private void randomizeMusic() { int random; // If its not the first time randomizing if (currentMusic != -1) { random = rand.nextInt(musicFileNames.length - 1); // To make sure the same music dosen't play twice if (currentMusic <= random) { random++; } } else { random = rand.nextInt(musicFileNames.length); } if (music != null) { music.stop(); music.dispose(); } currentMusic = random; music ="audio/" + musicFileNames[random]));; music.setVolume(1); music.setOnCompletionListener( new OnCompletionListener() { @Override public void onCompletion(Music music) { randomizeMusic(); music.dispose(); } }); }
/** Stops and disposes the current music being played, if any. */ public void stop() { if (musicBeingPlayed != null) { musicBeingPlayed.stop(); musicBeingPlayed.dispose(); } }
public void dispose() { m_BorderTexture.dispose(); m_BackgroundMusic.stop(); m_BackgroundMusic.dispose(); m_RayHandler.dispose(); m_PhysicsWorld.dispose(); }
public static void play(String newKey) { if (!enabled) return; if (music != null) { music.stop(); } key = newKey; music = musics.get(key); music.setLooping(true);; }
public static void reloadMusic() { if (MiningAdventure.PREF_AUDIO) { aud.stop(); aud.dispose(); aud = null; if (!MiningAdventure.sanic) { aud ="music/Game.mp3")); } else { aud ="music/SANIC.mp3")); }; aud.setLooping(true); } }
@Override public void hide() { super.hide(); if (music != null) { music.stop(); music.dispose(); } music = null; if (!gameMode.isGameOver()) { saveStats(); } setPaused(false); }
@Override public void show() { buttonRenderer = new SpriteBatch(); if (aud != null && !MiningAdventure.PREF_AUDIO) { aud.stop(); aud.dispose(); aud = null; } if (aud == null && MiningAdventure.PREF_AUDIO) { if (!MiningAdventure.sanic) { aud ="music/Game.mp3")); } else { aud ="music/SANIC.mp3")); }; aud.setLooping(true); } Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(this); }
public static void unLoadAll() { Set<String> st = musicCache.keySet(); for (String string : st) { Music music = musicCache.get(string); music.stop(); music.dispose(); } musicCache.clear(); st = textureCache.keySet(); for (String string : st) { Texture t = textureCache.get(string); t.dispose(); } textureCache.clear(); st = soundCache.keySet(); for (String string : st) { Sound s = soundCache.get(string); s.dispose(); } soundCache.clear(); }
@Override public void render(float delta) { super.render(); totalGameTimer += delta; // if ((totalGameTimer >= 5) && (levelStarted == false)) { // startLevel("theme1.txt"); // levelStarted = true; // return; // }, 0, 0.2f, 1);; batch.begin(); { // batch.draw(rightFootprintTexture, WIDTH / 2 + footSpacing - 50, // 0); // batch.draw(leftFootprintTexture, WIDTH / 2 - footSpacing - 50, // 0); // batch.draw(rightWall, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); // batch.draw(leftWall, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); // batch.draw(perspectiveTexture, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); } batch.end(); batch.begin(); // sprite.draw(batch); elapsedTime +=; // batch.draw(), x, y, originX, originY, width, height, scaleX, scaleY, // rotation); batch.draw(smokeTexture, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); // System.out.println(level.getSkipped()); int damage = (level.getSkipped() + level.getMisses()) / 3; // System.out.println(damage); if (damage == 5) { leftWallAnimation = new Animation(1 / 45f, leftWallTextureAtlas.getRegions()); rightWallAnimation = new Animation(1 / 45f, rightWallTextureAtlas.getRegions()); } if (damage >= 6) { deathCounter++; ScreenManager.getInstance().show(ScreenManager.Screens.TITLE); endingLevel = true; music.stop(); music.dispose(); } else { batch.draw( pentagramAtlas.findRegion("000" + Integer.toString((damage % 7) + 1)), WIDTH / 2 - (72 / 2), HEIGHT - 72, 72, 72); } // batch.draw(stairTexture, 0, (float) -(level.getCurrPos() * 10), // WIDTH, HEIGHT); batch.draw( stairsAnimation.getKeyFrame(level.getFootstepsBetween(-level.getCurrPos(), 0).size(), true), (float) 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT / 2); batch.draw(leftWallAnimation.getKeyFrame(elapsedTime, true), 0, 0, 225, HEIGHT); batch.draw(rightWallAnimation.getKeyFrame(elapsedTime, true), WIDTH - 225, 0, 225, HEIGHT); batch.end(); // Advance in level // level.addCurrPos(delta); // TODO: level.syncWithMusic(music); // // Announce next footstep, if one has been passed // if (level.getFootsteps().get(nextFootstep).getTime() < // level.getCurrPos()) { // // "Next" footstep is in the past // nextFootstep++; // // // Announce // System.out.println("Next footstep is now: " + // level.getFootsteps().get(nextFootstep).toString()); // } // TODO: Look for input boolean leftPressed = Gdx.input.isKeyJustPressed(Input.Keys.SHIFT_LEFT); boolean rightPressed = Gdx.input.isKeyJustPressed(Input.Keys.SHIFT_RIGHT); if (leftPressed || rightPressed) { // TODO: If pressed BEFORE a footstep, miss the next footstep // If pressed DURING a footstep, mark footstep as hit if it is left. // Otherwise miss. for (Footstep f : level.getActiveFootsteps(HIT_THRESHOLD)) { if (f != null) { Footstep active = f; if ((!active.isDidHit()) && (!active.isDidMiss())) { if (((active.getType() == FootstepType.LEFT) && leftPressed) || ((active.getType() == FootstepType.RIGHT) && rightPressed)) { // HIT! active.setDidHit(true); // System.out.println("HIT FOOTSTEP: " + // active.toString()); } else { // Miss. active.setDidMiss(true); // System.out.println("MISSED FOOTSTEP: " + // active.toString()); } } } } } // Render visible footsteps batch.begin(); { double startTime = -2; double farthestTime = 5.0f; for (Footstep f : level.getFootstepsBetween(startTime, farthestTime)) { float distanceOnRoad = (float) ((f.getTime() - level.getCurrPos()) / (farthestTime - startTime)); distanceOnRoad -= 1; distanceOnRoad = -(-Math.abs(distanceOnRoad * distanceOnRoad * distanceOnRoad) - 1); distanceOnRoad = 2 - (distanceOnRoad); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(rightFootprintTexture); // Flip for left foot sprite.flip(f.getType() == FootstepType.LEFT, false); // Add alpha if (distanceOnRoad > 0) { sprite.setAlpha((1f - distanceOnRoad) * 0.9f + 0.1f); } // Add scaling sprite.setScale((1f - distanceOnRoad) * 0.6f); // Light footsteps that are "active" double distanceTo = f.getTime() - level.getCurrPos(); if (Math.abs(distanceTo) < LIT_THRESHOLD) { sprite.setColor(Color.BLUE); } if (-distanceTo > LIT_THRESHOLD && (!(f.isDidHit() || f.isDidMiss()))) { sprite.setRotation((int) (level.getCurrPos() * 2000)); sprite.setColor(Color.FIREBRICK); } // Mark hits or misses if (f.isDidHit()) { sprite.setColor(Color.GREEN); } else if (f.isDidMiss()) { sprite.setColor(Color.RED); } float leftFactor = 1; if (f.getType() == FootstepType.LEFT) { leftFactor = -1; } float x = WIDTH / 2 + (leftFactor * (WIDTH / 11) * (1 - distanceOnRoad)); float y = (distanceOnRoad * (HEIGHT / 2 + 50 - FOOTSTEP_LINE)) + FOOTSTEP_LINE; // Celebrate hits! if (f.isDidHit()) { y += -distanceTo * 100; } sprite.setCenter(x, y); sprite.draw(batch); } } batch.end(); }
private static void dispose() { if (music1.isPlaying()) music1.stop(); music1.dispose(); if (music2.isPlaying()) music2.stop(); music2.dispose(); }
public void stopMusic() { if (music != null && music.isPlaying()) { music.stop(); } }
public synchronized void stopSong() { if (_music == null) { return; } _music.stop(); }
public void stopMusic() { if (music != null) music.stop(); }
public void stopMusic() { for (Object o : music.values()) { Music m = (Music) o; m.stop(); } }
@Override public void dispose() { bgMusic.stop(); Assets.treasureSound.stop(); }
public void stopMusic() { if (musicBeingPlayed != null) { musicBeingPlayed.stop(); } }