예제 #1
파일: Hero.java 프로젝트: rweichler/wuigi
  /** @param override true if should kill even if invulerable, false if not */
  public void kill(boolean override) {
    if (!override) {
      if (star || invulerable || piped) return;
    if (deathPos.y < 0) {
      deathPos.y = 0;
    if (metal) {
      metal = false;
      invulerableTime = 3000 / 15;
      Point2D.Double v = new Point2D.Double(Math.random() * 8 - 4, Math.random() * 4 + 7);

      TMetalCap cap = new TMetalCap();
      cap.setPos(pos.x, pos.y);
    cape = false;
    dead = true;
    numBullets = 0;
    falling = false;
    acc = new Point2D.Double();
    vel = new Point2D.Double();
    deadTime = 25;
  public double getDistance(Vector<VivaeObject> objects) {
    GeneralPath thisPath = new GeneralPath(this.getTransformedShape());
    PathIntersection pi = new PathIntersection();
    Point2D.Double[] points;
    double dist = ray_length;
    double nd;
    for (VivaeObject vivaeObject : objects) {
      if (vivaeObject != this.owner) {
        GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(vivaeObject.getTransformedShape());
        points = pi.getIntersections(thisPath, gp);
        for (Point2D.Double point : points) {
          nd = pi.euclideanDistance(point.getX(), point.getY(), owner.getX(), owner.getY());
          if (nd < dist) {
            dist = nd;
          // System.out.println(dist);

    opacity = Math.max((float) (1d - (dist / ray_length)), opacity);
    opacityOfRay = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, opacity);

    return 1d - (dist / ray_length);
예제 #3
 /** Transform a bounding box. This is only a rough estimate. */
 public Rectangle2D transform(Rectangle2D r) {
   Point2D.Double in = new Point2D.Double();
   Point2D.Double out = new Point2D.Double();
   Rectangle2D bounds = null;
   if (isRectilinear()) {
     for (int ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++) {
       double x = r.getX() + r.getWidth() * ix;
       for (int iy = 0; iy < 2; iy++) {
         double y = r.getY() + r.getHeight() * iy;
         in.x = x;
         in.y = y;
         transform(in, out);
         if (ix == 0 && iy == 0) bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(out.x, out.y, 0, 0);
         else bounds.add(out.x, out.y);
   } else {
     for (int ix = 0; ix < 7; ix++) {
       double x = r.getX() + r.getWidth() * ix / 6;
       for (int iy = 0; iy < 7; iy++) {
         double y = r.getY() + r.getHeight() * iy / 6;
         in.x = x;
         in.y = y;
         transform(in, out);
         if (ix == 0 && iy == 0) bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(out.x, out.y, 0, 0);
         else bounds.add(out.x, out.y);
   return bounds;
예제 #4
 /** Project a lat/long point, producing a result in metres */
 public Point2D.Double transformRadians(Point2D.Double src, Point2D.Double dst) {
   double x = src.x;
   if (projectionLongitude != 0) x = MapMath.normalizeLongitude(x - projectionLongitude);
   project(x, src.y, dst);
   dst.x = totalScale * dst.x + totalFalseEasting;
   dst.y = totalScale * dst.y + totalFalseNorthing;
   return dst;
예제 #5
  public static Point2D.Double pointBetween(Point2D.Double p, Point2D.Double p2, double pos) {

    Point2D.Double n =
        new Point2D.Double(
            p.getX() * (1 - pos) + p2.getX() * (pos), p.getY() * (1 - pos) + p2.getY() * (pos));

    return n;
예제 #6
 /** Inverse-project a point (in metres), producing a lat/long result in radians */
 public Point2D.Double inverseTransformRadians(Point2D.Double src, Point2D.Double dst) {
   double x = (src.x - totalFalseEasting) / totalScale;
   double y = (src.y - totalFalseNorthing) / totalScale;
   projectInverse(x, y, dst);
   if (dst.x < -Math.PI) dst.x = -Math.PI;
   else if (dst.x > Math.PI) dst.x = Math.PI;
   if (projectionLongitude != 0) dst.x = MapMath.normalizeLongitude(dst.x + projectionLongitude);
   return dst;
 public boolean isInside(Point2D.Double point) {
   double x = point.getX();
   double y = point.getY();
   if ((x < center.getX() + radius && x > center.getX() - radius)
       && (y < center.getY() + radius && y > center.getY() - radius)) {
     return true;
   return false;
  public Point2D.Double project(double lplam, double lpphi, Point2D.Double out) {
    double t = lpphi * lpphi;

    out.y = lpphi * (1. + t * C12);
    out.x = lplam * (1. - Cp * t);
    t = lplam * lplam;
    out.x *= (0.87 - Cl * t * t);
    return out;
예제 #9
  * The mouse location changed during a drag, while this MapTool was the active tool.
  * @param point The location of the mouse in world coordinates.
  * @param evt The original event.
 public void updateDrag(Point2D.Double point, MouseEvent evt) {
   // just in case we didn't get a mousePressed event
   if (dragStartPos == null) {
     dragStartPos = (Point2D.Double) point.clone();
   } else {
     double dx = dragStartPos.getX() - point.getX();
     double dy = dragStartPos.getY() - point.getY();
     mapComponent.offsetVisibleArea(dx, dy);
예제 #10
 /** Inverse-project a number of points (in metres), producing a lat/long result in radians */
 public void inverseTransformRadians(
     double[] srcPoints, int srcOffset, double[] dstPoints, int dstOffset, int numPoints) {
   Point2D.Double in = new Point2D.Double();
   Point2D.Double out = new Point2D.Double();
   for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
     in.x = srcPoints[srcOffset++];
     in.y = srcPoints[srcOffset++];
     inverseTransformRadians(in, out);
     dstPoints[dstOffset++] = out.x;
     dstPoints[dstOffset++] = out.y;
예제 #11
  public static int closest(Point2D.Double[] BTS, Point2D.Double p) {

    double[] dist = new double[BTS.length];
    int min = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < BTS.length; i++) {
      dist[i] = distanceSq(BTS[i].getX(), BTS[i].getY(), p.getX(), p.getY());
      if (dist[i] < dist[min]) min = i;
    // System.out.println(dist[min] + " " + min);

    return min;
   * The mouse location changed during a drag, while this MapTool was the active one.
   * @param point The location of the mouse in world coordinates.
   * @param evt The original event.
  public void updateDrag(Point2D.Double point, MouseEvent evt) {
    // just in case we didn't get a mousePressed-Event
    if (dragStartPos == null) {
      dragStartPos = (Point2D.Double) point.clone();

    // if this is the first time mouseDragged is called, capture the screen.
    if (dragCurrentPos == null) captureBackground();

    dragCurrentPos = (Point2D.Double) point.clone();

예제 #13
 public void setFontSize(float size) {
   // FONT_SIZE.basicSet(this, new Double(size));
   Point2D.Double p = new Point2D.Double(0, size);
   AffineTransform tx = TRANSFORM.get(this);
   if (tx != null) {
     try {
       tx.inverseTransform(p, p);
       Point2D.Double p0 = new Point2D.Double(0, 0);
       tx.inverseTransform(p0, p0);
       p.y -= p0.y;
     } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException ex) {
   FONT_SIZE.set(this, Math.abs(p.y));
예제 #14
 public void vec2FieldMagnitude(Field field, AffineTransform ftoi) {
   AffineTransform itof = null;
   try {
     itof = ftoi.createInverse();
   } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException niv) {
     TDebug.println(0, "NoninvertibleTransformException: " + niv);
   Vector3d v = new Vector3d();
   Point2D.Double p = new Point2D.Double();
   for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < height; ++j)
     for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i, ++k) {
       p.x = i;
       p.y = j;
       itof.transform(p, p);
       v = field.get(p.x, p.y, 0.0);
       f[k] = (float) Math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y);
예제 #15
 public float getFontSize() {
   //   return FONT_SIZE.get(this).floatValue();
   Point2D.Double p = new Point2D.Double(0, FONT_SIZE.get(this));
   AffineTransform tx = TRANSFORM.get(this);
   if (tx != null) {
     tx.transform(p, p);
     Point2D.Double p0 = new Point2D.Double(0, 0);
     tx.transform(p0, p0);
     p.y -= p0.y;
     try {
         tx.inverseTransform(p, p);
     } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException ex) {
   return (float) Math.abs(p.y);
  public Point2D.Double project(double lplam, double lpphi, Point2D.Double out) {
    double rho;

    switch (type) {
      case MURD2:
        rho = rho_c + Math.tan(sig - lpphi);
      case PCONIC:
        rho = c2 * (c1 - Math.tan(lpphi));
        rho = rho_c - lpphi;
    out.x = rho * Math.sin(lplam *= n);
    out.y = rho_0 - rho * Math.cos(lplam);
    return out;
예제 #17
  public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
    robotLocation = new Point2D.Double(getX(), getY());
    enemyAbsoluteBearing = getHeadingRadians() + e.getBearingRadians();
    enemyDistance = e.getDistance();
    enemyLocation = vectorToLocation(enemyAbsoluteBearing, enemyDistance, robotLocation);

    // Change direction at random
    if (Math.random() < 0.015) {
      movementLateralAngle *= -1;

    // radar
        Utils.normalRelativeAngle(enemyAbsoluteBearing - getRadarHeadingRadians()) * 2);

     * Circular Gun from wiki
    double absBearing = e.getBearingRadians() + getHeadingRadians();

    // Finding the heading and heading change.
    double enemyHeading = e.getHeadingRadians();
    double enemyHeadingChange = enemyHeading - oldEnemyHeading;
    oldEnemyHeading = enemyHeading;

    double deltaTime = 0;
    double predictedX = getX() + e.getDistance() * Math.sin(absBearing);
    double predictedY = getY() + e.getDistance() * Math.cos(absBearing);
    while ((++deltaTime) * BULLET_SPEED
        < Point2D.Double.distance(getX(), getY(), predictedX, predictedY)) {

      // Add the movement we think our enemy will make to our enemy's current X and Y
      predictedX += Math.sin(enemyHeading) * (e.getVelocity());
      predictedY += Math.cos(enemyHeading) * (e.getVelocity());

      // Find our enemy's heading changes.
      enemyHeading += enemyHeadingChange;

      // If our predicted coordinates are outside the walls, put them 18
      // distance units away from the walls as we know
      // that that is the closest they can get to the wall (Bots are
      // non-rotating 36*36 squares).
      predictedX = Math.max(Math.min(predictedX, getBattleFieldWidth() - 18), 18);
      predictedY = Math.max(Math.min(predictedY, getBattleFieldHeight() - 18), 18);
    // Find the bearing of our predicted coordinates from us.
    double aim = Utils.normalAbsoluteAngle(Math.atan2(predictedX - getX(), predictedY - getY()));

    // Aim and fire.
    setTurnGunRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(aim - getGunHeadingRadians()));

    setTurnRadarRightRadians(Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absBearing - getRadarHeadingRadians()) * 2);
예제 #18
 public void vec2FieldZero(Field field, AffineTransform ftoi) {
   AffineTransform itof = null;
   try {
     itof = ftoi.createInverse();
   } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException niv) {
     TDebug.println(0, "NoninvertibleTransformException: " + niv);
   Vector3d v = new Vector3d();
   Point2D.Double p = new Point2D.Double();
   for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < height; ++j)
     for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i, ++k) {
       p.x = i;
       p.y = j;
       itof.transform(p, p);
       v = field.get(p.x, p.y, 0.0);
       if ((v.x == 0.0) && (v.y == 0.0)) f[k] = 1.0f;
       else f[k] = 0.0f;
예제 #19
 protected void drawCaps(Graphics2D g) {
   if (getNodeCount() > 1) {
     if (get(START_DECORATION) != null) {
       BezierPath cp = getCappedPath();
       Point2D.Double p1 = path.get(0, 0);
       Point2D.Double p2 = cp.get(0, 0);
       if (p2.equals(p1)) {
         p2 = path.get(1, 0);
       get(START_DECORATION).draw(g, this, p1, p2);
     if (get(END_DECORATION) != null) {
       BezierPath cp = getCappedPath();
       Point2D.Double p1 = path.get(path.size() - 1, 0);
       Point2D.Double p2 = cp.get(path.size() - 1, 0);
       if (p2.equals(p1)) {
         p2 = path.get(path.size() - 2, 0);
       get(END_DECORATION).draw(g, this, p1, p2);
예제 #20
   * Method to get the coordinates of the enclosing rectangle after this transformation is applied
   * to the current picture
   * @return the enclosing rectangle
  public Rectangle2D getTransformEnclosingRect(AffineTransform trans) {
    int width = getWidth();
    int height = getHeight();
    double maxX = width - 1;
    double maxY = height - 1;
    double minX, minY;
    Point2D.Double p1 = new Point2D.Double(0, 0);
    Point2D.Double p2 = new Point2D.Double(maxX, 0);
    Point2D.Double p3 = new Point2D.Double(maxX, maxY);
    Point2D.Double p4 = new Point2D.Double(0, maxY);
    Point2D.Double result = new Point2D.Double(0, 0);
    Rectangle2D.Double rect = null;

    // get the new points and min x and y and max x and y
    trans.deltaTransform(p1, result);
    minX = result.getX();
    maxX = result.getX();
    minY = result.getY();
    maxY = result.getY();
    trans.deltaTransform(p2, result);
    minX = Math.min(minX, result.getX());
    maxX = Math.max(maxX, result.getX());
    minY = Math.min(minY, result.getY());
    maxY = Math.max(maxY, result.getY());
    trans.deltaTransform(p3, result);
    minX = Math.min(minX, result.getX());
    maxX = Math.max(maxX, result.getX());
    minY = Math.min(minY, result.getY());
    maxY = Math.max(maxY, result.getY());
    trans.deltaTransform(p4, result);
    minX = Math.min(minX, result.getX());
    maxX = Math.max(maxX, result.getX());
    minY = Math.min(minY, result.getY());
    maxY = Math.max(maxY, result.getY());

    // create the bounding rectangle to return
    rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(minX, minY, maxX - minX + 1, maxY - minY + 1);
    return rect;
예제 #21
 public void update() {
   // update all the virtual bullets
   double battleFieldX = owner.getBattleFieldWidth();
   double battleFieldY = owner.getBattleFieldHeight();
   for (int i = 0; i < virtualBullets.size(); i++) {
     VirtualBullet bullet = virtualBullets.get(i);
     long dt = lastEnemyScanTime - bullet.lastUpdateTime;
     if (dt <= 0) continue;
     bullet.x += bullet.velX * dt;
     bullet.y += bullet.velY * dt;
     bullet.lastUpdateTime = lastEnemyScanTime;
     if (bullet.x > battleFieldX || bullet.y > battleFieldY || bullet.x < 0.0 || bullet.y < 0.0) {
       // missed
     } else if (Point2D.Double.distance(bullet.x, bullet.y, enemyX, enemyY) < 30.0) {
       // log in array
       // hit!
   owner.setDebugProperty("VGVBCount", "" + virtualBullets.size());
           + successes[0]
           + " naive="
           + successes[1]
           + " linear="
           + successes[2]
           + " rc="
           + successes[3]
           + " rN="
           + successes[4]
           + " rW="
           + successes[5]);
   for (int i = 0; i < numVirtualGuns; i++) {
  public Point2D.Double projectInverse(double xyx, double xyy, Point2D.Double out) {
    double rho;

    rho = MapMath.distance(xyx, out.y = rho_0 - xyy);
    if (n < 0.) {
      rho = -rho;
      out.x = -xyx;
      out.y = -xyy;
    out.x = Math.atan2(xyx, xyy) / n;
    switch (type) {
      case PCONIC:
        out.y = Math.atan(c1 - rho / c2) + sig;
      case MURD2:
        out.y = sig - Math.atan(rho - rho_c);
        out.y = rho_c - rho;
    return out;
예제 #23
 public Object getTransformRestoreData() {
   return origin.clone();
예제 #24
 public void restoreTransformTo(Object geometry) {
   Point2D.Double p = (Point2D.Double) geometry;
   origin.x = p.x;
   origin.y = p.y;
예제 #25
  private void scan(Graphics2D g, InputStream input) throws IOException {
    Set<String> unknownC = new HashSet<String>();
    Pattern tab = Pattern.compile("[\t]");
    LineIterator in = new LineIteratorImpl(LineReaderUtil.fromBufferedStream(input));
    while (in.hasNext()) {
      String line = in.next();
      String tokens[] = tab.split(line, 5);
      if (tokens.length < 4) {
        warning("Ignoring " + line);
      SAMSequenceRecord rec = this.context.getDictionary().getSequence(tokens[0]);
      if (rec == null) {
        warning("unknown chromosome " + tokens[0]);
      String country = tokens[3].toLowerCase().replaceAll("[ ]", "");
      Shape shape = this.country2shape.get(country);
      if (shape == null) {
        if (!unknownC.contains(country)) {
          warning("unknown country " + country);
      int midpos = (Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]) + Integer.parseInt(tokens[2])) / 2;
      // country center
      Point2D.Double pt1 =
          new Point2D.Double(shape.getBounds2D().getCenterX(), shape.getBounds2D().getCenterY());
      // circle point
      Point2D pt3 = this.context.convertPositionToPoint(tokens[0], midpos, getRadiusInt());
      double angle = this.context.convertPositionToRadian(rec, midpos);
      double angle2 = angle -= Math.PI / 10.0;

      double distance13 =
                  new Point2D.Double(
                      (pt1.getX() + pt3.getX()) / 2.0, (pt1.getY() + pt3.getY()) / 2.0));
      // mid point
      Point2D pt2 =
          new Point2D.Double(
              context.getCenterX() + distance13 * Math.cos(angle2),
              context.getCenterX() + distance13 * Math.sin(angle2));

      Composite old = g.getComposite();
      Stroke olds = g.getStroke();
      g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(0.8f));
      g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.02f));
      GeneralPath p = new GeneralPath();
      p.moveTo(pt1.getX(), pt1.getY());
      p.quadTo(pt2.getX(), pt2.getY(), pt3.getX(), pt3.getY());
예제 #26
  * Write the given text string in the current font, centered at <location>.
  * @param location the Point at the center of the text
  * @param s the text
 public static void text(Point2D.Double location, String s) {
   text(location.getX(), location.getY(), s);
예제 #27
   * Draw a filled rectangle of given half width and half height, centred at <location> and rotated
   * by d degrees.
   * @param location the Point at the centre of the rectangle
   * @param halfWidth is half the width of the rectangle
   * @param halfHeight is half the height of the rectangle
   * @param degrees is the rotation of the rectangle with 3 o'clock being 0 degrees and 12 o'clock
   *     being 270 degrees
   * @throws RuntimeException if halfWidth or halfHeight is negative
  public static void filledAngledRectangle(
      Point2D.Double location, double halfWidth, double halfHeight, double degrees) {

    filledAngledRectangle(location.getX(), location.getY(), halfWidth, halfHeight, degrees);
예제 #28
  * Draw a filled diamond of side length 2r, centred at <location>.
  * @param location the Point at the centre of the square
  * @param r radius is half the length of any side of the diamond
  * @throws RuntimeException if r is negative
 public static void filledDiamond(Point2D.Double location, double r) {
   filledDiamond(location.getX(), location.getY(), r);
예제 #29
  * Draw a filled square of side length 2r, centred at <location>.
  * @param location the Point at the centre of the square
  * @param r radius is half the length of any side of the square
  * @throws RuntimeException if r is negative
 public static void filledSquare(Point2D.Double location, double r) {
   filledSquare(location.getX(), location.getY(), r);
예제 #30
  * Draw a circle of radius r, centred at <location>.
  * @param location the Point at the centre of the circle
  * @param r the radius of the circle
  * @throws RuntimeException if the radius of the circle is negative
 public static void circle(Point2D.Double location, double r) {
   circle(location.getX(), location.getY(), r);