コード例 #1
  * Evaluate an iterative recommender on the folds of a dataset split, display results on STDOUT.
  * @param recommender a rating predictor
  * @param num_folds the number of folds
  * @param max_iter the maximum number of iterations
  * @param find_iter the report interval
  * @throws Exception
 public static void doIterativeCrossValidation(
     RatingPredictor recommender, int num_folds, int max_iter, Integer find_iter)
     throws Exception {
   RatingCrossValidationSplit split =
       new RatingCrossValidationSplit(recommender.getRatings(), num_folds);
   doIterativeCrossValidation(recommender, split, max_iter, find_iter);
コード例 #2
   * Evaluate on the folds of a dataset split.
   * @param recommender a rating predictor
   * @param num_folds the number of folds
   * @param compute_fit if set to true measure fit on the training data as well
   * @param show_results if set to true to print results to STDERR
   * @return a dictionary containing the average results over the different folds of the split
   * @throws Exception
  public static RatingPredictionEvaluationResults doCrossValidation(
      RatingPredictor recommender, Integer num_folds, Boolean compute_fit, Boolean show_results)
      throws Exception {

    if (num_folds == null) num_folds = 5;
    if (compute_fit == null) compute_fit = false;
    if (show_results == null) show_results = false;

    RatingCrossValidationSplit split =
        new RatingCrossValidationSplit(recommender.getRatings(), num_folds);
    return doCrossValidation(recommender, split, compute_fit, show_results);