/** Shows current tweet dialog and downloads user image */
    private void showTweet() {
      String text = current_tweet.getText();

      if (text != null) {
        String from = current_tweet.getFromUser();
        Alert a = new Alert("" + from, text, null, AlertType.INFO);

        display.setCurrent(a, this);
        String url = current_tweet.getProfileImageUrl();

        if (url != null) {
          // download and set user image to visible alert
          Image img;
          InputStream is = null;

          try {
            is = Connector.openInputStream(url);
            img = Image.createImage(is);
          } catch (Throwable t) { // do not show errors if image
            // download fails
          } finally {
            try {
              if (is != null) {
            } catch (Throwable e) {