コード例 #1
 private static MatchTableImpl createEmptyTable(
     VariantGraphRanking ranking, VariantGraph graph, Iterable<Token> witness) {
   // -2 === ignore the start and the end vertex
   return new MatchTableImpl(
       StreamSupport.stream(witness.spliterator(), false).toArray(Token[]::new),
       IntStream.range(0, Math.max(0, ranking.apply(graph.getEnd()) - 1)).toArray());
コード例 #2
 // move parameters into fields?
 private void fillTableWithMatches(
     VariantGraphRanking ranking,
     VariantGraph graph,
     Iterable<Token> witness,
     Comparator<Token> comparator) {
   Matches matches = Matches.between(graph.vertices(), witness, comparator);
   Set<Token> unique = matches.uniqueInWitness;
   Set<Token> ambiguous = matches.ambiguousInWitness;
   int rowIndex = 0;
   for (Token t : witness) {
     if (unique.contains(t) || ambiguous.contains(t)) {
       List<VariantGraph.Vertex> matchingVertices =
           matches.allMatches.getOrDefault(t, Collections.<VariantGraph.Vertex>emptyList());
       for (VariantGraph.Vertex vgv : matchingVertices) {
         set(rowIndex, ranking.apply(vgv) - 1, t, vgv);