public void findNamedFunctions(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { if (!NodeUtil.isStatement(n)) { // There aren't any interesting functions here. return; } switch (n.getType()) { // Functions expressions in the form of: // var fooFn = function(x) { return ... } case Token.VAR: Preconditions.checkState(n.hasOneChild()); Node nameNode = n.getFirstChild(); if (nameNode.isName() && nameNode.hasChildren() && nameNode.getFirstChild().isFunction()) { maybeAddFunction(new FunctionVar(n), t.getModule()); } break; // Named functions // function Foo(x) { return ... } case Token.FUNCTION: Preconditions.checkState(NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(parent) || parent.isLabel()); if (!NodeUtil.isFunctionExpression(n)) { Function fn = new NamedFunction(n); maybeAddFunction(fn, t.getModule()); } break; } }
private void addStatement(GenerateNodeContext context, Node stmt) { CodingConvention convention = compiler.getCodingConvention(); Node n = context.getNode(); Node exprRoot = n; while (!NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(exprRoot.getParent())) { exprRoot = exprRoot.getParent(); } // It's important that any class-building calls (goog.inherits) // come right after the class definition, so move the export after that. while (true) { Node next = exprRoot.getNext(); if (next != null && NodeUtil.isExprCall(next) && convention.getClassesDefinedByCall(next.getFirstChild()) != null) { exprRoot = next; } else { break; } } Node block = exprRoot.getParent(); block.addChildAfter(stmt, exprRoot); }
/** * Adds global variable "stubs" for any properties of a global name that are only set in a local * scope or read but never set. * * @param n An object representing a global name (e.g. "a", "a.b.c") * @param alias The flattened name of the object whose properties we are adding stubs for (e.g. * "a$b$c") * @param parent The node to which new global variables should be added as children * @param addAfter The child of after which new variables should be added * @return The number of variables added */ private int addStubsForUndeclaredProperties(Name n, String alias, Node parent, Node addAfter) { Preconditions.checkState(n.canCollapseUnannotatedChildNames()); Preconditions.checkArgument(NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(parent)); Preconditions.checkNotNull(addAfter); if (n.props == null) { return 0; } int numStubs = 0; for (Name p : n.props) { if (p.needsToBeStubbed()) { String propAlias = appendPropForAlias(alias, p.getBaseName()); Node nameNode =; Node newVar = IR.var(nameNode).useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(addAfter); parent.addChildAfter(newVar, addAfter); addAfter = newVar; numStubs++; compiler.reportCodeChange(); // Determine if this is a constant var by checking the first // reference to it. Don't check the declaration, as it might be null. if (p.getRefs().get(0).node.getLastChild().getBooleanProp(Node.IS_CONSTANT_NAME)) { nameNode.putBooleanProp(Node.IS_CONSTANT_NAME, true); } } } return numStubs; }
/** * If we haven't found a return value yet, try to look at the "return" statements in the function. */ FunctionTypeBuilder inferReturnStatementsAsLastResort(@Nullable Node functionBlock) { if (functionBlock == null || compiler.getInput(sourceName).isExtern()) { return this; } Preconditions.checkArgument(functionBlock.getType() == Token.BLOCK); if (returnType == null) { boolean hasNonEmptyReturns = false; List<Node> worklist = Lists.newArrayList(functionBlock); while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Node current = worklist.remove(worklist.size() - 1); int cType = current.getType(); if (cType == Token.RETURN && current.getFirstChild() != null || cType == Token.THROW) { hasNonEmptyReturns = true; break; } else if (NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(current) || NodeUtil.isControlStructure(current)) { for (Node child = current.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNext()) { worklist.add(child); } } } if (!hasNonEmptyReturns) { returnType = typeRegistry.getNativeType(VOID_TYPE); returnTypeInferred = true; } } return this; }
Node tryFuseStatementsAggressively(Node n) { if (!NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(n)) { return n; } Node cur = n.getFirstChild(); while (cur != null) { if (!cur.isExprResult()) { cur = cur.getNext(); continue; } Node next = cur.getNext(); while (next != null && next.isExprResult()) { next = next.getNext(); } if (cur.getNext() != next) { cur = fuseIntoOneStatement(n, cur, next); reportCodeChange(); } if (cur.isExprResult() && next != null && isFusableControlStatement(next)) { fuseExpressionIntoControlFlowStatement(cur, next); reportCodeChange(); next = next.getNext(); } cur = next; } return n; }
/** Scans and gather variables declarations under a Node */ private void scanVars(Node n, Node parent) { switch (n.getType()) { case Token.VAR: // Declare all variables. e.g. var x = 1, y, z; for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null; ) { Node next = child.getNext(); Preconditions.checkState(child.getType() == Token.NAME); String name = child.getString(); declareVar(name, child, n, parent, null, n); child = next; } return; case Token.FUNCTION: if (NodeUtil.isFunctionExpression(n)) { return; } String fnName = n.getFirstChild().getString(); if (fnName.isEmpty()) { // This is invalid, but allow it so the checks can catch it. return; } declareVar(fnName, n.getFirstChild(), n, parent, null, n); return; // should not examine function's children case Token.CATCH: Preconditions.checkState(n.getChildCount() == 2); Preconditions.checkState(n.getFirstChild().getType() == Token.NAME); // the first child is the catch var and the third child // is the code block final Node var = n.getFirstChild(); final Node block = var.getNext(); declareVar(var.getString(), var, n, parent, null, n); scanVars(block, n); return; // only one child to scan case Token.SCRIPT: sourceName = (String) n.getProp(Node.SOURCENAME_PROP); break; } // Variables can only occur in statement-level nodes, so // we only need to traverse children in a couple special cases. if (NodeUtil.isControlStructure(n) || NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(n)) { for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null; ) { Node next = child.getNext(); scanVars(child, n); child = next; } } }
/** Collapse VARs and EXPR_RESULT node into FOR loop initializers where possible. */ private void maybeCollapseIntoForStatements(Node n, Node parent) { // Only SCRIPT, BLOCK, and LABELs can have FORs that can be collapsed into. // LABELs are not supported here. if (parent == null || !NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(parent)) { return; } // Is the current node something that can be in a for loop initializer? if (!NodeUtil.isExpressionNode(n) && !NodeUtil.isVar(n)) { return; } // Is the next statement a valid FOR? Node nextSibling = n.getNext(); if (nextSibling != null && nextSibling.getType() == Token.FOR && !NodeUtil.isForIn(nextSibling) && nextSibling.getFirstChild().getType() == Token.EMPTY) { // Does the current node contain an in operator? If so, embedding // the expression in a for loop can cause some Javascript parsers (such // as the Playstation 3's browser based on Access's NetFront // browser) to fail to parse the code. // See bug 1778863 for details. if (NodeUtil.containsType(n, Token.IN)) { return; } // Move the current node into the FOR loop initializer. Node forNode = nextSibling; Node oldInitializer = forNode.getFirstChild(); parent.removeChild(n); Node newInitializer; if (NodeUtil.isVar(n)) { newInitializer = n; } else { // Extract the expression from EXPR_RESULT node. Preconditions.checkState(n.hasOneChild()); newInitializer = n.getFirstChild(); n.removeChild(newInitializer); } forNode.replaceChild(oldInitializer, newInitializer); compiler.reportCodeChange(); } }
/** * Inline a function which fulfills the requirements of canInlineReferenceAsStatementBlock into * the call site, replacing the parent expression. */ private Node inlineFunction(Node callNode, Node fnNode, String fnName) { Node parent = callNode.getParent(); Node grandParent = parent.getParent(); // TODO(johnlenz): Consider storing the callSite classification in the // reference object and passing it in here. CallSiteType callSiteType = classifyCallSite(callNode); Preconditions.checkArgument(callSiteType != CallSiteType.UNSUPPORTED); // Store the name for the result. This will be used to // replace "return expr" statements with "resultName = expr" // to replace String resultName = null; boolean needsDefaultReturnResult = true; switch (callSiteType) { case SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT: resultName = parent.getFirstChild().getString(); break; case VAR_DECL_SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT: resultName = parent.getString(); break; case SIMPLE_CALL: resultName = null; // "foo()" doesn't need a result. needsDefaultReturnResult = false; break; case EXPRESSION: resultName = getUniqueResultName(); needsDefaultReturnResult = false; // The intermediary result already // has the default value. break; case DECOMPOSABLE_EXPRESSION: throw new IllegalStateException( "Decomposable expressions must decomposed before inlining."); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected call site type."); } boolean isCallInLoop = NodeUtil.isWithinLoop(callNode); FunctionToBlockMutator mutator = new FunctionToBlockMutator(compiler, this.safeNameIdSupplier); Node newBlock = mutator.mutate( fnName, fnNode, callNode, resultName, needsDefaultReturnResult, isCallInLoop); // TODO(nicksantos): Create a common mutation function that // can replace either a VAR name assignment, assignment expression or // a EXPR_RESULT. Node greatGrandParent = grandParent.getParent(); switch (callSiteType) { case VAR_DECL_SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT: // Remove the call from the name node. parent.removeChild(parent.getFirstChild()); Preconditions.checkState(parent.getFirstChild() == null); // Add the call, after the VAR. greatGrandParent.addChildAfter(newBlock, grandParent); break; case SIMPLE_ASSIGNMENT: // The assignment is now part of the inline function so // replace it completely. Preconditions.checkState(NodeUtil.isExpressionNode(grandParent)); greatGrandParent.replaceChild(grandParent, newBlock); break; case SIMPLE_CALL: // If nothing is looking at the result just replace the call. Preconditions.checkState(NodeUtil.isExpressionNode(parent)); grandParent.replaceChild(parent, newBlock); break; case EXPRESSION: // TODO(johnlenz): Maybe change this so that movable and decomposable // expressions are handled the same way: The call is moved and // then handled by one the three basic cases, rather than // introducing a new case. Node injectionPoint = ExpressionDecomposer.findInjectionPoint(callNode); Preconditions.checkNotNull(injectionPoint); Node injectionPointParent = injectionPoint.getParent(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(injectionPointParent); Preconditions.checkState(NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(injectionPointParent)); // Declare the intermediate result name. newBlock.addChildrenToFront( NodeUtil.newVarNode(resultName, null).copyInformationFromForTree(callNode)); // Inline the function before the selected injection point (before // the call). injectionPointParent.addChildBefore(newBlock, injectionPoint); // Replace the call site with a reference to the intermediate // result name. parent.replaceChild(callNode, Node.newString(Token.NAME, resultName)); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected call site type."); } return newBlock; }
@Override public final boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal nodeTraversal, Node n, Node parent) { return parent == null || NodeUtil.isControlStructure(parent) || NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(parent); }