure that the recipe meets the time requirements if (recipe.isSealedRecipe() && time < recipe.sealTime) return; ItemStack origIS = getInputStack() != null ? getInputStack().copy() : null; FluidStack origFS = getFluidStack() != null ? getFluidStack().copy() : null; if (fluid.isFluidEqual(recipe.getResultFluid(origIS, origFS, time)) && recipe.removesLiquid) { if (fluid.getFluid() == TFCFluids.BRINE && origIS != null && origIS.getItem() instanceof IFood) fluid.amount -= recipe.getResultFluid(origIS, origFS, time).amount * Food.getWeight(origIS); else fluid.amount -= recipe.getResultFluid(origIS, origFS, time).amount; } else { this.fluid = recipe.getResultFluid(origIS, origFS, time); if (fluid != null && !(recipe instanceof BarrelLiquidToLiquidRecipe) && origFS != null) this.fluid.amount = origFS.amount; } if (origFS != null && origFS.getFluid() != TFCFluids.MILKCURDLED && this.fluid.getFluid() == TFCFluids.MILKCURDLED) this.sealtime = (int) TFC_Time.getTotalHours(); Stack<ItemStack> resultStacks = recipe.getResult(origIS, origFS, time); if (!resultStacks.isEmpty()) { ItemStack result = resultStacks.pop(); if (fluid != null && fluid.getFluid() == TFCFluids.BRINE) { if (result == null && origIS != null) result = origIS.copy(); if (result != null && result.getItem() instanceof IFood && (result.getItem() == TFCItems.cheese || ((IFood) result.getItem()).getFoodGroup() != EnumFoodGroup.Grain)) { if (!Food.isBrined(result)) Food.setBrined(result, true); } } storage[INPUT_SLOT] = result; for (int i = 1; i < storage.length; i++) { if (storage[i] == null && !resultStacks.isEmpty()) this.setInventorySlotContents(i, resultStacks.pop()); } while (!resultStacks.isEmpty()) worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld( new EntityItem(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, resultStacks.pop())); this.setInventorySlotContents(0, result); } } } else if (getFluidStack() == null && !isCheese) recipe = null; } }