     * Sets tweet position randomly within radius
     * @param tweet the tweet data
    private void randomPlaceWithinRadius(Tweet tweet) {
      double radius = config.getRadius();
      double maxDegreeDiff = radius / SURFACE_DISTANCE;
      double latR = random.nextDouble();
      double lonR = random.nextDouble();

      latR = (latR - 0.5) * 2; // -1 to 1
      lonR = (lonR - 0.5) * 2; // -1 to 1
      GeoCoordinate sc = config.getPosition();
      GeoCoordinate gc =
          new GeoCoordinate(
              sc.getLatitude() + latR * maxDegreeDiff, sc.getLongitude() + lonR * maxDegreeDiff, 0);
