private boolean uploadToBORN(byte[] xmlFile, String filename) { String documentDir = oscarProperties.getProperty("DOCUMENT_DIR"); boolean success = false; if (documentDir != null && new File(documentDir).exists()) { FileOutputStream fos = null; try { File f = new File(documentDir + File.separator + filename); fos = new FileOutputStream(f); fos.write(xmlFile); success = BornFtpManager.upload18MEWBVDataToRepository(xmlFile, filename); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Unabled to backup file to document dir", e); } finally { try { if (fos != null) fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Fail to close file output stream", e); } } } else { logger.warn("Cannot find DOCUMENT_DIR"); } return success; }
public List<Program> getPrograms(Integer facilityId) { if (OscarProperties.getInstance().getBooleanProperty("FILTER_ON_FACILITY", "true")) { return programDao.getProgramsByFacilityId(facilityId); } else { return programDao.getAllPrograms(); } }
// write OHIP file to it public void writeFile(String value1) { try { String home_dir; home_dir = OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("HOME_DIR"); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(home_dir + ohipFilename); PrintStream p = new PrintStream(out); p.println(value1); p.close(); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Write OHIP File Error", e); } }
// get path from the property file, e.g. // OscarDocument/.../billing/download/, and then write to it public void writeHtml(String htmlvalue1) { try { String home_dir1; home_dir1 = OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("HOME_DIR"); FileOutputStream out1 = new FileOutputStream(home_dir1 + htmlFilename); PrintStream p1 = new PrintStream(out1); p1.println(htmlvalue1); p1.close(); out1.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Write HTML File Error!!!", e); } }
public ActionForward edit( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String id = request.getParameter(""); if (id != null) { Episode e = episodeDao.find(Integer.valueOf(id)); request.setAttribute("episode", e); } String[] codingSystems = OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("dxResearch_coding_sys", "").split(","); List<String> cs = Arrays.asList(codingSystems); request.setAttribute("codingSystems", cs); request.setAttribute("demographicNo", request.getParameter("demographicNo")); return mapping.findForward("form"); }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { if (!securityInfoManager.hasPrivilege( LoggedInInfo.getLoggedInInfoFromSession(request), "_con", "r", null)) { throw new SecurityException("missing required security object (_con)"); } String reqId = request.getParameter("reqId"); String demoNo = request.getParameter("demographicNo"); // ArrayList docs = EDocUtil.listDocs( demoNo, reqId, EDocUtil.ATTACHED); String[] docs = request.getParameterValues("docNo"); ArrayList alist = new ArrayList(); String path = OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("DOCUMENT_DIR"); for (int i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) alist.add(path + docs[i]); if (alist.size() > 0) { response.setContentType("application/pdf"); // octet-stream response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"combinedPDF-" + UtilDateUtilities.getToday("") + ".pdf\""); try { ConcatPDF.concat(alist, response.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException ex) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", ex); } return null; } return mapping.findForward("noprint"); }
@Override public String parse(String serviceName, String fileName, int fileId, String ipAddr) { String providerNo = "-1"; String filePath = fileName; if (!(fileName.endsWith(".pdf") || fileName.endsWith(".PDF"))) { logger.error("Document " + fileName + "does not have pdf extension"); return null; } else { int fileNameIdx = fileName.lastIndexOf("/"); fileName = fileName.substring(fileNameIdx + 1); } EDoc newDoc = new EDoc( "", "", fileName, "", providerNo, providerNo, "", 'A', oscar.util.UtilDateUtilities.getToday("yyyy-MM-dd"), "", "", "demographic", "-1", false); newDoc.setDocPublic("0"); InputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(filePath); newDoc.setContentType("application/pdf"); // Find the number of pages PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(filePath); int numPages = reader.getNumberOfPages(); reader.close(); newDoc.setNumberOfPages(numPages); String doc_no = EDocUtil.addDocumentSQL(newDoc); LogAction.addLog( providerNo, LogConst.ADD, LogConst.CON_DOCUMENT, doc_no, ipAddr, "", "DocUpload"); // Get provider to route document to String batchPDFProviderNo = OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("batch_pdf_provider_no"); if ((batchPDFProviderNo != null) && !batchPDFProviderNo.isEmpty()) { ProviderInboxRoutingDao providerInboxRoutingDao = (ProviderInboxRoutingDao) SpringUtils.getBean("providerInboxRoutingDAO"); providerInboxRoutingDao.addToProviderInbox( batchPDFProviderNo, Integer.parseInt(doc_no), "DOC"); // Add to default queue for now, not sure how or if any other queues can be used anyway // (MAB) QueueDocumentLinkDao queueDocumentLinkDAO = (QueueDocumentLinkDao) SpringUtils.getBean("queueDocumentLinkDAO"); Integer did = Integer.parseInt(doc_no.trim()); queueDocumentLinkDAO.addToQueueDocumentLink(1, did); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {"An unexpected error has occurred:" + e.toString()); return null; } catch (Exception e) {"An unexpected error has occurred:" + e.toString()); return null; } finally { try { if (fis != null) { fis.close(); } } catch (IOException e1) {"An unexpected error has occurred:" + e1.toString()); return null; } } return "success"; }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { if (request.getSession().getAttribute("user") == null) { return (mapping.findForward("Logout")); } BillingReProcessBillForm frm = (BillingReProcessBillForm) form; GregorianCalendar now = new GregorianCalendar(); int curYear = now.get(Calendar.YEAR); int curMonth = (now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); int curDay = now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); String curDate = String.valueOf(curYear) + "-" + String.valueOf(curMonth) + "-" + String.valueOf(curDay); String dataCenterId = OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("dataCenterId"); String billingmasterNo = frm.getBillingmasterNo(); String demographicNo = frm.getDemoNo(); DemographicData demoD = new DemographicData(); org.oscarehr.common.model.Demographic demo = demoD.getDemographic(LoggedInInfo.getLoggedInInfoFromSession(request), demographicNo); billform = new; /// String providerNo = frm.getProviderNo(); // f String demographicFirstName = demo.getFirstName(); // d String demographicLastName = demo.getLastName(); // d String name_verify = demographicFirstName.substring(0, 1) + " " + demographicLastName.substring(0, 2); // d String billingGroupNo = billform.getGroupNo(providerNo); String practitionerNo = billform.getPracNo(providerNo); // p String hcNo = demo.getHin().trim() + demo.getVer().trim(); // d String dependentNo = frm.getDependentNo(); // f String visitLocation = frm.getLocationVisit(); // f String clarificationCode = visitLocation.substring(0, 2); // f String anatomicalArea = frm.getAnatomicalArea(); // f String afterHour = frm.getAfterHours(); // f String newProgram = frm.getNewProgram(); // f String billingUnit = frm.getBillingUnit(); // /f String billingServiceCode = frm.getService_code(); // f String billingServicePrice = frm.getBillingAmount(); // f String payment_mode = frm.getPaymentMode(); // f String serviceDate = frm.getServiceDate(); // f String serviceToDate = frm.getServiceToDay(); // f String submissionCode = frm.getSubmissionCode(); // f String exSubmissionCode = ""; // f String dxCode1 = frm.getDx1(); // f String dxCode2 = frm.getDx2(); // f String dxCode3 = frm.getDx3(); // f String dxExpansion = ""; // f String serviceLocation = frm.getServiceLocation().substring(0, 1); // f String referralFlag1 = frm.getReferalPracCD1(); // f String referralNo1 = frm.getReferalPrac1(); // f String referralFlag2 = frm.getReferalPracCD2(); // f String referralNo2 = frm.getReferalPrac2(); // f String timeCall = frm.getTimeCallRec(); // f String serviceStartTime = frm.getStartTime(); // f String serviceEndTime = frm.getFinishTime(); // f String birthDate = DemographicData.getDob(demo); // d String correspondenceCode = frm.getCorrespondenceCode(); // f String claimComment = frm.getShortComment(); // f String billingStatus = frm.getStatus(); // f String oinInsurerCode = frm.getInsurerCode(); // f String oinRegistrationNo = demo.getHin() + demo.getVer(); // d String oinBirthdate = DemographicData.getDob(demo); // d String oinFirstName = demo.getFirstName(); // d String oinSecondName = ""; // d String oinSurname = demo.getLastName(); // d String oinSexCode = demo.getSex(); // d String oinAddress = demo.getAddress(); // d String oinAddress2 = demo.getCity(); // d String oinAddress3 = ""; // d String oinAddress4 = ""; // d String oinPostalcode = demo.getPostal(); // d String hcType = demo.getHcType(); // d String billRegion = OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("billregion"); //// String submit = frm.getSubmit(); String secondSQL = null; if (submit.equals("Resubmit Bill") || billingStatus.equals("O")) { billingStatus = "O"; secondSQL = "update billing set status = 'O' where billing_no ='" + frm.getBillNumber() + "'"; } else if (submit.equals("Settle Bill")) { billingStatus = "S"; } if (hcType.equals(billRegion)) { // if its bc go on oinInsurerCode = ""; oinRegistrationNo = ""; oinBirthdate = ""; oinFirstName = ""; oinSecondName = ""; oinSurname = ""; oinSexCode = ""; oinAddress = ""; oinAddress2 = ""; oinAddress3 = ""; oinAddress4 = ""; oinPostalcode = ""; } else { // other provinces oinInsurerCode = hcType; hcNo = "000000000"; name_verify = "0000"; } Billingmaster b = billingmasterDao.getBillingmaster(Integer.parseInt(billingmasterNo)); if (b != null) { b.setBillingstatus(billingStatus); b.setDatacenter(dataCenterId); b.setPayeeNo(billingGroupNo); b.setPractitionerNo(practitionerNo); b.setPhn(hcNo); b.setNameVerify(name_verify); b.setDependentNum(dependentNo); b.setBillingUnit(billingUnit); b.setClarificationCode(clarificationCode); b.setAnatomicalArea(anatomicalArea); b.setAfterHour(afterHour); b.setNewProgram(newProgram); b.setBillingCode(billingServiceCode); b.setBillAmount(billingServicePrice); b.setPaymentMode(payment_mode); b.setServiceDate(serviceDate); b.setServiceToDay(convertDate8Char(serviceDate)); b.setSubmissionCode(exSubmissionCode); b.setExtendedSubmissionCode(exSubmissionCode); b.setDxCode1(dxCode1); b.setDxCode2(dxCode2); b.setDxCode3(dxCode3); b.setDxExpansion(dxExpansion); b.setServiceLocation(serviceLocation); b.setReferralFlag1(referralFlag1); b.setReferralNo1(referralNo1); b.setReferralFlag2(referralFlag2); b.setReferralNo2(referralNo2); b.setTimeCall(timeCall); b.setServiceStartTime(serviceStartTime); b.setServiceEndTime(serviceEndTime); b.setBirthDate(oinBirthdate); b.setCorrespondenceCode(correspondenceCode); b.setClaimComment(claimComment); b.setOinInsurerCode(oinInsurerCode); b.setOinRegistrationNo(oinRegistrationNo); b.setOinBirthdate(oinBirthdate); b.setOinFirstName(oinFirstName); b.setOinSecondName(oinSecondName); b.setOinSurname(oinSurname); b.setOinSexCode(oinSexCode); b.setOinAddress(oinAddress4); b.setOinAddress2(oinAddress2); b.setOinAddress3(oinAddress3); b.setOinAddress4(oinAddress4); b.setOinPostalcode(oinPostalcode); billingmasterDao.update(b); } if (secondSQL != null) { Billing bb = billingDao.find(Integer.parseInt(frm.getBillNumber())); if (bb != null) { bb.setStatus("O"); billingDao.merge(bb); } } request.setAttribute("billing_no", billingmasterNo); return (mapping.findForward("success")); }
public void updateBorn() { String rourkeFormName = oscarProperties.getProperty("born18m_eform_rourke", "Rourke Baby Record"); String nddsFormName = oscarProperties.getProperty( "born18m_eform_ndds", "Nipissing District Developmental Screen"); String rpt18mFormName = oscarProperties.getProperty( "born18m_eform_report18m", "Summary Report: 18-month Well Baby Visit"); EForm rourkeForm = eformDao.findByName(rourkeFormName); EForm nddsForm = eformDao.findByName(nddsFormName); EForm rpt18mForm = eformDao.findByName(rpt18mFormName); List<Integer> rourkeFormDemoList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> nddsFormDemoList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> rpt18mFormDemoList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (rourkeForm == null) logger.error(rourkeFormName + " form not found!"); else buildDemoNos(rourkeForm, rourkeFormDemoList); if (nddsForm == null) logger.error(nddsFormName + " form not found!"); else buildDemoNos(nddsForm, nddsFormDemoList); if (rpt18mForm == null) logger.error(rpt18mFormName + " form not found!"); else buildDemoNos(rpt18mForm, rpt18mFormDemoList); HashMap<Integer, Integer> rourkeFormDemoFdids = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); HashMap<Integer, Integer> nddsFormDemoFdids = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); HashMap<Integer, Integer> rpt18mFormDemoFdids = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (Integer demoNo : rourkeFormDemoList) { Integer fdid = checkRourkeDone(rourkeFormName, demoNo); if (fdid != null) rourkeFormDemoFdids.put(demoNo, fdid); } for (Integer demoNo : nddsFormDemoList) { Integer fdid = checkNddsDone(nddsFormName, demoNo); if (fdid != null) nddsFormDemoFdids.put(demoNo, fdid); } for (Integer demoNo : rpt18mFormDemoList) { Integer fdid = checkReport18mDone(rpt18mFormName, demoNo); if (fdid != null) rpt18mFormDemoFdids.put(demoNo, fdid); } // Upload to BORN repository for (Integer demoNo : rourkeFormDemoFdids.keySet()) { uploadToBorn( demoNo, rourkeFormDemoFdids.get(demoNo), nddsFormDemoFdids.get(demoNo), rpt18mFormDemoFdids.get(demoNo)); nddsFormDemoFdids.remove(demoNo); rpt18mFormDemoFdids.remove(demoNo); } for (Integer demoNo : nddsFormDemoFdids.keySet()) { uploadToBorn(demoNo, null, nddsFormDemoFdids.get(demoNo), rpt18mFormDemoFdids.get(demoNo)); rpt18mFormDemoFdids.remove(demoNo); } for (Integer demoNo : rpt18mFormDemoFdids.keySet()) { if (hasFormUploaded(rourkeFormName, demoNo) && hasFormUploaded(nddsFormName, demoNo)) { uploadToBorn(demoNo, null, null, rpt18mFormDemoFdids.get(demoNo)); } } }
public class BORN18MConnector { private final String UPLOADED_TO_BORN = "uploaded_to_BORN"; private final String VALUE_YES = "Yes"; private final BornTransmissionLogDao logDao = SpringUtils.getBean(BornTransmissionLogDao.class); private final DemographicDao demographicDao = SpringUtils.getBean(DemographicDao.class); private final EFormDao eformDao = SpringUtils.getBean(EFormDao.class); private final EFormDataDao eformDataDao = SpringUtils.getBean(EFormDataDao.class); private final EFormValueDao eformValueDao = SpringUtils.getBean(EFormValueDao.class); private final Logger logger = MiscUtils.getLogger(); private final OscarProperties oscarProperties = OscarProperties.getInstance(); private final String filenameStart = "BORN_" + oscarProperties.getProperty("born18m_orgcode", "") + "_18MEWBV_" + oscarProperties.getProperty("born18m_env", "T"); public void updateBorn() { String rourkeFormName = oscarProperties.getProperty("born18m_eform_rourke", "Rourke Baby Record"); String nddsFormName = oscarProperties.getProperty( "born18m_eform_ndds", "Nipissing District Developmental Screen"); String rpt18mFormName = oscarProperties.getProperty( "born18m_eform_report18m", "Summary Report: 18-month Well Baby Visit"); EForm rourkeForm = eformDao.findByName(rourkeFormName); EForm nddsForm = eformDao.findByName(nddsFormName); EForm rpt18mForm = eformDao.findByName(rpt18mFormName); List<Integer> rourkeFormDemoList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> nddsFormDemoList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> rpt18mFormDemoList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (rourkeForm == null) logger.error(rourkeFormName + " form not found!"); else buildDemoNos(rourkeForm, rourkeFormDemoList); if (nddsForm == null) logger.error(nddsFormName + " form not found!"); else buildDemoNos(nddsForm, nddsFormDemoList); if (rpt18mForm == null) logger.error(rpt18mFormName + " form not found!"); else buildDemoNos(rpt18mForm, rpt18mFormDemoList); HashMap<Integer, Integer> rourkeFormDemoFdids = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); HashMap<Integer, Integer> nddsFormDemoFdids = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); HashMap<Integer, Integer> rpt18mFormDemoFdids = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (Integer demoNo : rourkeFormDemoList) { Integer fdid = checkRourkeDone(rourkeFormName, demoNo); if (fdid != null) rourkeFormDemoFdids.put(demoNo, fdid); } for (Integer demoNo : nddsFormDemoList) { Integer fdid = checkNddsDone(nddsFormName, demoNo); if (fdid != null) nddsFormDemoFdids.put(demoNo, fdid); } for (Integer demoNo : rpt18mFormDemoList) { Integer fdid = checkReport18mDone(rpt18mFormName, demoNo); if (fdid != null) rpt18mFormDemoFdids.put(demoNo, fdid); } // Upload to BORN repository for (Integer demoNo : rourkeFormDemoFdids.keySet()) { uploadToBorn( demoNo, rourkeFormDemoFdids.get(demoNo), nddsFormDemoFdids.get(demoNo), rpt18mFormDemoFdids.get(demoNo)); nddsFormDemoFdids.remove(demoNo); rpt18mFormDemoFdids.remove(demoNo); } for (Integer demoNo : nddsFormDemoFdids.keySet()) { uploadToBorn(demoNo, null, nddsFormDemoFdids.get(demoNo), rpt18mFormDemoFdids.get(demoNo)); rpt18mFormDemoFdids.remove(demoNo); } for (Integer demoNo : rpt18mFormDemoFdids.keySet()) { if (hasFormUploaded(rourkeFormName, demoNo) && hasFormUploaded(nddsFormName, demoNo)) { uploadToBorn(demoNo, null, null, rpt18mFormDemoFdids.get(demoNo)); } } } private void uploadToBorn( Integer demographicNo, Integer rourkeFdid, Integer nddsFdid, Integer report18mFdid) { byte[] born18mXml = generateXml(demographicNo, rourkeFdid, nddsFdid, report18mFdid); if (born18mXml == null) return; BornTransmissionLog log = prepareLog(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); String dt = sdf.format(new Date()); String filename = filenameStart + "_" + dt + "_" + getFileSuffix(log.getId()) + ".xml"; boolean uploadOk = uploadToBORN(born18mXml, filename); if (uploadOk) recordFormSent(demographicNo, rourkeFdid, nddsFdid, report18mFdid); // update log filename and status (success=true/false) log.setFilename(filename); log.setSuccess(uploadOk); logDao.merge(log);"Uploaded [" + filename + "]"); return; } private void buildDemoNos(EForm eform, List<Integer> demoList) { List<EFormData> eformDataList = eformDataDao.findByFormId(eform.getId()); for (EFormData eformData : eformDataList) { if (!demoList.contains(eformData.getDemographicId())) demoList.add(eformData.getDemographicId()); } } private Integer checkRourkeDone(String rourkeFormName, Integer demographicNo) { Integer fdid = getMaxFdid(rourkeFormName, demographicNo); if (fdid == null) return null; // no un-uploaded form data EFormValue eformValue = eformValueDao.findByFormDataIdAndKey(fdid, "visit_date_18m"); if (eformValue == null) return null; Date visitDate = UtilDateUtilities.StringToDate(eformValue.getVarValue(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); if (!checkDate18m(visitDate, demographicNo)) return null; eformValue = eformValueDao.findByFormDataIdAndKey(fdid, "subject"); if (eformValue == null) return null; if (eformValue.getVarValue() != null && eformValue.getVarValue().toLowerCase().contains("draft")) { return null; } // check if the form is for 2-3y or 4-5y visit -> not uploading eformValue = eformValueDao.findByFormDataIdAndKey(fdid, "visit_date_2y"); if (eformValue != null && eformValue.getVarValue() != null && !eformValue.getVarValue().trim().isEmpty()) { return null; } eformValue = eformValueDao.findByFormDataIdAndKey(fdid, "visit_date_4y"); if (eformValue != null && eformValue.getVarValue() != null && !eformValue.getVarValue().trim().isEmpty()) { return null; } return fdid; } private Integer checkNddsDone(String nddsFormName, Integer demographicNo) { Integer fdid = getMaxFdid(nddsFormName, demographicNo); if (fdid == null) return null; // no un-uploaded form data EFormValue eformValue = eformValueDao.findByFormDataIdAndKey(fdid, "subject"); if (eformValue == null) return null; if (eformValue.getVarValue() != null && eformValue.getVarValue().toLowerCase().contains("draft")) { return null; } return fdid; } private Integer checkReport18mDone(String report18mFormName, Integer demographicNo) { Integer fdid = getMaxFdid(report18mFormName, demographicNo); if (fdid == null) return null; // no un-uploaded form data EFormValue eformValue = eformValueDao.findByFormDataIdAndKey(fdid, "subject"); if (eformValue == null) return null; if (eformValue.getVarValue() != null && eformValue.getVarValue().toLowerCase().contains("draft")) { return null; } return fdid; } private byte[] generateXml( Integer demographicNo, Integer rourkeFdid, Integer nddsFdid, Integer report18mFdid) { HashMap<String, String> suggestedPrefixes = new HashMap<String, String>(); suggestedPrefixes.put("", "xsi"); XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions(); opts.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(suggestedPrefixes); opts.setSavePrettyPrint(); opts.setSaveNoXmlDecl(); opts.setUseDefaultNamespace(); opts.setSaveNamespacesFirst(); ByteArrayOutputStream os = null; PrintWriter pw = null; boolean xmlCreated = false; BORN18MFormToXML xml = new BORN18MFormToXML(demographicNo); try { os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pw = new PrintWriter(os, true); pw.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"); xmlCreated = xml.addXmlToStream(pw, opts, rourkeFdid, nddsFdid, report18mFdid); pw.close(); if (xmlCreated) return os.toByteArray(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Unable to add record", e); } return null; } private BornTransmissionLog prepareLog() { BornTransmissionLog log = new BornTransmissionLog(); log.setFilename(filenameStart); log.setSubmitDateTime(new Date()); logDao.persist(log); return log; } private boolean uploadToBORN(byte[] xmlFile, String filename) { String documentDir = oscarProperties.getProperty("DOCUMENT_DIR"); boolean success = false; if (documentDir != null && new File(documentDir).exists()) { FileOutputStream fos = null; try { File f = new File(documentDir + File.separator + filename); fos = new FileOutputStream(f); fos.write(xmlFile); success = BornFtpManager.upload18MEWBVDataToRepository(xmlFile, filename); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Unabled to backup file to document dir", e); } finally { try { if (fos != null) fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Fail to close file output stream", e); } } } else { logger.warn("Cannot find DOCUMENT_DIR"); } return success; } private void recordFormSent( Integer demographicNo, Integer rourkeFdid, Integer nddsFdid, Integer report18mFdid) { List<Integer> fdids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (rourkeFdid != null) fdids.add(rourkeFdid); if (nddsFdid != null) fdids.add(nddsFdid); if (report18mFdid != null) fdids.add(report18mFdid); for (Integer fdid : fdids) { Integer fid = eformDataDao.find(fdid).getFormId(); EFormValue eformValue = new EFormValue(); eformValue.setDemographicId(Integer.valueOf(demographicNo)); eformValue.setFormDataId(fdid); eformValue.setFormId(fid); eformValue.setVarName(UPLOADED_TO_BORN); eformValue.setVarValue(VALUE_YES); eformValueDao.persist(eformValue); } } private boolean checkDate18m(Date formDate, Integer demographicNo) { Calendar babyBirthday = demographicDao.getDemographic(demographicNo.toString()).getBirthDay(); if (UtilDateUtilities.getNumMonths(babyBirthday.getTime(), formDate) < 18) { return false; } return true; } private Integer getMaxFdid(String formName, Integer demographicNo) { List<EFormData> eformDatas = eformDataDao.findByDemographicIdAndFormName(demographicNo, formName); if (eformDatas == null || eformDatas.isEmpty()) { logger.warn(formName + " form data not found for patient #" + demographicNo); return null; } Integer fdid = null; for (EFormData eformData : eformDatas) { if (fdid == null || fdid < eformData.getId()) { fdid = eformData.getId(); } } if (!checkUploadedToBorn(fdid)) return fdid; else return null; } private boolean hasFormUploaded(String formName, Integer demographicNo) { List<EFormData> eformDatas = eformDataDao.findByDemographicIdAndFormName(demographicNo, formName); if (eformDatas == null || eformDatas.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (EFormData eformData : eformDatas) { if (checkUploadedToBorn(eformData.getId())) return true; } return false; } private boolean checkUploadedToBorn(Integer fdid) { EFormValue value = eformValueDao.findByFormDataIdAndKey(fdid, UPLOADED_TO_BORN); return (value != null && value.getVarValue().equals(VALUE_YES)); } private String getFileSuffix(Integer logId) { long num = logDao.getSeqNoToday(filenameStart, logId); String tmp = String.valueOf(num); while (tmp.length() < 3) { tmp = "0" + tmp; } return tmp; } }