public void removeMessageGroup(Object groupId) { final String groupKey = getKey(groupId); for (UUID messageIds : this.getMessageIdsForGroup(groupId)) { this.removeMessage(messageIds); } jdbcTemplate.update( getQuery(Query.REMOVE_GROUP_TO_MESSAGE_JOIN), new PreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Removing relationships for the group with group key=" + groupKey); } ps.setString(1, groupKey); ps.setString(2, region); } }); jdbcTemplate.update( getQuery(Query.DELETE_MESSAGE_GROUP), new PreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Marking messages with group key=" + groupKey); } ps.setString(1, groupKey); ps.setString(2, region); } }); }
private void insert(SUser u) { jdbcOperations.update( INSERT_SUSER, u.getId(), u.getPassword(), u.getFirstName(), u.getLastName(), u.getEmail(), u.getCreateDT()); }
private void update(SUser u) { jdbcOperations.update( UPDATE_SUSER, u.getPassword(), u.getFirstName(), u.getLastName(), u.getEmail(), u.getCreateDT(), u.getId()); }
/** * Delete all rows from the specified tables. * * @param jdbcTemplate the SimpleJdbcTemplate with which to perform JDBC operations * @param tableNames the names of the tables from which to delete * @return the total number of rows deleted from all specified tables */ public static int deleteFromTables(JdbcOperations jdbcTemplate, String... tableNames) { int totalRowCount = 0; for (String tableName : tableNames) { int rowCount = jdbcTemplate.update("DELETE FROM " + tableName); totalRowCount += rowCount; if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Deleted " + rowCount + " rows from table " + tableName); } } return totalRowCount; }
@Test public void testJobLaunch() throws Exception { jdbcTemplate.update("DELETE from TRADE"); int before = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT COUNT(*) from TRADE", Integer.class); jobLauncherTestUtils.launchJob(); checkOutputFile("target/test-outputs/CustomerReport1.txt"); checkOutputFile("target/test-outputs/CustomerReport2.txt"); checkOutputTable(before); }
private void updateMessageGroup(final String groupId) { jdbcTemplate.update( getQuery(Query.UPDATE_GROUP), new PreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Updating MessageGroup: " + groupId); } ps.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); ps.setString(2, groupId); ps.setString(3, region); } }); }
public Message<?> removeMessage(UUID id) { Message<?> message = getMessage(id); if (message == null) { return null; } int updated = jdbcTemplate.update( getQuery(Query.DELETE_MESSAGE), new Object[] {getKey(id), region}, new int[] {Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR}); if (updated != 0) { return message; } return null; }
public MessageGroup addMessageToGroup(Object groupId, Message<?> message) { final String groupKey = getKey(groupId); final String messageId = getKey(message.getHeaders().getId()); boolean groupNotExist = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(this.getQuery(Query.GROUP_EXISTS), groupKey, region) < 1; final Timestamp updatedDate = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); final Timestamp createdDate = groupNotExist ? updatedDate : jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( getQuery(Query.GET_GROUP_CREATED_DATE), new Object[] {groupKey, region}, Timestamp.class); if (groupNotExist) { try { this.doCreateMessageGroup(groupKey, createdDate); } catch (DuplicateKeyException e) { logger.warn("Lost race to create group; attempting update instead", e); this.doUpdateMessageGroup(groupKey, updatedDate); } } else { this.doUpdateMessageGroup(groupKey, updatedDate); } this.addMessage(message); jdbcTemplate.update( getQuery(Query.CREATE_GROUP_TO_MESSAGE), new PreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Inserting message with id key=" + messageId + " and created date=" + createdDate); } ps.setString(1, groupKey); ps.setString(2, messageId); ps.setString(3, region); } }); return getMessageGroup(groupId); }
public void completeGroup(Object groupId) { final long updatedDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); final String groupKey = getKey(groupId); jdbcTemplate.update( getQuery(Query.COMPLETE_GROUP), new PreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Completing MessageGroup: " + groupKey); } ps.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(updatedDate)); ps.setString(2, groupKey); ps.setString(3, region); } }); }
private void doUpdateMessageGroup(final String groupKey, final Timestamp updatedDate) { jdbcTemplate.update( getQuery(Query.UPDATE_MESSAGE_GROUP), new PreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Updating message group with id key=" + groupKey + " and updated date=" + updatedDate); } ps.setTimestamp(1, updatedDate); ps.setString(2, groupKey); ps.setString(3, region); } }); }
public MessageGroup removeMessageFromGroup(Object groupId, Message<?> messageToRemove) { final String groupKey = getKey(groupId); final String messageId = getKey(messageToRemove.getHeaders().getId()); jdbcTemplate.update( getQuery(Query.REMOVE_MESSAGE_FROM_GROUP), new PreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Removing message from group with group key=" + groupKey); } ps.setString(1, groupKey); ps.setString(2, messageId); ps.setString(3, region); } }); this.removeMessage(messageToRemove.getHeaders().getId()); this.updateMessageGroup(groupKey); return getMessageGroup(groupId); }
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public <T> Message<T> addMessage(final Message<T> message) { if (message.getHeaders().containsKey(SAVED_KEY)) { Message<T> saved = (Message<T>) getMessage(message.getHeaders().getId()); if (saved != null) { if (saved.equals(message)) { return message; } // We need to save it under its own id } } final long createdDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); Message<T> result = MessageBuilder.fromMessage(message) .setHeader(SAVED_KEY, Boolean.TRUE) .setHeader(CREATED_DATE_KEY, new Long(createdDate)) .build(); Map innerMap = (Map) new DirectFieldAccessor(result.getHeaders()).getPropertyValue("headers"); // using reflection to set ID since it is immutable through MessageHeaders innerMap.put(MessageHeaders.ID, message.getHeaders().get(MessageHeaders.ID)); final String messageId = getKey(result.getHeaders().getId()); final byte[] messageBytes = serializer.convert(result); jdbcTemplate.update( getQuery(Query.CREATE_MESSAGE), new PreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Inserting message with id key=" + messageId); } ps.setString(1, messageId); ps.setString(2, region); ps.setTimestamp(3, new Timestamp(createdDate)); lobHandler.getLobCreator().setBlobAsBytes(ps, 4, messageBytes); } }); return result; }
public void setLastReleasedSequenceNumberForGroup(Object groupId, final int sequenceNumber) { Assert.notNull(groupId, "'groupId' must not be null"); final long updatedDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); final String groupKey = getKey(groupId); jdbcTemplate.update( getQuery(Query.UPDATE_LAST_RELEASED_SEQUENCE), new PreparedStatementSetter() { public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Updating the sequence number of the last released Message in the MessageGroup: " + groupKey); } ps.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(updatedDate)); ps.setInt(2, sequenceNumber); ps.setString(3, groupKey); ps.setString(4, region); } }); this.updateMessageGroup(groupKey); }