   * D-function is used to calculate where a point is located in reference to an edge. If the value
   * is larger than 0 the point is on the left. If it is larger than 0 it's to the right. Equal to 0
   * then the point coincides with the edge. Dabp = ((Xa-Xb)*(Ya-Yp)-(Ya-Yb)*(Xa-Xp))
   * @param edge the edge for calculating the D-function
   * @return D-Function value
  public double dFunction(Edge edge) {

    double dValue =
        (edge.getStartPoint().getxCoord() - edge.getEndPoint().getxCoord())
                * (edge.getStartPoint().getyCoord() - yCoord)
            - (edge.getStartPoint().getyCoord() - edge.getEndPoint().getyCoord())
                * (edge.getStartPoint().getxCoord() - xCoord);

    return dValue;
  * Calculates the D-Function to check if the coordinate is placed on the edge or not.
  * @param edge the edge the point may possibly be on
  * @return if the point falls on the edge or not
 public boolean dFunctionCheck(Edge edge) {
   boolean touching = false;
   double dValue =
       (edge.getStartPoint().getxCoord() - edge.getEndPoint().getxCoord())
               * (edge.getStartPoint().getyCoord() - yCoord)
           - (edge.getStartPoint().getyCoord() - edge.getEndPoint().getyCoord())
               * (edge.getStartPoint().getxCoord() - xCoord);
   if (Math.abs(dValue) <= round) touching = true;
   return touching;
  * Calculates the shortest distance between this coordinate and the given edge
  * @param edge the edge to get the distance to
  * @return the shortest distance between the edge and this coordinate
 public double shortestDistanceToEdge(Edge edge) {
   double distanceToStartPoint = distanceTo(edge.getStartPoint());
   double anglePointEdge = edge.getStartPoint().calculateAngle(this, edge.getEndPoint());
   double shortestDistance = distanceToStartPoint * Math.sin(anglePointEdge);
   return shortestDistance;