예제 #1
   * Sets the covariance for the a<->b edge to the given covariance, if within range. Otherwise does
   * nothing.
   * @param a a <-> b
   * @param b a <-> b
   * @param covar The covariance of a <-> b.
   * @return true if the coefficent was set (i.e. was within range), false if not.
  public boolean setErrorCovariance(Node a, Node b, final double covar) {
    Edge edge = Edges.bidirectedEdge(semGraph.getExogenous(a), semGraph.getExogenous(b));

    if (edgeParameters.get(edge) == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a covariance parameter in this model: " + edge);

    if (editingEdge == null || !edge.equals(editingEdge)) {
      range = getParameterRange(edge);
      editingEdge = edge;

    if (covar > range.getLow() && covar < range.getHigh()) {
      edgeParameters.put(edge, covar);
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

    //        if (!paramInBounds(edge, coef)) {
    //            edgeParameters.put(edge, d);
    //            return false;
    //        }
    //        edgeParameters.put(edge, coef);
    //        return true;

    //        if (!paramInBounds(edge, covar)) {
    //            edgeParameters.put(edge, d);
    //            return false;
    //        }
    //        edgeParameters.put(edge, covar);
    //        return true;
예제 #2
   * Sets the coefficient for the a->b edge to the given coefficient, if within range. Otherwise
   * does nothing.
   * @param a a -> b
   * @param b a -> b
   * @param coef The coefficient of a -> b.
   * @return true if the coefficent was set (i.e. was within range), false if not.
  public boolean setEdgeCoefficient(Node a, Node b, final double coef) {
    Edge edge = Edges.directedEdge(a, b);

    if (edgeParameters.get(edge) == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("Not a coefficient parameter in this model: " + edge);

    if (editingEdge == null || !edge.equals(editingEdge)) {
      range = getParameterRange(edge);
      editingEdge = edge;

    if (coef > range.getLow() && coef < range.getHigh()) {
      edgeParameters.put(edge, coef);
      return true;

    return false;

    //        if (!paramInBounds(edge, coef)) {
    //            edgeParameters.put(edge, d);
    //            return false;
    //        }
    //        edgeParameters.put(edge, coef);
    //        return true;
예제 #3
  * If the edge e is already in the list, return its index.
  * @return index, if e is already in the list -1 otherwise
 public int findEdgeIndex(final Edge e) {
   int i = 0;
   for (final Edge edge : this.edges) {
     if (edge.equals(e)) {
       return i;
   return -1;
예제 #4
 private static boolean isCandidateCloserToAnotherEdge(
     final double distanceToBeat,
     final Edge selectedEdgeToBeat,
     final Collection<Edge> edges,
     final Coordinate selectedCandidate) {
   for (final Edge edge : edges) {
     if (selectedEdgeToBeat.equals(edge)) {
     final double dist = calcDistance(edge.start, edge.end, selectedCandidate);
     if ((dist >= 0.0) && (dist < distanceToBeat)) {
       return true;
   return false;
예제 #5
 /** Construct depth-first spanning tree. */
 void dfs(Node n, Set mark) {
   assert !mark.contains(n);
   n.dfsnum = mark.size();
   for (Iterator i = n.adj(); i.hasNext(); ) {
     Edge e = (Edge) i.next();
     Node m = e.otherEnd(n); /* edge from n to m */
     if (!mark.contains(m)) {
       /* a tree edge (child) */
       n.children = new EdgeSList(e, n.children);
       m.parent = e;
       /* recurse */
       dfs(m, mark);
     } else if (!e.equals(n.parent)) {
       /* a backedge */
       n.backedges = new EdgeSList(e, n.backedges);
예제 #6
  public void testEquals() {
    Node n1 = new Node(0, 0, 0);
    Node n2 = new Node(-2, 2, 1);
    Node n3 = new Node(5, 5, 2);
    Edge e1 = new Edge(n1, n2);
    Edge e2 = new Edge(n2, n1);
    Edge e3 = new Edge(n1, n3);

예제 #7
   * Method computes the amount of edge-crossing in a graph and displays the result on command-line
  public static String minEdgeCrossing_Test(OperatorGraph graph) {
    HashMap<GraphWrapper, GraphBox> boxes = graph.getBoxes();
    LinkedList<Edge> edges = new LinkedList<Edge>();
    int crossCounter = 0;

    // get all edges of the graph
    for (GraphWrapper gw : boxes.keySet()) {
      LinkedList<GraphWrapperIDTuple> children = gw.getSucceedingElements();
      for (GraphWrapperIDTuple child : children) {
        Edge edge = new Edge(gw, child.getOperator(), 0);
    int edgecount = 0;
    LinkedList<Edge> visited = new LinkedList<Edge>();
    for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++
    /** Edge edge1 : edges* */
    ) {
      Edge edge1 = edges.get(i);
      GraphBox sourceE1 = boxes.get(edge1.getSource());
      GraphBox targetE1 = boxes.get(edge1.getTarget());
      // edge 1 is vertical
      if ((targetE1.getX() == sourceE1.getX())) {
        crossCounter = infinitSlope(edge1, edges, graph);
      } else {
        double m1 =
            ((double) targetE1.getY() - (double) sourceE1.getY())
                / ((double) targetE1.getX() - (double) sourceE1.getX()); // slope of line 1
        double b1 = (targetE1.getY()) - (m1 * targetE1.getX()); // slope of line 1
        for (int j = 0; j < edges.size(); j++
        /** Edge edge2 : edges* */
        ) {
          Edge edge2 = edges.get(j);

          if ((!edge2.equals(edge1)) && (!visited.contains(edge2)) && (m1 != 0.0)) {
            GraphBox sourceE2 = boxes.get(edge2.getSource());
            GraphBox targetE2 = boxes.get(edge2.getTarget());
            // edge 2 is vertical
            if (targetE2.getX() == sourceE2.getX()) {
              crossCounter += infinitSlope(edge2, edge1, graph);

            } else {
              double m2 =
                  ((double) targetE2.getY() - (double) sourceE2.getY())
                      / ((double) targetE2.getX() - (double) sourceE2.getX()); // slope of line 2
              double b2 =
                  (targetE2.getY()) - (m2 * targetE2.getX()); // crossing with y-axis of line 2
              double x = ((b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2));
              double y = ((m1 * x) + b1); // cross-point-coordinates of the 2 lines
              double maxXe1 = Math.max(sourceE1.getX(), targetE1.getX());
              double maxXe2 = Math.max(sourceE2.getX(), targetE2.getX());
              double minXe1 = Math.min(sourceE1.getX(), targetE1.getX());
              double minXe2 = Math.min(sourceE2.getX(), targetE2.getX());
              double maxYe1 = Math.max(sourceE1.getY(), targetE1.getY());
              double maxYe2 = Math.max(sourceE2.getY(), targetE2.getY());
              double minYe1 = Math.min(sourceE1.getY(), targetE1.getY());
              double minYe2 = Math.min(sourceE2.getY(), targetE2.getY());

              // test if cross-point is part of edge 1
              if ((x < maxXe1) && (x > minXe1) && (y < maxYe1) && (y > minYe1)) {
                if ((x < maxXe2) && (x > minXe2) && (y < maxYe2) && (y > minYe2)) {
            // visited.add(edge2);

    return "Test: Crossing Edges:\nThe number of edges crossing is "
        + crossCounter
        + " of total "
        + edgecount
        + " edges.\n";